No Men are Foreign MCQ

No Men are Foreign MCQ. These 100 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) on “No Men are Foreign” will help you score full marks in your Class 9 English exam.

Introduction to “No Men Are Foreign”

Author Background: James Kirkup’s life and works

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Correct Answer: B. Poet.  While Kirkup dabbled in other forms of writing, he was primarily recognized for his poetry. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: A. England.  Kirkup was born in South Shields, England. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: C. Teacher. Kirkup taught at various universities throughout his life. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: C. Social Justice and Equality.  Kirkup’s writing often reflected his concern for social issues and human rights. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: C. Simplicity and Directness. Kirkup aimed to communicate his ideas in a clear and accessible way. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


Historical Context: The post-World War II era and the rise of peace movements

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Correct Answer: B. World War II. The poem reflects the desire for peace and unity following the devastation of the Second World War. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: C. Peace Movements. The horrors of World War II fueled a global desire for peace and cooperation. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: C. United Nations. The UN was established in the wake of World War II to prevent future conflicts. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: B. The United States and the Soviet Union.  The Cold War was an ideological conflict between these two superpowers. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: B. Nuclear War.  The possibility of a nuclear conflict between the US and the Soviet Union loomed large during this period. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


Initial Reading and Response: First impressions and emotional impact

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Correct Answer: C. Hope. The poem’s message of unity and shared humanity often evokes a sense of hope. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: D. Empathy. The poem encourages readers to understand and connect with people from all backgrounds. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: C. Universality. The straightforward language makes the poem’s message accessible to a wide audience. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: C. It emphasizes the poem’s message. The repetitive rhythm reinforces the key ideas. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: B. Optimistic. Despite acknowledging the reality of conflict, the poem ultimately expresses hope for a more unified world. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


No Men are Foreign MCQ

Themes and Ideas: No Men are Foreign MCQ

Universal Brotherhood: The interconnectedness of humanity

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Correct Answer: C. The shared humanity of all people. The poem emphasizes that despite superficial differences, we are all fundamentally connected. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: A. Everyone is a citizen of the world. It implies that there are no true outsiders or foreigners in the broader sense. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: D. The same basic needs and emotions. Regardless of background, everyone experiences similar fundamental human experiences. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: B. They are often based on superficial differences. The poem highlights that divisions are often constructed rather than inherent. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: C. Understanding. It promotes empathy and compassion towards people from all walks of life. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: C. Beneath external appearances, we are all alike. It suggests that superficial markers of difference, like uniforms, mask our shared humanity. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: B. Unfair.  It argues against prejudice and discrimination based on superficial differences. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: B. It is a social construct that can be overcome. The poem challenges the idea that people from different places are inherently “foreign” to one another. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: C. Global citizenship. It encourages readers to see themselves as part of a larger human community. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: A. It emphasizes the similarities between people. The repetition reinforces the idea that we share common experiences and emotions. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


Futility of War: The destructive consequences of conflict

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Correct Answer: C. It condemns war as destructive and pointless. The poem highlights the tragic consequences of conflict and emphasizes our shared humanity. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: A. Enemies are more alike to us than we realize. It emphasizes that even those we consider enemies share our basic human needs and experiences. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: C. Suffering and loss.  The poem portrays the devastating impact of war on individuals and communities. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: C. They ultimately harm everyone involved. The poem highlights the destructive nature of weapons and their impact on both the victim and the perpetrator. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: A. Enemies are often forced into fighting. It suggests that those on the opposing side may be driven by circumstances beyond their control. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: C. A result of misunderstanding and fear. The poem implies that conflict often stems from a lack of empathy and understanding. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: A. It humanizes the enemy.  It reminds the reader that those on the other side of conflict are also human beings with the same capacity for sight and emotion. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: C. Self-defeating. The poem argues that war ultimately harms everyone involved, regardless of which side they are on. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: D. They can lead to violence and destruction. The poem implies that prejudice and hatred are root causes of conflict. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: B. War is a tragic waste of human life and potential. The poem emphasizes the devastating consequences of conflict and the futility of violence. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


Shared Humanity: Recognizing commonalities across cultures and nations

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Correct Answer: A. The same dreams and aspirations. The poem emphasizes that regardless of background, people everywhere share common hopes and desires for a good life. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: B. Enemies have personal lives and loved ones. It reminds the reader that those on the opposing side are not just abstract figures but individuals with families and connections. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: B. Celebrate cultural diversity. While emphasizing our shared humanity, the poem also acknowledges and implicitly values the richness of different cultures. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: B. It is a harmful construct that creates division. The poem challenges the idea of an inherent separation between groups of people. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: B. Unjust. It argues against prejudice and stereotypes based on cultural differences. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: B. There are universal human experiences that connect us. It highlights the common threads that bind us together despite our diverse backgrounds. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: B. Cultural exchange. It encourages openness and understanding between different cultures. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: A. It emphasizes the shared vulnerability of all people. It reinforces the idea that we are all susceptible to the same basic needs and harms. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: A. Despite our differences, we are all interconnected and share a common humanity. The poem celebrates our shared human experience while acknowledging cultural diversity. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: B. It emphasizes the similarities between different groups of people. The repetition reinforces the idea that those we perceive as “other” are not so different from ourselves. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


Empathy and Compassion: Understanding the experiences of others

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Correct Answer: C. Put oneself in the shoes of others. The poem promotes empathy and understanding towards people from all walks of life. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: C. Grief is a universal human emotion. It highlights that regardless of background, everyone experiences similar emotions, including sorrow and pain. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: B. A moral obligation. It suggests that we have a responsibility to care for and empathize with others. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: C. Our actions can have a profound impact on others. The poem encourages readers to consider the consequences of their choices and how they might affect others. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: A. We should strive to understand and share the feelings of others. The poem emphasizes the importance of empathy and compassion in creating a more just and peaceful world. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


Literary Devices: No Men are Foreign MCQ

Repetition: Emphasizing key ideas and creating rhythm

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Correct Answer: B. “Like ours”.  The repetition of this phrase underscores the similarities between people from different backgrounds. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: B. Reinforce the idea of shared humanity. The repetition emphasizes that despite superficial differences, we all share common experiences and emotions. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: C. A rhythmic and memorable quality. The repetition creates a rhythmic flow and makes the poem’s message more memorable. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: B. It emphasizes the universality of the poem’s message. The repetition reinforces the central idea that all people are interconnected. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: C. Strengthen the emotional impact of the poem. The repetition adds emphasis and reinforces the poem’s message of unity and compassion. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: A. It creates a sense of urgency and calls to action. The repetition of “remember” urges the reader to keep the poem’s message in mind and act accordingly. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: C. Anaphora. Anaphora is the repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of successive clauses or sentences, which is a key feature of the poem. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: C. Emphasize key ideas and create a sense of rhythm. The repetition reinforces the poem’s message and contributes to its rhythmic flow. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


Imagery: Evoking sensory experiences and emotions

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Correct Answer: A. “Remember, they have eyes like ours”. This line creates a visual image of the eyes, emphasizing the shared humanity of all people. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: B. Touch. This line creates a sensory experience of feeling the warmth of the sun and the coolness of the breeze on the skin. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: B. Auditory. This line creates an auditory experience of hearing the sounds of raindrops and wind. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: B. Create a more vivid and engaging experience for the reader. The imagery helps the reader connect with the poem on a sensory and emotional level. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: B. It emphasizes the shared world that we all inhabit. The imagery of the moon and stars reinforces the idea that we are all connected under the same sky. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: A. Sight and sound. The poem uses visual and auditory imagery to create a more immersive experience for the reader. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: B. It creates a more emotional and impactful reading experience. The imagery helps the reader connect with the poem’s message of shared humanity on a deeper level. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


Symbolism: Representing abstract concepts through concrete objects

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Correct Answer: A. Hope and optimism. The sun is often used in literature to represent positivity and the promise of a brighter future. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: B. Conformity and division. The uniforms represent the artificial barriers that separate people and create conflict. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: B. Violence and destruction.  The weapons represent the tools of war that cause harm and suffering. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: C. The shared human experience. The moon and stars represent the common elements of the natural world that connect all people. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: B. It symbolizes the shared humanity that exists beneath superficial differences. The line suggests that despite external markers of division, we are all fundamentally alike. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


Structure and Form: Analyzing the poem’s organization and rhyme scheme

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Correct Answer: A. Free verse. The poem does not follow a strict rhyme scheme or meter. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer:   D. None of the above. The poem’s stanzas vary in length and do not adhere to a specific structure. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: D. Conversational style. The lack of a strict rhyme scheme makes the poem feel more natural and accessible. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: D. The simple structure reinforces the poem’s universal message. The straightforward structure makes the poem’s message clear and accessible to a wide audience. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: C. They emphasize key words and phrases. The short lines draw attention to important words and ideas. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


Specific Lines and Stanzas Based Questions

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Correct Answer: C. Empathy.  It encourages the reader to see the enemy as fellow human beings. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: C. Despite outward differences, we are all fundamentally the same.  It highlights the shared humanity beneath superficial markers like clothing. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: B. Everyone shares basic human needs. It highlights that even those we consider enemies have the same fundamental requirements for survival. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: B. We share common goals and struggles.  It implies that those on the opposing side may have similar life experiences and challenges. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: B. Everyone has the capacity for both good and evil. It implies that even those we consider enemies have the potential for compassion and positive change. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: A. The universality of human experience. It highlights that despite cultural differences, there are fundamental aspects of life that connect us all. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: B. The enemy is just like us, with loved ones to protect. It humanizes the enemy and reminds the reader that they are not just abstract figures but individuals with families and connections. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: C. We are all vulnerable to the same pain and suffering. It highlights the shared vulnerability of all people, regardless of which side of a conflict they are on. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: D. It implies that everyone has the potential for compassion. It suggests that even those we consider enemies have the capacity for love and understanding. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: B. We all share the same planet. It emphasizes our interconnectedness and the fact that we all inhabit the same world. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: C. We all share the same natural world. It highlights that regardless of background, we all experience the same natural phenomena. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: B. There are universal human experiences that connect us. It emphasizes the common threads that bind us together despite our diverse backgrounds. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: A. To evoke sympathy for the enemy’s families. It humanizes the enemy and reminds the reader that they are not just abstract figures but individuals with loved ones who care for them. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: B. The shared mortality of all people. It highlights that regardless of background, we all face the same ultimate fate. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: B. Everyone has the potential for compassion and change. It suggests that even those we consider enemies have the capacity for love and understanding. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: A. The shared natural world that connects all people. It highlights that regardless of background, we all experience the same natural phenomena. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: C. We all share the same natural world and experiences. It emphasizes that regardless of background, we all experience the same natural phenomena. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: B. Everyone has the potential for compassion and positive change. It suggests that even those we consider enemies have the capacity for love and understanding. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: B. To highlight the universal human emotions of love and fear. It emphasizes that regardless of background, we all experience similar emotions. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: A. The shared vulnerability of all people. It highlights that regardless of background, we all have the same basic needs and experience similar suffering. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: C. We all share common desires and aspirations. It emphasizes that regardless of background, we all have similar hopes and longings, including the desire for peace. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: B. The interconnectedness of all people. It highlights that we are all part of a larger human family and share a common bond. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: D. All of the above.  The final lines summarize the poem’s core message of unity, empathy, and the pursuit of peace. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: B. Hopeful and compassionate. While acknowledging the reality of conflict, the poem ultimately expresses a message of unity and empathy. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


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Correct Answer: B. It inspires the reader to embrace diversity and strive for peace. The poem’s message of unity and compassion encourages readers to work towards a more just and harmonious world. (No Men are Foreign MCQ by


Most Asked Important Questions on No Men are Foreign MCQ

What is the main message of the poem “No Men Are Foreign”?

The main message is that all people are fundamentally the same, regardless of their nationality, race, or culture. We share common experiences, needs, and feelings.

What is the tone of the poem “No Men Are Foreign”?

The tone is one of peace and unity. The poet urges readers to recognize our shared humanity and reject hatred and division.

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