Poet and Pancakes MCQ

Poet and Pancakes MCQ. These 100 Multiple Choice Questions on “Poet and Pancakes” will help you score full marks in your Class 12 English exam.

I. Characters and their Roles


Question 1: What was Asokamitran’s primary duty at Gemini Studios?

A. Writing scripts for films

B. Directing actors on set

C. Cutting out newspaper clippings

D. Managing the make-up department 

Answer: C.  Asokamitran’s main job was to cut out newspaper clippings and organize them.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 2: How does Asokamitran describe himself within the Gemini Studios “family”?

A. As the most talented artist

B. As the most well-informed

C. As the most popular employee

D. As the most ambitious writer 

Answer: B. Despite his seemingly insignificant role, Asokamitran believes he was the most well-informed due to his work with news clippings.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

The Office Boy

Question 3: What were the aspirations of the office boy?

A. To become a successful actor

B. To become a famous poet

C. To become a film director

D. To become a makeup artist 

Answer: B. The office boy desired to be a recognized poet and often shared his poetry with others.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 4: Why was the office boy frustrated?

A. He was not allowed to act in films

B. His poetry was not well-received

C. He was not promoted within the company

D. He was not allowed to use the make-up 

Answer: B. The office boy faced disappointment because his poetry was largely ignored or dismissed.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Kothamangalam Subbu

Question 5: What was Subbu’s primary role in Gemini Studios?

A. Legal advisor

B. Actor

C. Story writer

D. Director

Answer: C.  Subbu was a versatile writer who could adapt his writing to various needs.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 6: How is Subbu’s relationship with the Boss characterized?

A. Adversarial and competitive

B. Distant and formal

C. Close and loyal

D. Casual and friendly

Answer: C. Subbu is depicted as being very loyal to the Boss, often anticipating his needs and wishes.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Other Characters

Question 7: What was the role of the Legal Advisor in the story?

A. To provide legal counsel to the studio

B. To mediate disputes between employees

C. To negotiate contracts with actors

D. To entertain guests with his wit and humor

Answer: A.  While he had other roles, his primary function was as legal counsel.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 8: How is the Boss (S.S. Vasan) portrayed in the story?

A. As a strict and demanding figure

B. As a compassionate and understanding leader

C. As an eccentric and unpredictable individual

D. As a powerful and influential figure

Answer: D. The Boss is shown as a man who wields significant influence and makes important decisions.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 9: Which of the following characters was NOT associated with the make-up department?

A. Greta Garbo

B. Robert Clive

C. Miss Gohar

D. Vyjayantimala

Answer: B. Robert Clive is connected to the building where the make-up department was housed, not the department itself.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 10: Who among the following was a real-life poet mentioned in the text?

A. Sangu Subramanyam

B. Krishna Sastry

C. Stephen Spender

D. S.D.S. Yogiar

Answer: C. Stephen Spender was a renowned English poet who visited Gemini Studios.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)
Poet and Pancakes MCQ

II. Setting and Context

Gemini Studios

Question 11: When was Gemini Studios established?

A. 1930

B. 1940

C. 1950

D. 1960

Answer: B. Gemini Studios was founded in 1940.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 12: Where was Gemini Studios located?

A. Mumbai

B. Chennai

C. Delhi

D. Kolkata

Answer: B. Gemini Studios was located in Chennai.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 13: What was the significance of Gemini Studios in the context of Indian cinema?

A. It was the first film studio in India

B. It was one of the most influential film-producing organizations in the early days of Indian film-making

C. It was the only film studio producing Tamil films

D. It was known for its experimental and avant-garde films

Answer: B. Gemini Studios played a major role in shaping the Indian film industry in its early years.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

The Make-up Room

Question 14: Where was the make-up department located?

A. In the basement of the main building

B. In a separate building that was once Robert Clive’s stables

C. On the top floor of the main building

D. In a temporary tent set up outside

Answer: B.  The make-up department was situated in a building with historical connections.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 15: What is the symbolic significance of the make-up room?

A. It represents the transformative power of cinema

B. It represents the superficiality of the film industry

C. It represents the contrast between reality and illusion

D. All of the above

Answer: D. The make-up room can be seen as a space where appearances are crafted and altered, reflecting the nature of cinema itself.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Time Period and Context

Question 16:  The story is set during which period?

A. The Golden Age of Indian Cinema (1940s-1960s)

B. The Silent Era of Indian Cinema (1910s-1920s)

C. The New Wave Indian Cinema (1970s-1980s)

D. The Parallel Cinema movement (1960s-1980s)

Answer: A.  The context of the story aligns with the early years of Indian film-making, often considered its Golden Age.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 17: What socio-political context is hinted at in the story?

A. The rise of communism in India

B. The struggle for Indian independence

C. The impact of World War II

D. The partition of India and Pakistan

Answer: A. The mention of communism and the Moral Re-Armament movement reflect the socio-political atmosphere of the time.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 18:  What historical event is indirectly referenced through the mention of Robert Clive?

A. The Sepoy Mutiny

B. The Battle of Plassey

C. The Jallianwala Bagh massacre

D. The Quit India Movement

Answer: B. Robert Clive’s association with the building suggests a link to the British colonial era and events like the Battle of Plassey.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

National Integration

Question 19: How is the theme of national integration portrayed in the text?

A. Through the diverse characters working together at Gemini Studios

B. Through explicit discussions about national unity

C. Through the depiction of conflicts between different cultural groups

D. It is not portrayed in the text

Answer: A. The studio environment, with people from various backgrounds, subtly suggests the idea of a unified nation.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 20: What does the presence of characters like Miss Gohar and Vyjayantimala suggest?

A. The global reach of Indian cinema

B. The cultural diversity within India

C. The influence of Western culture on India

D. The challenges of national integration

Answer: B.  These actresses represent different regions and cultural backgrounds within India.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

III. Themes and Concepts

Humor and Satire

Question 21: How does the author use humor in the text?

A. To make light of serious situations

B. To expose the flaws and eccentricities of the characters

C. To create a sense of irony

D. All of the above

Answer: D. The author employs humor in various ways to engage the reader and offer a nuanced perspective on the characters and events.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 22: What is the author satirizing when he describes the make-up men as being able to turn any decent-looking person into a hideous crimson-hued monster?

A. The excessive use of make-up in early Indian films

B. The lack of skilled make-up artists in the studio

C. The poor quality of make-up products available at the time

D. The tendency of make-up artists to experiment on actors

Answer: A. The author is poking fun at the heavy-handed approach to make-up prevalent in the film industry at that time.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 23: What is the tone of the author’s description of the make-up room as having the look of a hair-cutting salon with lights at all angles around half a dozen large mirrors?

A. Nostalgic

B. Critical

C. Appreciative

D. Sarcastic

Answer: D. The author’s description is laced with sarcasm, highlighting the contrast between the make-up room’s appearance and its actual function.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 24: What is the significance of the author’s repeated references to ‘truck-loads of pancake’?

A. To emphasize the popularity of the brand Pancake

B. To highlight the excessive use of make-up in the film industry

C. To illustrate the extravagance of the studio

D. To suggest the make-up artists’ preference for a particular brand

Answer: B. The phrase ‘truck-loads of pancake’ serves as a hyperbole to draw attention to the overuse of make-up.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 25: How does the author’s use of humor contribute to the overall impact of the text?

A. It makes the characters more relatable

B. It provides a critical commentary on the film industry

C. It adds to the entertainment value of the story

D. All of the above

Answer: D. The author’s wit and humor serve multiple purposes, enriching the narrative and providing subtle social commentary.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Frustration and Anger

Question 26: What is the primary source of the office boy’s frustration?

A. His low position in the studio hierarchy

B. His inability to become a successful poet

C. His lack of opportunity to showcase his talent

D. His envy of Subbu’s success

Answer: B. The office boy’s deepest frustration stems from his unrealized poetic ambitions.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 27: How does the office boy direct his anger?

A. Towards the narrator

B. Towards the Boss

C. Towards Subbu

D. Towards the make-up artists

Answer: C. The office boy sees Subbu as the cause of his misfortunes and directs his frustration towards him.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 28: What does the office boy’s anger towards Subbu reveal about his character?

A. He is jealous and resentful

B. He is insecure and lacks self-awareness

C. He is quick to blame others for his own shortcomings

D. All of the above

Answer: D. The office boy’s reaction to Subbu exposes his insecurities and his tendency to externalize blame.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 29: How does the author portray the office boy’s frustration?

A. With sympathy and understanding

B. With amusement and mockery

C. With indifference and detachment

D. With anger and condemnation

Answer: A. While the author finds humor in the situation, he also presents the office boy’s frustration with empathy.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 30: What is the significance of the office boy’s frustration in the context of the story?

A. It represents the struggles of aspiring artists in the film industry

B. It highlights the theme of wasted talent

C. It adds a human element to the narrative

D. All of the above

Answer: D. The office boy’s story serves as a microcosm of the challenges faced by many talented individuals in a competitive and hierarchical environment.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Loyalty and Sycophancy

Question 31: How is Subbu’s loyalty to the Boss portrayed in the text?

A. As genuine and selfless

B. As calculated and opportunistic

C. As a mix of admiration and fear

D. As a result of his lack of other options

Answer: A. Subbu’s loyalty appears to be rooted in genuine admiration and dedication to the Boss.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 32: Why is Subbu perceived as a sycophant by some?

A. Because of his constant praise of the Boss

B. Because of his willingness to do any task asked of him

C. Because of his close relationship with the Boss

D. All of the above

Answer: D. Subbu’s actions and demeanor, while stemming from loyalty, can be interpreted as sycophantic by others.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 33: What is the author’s attitude towards Subbu’s loyalty?

A. He criticizes it as excessive

B. He admires it as a virtue

C. He presents it without judgment

D. He questions its sincerity

Answer: C. The author presents Subbu’s loyalty as a fact, leaving it open to interpretation by the reader.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 34: What is the significance of the contrast between Subbu’s loyalty and the office boy’s frustration?

A. It highlights the different ways people cope with disappointment

B. It illustrates the power dynamics within the studio

C. It suggests that loyalty is more rewarding than talent

D. All of the above

Answer: D. The contrasting characters of Subbu and the office boy offer insights into various themes, including coping mechanisms, workplace dynamics, and the perceived value of different qualities.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 35: How does the theme of loyalty and sycophancy contribute to the overall meaning of the text?

A. It raises questions about the nature of true loyalty

B. It exposes the complexities of human relationships in a hierarchical setting

C. It suggests that success often depends on factors other than talent

D. All of the above

Answer: D. The exploration of loyalty and sycophancy adds depth to the narrative and invites reflection on the dynamics of power, ambition, and human interaction.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Talent and Opportunity

Question 36: How does the author describe the office boy’s talent?

A. As extraordinary and unique

B. As limited but promising

C. As nonexistent and imagined

D. As ordinary but genuine

Answer: D. The office boy is depicted as having some poetic talent, though not exceptional.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 37: Why was the office boy’s talent wasted?

A. He lacked the opportunity to develop it

B. He was not interested in pursuing a career in film

C. He was discouraged by the lack of support from others

D. All of the above

Answer:  A. The office boy’s talent was wasted due to the lack of opportunities and encouragement to nurture it.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 38: How does Subbu’s success contrast with the office boy’s lack of opportunity?

A. It highlights the importance of social connections in achieving success

B. It suggests that talent alone is not enough to succeed

C. It raises questions about fairness and meritocracy

D. All of the above

Answer: D. The contrasting fates of Subbu and the office boy illustrate the complex interplay of talent, opportunity, and social factors in achieving success.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 39: What is the significance of the author’s observation that Subbu’s success in films overshadowed his literary achievements?

A. To suggest that Subbu’s true talent lay in filmmaking

B. To lament the lack of recognition for Subbu’s poetry

C. To illustrate the influence of popular culture

D. To criticize the public’s preference for entertainment over art

Answer: C. The observation reflects how mainstream success can overshadow other forms of artistic achievement.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 40: How does the theme of talent and opportunity contribute to the overall message of the text?

A. It suggests that success is often determined by factors beyond individual control

B. It encourages readers to recognize and appreciate hidden talents

C. It critiques the hierarchical structure of the film industry

D. All of the above

Answer: D. The exploration of talent and opportunity adds depth to the narrative and prompts reflection on the factors that contribute to success and failure.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Communism and Moral Re-Armament

Question 41: What were the prevailing notions about communism among the people at Gemini Studios?

A. It was a progressive ideology that would benefit society

B. It was a dangerous and destructive force

C. It was a complex philosophy that required careful study

D. It was irrelevant to their lives

Answer: B. Communism was viewed with suspicion and fear, often associated with negative stereotypes.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 42: Why was the Moral Re-Armament army welcomed at Gemini Studios?

A. Because of its message of peace and reconciliation

B. Because of its association with international organizations

C. Because of its opposition to communism

D. All of the above

Answer: D. The MRA’s visit aligned with the studio’s values and provided a sense of international connection.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 43: How did the MRA’s visit impact Gemini Studios?

A. It led to a greater awareness of social issues

B. It influenced the style of Tamil plays

C. It sparked debates about communism

D. It had no lasting impact

Answer: B. The MRA’s theatrical productions influenced the aesthetics of Tamil plays for a period.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 44: What is the significance of the author’s realization that the MRA was a counter-movement to international communism?

A. It reveals the hidden agenda behind the MRA’s visit

B. It explains the enthusiastic reception the MRA received

C. It casts a shadow on the MRA’s message of peace

D. All of the above

Answer: D. The author’s realization adds a layer of complexity to the MRA’s visit, suggesting ulterior motives and political context.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 45: How does the theme of communism and Moral Re-Armament contribute to the historical context of the story?

A. It reflects the global ideological struggles of the Cold War era

B. It highlights the influence of international movements on Indian society

C. It shows how political ideologies can infiltrate cultural institutions

D. All of the above

Answer: D. The presence of these ideologies in the narrative underscores the socio-political climate of the time and its impact on various aspects of life, including the arts.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Poetry and Prose

Question 46: What is the author’s view on prose writing?

A. It is the most suitable form of expression for a genius

B. It requires patience, persistence, and a thick skin

C. It is easier than poetry

D. It is more accessible to the masses

Answer: B. The author believes that prose writing is a laborious task that requires resilience and determination.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 47: What does the author’s comparison of prose writers to people with shrunken hearts imply?

A. Prose writers are emotionally stunted

B. Prose writers are insensitive to criticism

C. Prose writers are more analytical than emotional

D. Prose writers are driven by fame and fortune

Answer: B. The author uses the metaphor of a “shrunken heart” to suggest that prose writers are less vulnerable to rejection and criticism.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 48: How does the author contrast poetry and prose?

A. Poetry is the pursuit of genius, while prose is for the patient drudge

B. Poetry is more expressive, while prose is more informative

C. Poetry is more difficult to write than prose

D. Poetry is for the elite, while prose is for the masses

Answer: A. The author sees a clear distinction between poetry and prose, associating the former with creative brilliance and the latter with perseverance and resilience.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

IV. Plot and Key Events

The Office Boy’s Encounters

Question 49: Why did people think the narrator was doing nothing at the studios?

A. He was often seen daydreaming

B. He spent most of his time reading novels

C. He was always tearing up newspapers

D. He had no designated workspace

Answer: C. The narrator’s job involved tearing up newspapers, which appeared to others as an insignificant task.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 50: Why did the office boy approach the narrator?

A. To offer him a role in a film

B. To share his poetry with him

C. To seek advice on his career

D. To borrow newspapers from him

Answer: B. The office boy saw the narrator as a captive audience for his poetic creations.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 51: How did the narrator react to the office boy’s poetry?

A. He was impressed by the office boy’s talent

B. He found the poetry to be too long and tedious

C. He offered constructive criticism to the office boy

D. He encouraged the office boy to pursue his passion

Answer: B. The narrator found the office boy’s poetry to be lengthy and tiresome.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 52: What saved the narrator from the office boy’s epics?

A. The arrival of the Boss

B. The start of a film shoot

C. The office boy’s transfer to another department

D. The narrator’s transfer to another cubicle

Answer: B. The narrator was spared from the office boy’s poetry when the latter had to attend to his duties during crowd-shooting scenes.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 53: What does the narrator’s reaction to the office boy’s poetry reveal about his character?

A. He is insensitive and dismissive of others’ talents

B. He is preoccupied with his own thoughts and work

C. He has a low tolerance for boredom

D. He lacks appreciation for poetry

Answer: B. The narrator’s primary concern was his own work, and he saw the office boy’s interruptions as a hindrance.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 54: What is the significance of the office boy’s encounters with the narrator?

A. It provides comic relief in the narrative

B. It highlights the theme of unappreciated talent

C. It reveals the narrator’s personality

D. All of the above

Answer: D. The encounters serve multiple purposes, adding humor, emphasizing the theme of unrecognized potential, and offering insights into the narrator’s character.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 55: How do the office boy’s interactions with the narrator contribute to the overall plot?

A. They advance the story’s main conflict

B. They introduce a subplot involving the office boy’s poetic ambitions

C. They provide a break from the main narrative

D. They foreshadow future events

Answer: C. The interactions with the office boy offer a digression from the main narrative, adding a humorous and reflective interlude.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Subbu’s Character and Interactions

Question 56: How is Subbu’s character described in the text?

A. As a talented and versatile artist

B. As a loyal and dedicated employee

C. As a generous and compassionate person

D. All of the above

Answer: D. Subbu is portrayed as a multi-faceted character with various admirable qualities.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 57: What is the significance of Subbu’s ability to always look cheerful?

A. It suggests that he is genuinely happy with his life

B. It implies that he is good at hiding his true emotions

C. It reflects his optimistic outlook on life

D. It indicates his ability to handle difficult situations

Answer: D. Subbu’s cheerfulness can be seen as a coping mechanism and a testament to his resilience.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 58: Why did Subbu deliberately choose to address his poetry to the masses?

A. He wanted to gain popularity and recognition

B. He believed that poetry should be accessible to everyone

C. He was instructed to do so by the Boss

D. He lacked the skill to write complex poetry

Answer: B. Subbu’s choice of simple language and themes in his poetry reflects his belief in its universal appeal.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 59: How did Subbu’s colleagues view his close relationship with the Boss?

A. With admiration and respect

B. With envy and suspicion

C. With indifference and apathy

D. With amusement and mockery

Answer: B. Some colleagues perceived Subbu’s closeness to the Boss as sycophantic, leading to envy and suspicion.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 60: What is the significance of Subbu’s character in the story?

A. He represents the ideal employee

B. He embodies the complexities of human nature

C. He serves as a foil to the office boy

D. All of the above

Answer: D. Subbu’s character plays a multifaceted role in the narrative, representing various themes and contrasting with other characters.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 61: Why did the temperamental actress blow over on the sets?

A. She was unhappy with her costume

B. She disagreed with the director’s instructions

C. She was frustrated with the delays in filming

D. The reason is not specified in the text

Answer: D. The author does not explicitly state the reason for the actress’s outburst.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 62: How did the legal advisor react to the actress’s outburst?

A. He tried to calm her down

B. He threatened her with legal action

C. He recorded her rant

D. He reported her behavior to the Boss

Answer: C. The legal advisor’s response was to discreetly record the actress’s angry words.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 63: What was the impact of the legal advisor’s actions on the actress?

A. She was fired from the studio

B. She was forced to apologize for her behavior

C. She was deeply embarrassed and her career was affected

D. She was grateful for the legal advisor’s intervention

Answer: C. The actress was mortified upon hearing her own outburst and her career suffered as a result.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 64: What does the incident with the actress and the legal advisor reveal about the studio environment?

A. It was a highly disciplined and controlled environment

B. It was a place where emotions were often suppressed

C. It was a competitive and ruthless industry

D. All of the above

Answer: D. The incident highlights the strictness, emotional undercurrents, and competitive nature of the film industry.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 65: How does the incident with the actress and the legal advisor contribute to the plot?

A. It creates a sense of tension and suspense

B. It reveals the power dynamics between different roles in the studio

C. It serves as a turning point in the story

D. It foreshadows future conflicts

Answer: B. The incident underscores the power structure within the studio and the vulnerability of those in less powerful positions.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

The Visit of the Moral Re-Armament Army

Question 66: Who was Frank Buchman?

A. The leader of the Moral Re-Armament army

B. A famous poet from England

C. A communist leader

D. A character in one of the MRA plays

Answer: A. Frank Buchman was the founder and leader of the MRA movement.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 67: How did the people at Gemini Studios perceive the Moral Re-Armament army?

A. As a religious group

B. As a political organization

C. As an international circus

D. As a group of talented actors

Answer: C. The author mentions that someone called the MRA group an international circus.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 68: What was the main message of the MRA plays?

A. Anti-communism propaganda

B. Religious teachings

C. Simple moral lessons

D. Political satire

Answer: C. The plays presented by the MRA contained straightforward moral messages.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 69: Why did the MRA plays impress the people at Gemini Studios?

A. Because of their complex and thought-provoking themes

B. Because of their high-quality sets and costumes

C. Because of their talented actors

D. Because of their controversial and shocking content

Answer: B. The plays were praised for their impressive stagecraft, particularly the sets and costumes.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 70: What is the significance of the MRA’s visit in the context of the story?

A. It highlights the influence of Western culture on Indian society

B. It reflects the global political tensions of the Cold War era

C. It satirizes the people’s fascination with foreign movements

D. All of the above

Answer: D. The MRA’s visit serves multiple purposes in the narrative, reflecting cultural influences, political context, and satirical commentary.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

The Visit of Stephen Spender

Question 71: Who was Stephen Spender?

A. A famous novelist

B. A communist leader

C. An English poet

D. A film director

Answer: C. Stephen Spender was an English poet who visited Gemini Studios.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 72: Why was Stephen Spender invited to Gemini Studios?

A. To give a lecture on English poetry

B. To discuss his views on communism

C. To meet the poets and writers at the studio

D. The reason is not explicitly stated in the text

Answer: D. The author does not reveal the exact purpose of Spender’s visit, adding to the mystery surrounding it.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 73: How did the people at Gemini Studios react to Stephen Spender’s visit?

A. They were excited to meet a famous poet

B. They were indifferent to his presence

C. They were confused and baffled by his talk

D. They were impressed by his knowledge of Indian culture

Answer: C. Spender’s visit left the people at the studio bewildered due to his unfamiliar accent and the perceived irrelevance of his talk to their work.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 74: What is the significance of the author’s statement that Spender “couldn’t have addressed a more dazed and silent audience”?

A. It emphasizes the language barrier between Spender and the audience

B. It highlights the audience’s lack of interest in English poetry

C. It underscores the cultural disconnect between Spender and the people at the studio

D. All of the above

Answer: D. The statement encapsulates the various factors that contributed to the audience’s perplexed reaction to Spender’s talk.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 75: How does Stephen Spender’s visit contribute to the central theme of the story?

A. It reinforces the contrast between the worlds of poetry and filmmaking

B. It highlights the cultural gap between India and the West

C. It satirizes the tendency to blindly admire foreign figures

D. All of the above

Answer: D. Spender’s visit serves multiple thematic purposes, contrasting different artistic domains, highlighting cultural differences, and satirizing hero-worship.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

The Author’s Discovery of Stephen Spender’s Connection to Communism

Question 76: How did the author discover Stephen Spender’s connection to communism?

A. Through a conversation with Spender

B. Through an article in The Hindu

C. Through a book he found on the footpath

D. Through a colleague at Gemini Studios

Answer: C. The author came across a book titled “The God That Failed,” which featured an essay by Stephen Spender about his experience with communism.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 77: What was the title of the book that revealed Spender’s connection to communism?

A. The Encounter

B. Thillana Mohanambal

C. The God That Failed

D. My Years with Boss

Answer: C. The book was a collection of essays by prominent writers who had become disillusioned with communism.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 78: What was the significance of the book’s subtitle, “Six eminent men of letters in six separate essays described ‘their journeys into Communism and their disillusioned return'”?

A. It highlighted the dangers of communism

B. It emphasized the intellectual appeal of communism

C. It suggested that communism was incompatible with artistic expression

D. It revealed the personal struggles of those who had embraced communism

Answer: D. The subtitle offered a glimpse into the personal experiences of renowned writers who had grappled with communism.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 79: How did the author’s perception of Stephen Spender change after reading the book?

A. He became more critical of Spender’s poetry

B. He gained a deeper understanding of Spender’s motivations

C. He lost respect for Spender’s political views

D. He felt a sense of betrayal by Spender’s association with communism

Answer: B. The book shed light on Spender’s past involvement with communism, providing a new perspective on his views and experiences.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 80: How does the author’s discovery of Spender’s connection to communism contribute to the overall theme of the story?

A. It adds a layer of complexity to Spender’s character

B. It reinforces the political context of the narrative

C. It highlights the disillusionment with communism among intellectuals

D. All of the above

Answer: D. The revelation of Spender’s past adds depth to his character, strengthens the story’s political backdrop, and reflects the broader trend of disillusionment with communism.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

V. Language and Style

Idioms and Expressions

Question 81: What does the expression “blew over” mean in the context of the story?

A. To explode

B. To faint

C. To lose one’s temper

D. To become calm

Answer: C. The expression “blew over” is used to describe the actress’s outburst of anger.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 82: What does the phrase “catapulted into” imply?

A. To be suddenly promoted

B. To be thrown into a difficult situation

C. To be forced to do something

D. To be unexpectedly successful

Answer: A. The phrase “catapulted into” suggests a rapid and unexpected rise to fame or a higher position.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 83: What does the expression “played into their hands” mean in the context of the MRA visit?

A. To be manipulated by someone

B. To cooperate with someone willingly

C. To unintentionally assist someone’s plans

D. To compete with someone

Answer: C. The phrase implies that the studio bosses unknowingly helped the MRA’s agenda by welcoming them.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 84: What does the idiom “heard a bell ringing” indicate?

A. A feeling of familiarity or recognition

B. A sense of alarm or danger

C. A moment of clarity or understanding

D. A sudden and unexpected event

Answer: A. The idiom “heard a bell ringing” signifies that something seemed familiar to the author.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 85: What does the expression “struck dumb” mean in the context of the actress’s reaction?

A. To be physically injured

B. To be rendered speechless

C. To be deeply saddened

D. To be angered

Answer: B. The expression “struck dumb” describes the actress’s inability to speak due to shock and embarrassment.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Narrative Style

Question 86: How would you describe the author’s narrative style?

A. Formal and objective

B. Informal and conversational

C. Dramatic and suspenseful

D. Lyrical and poetic

Answer: B. The author employs a casual and chatty tone, directly addressing the reader and sharing personal anecdotes.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 87: What is the effect of the author’s frequent use of parentheses?

A. It creates a sense of intimacy with the reader

B. It adds humorous asides and personal reflections

C. It provides additional information and context

D. All of the above

Answer: D. The author utilizes parentheses for various purposes, including creating a conversational tone, adding humor, and providing supplementary details.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 88: How does the author’s use of anecdotes contribute to the narrative?

A. They provide personal insights and reflections

B. They add humor and entertainment value

C. They illustrate the main themes of the story

D. All of the above

Answer: D. The anecdotes serve multiple functions, enriching the narrative with personal experiences, humor, and thematic connections.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 89: What is the significance of the author’s direct address to the reader?

A. It establishes a connection and rapport with the reader

B. It breaks the fourth wall and creates a sense of immediacy

C. It invites the reader’s participation and reflection

D. All of the above

Answer: D. The author’s direct engagement with the reader fosters a sense of involvement and encourages active reading.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 90: How does the author’s narrative style contribute to the overall impact of the text?

A. It makes the story more engaging and relatable

B. It creates a sense of authenticity and personal experience

C. It allows for humor and satire to be effectively employed

D. All of the above

Answer: D. The author’s distinctive narrative style enhances the story’s appeal, making it an enjoyable and thought-provoking read.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)


Question 91: How does the author transition between different topics and ideas?

A. Through the use of clear headings and subheadings

B. Through the use of transitional words and phrases

C. Through the natural flow of thoughts and associations

D. Through a chronological progression of events

Answer: C. The author’s transitions are often based on free association, with one thought leading to another in a seemingly random but interconnected manner.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 92: What is the effect of the author’s rambling style on the narrative?

A. It creates a sense of confusion and disorientation

B. It mimics the flow of human thought and conversation

C. It slows down the pace of the story

D. It emphasizes the lack of structure in the author’s life

Answer: B. The author’s digressive style mirrors the way thoughts and conversations naturally unfold.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 93: How does the author maintain coherence despite the rambling style?

A. Through the use of recurring motifs and themes

B. Through the consistent use of humor and irony

C. Through the clear delineation of different sections

D. Through the chronological order of events

Answer: A. Despite the digressions, the author maintains coherence by revisiting key themes and ideas throughout the narrative.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 94: What is the significance of the author’s use of transitions in the story?

A. It reflects the author’s stream of consciousness

B. It creates a sense of spontaneity and surprise

C. It allows the author to explore a wide range of topics

D. All of the above

Answer: D. The author’s transitions contribute to the story’s conversational tone, its element of surprise, and its thematic richness.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 95: How do the transitions contribute to the overall structure of the narrative?

A. They create a clear and linear structure

B. They provide a fragmented and disjointed structure

C. They create a meandering but interconnected structure

D. They impose a rigid and predictable structure

Answer: C. The transitions contribute to a narrative structure that is digressive yet cohesive, reflecting the interconnectedness of the author’s thoughts and observations.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Humor and Irony

Question 96: What is the primary source of humor in the text?

A. Slapstick comedy

B. Wordplay and puns

C. Situational irony and satire

D. Absurdity and exaggeration

Answer: C. The author’s humor often stems from ironic situations and satirical observations of human behavior and social dynamics.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 97: What is ironic about the author’s description of the make-up department as a place of national integration?

A. The make-up artists were not actually interested in national integration

B. The make-up department was segregated based on ethnicity

C. The concept of national integration was not widely understood at the time

D. The make-up artists were all from the same region

Answer: A. The irony lies in the fact that the make-up department, while comprising people from diverse backgrounds, is not presented as a conscious effort towards national integration.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 98: What is ironic about the office boy’s aspiration to become a poet?

A. He lacked the talent to be a successful poet

B. He worked in a film studio that valued commercial success over artistic merit

C. He was surrounded by people who were indifferent to poetry

D. All of the above

Answer: D. The irony lies in the mismatch between the office boy’s ambition, his actual talent, and the environment he worked in, which prioritized commercial success over artistic pursuits like poetry.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 99: What is ironic about the people at Gemini Studios being impressed by the MRA plays?

A. The plays were poorly written and performed

B. The plays promoted an ideology that contradicted the studio’s values

C. The people were unaware of the MRA’s political agenda

D. The people were more interested in the plays’ technical aspects than their message

Answer: C. The irony lies in the fact that the people at Gemini Studios were captivated by the MRA plays without fully grasping the underlying political motivations of the movement.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 100: How does the author’s use of irony contribute to the overall tone of the story?

A. It creates a sense of detachment and cynicism

B. It adds a layer of humor and social commentary

C. It highlights the absurdity of human behavior

D. All of the above

Answer: D. The author’s use of irony serves multiple purposes, adding a humorous and satirical edge to the narrative while also prompting reflection on human behavior and social dynamics.(Poet and Pancakes MCQ by Top100MCQ.com)

Most Asked Important Questions on Poet and Pancakes

What is Pancake in the context of the Gemini Studios?

Pancake is the brand name of the make-up material that Gemini Studios bought in truckloads.

What is the author’s opinion about prose-writing?

According to the author, prose-writing is not and cannot be the true pursuit of a genius. It is for the patient, persistent, persevering drudge with a heart so shrunken that nothing can break it; rejection slips don’t mean a thing to him; he at once sets about making a fresh copy of the long prose piece and sends it on to another editor enclosing postage for the return of the manuscript.

What was the make-up room compared to?

The make-up room had the look of a hair-cutting salon with lights at all angles around half a dozen large mirrors.

What did the author do in his cubicle?

The author worked in a cubicle, two whole sides of which were French windows. The author sat at his desk tearing up newspapers day in and day out.

Why did the author want crowd-shooting all the time?

The ‘boy’ in the make-up department had decided that the author should be enlightened on how great literary talent was being allowed to go waste in a department fit only for barbers and perverts. Nothing short of crowd-shooting could save the author from his epics.

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