Motion Class 9 MCQs – Best 100 MCQs

Motion Class 9 MCQs for scoring full marks. Motion Class 9 MCQs – Best 100 MCQs. These 100 Multiple Choice Questions with Answer and Explanation will help you score full marks in your class 9 Science (Physics) exam.

Motion Class 9 MCQs

Describing Motion – Motion Class 9 MCQs

Question 1: An object is said to be at rest when:

A. It changes its position with respect to its surroundings

B. It does not change its position with respect to its surroundings

C. It moves in a circular path

D. It moves with constant velocity

Answer: B. An object is considered at rest if its position remains unchanged relative to a reference point or its surroundings.

Question 2: Which of the following is necessary to describe the position of an object?

A. A clock

B. A reference point (origin)

C. A measuring tape

D. A thermometer

Answer: B. A reference point or origin is essential to define the location of an object.

Question 3: Motion along a straight line is also known as:

A. Rectilinear motion

B. Curvilinear motion

C. Circular motion

D. Projectile motion

Answer: A. Rectilinear motion refers to movement in a straight path.

Question 4: What is the key difference between distance and displacement?

A. Distance is a vector, while displacement is a scalar.

B. Distance is the actual path length, while displacement is the shortest distance between the initial and final points.

C. Distance has direction, while displacement does not.

D. Distance and displacement are the same thing.

Answer: B. Distance measures the total path covered, while displacement focuses on the overall change in position.

Question 5: In which type of motion does the object cover equal distances in equal intervals of time?

A. Uniform motion

B. Non-uniform motion

C. Accelerated motion

D. Decelerated motion

Answer: A. Uniform motion is characterized by consistent speed and equal distances covered in equal time intervals.

Question 6: A passenger sitting in a moving bus is at rest with respect to:

A. The road

B. The trees outside

C. The other passengers in the bus

D. The bus driver

Answer: C. The passenger is not changing their position relative to other passengers on the bus.

Question 7: Which of the following is an example of motion?

A. A book lying on a table

B. A car parked in a garage

C. A bird flying in the sky

D. A building standing tall

Answer: C. The bird is changing its position with respect to its surroundings.

Question 8: If a car travels 50 km east and then 30 km west, what is its displacement?

A. 80 km east

B. 20 km east

C. 20 km west

D. 80 km west

Answer: B. Displacement is the net change in position, considering direction. 50 km east – 30 km west = 20 km east

Question 9: A scalar quantity has:

A. Only magnitude

B. Only direction

C. Both magnitude and direction

D. Neither magnitude nor direction

Answer: A. Scalar quantities, like distance and speed, only have magnitude (size or amount).

Question 10: A vector quantity has:

A. Only magnitude

B. Only direction

C. Both magnitude and direction

D. Neither magnitude nor direction

Answer: C. Vector quantities, like displacement and velocity, have both magnitude and direction.

Question 11: The rate of change of displacement is known as:

A. Speed

B. Velocity

C. Acceleration

D. Distance

Answer: B. Velocity is the rate at which displacement changes over time.

Question 12: If an object moves in a circular path with constant speed, its motion is:

A. Uniform motion

B. Non-uniform motion

C. At rest

D. Cannot be determined

Answer: B. Even though the speed is constant, the direction of motion is constantly changing, making it non-uniform motion.

Question 13: The motion of a pendulum is an example of:

A. Rectilinear motion

B. Oscillatory motion

C. Circular motion

D. Projectile motion

Answer: B. A pendulum swings back and forth in a repetitive manner, which is characteristic of oscillatory motion.

Question 14: The motion of the Earth around the Sun is an example of:

A. Rectilinear motion

B. Oscillatory motion

C. Circular motion

D. Projectile motion

Answer: C. The Earth’s orbit around the Sun is approximately circular.

Question 15: Which of the following is NOT a type of motion?

A. Random motion

B. Periodic motion

C. Stationary motion

D. Rotational motion

Answer: C. Stationary motion implies the object is not moving, so it’s not a type of motion.

Measuring the Rate of Motion – Motion Class 9 MCQs

Question 16: The SI unit of speed is:

A. Kilometer per hour (km/h)

B. Meter per second (m/s)

C. Kilometer per second (km/s)

D. Miles per hour (mph)

Answer: B. The standard unit for speed in the International System of Units is meter per second (m/s).

Question 17: How is average speed calculated?

A. Total distance divided by total time

B. Total time divided by total distance

C. Change in velocity divided by time

D. Final velocity minus initial velocity

Answer: A. Average speed is determined by dividing the total distance traveled by the total time taken.

Question 18: Velocity is defined as:

A. Speed with direction

B. Change in displacement

C. Rate of change of distance

D. Distance divided by time

Answer: A. Velocity incorporates both the speed of an object and the direction in which it is moving.

Question 19: If a car travels 100 kilometers north in 2 hours, what is its average velocity?

A. 50 km/h

B. 50 km/h north

C. 200 km/h

D. 200 km/h north

Answer: B. Average velocity is calculated as displacement divided by time, and it includes direction. So, it’s 50 km/h north.

Question 20: A train travels at a speed of 80 km/h for 2 hours and then at 60 km/h for 3 hours. What is its average speed for the entire journey?

A. 68 km/h

B. 70 km/h

C. 72 km/h

D. 75 km/h

Answer: A. Calculate total distance (80×2 + 60×3 = 340 km) and total time (2+3= 5 hours). Average speed = 340/5 = 68 km/h

Question 21: The speedometer in a car measures:

A. Average speed

B. Instantaneous speed

C. Average velocity

D. Instantaneous velocity

Answer: B. A speedometer shows the speed of the car at that particular moment, which is the instantaneous speed.

Question 22: If a car is moving in a circular track with constant speed, its velocity is:

A. Constant

B. Changing

C. Zero

D. Cannot be determined

Answer: B. Even though the speed is constant, the direction of motion is constantly changing, leading to a change in velocity.

Question 23: Which of the following is the correct unit for velocity?

A. m/s

B. m/s²

C. km/h

D. Both A and C

Answer: D. Both m/s and km/h are commonly used units for velocity, as they express speed with direction.

Question 24: If an object’s velocity is changing, it must be:

A. Accelerating

B. Decelerating

C. At rest

D. Either A or B

Answer: D. A change in velocity can be due to either acceleration (speeding up) or deceleration (slowing down).

Question 25: A negative acceleration indicates:

A. The object is speeding up

B. The object is slowing down

C. The object is at rest

D. The object is moving with constant velocity

Answer: B. Negative acceleration, also known as deceleration or retardation, means the object’s velocity is decreasing.

Question 26: The slope of a distance-time graph represents:

A. Speed

B. Velocity

C. Acceleration

D. Displacement

Answer: A. The slope of a distance-time graph indicates how fast the distance is changing, which represents speed.

Question 27: A straight line with a positive slope on a distance-time graph indicates:

A. Uniform motion

B. Non-uniform motion

C. The object is at rest

D. The object is moving backwards

Answer: A. A positive slope signifies that the distance is increasing at a constant rate, which is characteristic of uniform motion.

Question 28: A horizontal line on a velocity-time graph indicates:

A. Uniform motion

B. Non-uniform motion

C. The object is at rest

D. The object is moving with constant velocity

Answer: D. A horizontal line on a velocity-time graph means the velocity is not changing, implying constant velocity.

Question 29: The area under a velocity-time graph represents:

A. Distance traveled

B. Displacement

C. Acceleration

D. Average velocity

Answer: B. The area under a velocity-time graph corresponds to the displacement of the object.

Question 30: If a velocity-time graph shows a line sloping downwards, it means the object is:

A. Accelerating

B. Decelerating

C. At rest

D. Moving with constant velocity

Answer: B. A downward slope on a velocity-time graph indicates that the velocity is decreasing, which means the object is decelerating.

Rate of Change of Velocity – Motion Class 9 MCQs

Question 31: Acceleration is defined as:

A. The rate of change of velocity

B. The rate of change of speed

C. The rate of change of distance

D. The rate of change of displacement

Answer: A. Acceleration measures how quickly the velocity of an object changes over time.

Question 32: Which of the following is an example of uniformly accelerated motion?

A. A car moving at a constant speed on a highway

B. A ball thrown vertically upwards

C. A pendulum swinging back and forth

D. A satellite orbiting the Earth

Answer: B. In free fall (like a ball thrown upwards), the acceleration due to gravity is constant, leading to uniformly accelerated motion.

Question 33: Non-uniform acceleration means:

A. The acceleration is constant

B. The acceleration is zero

C. The acceleration changes over time

D. The velocity is constant

Answer: C. Non-uniform acceleration implies that the rate of change of velocity is not constant.

Question 34: The SI unit of acceleration is:

A. m/s

B. m/s²

C. km/h²

D. km/s²

Answer: B. Acceleration is measured in meters per second squared (m/s²), representing the change in velocity per unit time.

Question 35: If an object’s velocity increases from 10 m/s to 30 m/s in 5 seconds, what is its acceleration?

A. 2 m/s²

B. 4 m/s²

C. 8 m/s²

D. 20 m/s²

Answer: B. Acceleration is calculated as (change in velocity)/(time taken). (30-10)/5 = 4 m/s²

Question 36: A car is moving with a velocity of 20 m/s and comes to rest in 4 seconds. What is its acceleration?

A. -5 m/s²

B. 5 m/s²

C. -20 m/s²

D. 20 m/s²

Answer: A. The final velocity is 0 m/s. Acceleration = (0-20)/4 = -5 m/s². The negative sign indicates deceleration.

Question 37: An object is thrown vertically upwards. At its highest point, its velocity is:

A. Maximum

B. Zero

C. Constant

D. Cannot be determined

Answer: B. At the highest point, the object momentarily stops before changing its direction, so its velocity is zero.

Question 38: The acceleration due to gravity is approximately:

A. 9.8 m/s²

B. 98 m/s²

C. 0.98 m/s²

D. 980 m/s²

Answer: A. The acceleration due to gravity near the Earth’s surface is approximately 9.8 m/s² downwards.

Question 39: In the absence of air resistance, all objects fall with:

A. The same acceleration

B. Different accelerations depending on their mass

C. Different accelerations depending on their shape

D. Different accelerations depending on their initial velocity

Answer: A. In a vacuum, all objects, regardless of their mass or shape, experience the same acceleration due to gravity.

Question 40: A ball is dropped from a height. Its velocity after 3 seconds will be:

A. 9.8 m/s

B. 19.6 m/s

C. 29.4 m/s

D. 39.2 m/s

Answer: C. Using v = u + at, where u=0, a= 9.8 m/s², and t=3s. v = 0 + 9.8×3 = 29.4 m/s

Question 41: A car accelerates uniformly from rest to a velocity of 50 m/s in 10 seconds. What is its acceleration?

A. 5 m/s²

B. 10 m/s²

C. 25 m/s²

D. 50 m/s²

Answer: A. Initial velocity (u) is 0. Acceleration = (50-0)/10 = 5 m/s²

Question 42: Which of the following is NOT an example of non-uniform acceleration?

A. A car speeding up on a highway

B. A ball rolling down an inclined plane

C. A train coming to a stop at a station

D. A ball thrown vertically upwards

Answer: D. A ball thrown upwards experiences a constant downward acceleration due to gravity, which is an example of uniform acceleration.

Question 43: The slope of a velocity-time graph for an object undergoing non-uniform acceleration is:

A. Constant

B. Changing

C. Zero

D. Cannot be determined

Answer: B. Non-uniform acceleration means the rate of change of velocity is not constant, so the slope of the velocity-time graph will also be changing.

Question 44: If an object’s acceleration is zero, it means:

A. The object is at rest

B. The object is moving with constant velocity

C. The object is speeding up

D. The object is slowing down

Answer: B. Zero acceleration implies that the velocity is not changing, so the object is either at rest or moving with constant velocity.

Question 45: Which of the following is the correct formula for average acceleration?

A. Average acceleration = (final velocity – initial velocity) / time

B. Average acceleration = (final velocity + initial velocity) / time

C. Average acceleration = (final velocity – initial velocity) x time

D. Average acceleration = (final velocity + initial velocity) x time

Answer: A. Average acceleration is calculated by dividing the change in velocity by the time taken for that change.

Graphical Representation of Motion – Motion Class 9 MCQs

Question 46: In a distance-time graph, a horizontal line represents:

A. Uniform motion

B. Non-uniform motion

C. The object is at rest

D. The object is moving with constant velocity

Answer: C. A horizontal line on a distance-time graph indicates that the distance remains constant, meaning the object is not moving or is at rest.

Question 47: The slope of a velocity-time graph represents:

A. Distance

B. Displacement

C. Acceleration

D. Speed

Answer: C. The slope of a velocity-time graph corresponds to the acceleration of the object.

Question 48: A curved line on a velocity-time graph signifies:

A. Uniform acceleration

B. Non-uniform acceleration

C. Constant velocity

D. The object is at rest

Answer: B. A curved line indicates that the velocity is changing at a non-constant rate, implying non-uniform acceleration.

Question 49: In a distance-time graph, a steeper slope indicates:

A. Higher speed

B. Lower speed

C. Constant speed

D. The object is at rest

Answer: A. A steeper slope means the distance is changing more rapidly, which corresponds to a higher speed.

Question 50: A straight line with a negative slope on a distance-time graph indicates:

A. The object is moving backwards

B. The object is at rest

C. The object is moving with constant velocity

D. The object is accelerating

Answer: A. A negative slope signifies that the distance is decreasing, which implies the object is moving back towards its starting point.

Question 51: The area under a velocity-time graph represents:

A. Distance traveled

B. Displacement

C. Acceleration

D. Average velocity

Answer: B. The area under a velocity-time graph corresponds to the displacement of the object.

Question 52: If a velocity-time graph shows a line parallel to the time axis, it means the object is:

A. Accelerating

B. Decelerating

C. At rest

D. Moving with constant velocity

Answer: D. A line parallel to the time axis indicates that the velocity remains constant, implying uniform motion.

Question 53: A velocity-time graph can be used to determine:

A. The acceleration of the object

B. The displacement of the object

C. The distance traveled by the object

D. All of the above

Answer: D. A velocity-time graph provides information about acceleration (slope), displacement (area under the graph), and distance traveled (by considering the magnitudes of areas under the graph, even if they are negative). 

Question 54: In a distance-time graph for non-uniform motion, the line will be:

A. Straight

B. Curved

C. Horizontal

D. Vertical

Answer: B. Non-uniform motion implies varying speed, so the distance will not change at a constant rate, resulting in a curved line.

Question 55: A velocity-time graph for an object moving with uniform acceleration will be:

A. A straight line parallel to the time axis

B. A straight line sloping upwards

C. A straight line sloping downwards

D. A curved line

Answer: B. Uniform acceleration means the velocity is increasing at a constant rate, leading to a straight line with a positive slope.

Question 56: If the velocity-time graph is a curve sloping downwards and then becomes horizontal, it indicates:

A. The object is accelerating and then comes to rest

B. The object is decelerating and then moves with constant velocity

C. The object is moving with constant velocity and then accelerates

D. The object is at rest and then starts moving

Answer: B. The downward slope represents deceleration, and the horizontal line signifies constant velocity after the deceleration.

Question 57: The slope of a distance-time graph for an object at rest is:

A. Zero

B. Positive

C. Negative

D. Cannot be determined

Answer: A. An object at rest has a constant distance, so the distance-time graph will be a horizontal line with zero slope.

Question 58: Which of the following graphs represents an object moving with non-uniform velocity but uniform acceleration?

A. A curved distance-time graph

B. A straight line sloping upwards on a velocity-time graph

C. A curved velocity-time graph

D. A horizontal line on a velocity-time graph

Answer: C. Non-uniform velocity means the speed is changing, but uniform acceleration implies the rate of change of velocity is constant. This results in a curved velocity-time graph.

Question 59: If a car is moving with a velocity of 30 m/s and accelerates uniformly at 2 m/s² for 5 seconds, its final velocity will be:

A. 30 m/s

B. 32 m/s

C. 40 m/s

D. 50 m/s

Answer: C. Using v = u + at, where u=30 m/s, a = 2 m/s², and t= 5s. v = 30 + 2×5 = 40 m/s

Question 60: The distance covered by a freely falling object in the first 4 seconds is:

A. 4.9 m

B. 19.6 m

C. 39.2 m

D. 78.4 m

Answer: D. Using s = ut + ½at², where u=0, a=9.8 m/s², and t=4s. s = 0 + ½ x 9.8 x 4² = 78.4 m

Equations of Motion – Motion Class 9 MCQs

Question 61: Which of the following equations of motion relates final velocity (v), initial velocity (u), acceleration (a), and time (t)?

A. v = u + at

B. s = ut + ½at²

C. 2as = v² – u²

D. None of the above

Answer: A. The equation v = u + at describes the relationship between final velocity, initial velocity, acceleration, and time.

Question 62: In the equation s = ut + ½at², what does ‘s’ represent?

A. Displacement

B. Distance

C. Speed

D. Velocity

Answer: A. ‘s’ in this equation stands for displacement, which is the change in position.

Question 63: The equation 2as = v² – u² is used to:

A. Calculate the time taken

B. Calculate the acceleration

C. Relate displacement, initial velocity, final velocity, and acceleration

D. Relate distance, initial velocity, final velocity, and acceleration

Answer: C. This equation connects displacement (s), initial velocity (u), final velocity (v), and acceleration (a) without involving time.

Question 64: A car starts from rest and accelerates uniformly at 3 m/s² for 8 seconds. What distance does it cover in this time?

A. 24 m

B. 48 m

C. 96 m

D. 192 m

Answer: C. Using s = ut + ½at², where u=0, a=3 m/s², and t=8s. s= 0 + ½ x 3 x 8² = 96 m

Question 65: A train is moving with a velocity of 72 km/h. It applies brakes and decelerates uniformly at 2 m/s². How much time will it take to come to rest?

A. 5 seconds

B. 10 seconds

C. 20 seconds

D. 40 seconds

Answer: B. First convert 72 km/h to m/s (72 x 5/18 = 20 m/s). Using v = u + at, where v=0, u=20 m/s and a = -2 m/s² (deceleration). 0 = 20 – 2t, so t = 10 seconds (Motion Class 9 MCQs – Best 100 MCQs by

Question 66: A ball is thrown vertically upwards with an initial velocity of 20 m/s. What is the maximum height it reaches?

A. 10 m

B. 20 m

C. 30 m

D. 40 m

Answer: B. At maximum height, v=0. Using v² – u² = 2as, 0 – 20² = 2 x -9.8 x s (a = -9.8 m/s² due to gravity acting downwards). s = 20.4 m (approximately 20 m) (Motion Class 9 MCQs – Best 100 MCQs by

Question 67: Which of the following equations is NOT an equation of motion?

A. v = u + at

B. s = ut + ½at²

C. 2as = v² – u²

D. F = ma

Answer: D. F = ma is Newton’s second law of motion, not one of the kinematic equations of motion.

Question 68: The equations of motion are applicable only for:

A. Uniform motion

B. Uniformly accelerated motion

C. Non-uniform motion

D. All types of motion

Answer: B. The standard equations of motion assume constant acceleration. (Motion Class 9 MCQs – Best 100 MCQs by

Question 69: A stone is dropped from a cliff. Which of the following graphs represents its motion correctly?

A. A straight line sloping upwards on a distance-time graph

B. A straight line sloping downwards on a distance-time graph

C. A curved line sloping upwards on a distance-time graph

D. A curved line sloping downwards on a distance-time graph

Answer: C. The distance covered by a freely falling object increases at an increasing rate due to acceleration, resulting in a curved line sloping upwards on a distance-time graph. (Motion Class 9 MCQs – Best 100 MCQs by

Question 70: A car is traveling at 36 km/h. It accelerates uniformly to 72 km/h in 5 seconds. What is its acceleration?

A. 1 m/s²

B. 2 m/s²

C. 3 m/s²

D. 4 m/s²

Answer: B. Convert km/h to m/s: 36 km/h = 10 m/s, 72 km/h = 20 m/s. Acceleration = (20-10)/5 = 2 m/s²

Question 71: An object is moving with a velocity of 15 m/s. It decelerates uniformly at 3 m/s². How much distance will it cover before coming to rest?

A. 3.75 m

B. 7.5 m

C. 37.5 m

D. 75 m

Answer: C. Final velocity (v) is 0. Using v² – u² = 2as, 0 – 15² = 2 x -3 x s. s = 37.5 m (Motion Class 9 MCQs – Best 100 MCQs by

Question 72: A ball is thrown vertically upwards and returns to the thrower’s hand after 6 seconds. What was its initial velocity?

A. 15 m/s

B. 30 m/s

C. 45 m/s

D. 60 m/s

Answer: B. Total time of flight is 6 seconds, so time to reach maximum height is 3 seconds. At max height, v=0. Using v = u + at, 0 = u – 9.8 x 3. u = 29.4 m/s (approximately 3 30 m/s) (Motion Class 9 MCQs – Best 100 MCQs by

Question 73: A train starts from rest and accelerates uniformly at 0.5 m/s² for 30 seconds. It then travels at a constant speed for 2 minutes. Finally, it decelerates uniformly at 1 m/s² until it comes to rest. What is the total distance covered by the train?

A. 1125 m

B. 2250 m

C. 3375 m

D. 4500 m

Answer: C. This question involves multiple stages. 

* Acceleration: u=0, a=0.5 m/s², t=30s. Find distance (s₁) using s = ut + ½at²

* Constant speed: Find final velocity (v) after acceleration using v = u + at. Then, distance (s₂) = v x time (2 minutes = 120 seconds)

* Deceleration: u = v (from previous step), v=0, a = -1 m/s². Find distance (s₃) using v² – u² = 2as

* Total distance = s₁ + s₂ + s₃ 

Question 74: Which of the following statements is true about the equations of motion?

A. They can be used to describe the motion of objects with non-uniform acceleration.

B. They are derived from Newton’s laws of motion.

C. They can only be applied to objects moving in a straight line.

D. They are independent of the initial conditions of the object.

Answer: B. The equations of motion are derived from the fundamental principles of Newton’s laws of motion. (Motion Class 9 MCQs – Best 100 MCQs by

Question 75: A car is moving with a velocity of 20 m/s. It decelerates uniformly at 4 m/s². How far will it travel before coming to rest?

A. 10 m

B. 25 m

C. 50 m

D. 100 m

Answer: C. Final velocity (v) is 0. Using v² – u² = 2as, 0 – 20² = 2 x -4 x s. s = 50 m (Motion Class 9 MCQs – Best 100 MCQs by

Question 76: An object is dropped from a tower. It hits the ground after 5 seconds. What is the height of the tower?

A. 24.5 m

B. 49 m

C. 122.5 m

D. 245 m

Answer: C. u=0, a=9.8 m/s², t=5s. Using s = ut + ½at², s = 0 + ½ x 9.8 x 5² = 122.5 m (Motion Class 9 MCQs – Best 100 MCQs by

Question 77: A ball is thrown vertically upwards with an initial velocity ‘u’. What is its velocity at the highest point?

A. u

B. 0

C. -u

D. Cannot be determined

Answer: B. At the highest point, the ball momentarily stops before changing its direction, so its velocity is zero. (Motion Class 9 MCQs – Best 100 MCQs by

Question 78: A car starts from rest and accelerates uniformly at 2 m/s² for 10 seconds. It then maintains a constant velocity for 30 seconds. Finally, it decelerates uniformly at 4 m/s² until it comes to rest. What is the total time taken for the journey?

A. 40 seconds

B. 50 seconds

C. 60 seconds

D. 70 seconds

Answer: B. 

* Acceleration: t₁ = 10s

* Constant velocity: t₂ = 30s

* Deceleration: Find final velocity (v) after acceleration using v = u + at. Then find time (t₃) for deceleration using v = u + at (where final v = 0)

* Total time = t₁ + t₂ + t₃

Question 79: Which of the following is the correct unit for displacement?

A. m

B. m/s

C. m/s²

D. kg

Answer: A. Displacement is a measure of distance in a specific direction, so its unit is meters (m). (Motion Class 9 MCQs – Best 100 MCQs by

Question 80: The equations of motion can be used to calculate:

A. The final velocity of an object

B. The distance covered by an object

C. The time taken for an object to reach a certain velocity

D. All of the above

Answer: D. The equations of motion provide relationships between various kinematic quantities, allowing us to calculate final velocity, distance, time, and even acceleration in certain cases. (Motion Class 9 MCQs – Best 100 MCQs by

Uniform Circular Motion – Motion Class 9 MCQs

Question 81: Understanding circular motion as accelerated motion even with constant speed

A. The speed is constant, but the velocity changes

B. The velocity is constant, but the speed changes

C. Both speed and velocity are constant

D. Both speed and velocity change

Answer: A. Uniform circular motion involves constant speed, but the direction of motion keeps changing, leading to a change in velocity. (Motion Class 9 MCQs – Best 100 MCQs by

Question 82: Which of the following is an example of uniform circular motion?

A. A car moving in a straight line at a constant speed

B. A ball thrown vertically upwards

C. A satellite orbiting the Earth

D. A freely falling object

Answer: C. A satellite in orbit maintains a nearly constant speed while continuously changing its direction, exhibiting uniform circular motion. (Motion Class 9 MCQs – Best 100 MCQs by

Question 83: In uniform circular motion, the acceleration is directed towards:

A. The center of the circle

B. The tangent to the circle

C. The direction of motion

D. Opposite to the direction of motion

Answer: A. The acceleration in uniform circular motion, known as centripetal acceleration, always points towards the center of the circular path. (Motion Class 9 MCQs – Best 100 MCQs by

Question 84: The velocity of an object in uniform circular motion is:

A. Constant in magnitude and direction

B. Constant in magnitude but changing in direction

C. Changing in magnitude but constant in direction

D. Changing in both magnitude and direction

Answer: B. The speed remains constant, but the direction of motion continuously changes, leading to a change in velocity. (Motion Class 9 MCQs – Best 100 MCQs by

Question 85: The time taken for one complete revolution in uniform circular motion is called the:

A. Period

B. Frequency

C. Wavelength

D. Amplitude

Answer: A. The period is the time it takes for the object to complete one full circle. (Motion Class 9 MCQs – Best 100 MCQs by

Question 86: The number of revolutions per unit time in uniform circular motion is called the:

A. Period

B. Frequency

C. Wavelength

D. Amplitude

Answer: B. Frequency is the number of complete cycles or revolutions per second. (Motion Class 9 MCQs – Best 100 MCQs by

Question 87: The formula for centripetal acceleration is:

A. a = v²/r

B. a = v/r

C. a = r/v²

D. a = r/v

Answer: A. Centripetal acceleration is calculated as the square of the velocity divided by the radius of the circular path. (Motion Class 9 MCQs – Best 100 MCQs by

Question 88: A cyclist is riding a bicycle on a circular track of radius 50 meters at a speed of 10 m/s. What is the centripetal acceleration experienced by the cyclist?

A. 0.2 m/s²

B. 0.5 m/s²

C. 2 m/s²

D. 5 m/s²

Answer: C. Using a = v²/r, a = 10²/50 = 2 m/s² (Motion Class 9 MCQs – Best 100 MCQs by

Question 89: Which of the following is NOT an example of uniform circular motion?

A. The motion of the Moon around the Earth

B. The motion of a car on a curved road at a constant speed

C. The motion of a ceiling fan

D. The motion of a pendulum

Answer: D. A pendulum’s motion is oscillatory, not uniform circular motion. (Motion Class 9 MCQs – Best 100 MCQs by

Question 90: In uniform circular motion, the force responsible for keeping the object in its circular path is called:

A. Centripetal force

B. Centrifugal force

C. Gravitational force

D. Frictional force

Answer: A. The centripetal force acts towards the center of the circle and is necessary to maintain the circular motion. (Motion Class 9 MCQs – Best 100 MCQs by

Question 91: The centripetal force acting on a satellite orbiting the Earth is provided by:

A. The Earth’s gravity

B. The satellite’s engines

C. The solar wind

D. The Earth’s magnetic field

Answer: A. The Earth’s gravitational pull acts as the centripetal force, keeping the satellite in its orbit. (Motion Class 9 MCQs – Best 100 MCQs by

Question 92: If the speed of an object in uniform circular motion is doubled, its centripetal acceleration will:

A. Remain the same

B. Double

C. Become four times

D. Become half

Answer: C. Centripetal acceleration is directly proportional to the square of the velocity. If velocity doubles, acceleration becomes four times. (Motion Class 9 MCQs – Best 100 MCQs by

Question 93: If the radius of the circular path in uniform circular motion is halved, the centripetal acceleration will:

A. Remain the same

B. Double

C. Become four times

D. Become half

Answer: B . Centripetal acceleration is inversely proportional to the radius. If the radius is halved, the acceleration doubles. (Motion Class 9 MCQs – Best 100 MCQs by

Question 94: A stone tied to a string is whirled in a horizontal circle. If the string breaks, the stone will:

A. Continue to move in a circular path

B. Move radially outwards

C. Move radially inwards

D. Move tangentially to the circle

Answer: D. If the string breaks, the centripetal force is removed. The stone will then continue to move in the direction of its instantaneous velocity, which is tangential to the circle at the point of breakage. (Motion Class 9 MCQs – Best 100 MCQs by

Question 95: The frequency of an object in uniform circular motion is 2 Hz. What is its period?

A. 0.25 seconds

B. 0.5 seconds

C. 2 seconds

D. 4 seconds

Answer: B. Period (T) and frequency (f) are related by T = 1/f. So, T = 1/2 = 0.5 seconds (Motion Class 9 MCQs – Best 100 MCQs by

Question 96: The velocity of an object in uniform circular motion is always:

A. Perpendicular to the radius of the circle

B. Parallel to the radius of the circle

C. At an angle of 45 degrees to the radius

D. Cannot be determined

Answer: A. The instantaneous velocity is always tangential to the circular path, which is perpendicular to the radius at that point. (Motion Class 9 MCQs – Best 100 MCQs by

Question 97: The centripetal force required to keep an object of mass ‘m’ moving with velocity ‘v’ in a circular path of radius ‘r’ is:

A. mv²/r

B. mv/r

C. mr/v²

D. mr/v

Answer: A. The formula for centripetal force is F = mv²/r (Motion Class 9 MCQs – Best 100 MCQs by

Question 98: A car is taking a turn on a curved road. The centripetal force required for this turn is provided by:

A. The engine of the car

B. The friction between the tires and the road

C. The gravitational force

D. The air resistance

Answer: B. The frictional force between the tires and the road acts towards the center of the curve, providing the necessary centripetal force. (Motion Class 9 MCQs – Best 100 MCQs by

Question 99: If the mass of an object in uniform circular motion is doubled, keeping the velocity and radius constant, the centripetal force required will:

A. Remain the same

B. Double

C. Become four times

D. Become half

Answer: B. Centripetal force is directly proportional to the mass of the object. If mass doubles, the force also doubles. (Motion Class 9 MCQs – Best 100 MCQs by

Question 100: The motion of the Earth around its axis is an example of:

A. Uniform circular motion

B. Non-uniform circular motion

C. Rotational motion

D. Both A and C

Answer: D. The Earth’s rotation is approximately uniform circular motion, and it’s also a type of rotational motion. (Motion Class 9 MCQs – Best 100 MCQs by

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