The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7

The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7. These 100 Multiple Choice Questions will help you score full marks in your Class 7 History Social Science exam.

Introduction The Making of Regional Cultures (MCQ 1 to 6)

Question 1: What is one of the most common ways of describing people in terms of regional identity?
A. By the festivals they celebrate
B. By the food they eat
C. By the language they speak
D. By the clothes they wear

Answer: C. One of the common ways of describing people is by the language they speak, such as referring to someone as Tamil or Oriya. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 2: What does the evolution of regional cultures often involve?
A. Isolation of local traditions
B. Intermixing of local traditions and ideas from other regions
C. Complete rejection of outside influences
D. Adoption of only foreign traditions

Answer: B. Regional cultures often evolve through the intermixing of local traditions with ideas from other regions. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 3: Which region is associated with the development of Malayalam?
A. Tamil Nadu
B. Orissa
C. Kerala
D. Rajasthan

Answer: C. The development of Malayalam is associated with the Chera kingdom in the southwestern part of the peninsula, in present-day Kerala. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 4: Which century saw the establishment of the Chera kingdom of Mahodayapuram?
A. 5th century
B. 7th century
C. 9th century
D. 11th century

Answer: C. The Chera kingdom of Mahodayapuram was established in the 9th century. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 5: What language did the Chera rulers introduce in their inscriptions?
A. Tamil
B. Oriya
C. Malayalam
D. Kannada

Answer: C. The Chera rulers introduced Malayalam in their inscriptions. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 6: How did the temple theatre of Kerala reflect cultural intermixing?
A. It focused on local folk traditions exclusively
B. It borrowed stories from Tamil folklore
C. It incorporated Sanskritic traditions
D. It avoided any outside influences

Answer: C. The temple theatre of Kerala borrowed stories and was influenced by Sanskritic traditions. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

The Cheras and the Development of Malayalam (MCQ 7 to 14)

Question 7: What was the name of the Chera kingdom established in the 9th century?
A. Mahodayapuram
B. Kanchipuram
C. Tanjore
D. Madurai

Answer: A. The Chera kingdom established in the 9th century was called Mahodayapuram. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 8: What is one of the earliest examples of the use of Malayalam?
A. Poems
B. Early inscriptions by Chera rulers
C. Folktales
D. Temple architecture

Answer: B. One of the earliest examples of the use of Malayalam is in the inscriptions by Chera rulers. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 9: Which other tradition influenced the Malayalam language and culture during the Chera period?
A. Tamil tradition
B. Dravidian tradition
C. Sanskritic tradition
D. Pali tradition

Answer: C. The Sanskritic tradition had a significant influence on Malayalam culture during the Chera period. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 10: What is the meaning of “Manipravalam”?
A. Gems and pearls
B. Diamonds and corals
C. Stones and gems
D. Gold and silver

Answer: B. “Manipravalam” literally means “diamonds and corals,” referring to the combination of Sanskrit and Malayalam languages. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 11: In which century was the Manipravalam literary tradition developed?
A. 9th century
B. 11th century
C. 12th century
D. 14th century

Answer: D. The Manipravalam literary tradition was developed in the 14th century. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 12: What did the Sanskrit-Malayalam hybrid “Manipravalam” primarily deal with?
A. History
B. Grammar and poetics
C. Astronomy
D. Agriculture

Answer: B. Manipravalam primarily dealt with grammar and poetics. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 13: What form of art from Kerala is directly indebted to Sanskrit traditions?
A. Kathak
B. Bharatanatyam
C. Early Kerala temple theatre
D. Manipuri dance

Answer: C. The early Kerala temple theatre is directly indebted to Sanskrit traditions. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 14: What feature characterizes the Chera inscriptions from the 9th century?
A. Use of Tamil
B. Use of Sanskrit
C. Use of the Malayalam language and script
D. Use of Kannada

Answer: C. The Chera inscriptions from the 9th century were in the Malayalam language and script. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7

Rulers and Religious Traditions (MCQ 15 to 25)

Question 15: Which deity is central to the Jagannatha cult in Orissa?
A. Krishna
B. Jagannatha
C. Shiva
D. Durga

Answer: B. The central deity of the Jagannatha cult in Orissa is Jagannatha, a form of Vishnu. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 16: Who is credited with building the first Jagannatha temple in Puri?
A. King Anantavarman
B. King Anangabhima III
C. King Ashoka
D. King Harsha

Answer: A. King Anantavarman of the Ganga dynasty is credited with building the first Jagannatha temple in Puri. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 17: When did King Anangabhima III dedicate his kingdom to the Jagannatha deity?
A. 1230
B. 1000
C. 1100
D. 950

Answer: A. In 1230, King Anangabhima III dedicated his kingdom to the deity Jagannatha and proclaimed himself the deputy of the god. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 18: Which group of people was responsible for making the wooden image of the Jagannatha deity?
A. Priests
B. Local Brahmins
C. Local tribal people
D. Artists from Orissa

Answer: C. The local tribal people were responsible for making the wooden image of the Jagannatha deity. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 19: What significance did the Jagannatha temple hold for conquerors of Orissa?
A. It was a place of treasure
B. It was a place of pilgrimage only
C. Controlling the temple made their rule acceptable to the local people
D. It was used as a fortress

Answer: C. Conquerors of Orissa sought to control the Jagannatha temple because doing so made their rule acceptable to the local people. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 20: Which dynasties sought to gain control over the Jagannatha temple in Orissa?
A. Mughals, Marathas, and English East India Company
B. Cholas, Pandyas, and Cheras
C. Mauryas, Guptas, and Rashtrakutas
D. Palas, Pratiharas, and Senas

Answer: A. The Mughals, Marathas, and English East India Company all sought to gain control over the Jagannatha temple. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 21: What role did the Ganga dynasty play in the spread of the Jagannatha cult?
A. They discouraged its spread
B. They built small shrines for the deity
C. They built a grand temple and dedicated the kingdom to the deity
D. They focused on spreading the cult outside Orissa

Answer: C. The Ganga dynasty rulers, especially King Anangabhima III, built a grand temple for Jagannatha and dedicated their kingdom to the deity. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 22: What is one way that the cult of Jagannatha influenced political authority in Orissa?
A. Rulers associated their power with the deity
B. It became a tool for local revolts
C. The deity symbolized resistance to foreign powers
D. The temple served as a meeting place for rulers

Answer: A. The cult of Jagannatha helped rulers associate their power with the deity, which enhanced their political authority. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 23: Which religious tradition did the Jagannatha cult originally belong to?
A. Shaivism
B. Vaishnavism
C. Buddhism
D. Jainism

Answer: B. The Jagannatha cult is a part of the Vaishnavism tradition. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 24: Why is the Jagannatha temple considered an important pilgrimage site?
A. It houses the largest deity in India
B. It is where Hindu kings receive their coronation
C. It has been a major religious center for centuries
D. It is believed to offer blessings to conquerors

Answer: C. The Jagannatha temple has been a major religious center and pilgrimage site for centuries. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 25: What was the original material used to create the image of Jagannatha?
A. Stone
B. Bronze
C. Wood
D. Gold

Answer: C. The original image of Jagannatha was made of wood, crafted by local tribal people. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

The Rajputs and Traditions of Heroism (MCQ 26 to 36)

Question 26: Which region was called Rajputana by the British in the 19th century?
A. Punjab
B. Rajasthan
C. Gujarat
D. Madhya Pradesh

Answer: B. The British referred to the region that constitutes most of present-day Rajasthan as Rajputana in the 19th century. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 27: What is the cultural contribution of the Rajputs to Rajasthan?
A. Development of modern architecture
B. Contribution to Rajasthani culture and traditions of heroism
C. Influence on South Indian temple architecture
D. Contribution to Mughal painting styles

Answer: B. The Rajputs are often recognized for contributing to Rajasthani culture and traditions of heroism. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 28: How were the ideals of Rajput rulers expressed?
A. Through diplomacy
B. Through art and poetry
C. Through ideals of heroism and valor in battle
D. Through political treaties with neighboring kingdoms

Answer: C. Rajput rulers expressed their ideals through heroism and valor in battle. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 29: Who preserved the stories of Rajput heroes?
A. Royal scribes
B. Religious leaders
C. Poets and minstrels
D. Historians

Answer: C. Poets and specially trained minstrels preserved the stories of Rajput heroes. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 30: What emotions were often depicted in stories about Rajput heroes?
A. Anger and rebellion
B. Loyalty, friendship, love, and valor
C. Sadness and despair
D. Ambition and treachery

Answer: B. Stories about Rajput heroes often depicted emotions such as loyalty, friendship, love, and valor. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 31: How did women feature in the stories of Rajput heroism?
A. They were leaders of armies
B. They were depicted as followers of their heroic husbands in life and death
C. They were portrayed as rulers of Rajput kingdoms
D. They were completely absent from heroic stories

Answer: B. Women were often depicted as following their heroic husbands in both life and death in Rajput heroic stories. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 32: What was the significance of the practice of sati in Rajput heroic tales?
A. It symbolized loyalty to the empire
B. It was seen as an honorable act of following a husband in death
C. It was a form of protest against foreign rule
D. It was associated with temple rituals

Answer: B. The practice of sati in Rajput tales symbolized loyalty and following one’s husband in death. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 33: Which ruler of Rajasthan was known for his heroism and mentioned in these traditions?
A. Maharana Pratap
B. Prithviraj Chauhan
C. Raj Singh of Bikaner
D. Anangabhima III

Answer: B. Prithviraj Chauhan is one of the Rajput rulers known for his heroism and mentioned in Rajput traditions. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 34: How did ordinary people relate to the stories of Rajput heroes?
A. They were indifferent
B. They saw the stories as only relevant to royalty
C. They were inspired by the emotions and dramatic situations
D. They rejected the ideals presented in the stories

Answer: C. Ordinary people were attracted to these stories due to the dramatic situations and the range of emotions depicted. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 35: In which century did Rajput families begin ruling most of present-day Rajasthan?
A. 6th century
B. 8th century
C. 10th century
D. 12th century

Answer: B. From about the 8th century, various Rajput families ruled most of the present-day state of Rajasthan. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 36: What role did minstrels play in Rajput society?
A. They served as royal advisors
B. They composed songs and poems that glorified Rajput heroes
C. They acted as warriors in times of war
D. They participated in political negotiations

Answer: B. Minstrels composed songs and poems that glorified Rajput heroes, preserving their memory. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Beyond Regional Frontiers: The Story of Kathak (MCQ 37 to 48)

Question 37: What is the origin of the term “Kathak”?
A. Derived from the Sanskrit word “Katha,” meaning story
B. Derived from Persian art traditions
C. Derived from the Tamil word for dance
D. Derived from Mughal court traditions

Answer: A. The term “Kathak” is derived from the Sanskrit word “Katha,” meaning story. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 38: What was the original role of Kathak dancers in temples?
A. They performed court dances
B. They narrated stories through dance and gestures
C. They performed religious rituals
D. They practiced asceticism

Answer: B. Kathak dancers originally narrated stories in temples, using dance and gestures to embellish their performances. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 39: How did the Bhakti movement influence Kathak?
A. It removed the storytelling aspect
B. It introduced secular themes
C. It led to the enactment of Radha-Krishna legends in folk plays
D. It restricted the art form to temple rituals

Answer: C. The Bhakti movement influenced Kathak by introducing the enactment of Radha-Krishna legends in folk plays. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 40: In which royal courts did Kathak evolve into a distinctive dance form?
A. Vijayanagara and Madurai
B. Delhi and Agra
C. Jaipur and Lucknow
D. Udaipur and Jaisalmer

Answer: C. Kathak evolved into a distinctive dance form in the courts of Jaipur and Lucknow. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 41: Under whose patronage did Kathak flourish in the Lucknow court?
A. Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh
B. Wajid Ali Shah
C. Akbar
D. Bahadur Shah Zafar

Answer: B. Kathak flourished in the Lucknow court under the patronage of Wajid Ali Shah, the last Nawab of Awadh. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 42: What were key features of Kathak during its development in Mughal courts?
A. Use of heavy armory and physical combat
B. Emphasis on rapid footwork and elaborate costumes
C. Focus on group performances only
D. Strictly religious themes

Answer: B. Key features of Kathak in Mughal courts included rapid footwork, elaborate costumes, and the enactment of stories. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 43: Which colonial power disapproved of Kathak in the 19th century?
A. The Dutch
B. The British
C. The Portuguese
D. The French

Answer: B. The British viewed Kathak with disfavor in the 19th and 20th centuries. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 44: How did Kathak survive during British colonial rule?
A. It was performed secretly in temples
B. It was maintained by courtesans and patronized by local rulers
C. It was transformed into a different art form
D. It was taught in British schools

Answer: B. Kathak survived under British colonial rule through performances by courtesans and the patronage of local rulers. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 45: After independence, how was Kathak recognized?
A. As a folk dance
B. As one of the six classical dance forms of India
C. As a religious ritual
D. As a colonial art form

Answer: B. After independence, Kathak was recognized as one of the six classical dance forms of India. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 46: Which two Gharanas (schools) are associated with the evolution of Kathak?
A. Tanjore and Madurai
B. Jaipur and Lucknow
C. Banaras and Chennai
D. Hyderabad and Mysore

Answer: B. The two Gharanas associated with the evolution of Kathak are Jaipur and Lucknow. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 47: What role did Wajid Ali Shah play in the development of Kathak?
A. He introduced new religious themes
B. He reduced the use of storytelling
C. He was a major patron, helping Kathak grow into a major art form
D. He restricted the dance to temples

Answer: C. Wajid Ali Shah, the last Nawab of Awadh, was a major patron who helped Kathak grow into a major art form. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 48: What aspect of Kathak was emphasized in British colonial attitudes?
A. Its artistic beauty
B. Its religious significance
C. Its association with courtesans
D. Its value as a historical tradition

Answer: C. British colonial attitudes viewed Kathak with disfavor, largely due to its association with courtesans. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Painting for Patrons: The Tradition of Miniatures (MCQ 49 to 60)

Question 49: What are miniature paintings typically made on?
A. Stone
B. Watercolor on cloth or paper
C. Bronze plates
D. Wooden canvases

Answer: B. Miniature paintings are generally done in watercolor on cloth or paper. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 50: Which religious texts were early miniatures in western India used to illustrate?
A. Buddhist texts
B. Jaina texts
C. Vedic scriptures
D. Ramayana

Answer: B. Early miniatures in western India were used to illustrate Jaina texts. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 51: Which Mughal emperor was known for his patronage of miniature painters?
A. Aurangzeb
B. Humayun
C. Akbar
D. Shah Jahan

Answer: C. Mughal emperor Akbar was known for his patronage of highly skilled miniature painters. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 52: What was a common theme in Mughal miniature paintings?
A. Religious rituals
B. Portraits of deities
C. Court scenes and social life
D. Landscape painting

Answer: C. Mughal miniature paintings commonly portrayed court scenes, scenes of battle or hunting, and other aspects of social life. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 53: Where did many Mughal painters migrate after the decline of the Mughal Empire?
A. To the Deccan and Rajput courts
B. To Persia
C. To European courts
D. To southern India

Answer: A. Many Mughal painters migrated to the Deccan and Rajput courts after the decline of the Mughal Empire. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 54: What style of painting developed in the Himalayan foothills around Himachal Pradesh?
A. Tanjore painting
B. Kangra painting
C. Mysore painting
D. Kerala mural painting

Answer: B. Kangra painting developed in the Himalayan foothills around Himachal Pradesh. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 55: What characterized the Kangra school of painting?
A. Use of heavy, dark colors
B. Bright colors and depiction of court life
C. Soft colors like cool blues and greens, and lyrical themes
D. Focus on religious iconography only

Answer: C. The Kangra school of painting used soft colors like cool blues and greens and had a lyrical treatment of themes. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 56: Which invasion led to the migration of Mughal artists to the hills?
A. Nadir Shah’s invasion of Delhi
B. Babur’s invasion of India
C. The British conquest of Bengal
D. The Maratha invasion of Orissa

Answer: A. Nadir Shah’s invasion of Delhi in 1739 led to the migration of Mughal artists to the hills. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 57: What was the most popular text to be painted in Basohli style?
A. Mahabharata
B. Gita Govinda
C. Ramayana
D. Bhagavata Purana

Answer: B. The most popular text painted in Basohli style was Bhanudatta’s Gita Govinda. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 58: What was a significant source of inspiration for Kangra paintings?
A. Mughal architecture
B. Vaishnavite traditions
C. Persian poetry
D. Jain philosophy

Answer: B. Vaishnavite traditions were a significant source of inspiration for Kangra paintings. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 59: What material was used to create early miniatures in western India?
A. Palm leaves and wood
B. Marble and granite
C. Canvas and metal
D. Silk and cotton

Answer: A. Early miniatures in western India were created on palm leaves and wood. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 60: How were miniatures often used in Mughal courts?
A. As religious offerings
B. As educational tools
C. As gifts exchanged among the emperor and close associates
D. As legal documents

Answer: C. Miniatures were often exchanged as gifts among the emperor and close associates in Mughal courts. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Regional Language and Culture in Bengal (MCQ 61 to 72)

Question 61: Which language is recognized as the primary regional language of Bengal today?
A. Sanskrit
B. Hindi
C. Bengali
D. Pali

Answer: C. Bengali is recognized as the primary regional language of Bengal today. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 62: Which century saw the Gupta rulers establish control over north Bengal?
A. 4th century
B. 6th century
C. 8th century
D. 10th century

Answer: A. The Gupta rulers established control over north Bengal in the 4th century. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 63: How did Sanskrit influence the development of the Bengali language?
A. It led to the complete rejection of local dialects
B. Sanskrit had no influence on Bengali
C. It introduced new vocabulary and grammatical structures
D. It forced the use of Persian in daily speech

Answer: C. Sanskrit influenced the development of Bengali by introducing new vocabulary and grammatical structures. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 64: Which kingdom made Bengal the center of a regional empire during the 8th century?
A. Pala kingdom
B. Chola kingdom
C. Vijayanagara kingdom
D. Rajput kingdom

Answer: A. The Pala kingdom made Bengal the center of a regional empire during the 8th century. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 65: What major event in the 16th century helped spread the use of Bengali?
A. The arrival of the British
B. Akbar’s conquest of Bengal
C. The rise of the Vijayanagara Empire
D. The introduction of railways

Answer: B. Akbar’s conquest of Bengal in 1586 helped spread the use of Bengali. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 66: What were “Mangalakavyas” in early Bengali literature?
A. War stories
B. Epic poems about local deities
C. Religious hymns
D. Historical accounts

Answer: B. “Mangalakavyas” were epic poems dealing with local deities. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 67: Who was a key figure in the Vaishnava Bhakti movement, as reflected in early Bengali literature?
A. Chaitanyadeva
B. Gopichandra
C. Maynamati
D. Dharma Thakur

Answer: A. Chaitanyadeva was a key figure in the Vaishnava Bhakti movement, as reflected in early Bengali literature. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 68: What is one of the distinguishing features of early Bengali literature?
A. It focused on secular themes
B. It was heavily influenced by Persian texts
C. It was divided into categories influenced by Sanskrit and folk traditions
D. It avoided any religious themes

Answer: C. Early Bengali literature was divided into categories influenced by Sanskrit and folk traditions. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 69: Which deity is central to Nath literature in Bengal?
A. Rama
B. Dharma Thakur
C. Shiva
D. Krishna

Answer: B. Dharma Thakur is a central deity in Nath literature in Bengal. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 70: Who were the Naths in early Bengali tradition?
A. Ascetics engaged in yogic practices
B. Rulers of Bengal
C. Warriors who defended the region
D. Merchants controlling trade routes

Answer: A. The Naths were ascetics who engaged in yogic practices. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 71: What was the relationship between local communities and Brahmanical traditions in early Bengal?
A. Local traditions dominated Brahmanical influences
B. Brahmanical traditions completely replaced local customs
C. Local traditions remained strong due to the weak influence of Brahmanas
D. Brahmanical traditions had no presence in early Bengal

Answer: C. Local traditions remained strong in Bengal due to the weak influence of Brahmanas. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 72: What role did “Pirs” play in early Bengal?
A. They were royal advisors
B. They led religious transformations and acted as community leaders
C. They were warriors who defended the region
D. They were foreign invaders

Answer: B. “Pirs” played a role in religious transformations and acted as community leaders in early Bengal. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Temple Building and Cultural Transformation in Bengal (MCQ 73 to 84)

Question 73: During which centuries did temple building rise in Bengal?
A. 12th-14th centuries
B. 14th-16th centuries
C. 16th-19th centuries
D. 18th-20th centuries

Answer: C. The rise of temples in Bengal occurred during the 16th to 19th centuries. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 74: Who primarily influenced the architecture of Bengali temples?
A. Foreign architects
B. Local communities and Brahmanas
C. Mughal rulers
D. European colonizers

Answer: B. The architecture of Bengali temples was influenced primarily by local communities and Brahmanas. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 75: What architectural feature is common in Bengali temple structures?
A. Round domes
B. Double-roofed and four-roofed structures
C. Gothic spires
D. Flat roofs

Answer: B. Bengali temple architecture is characterized by double-roofed and four-roofed structures. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 76: Which community played a significant role in the construction of temples in Bengal?
A. Brahmins
B. Kshatriyas
C. Low social groups such as Kolu and Kansari
D. Merchants

Answer: C. Low social groups, such as Kolu (oil pressers) and Kansari (bell metal workers), played a significant role in the construction of temples in Bengal. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 77: What motivated local communities to build temples during the 19th century?
A. To challenge the Brahmanical authority
B. To demonstrate their economic power and piety
C. To attract foreign traders
D. To create political alliances

Answer: B. Local communities built temples to demonstrate their economic power and piety. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 78: How did the construction of temples reflect changes in Bengali society?
A. It signified the decline of local traditions
B. It illustrated the rise of a more hierarchical society
C. It was a means for ordinary people to assert their social status
D. It had no impact on society

Answer: C. The construction of temples allowed ordinary people to assert their social status in society. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 79: What is a significant architectural feature of the four-roofed Bengali temples?
A. A flat roof with no decorations
B. Four triangular roofs converging at a point
C. Large open spaces for gatherings
D. Use of modern materials

Answer: B. The four-roofed Bengali temples feature four triangular roofs that converge at a point. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 80: In which district of West Bengal did temple decoration reach a high degree of excellence?
A. Kolkata
B. Howrah
C. Bankura
D. Birbhum

Answer: C. Decoration in temples, particularly in Vishnupur located in Bankura district, reached a high degree of excellence. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 81: What role did the European trading companies play in the temple-building trend in Bengal?
A. They imposed restrictions on temple construction
B. They provided funding for the construction of temples
C. They disrupted local traditions
D. They encouraged the building of temples as symbols of status

Answer: D. The arrival of European trading companies created new economic opportunities, encouraging the building of temples as symbols of status. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 82: What impact did the Brahmanas have on local deities in Bengal?
A. They rejected all local deities
B. They recognized and elevated local deities, bringing them into temples
C. They converted local deities into foreign ones
D. They completely ignored local deities

Answer: B. Brahmanas recognized and elevated local deities, leading to their worship in temples. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 83: Which structural feature is commonly found in the decoration of Bengali temples?
A. Marble carvings
B. Ornamental tiles and terracotta tablets
C. Modern graffiti
D. Glass murals

Answer: B. Many Bengali temples were decorated with ornamental tiles and terracotta tablets. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 84: What was the purpose of building temples in rural Bengal?
A. To serve solely as religious centers
B. To demonstrate the power and identity of local communities
C. To host political gatherings
D. To replace existing traditional practices

Answer: B. The construction of temples in rural Bengal served to demonstrate the power and identity of local communities. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Food and Cultural Identity in Bengal (MCQ 85 to 100)

Question 85: What is a significant aspect of traditional food habits in Bengal?
A. Reliance on wheat
B. Availability of fish due to the riverine landscape
C. Focus on meat dishes
D. Use of dairy products

Answer: B. Traditional food habits in Bengal are significantly influenced by the availability of fish due to its riverine landscape. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 86: How is fish culturally significant in Bengali diet?
A. It is considered a luxury item
B. It is a staple and symbolizes cultural identity
C. It is avoided by Brahmanas
D. It is only consumed during festivals

Answer: B. Fish is a staple in Bengali diet and symbolizes cultural identity. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 87: What change occurred regarding Brahmanical food taboos in Bengal?
A. They were strictly enforced
B. They were completely abolished
C. There was a relaxation of food taboos regarding non-vegetarian dishes
D. They became more rigid

Answer: C. There was a relaxation of Brahmanical food taboos in Bengal, allowing non-vegetarian dishes, particularly fish, to be consumed. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 88: How did local communities influence food habits in Bengal?
A. They had no influence on food choices
B. They preserved strict vegetarianism
C. They contributed to the diversification of food practices
D. They only consumed traditional Brahmanical foods

Answer: C. Local communities contributed to the diversification of food practices in Bengal. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 89: Which ingredient is prominently featured in Bengali cuisine?
A. Rice
B. Wheat
C. Corn
D. Barley

Answer: A. Rice is a prominently featured ingredient in Bengali cuisine. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 90: What type of fish is particularly valued in Bengali cooking?
A. Cod
B. Salmon
C. Hilsa
D. Tuna

Answer: C. Hilsa fish is particularly valued in Bengali cooking. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 91: What role do festivals play in Bengali food culture?
A. They limit food variety
B. They celebrate regional identity through traditional dishes
C. They discourage the use of fish
D. They focus solely on sweet dishes

Answer: B. Festivals in Bengal celebrate regional identity through the preparation and sharing of traditional dishes. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 92: How has globalization impacted food habits in Bengal?
A. It has led to a complete rejection of traditional foods
B. It has introduced international cuisines while preserving local dishes
C. It has discouraged the consumption of fish
D. It has replaced traditional cooking methods entirely

Answer: B. Globalization has introduced international cuisines while still allowing for the preservation of local dishes in Bengal. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 93: What is a common way to serve fish in Bengali households?
A. Grilled without spices
B. Cooked in rich spices and served with rice
C. Boiled and served plain
D. Fried without any accompaniments

Answer: B. Fish is commonly cooked in rich spices and served with rice in Bengali households. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 94: Which social groups contributed to the evolution of food practices in Bengal?
A. Only high-caste Brahmanas
B. A variety of social groups, including lower castes
C. Exclusively foreign settlers
D. Only merchant classes

Answer: B. A variety of social groups, including lower castes, contributed to the evolution of food practices in Bengal. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 95: What is a traditional method of preparing fish in Bengali cuisine?
A. Baking without spices
B. Marinating and frying
C. Steaming with vegetables
D. Boiling in water

Answer: B. Marinating and frying is a traditional method of preparing fish in Bengali cuisine. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 96: How are food and cultural identity interlinked in Bengal?
A. Food has no relation to cultural identity
B. Traditional foods reflect the history and geography of the region
C. Only imported foods define cultural identity
D. Food choices are completely random

Answer: B. Traditional foods in Bengal reflect the history and geography of the region, linking food and cultural identity. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 97: What distinguishes Bengali sweets from other regional cuisines?
A. Their use of chocolate
B. Their emphasis on dairy and rice-based ingredients
C. Their focus on savory dishes
D. Their lack of sweetness

Answer: B. Bengali sweets are distinguished by their emphasis on dairy and rice-based ingredients. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 98: How does communal eating reflect Bengali culture?
A. It is avoided due to caste restrictions
B. It promotes social harmony and strengthens community bonds
C. It is only practiced during festivals
D. It discourages diversity in food choices

Answer: B. Communal eating in Bengal promotes social harmony and strengthens community bonds. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 99: What type of fish is traditionally eaten during celebrations in Bengal?
A. Catfish
B. Mackerel
C. Hilsa
D. Sole

Answer: C. Hilsa is traditionally eaten during celebrations in Bengal. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Question 100: How does the availability of local ingredients shape Bengali cuisine?
A. It has no impact on cuisine
B. It limits food variety
C. It promotes the use of diverse and fresh ingredients
D. It makes traditional cooking impossible

Answer: C. The availability of local ingredients promotes the use of diverse and fresh ingredients in Bengali cuisine. (The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7 by

Most Asked Important Questions on The Making of Regional Cultures MCQ Class 7:

What factors contribute to the formation of regional identities in India?

Regional identities in India are shaped by language, food, clothing, art, and historical influences, along with the intermixing of local traditions and external ideas.

How did the Chera kingdom influence the development of the Malayalam language?

The Chera kingdom, established in the 9th century, introduced Malayalam through inscriptions and promoted its literary development, drawing influences from Sanskrit.

What role did the Jagannatha cult play in the social and political landscape of Orissa?

The Jagannatha cult became a significant religious center, enhancing political authority and serving as a symbol of local identity, attracting various rulers seeking legitimacy.

How did Rajput traditions influence Rajasthani culture?

Rajput traditions emphasized ideals of heroism and valor, preserved through poems and stories recited by minstrels, which shaped the cultural identity of Rajasthan.

What is the significance of miniatures in the context of Indian art?

Miniatures reflect the cultural and artistic heritage of India, illustrating historical narratives and royal life, particularly during the Mughal era, and evolved through regional influences.

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