Tissues Class 9 MCQs – Best 100 MCQs

Tissues Class 9 MCQs – Best 100 MCQs. These 100 Multiple Choice Questions with Answer and Explanation will help you score full marks in your class 9 Science (Biology) exam.

Are Plants and Animals Made of Same Types of Tissues? – Tissues Class 9 MCQs

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Correct Answer: D. Both A and B. Plant cells have a rigid cell wall and chloroplasts for photosynthesis, while animal cells lack these features.


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Correct Answer: A. Meristematic tissues are located at specific points. Meristematic tissues are responsible for plant growth and are found in specific regions like root tips and shoot tips.


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Correct Answer: B. Collenchyma. Collenchyma tissue has thickened cell walls at the corners, providing support while allowing flexibility.


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Correct Answer: B. Provide strength and support. Sclerenchyma cells have thick, lignified cell walls that make them rigid and supportive.


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Correct Answer: A. Differentiation. Differentiation is the process where cells become specialized for specific functions.


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Correct Answer: C. Plants have specialized tissues for conducting food and water, while animals do not. Both plants and animals have specialized tissues for conducting substances, like xylem and phloem in plants and blood vessels in animals.


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Correct Answer: D. It is located at the growing tips of stems and roots. Apical meristems are found at the tips of stems and roots, enabling them to grow in length.


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Correct Answer: B. Lateral meristem. Lateral meristems, like the cambium, are responsible for the increase in the diameter of stems and roots.


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Correct Answer: D. Large vacuoles. Meristematic cells lack vacuoles as they are actively dividing and do not need to store substances.


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Correct Answer: A. Differentiation. Differentiation is the process where cells become specialized for specific functions.


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Correct Answer: D. Xylem. Xylem tissue is composed of tracheids and vessels that transport water and minerals from roots to other parts of the plant.


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Correct Answer: B. Phloem. Phloem tissue is composed of sieve tubes that transport food synthesized in the leaves to other parts of the plant.


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Correct Answer: D. Chlorenchyma. Chlorenchyma is a type of parenchyma tissue that contains chloroplasts and performs photosynthesis.


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Correct Answer: C. Sclerenchyma. Sclerenchyma tissue provides strength and hardness to plant parts like the coconut husk.


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Correct Answer: A. Epidermis. The epidermis is the outermost layer of cells that covers the entire plant body and provides protection.


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Correct Answer: A. Stomata. Stomata are tiny pores surrounded by guard cells that regulate the exchange of gases and water vapor between the plant and the atmosphere.


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Correct Answer: A. Root hairs. Root hairs are extensions of epidermal cells in roots that increase the surface area for water absorption.


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Correct Answer: A. Cutin. Cutin forms a protective layer on the outer surface of epidermal cells, reducing water loss and preventing damage.


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Correct Answer: A. Cork. Cork is a protective tissue formed by the secondary meristem in the cortex of older stems and roots.


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Correct Answer: B. Suberin. Suberin is a waxy substance present in the cell walls of cork cells that makes them impermeable to gases and water.


Tissues Class 9 MCQs

Plant Tissues – Tissues Class 9 MCQs

Meristematic Tissue – Tissues Class 9 MCQs

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Correct Answer: B. Cells are large and have thick cell walls. Meristematic cells are small and have thin cell walls to facilitate division.


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Correct Answer: A. Apical meristem. Apical meristems are located at the tips of stems and roots, responsible for their growth in length.


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Correct Answer: B. Lateral meristem. Lateral meristems, like the vascular cambium and cork cambium, increase the diameter of stems and roots.


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Correct Answer: C. Intercalary meristem. Intercalary meristems are located at the base of leaves or internodes, allowing for growth in those regions.


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Correct Answer: A. They are formed from meristematic tissue. Permanent tissues are derived from meristematic tissue that has differentiated and lost the ability to divide.


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Correct Answer: A. Parenchyma. Parenchyma is the most abundant simple tissue in plants and its primary function is storage.


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Correct Answer: B. Chlorenchyma. Chlorenchyma is a specialized parenchyma tissue that contains chloroplasts and is involved in photosynthesis.


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Correct Answer: B. Collenchyma. Collenchyma tissue has unevenly thickened cell walls that provide support and flexibility to plant parts.


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Correct Answer: C. Sclerenchyma. Sclerenchyma cells have thick, lignified cell walls that provide strength and rigidity to plant parts.


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Correct Answer: A. Xylem. Xylem tissue is composed of tracheids, vessels, xylem parenchyma, and xylem fibers, and it transports water and minerals from roots to other parts of the plant.


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Correct Answer: B. Phloem. Phloem tissue is composed of sieve tubes, companion cells, phloem parenchyma, and phloem fibers, and it transports food from leaves to other parts of the plant.


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Correct Answer: D. Sieve tubes. Sieve tubes are components of phloem tissue, not xylem.


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Correct Answer: D. Tracheids. Tracheids are components of xylem tissue, not phloem.


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Correct Answer: D. Assist in the functioning of sieve tubes. Companion cells are closely associated with sieve tubes and help in their functioning.


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Correct Answer: C. Providing support. Xylem fibers are elongated cells with thick cell walls that provide mechanical support to the plant.


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Correct Answer: B. Lateral meristem. Lateral meristems, like the vascular cambium and cork cambium, are responsible for secondary growth, increasing the diameter of stems and roots.


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Correct Answer: A. Cork. Cork is a protective tissue formed by the cork cambium in the cortex of older stems and roots.


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Correct Answer: B. Suberin. Suberin is a waxy substance present in the cell walls of cork cells that makes them impermeable to gases and water.


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Correct Answer: B. Regulate the opening and closing of stomata. Guard cells control the size of the stomatal opening, regulating gas exchange and transpiration.


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Correct Answer: A. Root hairs. Root hairs are extensions of epidermal cells in roots that increase the surface area for water absorption.


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Correct Answer: A. Reduce water loss. The waxy coating, made of cutin, reduces transpiration and helps desert plants conserve water.


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Correct Answer: C. Storing food. Parenchyma tissue is the main storage tissue in plants, storing food materials like starch, proteins, and fats.


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Correct Answer: B. Collenchyma. Collenchyma tissue has thickened cell walls at the corners, providing support while allowing flexibility.


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Correct Answer: C. Sclerenchyma. Sclerenchyma tissue provides strength and hardness to plant parts like the coconut husk.


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Correct Answer: A. Xylem. Xylem tissue is composed of tracheids, vessels, xylem parenchyma, and xylem fibers, and it transports water and minerals from roots to other parts of the plant.


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Correct Answer: B. Phloem. Phloem tissue is composed of sieve tubes, companion cells, phloem parenchyma, and phloem fibers, and it transports food from leaves to other parts of the plant.


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Correct Answer: D. Sieve tubes. Sieve tubes are components of phloem tissue, not xylem.


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Correct Answer: D. Tracheids. Tracheids are components of xylem tissue, not phloem.


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Correct Answer: D. Assist in the functioning of sieve tubes. Companion cells are closely associated with sieve tubes and help in their functioning.


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Correct Answer: C. Providing support. Xylem fibers are elongated cells with thick cell walls that provide mechanical support to the plant.


Animal Tissues – Tissues Class 9 MCQs

Epithelial Tissue – Tissues Class 9 MCQs

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Correct Answer: C. Epithelial tissues. Epithelial tissues form the outer covering of the body and internal organs, providing protection and acting as a barrier.


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Correct Answer: C. Abundant intercellular spaces. Epithelial tissues have tightly packed cells with minimal intercellular spaces to form a protective barrier.


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Correct Answer: C. Cover and protect organs and cavities. Epithelial tissues form the lining of various organs and cavities, providing protection and regulating the exchange of materials.


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Correct Answer: C. Epithelial tissue. Epithelial tissues form the covering of external and internal body surfaces, including the skin, mouth lining, and blood vessel lining.


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Correct Answer: A. Squamous epithelium. Squamous epithelial cells are flat and scale-like, forming a thin and delicate lining in areas like blood vessels and lung alveoli.


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Correct Answer: B. Stratified squamous epithelium. Stratified squamous epithelium has multiple layers of cells, making it suitable for areas subject to wear and tear, like the skin.


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Correct Answer: C. Columnar epithelium. Columnar epithelial cells are tall and column-shaped, facilitating the movement of substances across the epithelial barrier in areas like the intestine.


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Correct Answer: C. Ciliated columnar epithelium. Ciliated columnar epithelium has cilia that move and help in clearing mucus in the respiratory tract.


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Correct Answer: B. Cuboidal epithelium. Cuboidal epithelial cells are cube-shaped and provide mechanical support in areas like kidney tubules.


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Correct Answer: D. Glandular epithelium. Glandular epithelium is specialized to secrete substances like enzymes, hormones, and mucus.


Connective Tissue – Tissues Class 9 MCQs

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Correct Answer: B. Connective tissue. Connective tissues provide support, connect different tissues, and fill spaces within the body.


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Correct Answer: B. Cells and intercellular matrix. Connective tissues consist of cells embedded in an intercellular matrix that can be jelly-like, fluid, dense, or rigid.


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Correct Answer: A. Plasma. Plasma is the fluid component of blood that suspends various cells and transports substances.


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Correct Answer: C. Transport gases, nutrients, and waste products. Blood carries oxygen, digested food, hormones, and waste materials to different parts of the body.


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Correct Answer: A. Bone. Bone is a rigid connective tissue that provides support, structure, and protection to the body.


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Correct Answer: B. Ligament. Ligaments are strong and elastic connective tissues that connect bones at joints.


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Correct Answer: A. Tendon. Tendons are fibrous connective tissues that attach muscles to bones, enabling movement.


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Correct Answer: B. Cartilage. Cartilage is a flexible connective tissue that provides support and cushioning at joints and other body parts.


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Correct Answer: A. Areolar tissue. Areolar tissue is a loose connective tissue that fills spaces, supports organs, and helps in tissue repair.


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Correct Answer: B. Adipose tissue. Adipose tissue is composed of fat cells that store fat and provide insulation.


Connective Tissue – Tissues Class 9 MCQs

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Correct Answer: D. All of the above. The intercellular matrix of connective tissue can vary in consistency depending on the type of connective tissue, and it can be jelly-like, fluid, dense, or rigid.


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Correct Answer: B. Loosely spaced and embedded in an intercellular matrix. Connective tissue cells are typically scattered within an extracellular matrix that provides support and structure.


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Correct Answer: D. Neuron. Neurons are cells of the nervous tissue, not connective tissue.


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Correct Answer: A. Plasma. Plasma is the liquid matrix of blood that carries cells, nutrients, hormones, and waste products.


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Correct Answer: B. Transport oxygen. Red blood cells contain hemoglobin, which binds to oxygen and carries it throughout the body.


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Correct Answer: A. Fight infections. White blood cells are part of the immune system and help protect the body against diseases.


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Correct Answer: C. Clot blood. Platelets are involved in blood clotting, preventing excessive bleeding.


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Correct Answer: A. Bone. Bone is a rigid connective tissue that provides support, structure, and protection to the body.


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Correct Answer: A. Calcium and phosphorus compounds. The bone matrix is hardened by the deposition of calcium and phosphorus compounds, making it strong and rigid.


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Correct Answer: B. Ligament. Ligaments are strong and elastic connective tissues that connect bones at joints.


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Correct Answer: A. Tendon. Tendons are fibrous connective tissues that attach muscles to bones, enabling movement.


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Correct Answer: B. Cartilage. Cartilage is a flexible connective tissue that provides support and cushioning at joints and other body parts.


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Correct Answer: A. Areolar tissue. Areolar tissue is a loose connective tissue that fills spaces, supports organs, and helps in tissue repair.


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Correct Answer: B. Adipose tissue. Adipose tissue is composed of fat cells that store fat and provide insulation. (Tissues Class 9 MCQs – Best 100 MCQs by Top100MCQ.com)


Muscular Tissue – Tissues Class 9 MCQs

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Correct Answer: C. Muscular tissue. Muscular tissue is composed of muscle fibers that contract and relax, causing movement. (Tissues Class 9 MCQs – Best 100 MCQs by Top100MCQ.com)


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Correct Answer: A. Contractile proteins. Contractile proteins like actin and myosin are responsible for muscle contraction and relaxation. (Tissues Class 9 MCQs – Best 100 MCQs by Top100MCQ.com)


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Correct Answer: A. Voluntary muscles. Voluntary muscles are under conscious control and are responsible for movements like walking, running, and lifting objects. (Tissues Class 9 MCQs – Best 100 MCQs by Top100MCQ.com)


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Correct Answer: B. Involuntary muscles. Involuntary muscles are not under conscious control and regulate processes like digestion, blood vessel contraction, and breathing. (Tissues Class 9 MCQs – Best 100 MCQs by Top100MCQ.com)


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Correct Answer: A. Skeletal muscle. Skeletal muscles are attached to bones, have striations (alternating light and dark bands), and are under voluntary control. (Tissues Class 9 MCQs – Best 100 MCQs by Top100MCQ.com)


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Correct Answer: B. Smooth muscle. Smooth muscles are found in the walls of internal organs like the digestive tract and blood vessels, lack striations, and are involuntary. (Tissues Class 9 MCQs – Best 100 MCQs by Top100MCQ.com)


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Correct Answer: C. Cardiac muscle. Cardiac muscle is unique to the heart, has striations, and is involuntary. (Tissues Class 9 MCQs – Best 100 MCQs by Top100MCQ.com)


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Correct Answer: D. Multinucleate. Cardiac muscle cells are uninucleate (have a single nucleus), while skeletal muscle cells are multinucleate. (Tissues Class 9 MCQs – Best 100 MCQs by Top100MCQ.com)


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Correct Answer: B. Spindle-shaped. Smooth muscle cells are elongated and taper at both ends, giving them a spindle shape. (Tissues Class 9 MCQs – Best 100 MCQs by Top100MCQ.com)


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Correct Answer: C. Cardiac muscle. Cardiac muscle is specialized for continuous, rhythmic contractions that pump blood throughout the body. (Tissues Class 9 MCQs – Best 100 MCQs by Top100MCQ.com)


Nervous Tissue – Tissues Class 9 MCQs

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Correct Answer: D. Nervous tissue. Nervous tissue is composed of neurons that receive and transmit signals, allowing for communication and coordination within the body. (Tissues Class 9 MCQs – Best 100 MCQs by Top100MCQ.com)


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Correct Answer: A. Neurons. Neurons are the functional units of the nervous system, responsible for transmitting nerve impulses. (Tissues Class 9 MCQs – Best 100 MCQs by Top100MCQ.com)


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Correct Answer: A. Axon. The axon is a single, long fiber that carries nerve impulses away from the neuron’s cell body. (Tissues Class 9 MCQs – Best 100 MCQs by Top100MCQ.com)


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Correct Answer: B. Dendrites. Dendrites are branched extensions of the neuron that receive signals from other neurons or sensory receptors. (Tissues Class 9 MCQs – Best 100 MCQs by Top100MCQ.com)


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Correct Answer: A. Nerve impulse. The nerve impulse is an electrical signal that travels along the nerve fiber, transmitting information throughout the body. (Tissues Class 9 MCQs – Best 100 MCQs by Top100MCQ.com)


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Correct Answer: A. Move rapidly in response to stimuli. The coordination between nerve and muscle tissue allows for quick and precise movements in response to external or internal signals. (Tissues Class 9 MCQs – Best 100 MCQs by Top100MCQ.com)

     Tissues Class 9 MCQs

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