Java MCQ 100 Question Answer

Java MCQ 100 Question Answer. These 100 Multiple Choice Questions on Java will help you score full marks in your exam and interview.

Introduction to Java: Java MCQ 100 Question Answer

What is Java?

Question 1: Java was initially developed for:

A. Desktop applications

B. Interactive television

C. Mobile devices

D. Web servers

Answer: B. Interactive television. Java was initially called Oak and designed for interactive television, but it was not successful. Later, it was redesigned for internet programming. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Question 2: Which of the following statements is true about Java?

A. Java is a procedural programming language.

B. Java is a platform-dependent language.

C. Java is an interpreted language.

D. Java is an object-oriented programming language.

Answer: D. Java is an object-oriented programming language. It follows the principles of OOPs like encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Question 3: Who developed Java?

A. James Gosling

B. Bjarne Stroustrup

C. Guido van Rossum

D. Dennis Ritchie

Answer: A. James Gosling. He is known as the father of Java. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Features of Java

Question 4: What makes Java “write once, run anywhere”?

A. Platform independence

B. Object-oriented nature

C. Automatic garbage collection

D. Multithreading

Answer: A. Platform independence. Java code is compiled into bytecode, which can run on any platform with a Java Virtual Machine (JVM). (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Question 5: Which feature of Java allows code reusability?

A. Platform independence

B. Object-oriented nature

C. Automatic garbage collection

D. Multithreading

Answer: B. Object-oriented nature. OOP concepts like inheritance allow code reusabilit. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Question 6:  Java’s ability to handle multiple tasks concurrently is known as:

A. Platform independence

B. Object-oriented nature

C. Automatic garbage collection

D. Multithreading

Answer: D. Multithreading. Java allows multiple threads to execute simultaneously within a program. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Different editions of Java

Question 7: Which Java edition is used for developing enterprise-level applications?

A. Java SE

B. Java EE

C. Java ME

D. Java FX

Answer: B. Java EE. Java EE provides APIs and runtime environments for enterprise applications. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Question 8: Which Java edition is used for developing applications for resource-constrained devices?

A. Java SE

B. Java EE

C. Java ME

D. Java FX

Answer: C. Java ME. Java ME is designed for mobile devices and embedded systems with limited resources. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Understanding the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and bytecode

Question 9: What is the role of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM)?

A. Compiling Java code into machine code

B. Executing Java bytecode

C. Writing Java code

D. Debugging Java code

Answer: B. Executing Java bytecode. The JVM provides the runtime environment for Java applications. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Question 10: What is the output of the Java compiler?

A. Source code

B. Bytecode

C. Machine code

D. Executable file

Answer: B. Bytecode. The compiler translates Java source code into bytecode, which is then executed by the JVM. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Setting up the Java Development Environment

Question 11:  Which of the following is the core component of the Java Development Kit (JDK)?

A. Java Runtime Environment (JRE)

B. Java Virtual Machine (JVM)

C. Java compiler

D. All of the above

Answer: D. All of the above. The JDK includes the JRE, JVM, and compiler, along with other tools. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Question 12: What is the command used to compile a Java program from the command line?

A. java

B. javac

C. javadoc

D. jar

Answer: B. javac. The javac command compiles source code into bytecode. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Question 13:  What does JDK stand for?

A. Java Development Kit

B. Java Deployment Kit

C. Java Design Kit

D. Java Debugging Kit

Answer: A. Java Development Kit. It provides the necessary tools to develop Java applications. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Setting up environment variables

Question 14:  Which environment variable is used to specify the location of the Java compiler?





Answer: A. PATH. The PATH variable tells the operating system where to find executable files, including the Java compiler. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Question 15:  What is the purpose of the CLASSPATH environment variable?

A. To specify the location of the Java compiler

B. To specify the location of Java class files

C. To specify the location of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE)

D. To specify the location of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM)

Answer: B. To specify the location of Java class files. The CLASSPATH helps the JVM find and load class files. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Question 16:  Which of the following is NOT a common way to set environment variables?

A. Through the command line

B. Through system properties

C. Through an IDE’s settings

D. Through a web browser

Answer: D. Through a web browser. Environment variables are set at the operating system level. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by
Java MCQ 100 Question Answer

Introduction to Integrated Development Environments (IDEs)

Question 17: Which of the following is a popular IDE for Java development?

A. Eclipse

B. IntelliJ IDEA

C. NetBeans

D. All of the above

Answer: D. All of the above. These are widely used IDEs that provide features like code completion, debugging, and project management. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Question 18:  What is the primary advantage of using an IDE for Java development?

A. It provides a text editor to write code.

B. It helps in compiling and running Java code.

C. It offers tools for debugging and testing.

D. All of the above

Answer: D. All of the above. IDEs streamline the development process with various helpful features. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Question 19:  Which IDE is known for its intelligent code completion and refactoring capabilities?

A. Eclipse

B. IntelliJ IDEA

C. NetBeans

D. Visual Studio Code

Answer: B. IntelliJ IDEA. It is highly regarded for its intelligent code assistance and developer ergonomics. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Question 20:  Which of the following is NOT a feature typically found in Java IDEs?

A. Code editor with syntax highlighting

B. Built-in debugger

C. Version control integration

D. Web server deployment

Answer: D. Web server deployment. While some IDEs offer deployment tools, it’s not a core feature. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Java Fundamentals: Java MCQ 100 Question Answer

Basic Syntax and Data Types

Question 21: What is the entry point for execution in a Java program?

A. main method

B. class definition

C. import statement

D. package declaration

Answer: A. main method. The JVM starts execution from the `public static void main(String[] args)` method. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Question 22:  What is the correct syntax for declaring a class in Java?

A. `classname { }`

B. `class classname { }`

C. `public class classname { }`

D. `Class classname { }`

Answer: B. `class classname { }`. This is the basic syntax for declaring a class, though `public` is often used for accessibilit. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Question 23:  Which keyword is used to define a method in Java?

A. method

B. function

C. void

D. define

Answer: C. void.  While not strictly defining the method, `void` is a common return type and part of method declarations. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Question 24:  Which of the following is NOT a primitive data type in Java?

A. int

B. String

C. boolean

D. double

Answer: B. String. String is a reference type, not a primitive data type. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Question 25:  What is the default value of an int variable in Java?

A. 0

B. 1

C. null

D. undefined

Answer: A. 0.  Integer variables are initialized to 0 by default. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Question 26:  Which data type is used to store single characters in Java?

A. char

B. string

C. character

D. text

Answer: A. char.  The `char` data type stores single characters enclosed in single quotes. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Question 27:  Which data type is used to store decimal numbers in Java?

A. int

B. float

C. double

D. long

Answer: C. double. `double` provides higher precision for floating-point numbers compared to `float`. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Question 28:  What is the size of a boolean variable in Java?

A. 1 byte

B. 2 bytes

C. 4 bytes

D. JVM dependent

Answer: D. JVM dependent. The size of a boolean is not explicitly defined in the Java specification. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by


Question 29:  Which operator is used to add two numbers in Java?

A. +

B. –

C. *

D. /

Answer: A. +.  The plus sign is the addition operator. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Question 30:  Which operator is used to compare two values for equality in Java?

A. =

B. ==

C. !=

D. >

Answer: B. ==. Double equals checks for equality, while a single equals is for assignment. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Question 31:  Which operator is used to perform logical AND in Java?

A. &

B. &&

C. |

D. ||

Answer: B. &&.  This is the logical AND operator. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Question 32:  Which operator is used to perform a bitwise complement in Java?

A. ~

B. !

C. ^

D. <<

Answer: A. ~. The tilde performs a bitwise complement. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Question 33:  What is the result of 10 % 3 in Java?

A. 0

B. 1

C. 3

D. 10

Answer: B. 1. The modulo operator (%) gives the remainder after division. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Type Casting and Conversions

Question 34:  What is the process of converting a larger data type to a smaller data type called?

A. Implicit casting

B. Explicit casting

C. Type promotion

D. Type demotion

Answer: B. Explicit casting.  This requires manually specifying the conversion. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Question 35:  What happens when you try to assign a double value to an int variable without casting?

A. The code compiles without error.

B. A runtime error occurs.

C. A compile-time error occurs.

D. The double value is truncated to fit into the int variable.

Answer: C. A compile-time error occurs.  Java requires explicit casting for potential data loss. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Control Flow Statements

Question 36: Which statement is used to execute a block of code based on a condition?

A. `for` loop

B. `while` loop

C. `if-else` statement

D. `switch` statement

Answer: C. `if-else` statement. It allows for conditional execution of code blocks. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Question 37: Which statement allows you to choose from multiple code blocks based on the value of an expression?

A. `for` loop

B. `while` loop

C. `if-else` statement

D. `switch` statement

Answer: D. `switch` statement. It provides a way to execute different code blocks based on different cases. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Question 38: What is the keyword used to indicate the default case in a `switch` statement?

A. `else`

B. `default`

C. `case`

D. `otherwise`

Answer: B. `default`. The `default` case is executed if none of the other cases match. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Question 39: Which loop is used when the number of iterations is known beforehand?

A. `for` loop

B. `while` loop

C. `do-while` loop

D. `foreach` loop

Answer: A. `for` loop. It is ideal for situations where the number of iterations is predetermined. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Question 40: Which loop executes the code block at least once, even if the condition is initially false?

A. `for` loop

B. `while` loop

C. `do-while` loop

D. `foreach` loop

Answer: C. `do-while` loop. The condition is checked after the first iteration. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Question 41: Which statement is used to exit a loop prematurely?

A. `break`

B. `continue`

C. `exit`

D. `return`

Answer: A. `break`. It terminates the loop and transfers control to the statement after the loop. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Question 42: Which statement is used to skip the current iteration of a loop and proceed to the next?

A. `break`

B. `continue`

C. `skip`

D. `next`

Answer: B. `continue`. It jumps to the next iteration of the loop without executing the remaining code in the current iteration. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Concepts

Classes and Objects

Question 43: What is a blueprint or template that defines the characteristics and behavior of objects?

A. Class

B. Object

C. Method

D. Variable

Answer: A. Class. A class provides the structure for creating objects. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Question 44: What is an instance of a class?

A. Object

B. Method

C. Variable

D. Constructor

Answer: A. Object. An object is a concrete realization of a class. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Question 45: Which keyword is used to create an object in Java?

A. `class`

B. `new`

C. `object`

D. `instance`

Answer: B. `new`. The `new` keyword allocates memory and initializes an object. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Question 46: What are variables declared within a class called?

A. Instance variables

B. Local variables

C. Class variables

D. Global variables

Answer: A. Instance variables. They represent the state of an object. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Question 47: What are functions defined within a class called?

A. Methods

B. Procedures

C. Functions

D. Subroutines

Answer: A. Methods. They define the behavior of an object. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Question 48:  Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of instance variables?

A. They are declared inside a class.

B. They are associated with each object of the class.

C. They are accessible from any other class.

D. They have default values if not explicitly initialized.

Answer: C. They are accessible from any other class. Access modifiers control the visibility of instance variables. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Access Modifiers

Question 49: Which access modifier makes a member accessible only within the same class?

A. `public`

B. `private`

C. `protected`

D. `default`

Answer: B. `private`. Private members are restricted to the class they are declared in. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Question 50: Which access modifier makes a member accessible within the same package and to subclasses?

A. `public`

B. `private`

C. `protected`

D. `default`

Answer: C. `protected`. Protected members have limited accessibilit. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Question 51: Which access modifier makes a member accessible from any other class?

A. `public`

B. `private`

C. `protected`

D. `default`

Answer: A. `public`. Public members have the widest scope of accessibilit. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by


Question 52:  What is a special method used to initialize objects?

A. Constructor

B. Method

C. Class

D.  Initializer

Answer: A. Constructor. It has the same name as the class and is called when an object is created. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Question 53:  What happens if a class does not have an explicitly defined constructor?

A. A compile-time error occurs.

B. A default constructor is provided by the compiler.

C. The class cannot be instantiated.

D. The superclass constructor is called.

Answer: B. A default constructor is provided by the compiler. It takes no arguments and initializes instance variables to their default values. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by


Question 54: What is the mechanism by which a class acquires the properties and behaviors of another class?

A. Encapsulation

B. Inheritance

C. Polymorphism

D. Abstraction

Answer: B. Inheritance. It allows code reusability and establishes an “is-a” relationship between classes. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Question 55: What is the class being inherited from called?

A. Subclass

B. Superclass

C. Parent class

D. Both B and C

Answer: D. Both B and C. Superclass and parent class are synonymous terms. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Question 56: Which type of inheritance involves a single parent class and a single child class?

A. Single inheritance

B. Multilevel inheritance

C. Hierarchical inheritance

D. Multiple inheritance

Answer: A. Single inheritance. It represents a direct inheritance relationship. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Question 57: Which type of inheritance involves a chain of inheritance where a class inherits from another class, which in turn inherits from another class?

A. Single inheritance

B. Multilevel inheritance

C. Hierarchical inheritance

D. Multiple inheritance

Answer: B. Multilevel inheritance. It forms a hierarchy of classes. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Question 58: Which type of inheritance involves a single parent class having multiple child classes?

A. Single inheritance

B. Multilevel inheritance

C. Hierarchical inheritance

D. Multiple inheritance

Answer: C. Hierarchical inheritance. It creates a tree-like structure of inheritance. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Overriding Methods

Question 59: What is the process of redefining a method in a subclass that is already defined in its superclass?

A. Method overloading

B. Method overriding

C. Method hiding

D. Method delegation

Answer: B. Method overriding. It allows a subclass to provide a specific implementation of a method inherited from its superclass. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Question 60: Which annotation is used to indicate that a method overrides a method in its superclass?

A. `@Override`

B. `@Overload`

C. `@Inherited`

D. `@OverrideMethod`

Answer: A. `@Override`. It is a marker annotation that helps prevent errors and improves code readabilit. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

The super keyword

Question 61: Which keyword is used to refer to the immediate parent class in Java?

A. `this`

B. `super`

C. `parent`

D. `base`

Answer: B. `super`. It provides access to members of the superclass. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Question 62: Which of the following can be accessed using the `super` keyword?

A. Instance variables of the superclass

B. Methods of the superclass

C. Constructors of the superclass

D. All of the above

Answer: D. All of the above. The `super` keyword allows access to various members of the superclass. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Concepts (Cont.)


Question 63: What is the ability of an object to take on many forms?

A. Encapsulation

B. Inheritance

C. Polymorphism

D. Abstraction

Answer: C. Polymorphism. It allows objects of different classes to be treated as objects of a common type. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Question 64:  Which of the following is an example of compile-time polymorphism?

A. Method overriding

B. Method overloading

C. Dynamic binding

D. Interface implementation

Answer: B. Method overloading.  The compiler determines which method to call based on the number and types of arguments. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Question 65:  Which of the following is an example of runtime polymorphism?

A. Method overriding

B. Method overloading

C. Constructor overloading

D. Static method invocation

Answer: A. Method overriding. The JVM determines which overridden method to call at runtime. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Question 66: What is the mechanism by which the appropriate method to be called is determined at runtime?

A. Static binding

B. Dynamic binding

C. Method resolution

D.  Compile-time binding

Answer: B. Dynamic binding. It allows for flexibility and extensibility in object-oriented programming. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Question 67: Which of the following is NOT related to dynamic binding?

A. Method overriding

B. Inheritance

C. Method overloading

D. Abstract classes

Answer: C. Method overloading. Method overloading is resolved at compile time. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Abstract Classes and Interfaces

Question 68: What is a class that cannot be instantiated and is meant to be subclassed?

A. Concrete class

B. Abstract class

C. Interface

D. Final class

Answer: B. Abstract class. It can have abstract methods (methods without a body) that must be implemented by its subclasses. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Question 69:  What is a blueprint that defines a set of methods that a class must implement?

A. Concrete class

B. Abstract class

C. Interface

D. Final class

Answer: C. Interface. It provides a contract that classes must adhere to. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Question 70: Which keyword is used to declare an interface in Java?

A. `class`

B. `abstract`

C. `interface`

D. `implements`

Answer: C. `interface`. This keyword defines an interface. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Working with Data: Java MCQ 100 Question Answer


Question 71: What is a container that stores a fixed number of elements of the same data type?

A. Array

B. List

C. Set

D. Map

Answer: A. Array. Arrays provide a contiguous block of memory to store elements. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Question 72:  Which of the following is the correct way to declare an array in Java?

A. `int array[5];`

B. `int[] array = new int[5];`

C. `int array = new int[5];`

D. `array{5};`

Answer: B. `int[] array = new int[5];`. This declares an integer array named “array” with a size of 5. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Question 73: How do you access the first element of an array named “array” in Java?

A. `array[1]`

B. `array[0]`

C. `array.first()`

D. `array.get(0)`

Answer: B. `array[0]`. Array indices start from 0 in Java. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Question 74: What is the length of an array named “array” in Java?

A. `array.length()`

B. `array.length`

C. `array.size()`

D. `array.size`

Answer: B. `array.length`. The `length` field provides the number of elements in the arra. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Question 75: What is an array that contains other arrays as its elements?

A. Single-dimensional array

B. Multidimensional array

C. Jagged array

D. Both B and C

Answer: D. Both B and C. Multidimensional arrays can be regular (rectangular) or jagged (irregular). (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Question 76: How do you declare a two-dimensional array in Java?

A. `int[][] matrix = new int[3][4];`

B. `int matrix[][] = new int[3][4];`

C. `int[3][4] matrix;`

D. Both A and B

Answer: D. Both A and B. Both syntaxes are valid for declaring a two-dimensional arra. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by


Question 77: Which of the following is NOT a valid String method in Java?

A. `length()`

B. `concat()`

C. `substring()`

D. `append()`

Answer: D. `append()`. The `append()` method is associated with StringBuilder and StringBuffer, not String. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Question 78:  What does the `toUpperCase()` method do?

A. Converts a string to lowercase

B. Converts a string to uppercase

C. Returns the length of a string

D.  Compares two strings

Answer: B. Converts a string to uppercase. It returns a new string with all characters in uppercase. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Question 79: What does it mean that Strings are immutable in Java?

A. Strings cannot be changed after they are created.

B. Strings can be modified after they are created.

C. Strings can be null.

D. Strings can be empty.

Answer: A. Strings cannot be changed after they are created. Any modification to a String creates a new String object. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Question 80:  Which of the following classes is mutable and can be used to efficiently manipulate strings?

A. `String`

B. `StringBuilder`

C. `StringBuffer`

D. Both B and C

Answer: D. Both B and C. StringBuilder and StringBuffer are mutable alternatives to String. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Question 81: What is the main difference between `StringBuilder` and `StringBuffer`?

A. `StringBuilder` is thread-safe, while `StringBuffer` is not.

B. `StringBuffer` is thread-safe, while `StringBuilder` is not.

C. `StringBuilder` is immutable, while `StringBuffer` is mutable.

D. `StringBuffer` is immutable, while `StringBuilder` is mutable.

Answer: B. `StringBuffer` is thread-safe, while `StringBuilder` is not. StringBuffer is synchronized, making it suitable for multithreaded environments. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Question 82: Which class is generally preferred for single-threaded string manipulation due to its performance advantage?

A. `String`

B. `StringBuilder`

C. `StringBuffer`

D. None of the above

Answer: B. `StringBuilder`. It offers better performance in single-threaded scenarios as it is not synchronized. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Advanced Concepts

Exception Handling

Question 83: What is an abnormal event that disrupts the normal flow of a program?

A. Error

B. Exception

C. Bug

D. Fault

Answer: B. Exception. Exceptions are events that occur during program execution and can be handled to prevent crashes. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Question 84: Which of the following is NOT a common type of exception in Java?

A. `IOException`

B. `ArithmeticException`

C. `NullPointerException`

D. `ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException`

Answer: A. `IOException`. `IOException` deals with input/output operations, while the others are runtime exceptions. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Question 85: What is the purpose of exception handling?

A. To prevent the program from crashing

B. To gracefully handle errors

C. To provide informative error messages

D. All of the above

Answer: D. All of the above. Exception handling improves program robustness and user experience. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Question 86: Which block is used to enclose the code that might throw an exception?

A. `try`

B. `catch`

C. `finally`

D. `throw`

Answer: A. `try`. The `try` block contains the code that is monitored for exceptions. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Question 87: Which block is used to handle the exception?

A. `try`

B. `catch`

C. `finally`

D. `throw`

Answer: B. `catch`. The `catch` block specifies the type of exception to catch and the code to execute when it occurs. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Question 88: Which block is always executed, regardless of whether an exception is thrown or not?

A. `try`

B. `catch`

C. `finally`

D. `throw`

Answer: C. `finally`. The `finally` block is typically used to release resources or perform cleanup operations. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Question 89: What is the purpose of the `finally` block?

A. To handle the exception

B. To execute code regardless of whether an exception occurs

C. To throw an exception

D. To log the exception

Answer: B. To execute code regardless of whether an exception occurs. It ensures that critical actions are performed, even if an exception disrupts the normal flow. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Question 90: Which keyword is used to explicitly throw an exception?

A. `try`

B. `catch`

C. `finally`

D. `throw`

Answer: D. `throw`. The `throw` keyword is used to signal that an exceptional condition has occurred. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Question 91: What is a custom exception?

A. An exception defined by the Java platform

B. An exception defined by the programmer

C. An exception that cannot be caught

D. An exception that cannot be thrown

Answer: B. An exception defined by the programmer. Custom exceptions allow developers to define specific exception types for their applications. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Collections Framework

Question 92: What is a framework that provides interfaces and classes for storing and manipulating groups of objects?

A. Arrays

B. Collections Framework

C. Data Structures

D. Generics

Answer: B. Collections Framework. It offers a rich set of data structures and algorithms for managing collections. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Question 93: Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using the Collections Framework?

A. Reduced programming effort

B. Increased performance

C. Improved code readability

D. Enhanced security

Answer: D. Enhanced security. While the Collections Framework can be used securely, security is not its primary benefit. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Question 94: Which interface represents an ordered collection of elements?

A. `List`

B. `Set`

C. `Map`

D. `Queue`

Answer: A. `List`. It allows duplicate elements and maintains the insertion order. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Question 95: Which interface represents an unordered collection of unique elements?

A. `List`

B. `Set`

C. `Map`

D. `Queue`

Answer: B. `Set`. It does not allow duplicate elements. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Question 96: Which class provides a resizable array implementation of the `List` interface?

A. `ArrayList`

B. `LinkedList`

C. `Vector`

D. `Stack`

Answer: A. `ArrayList`. It provides dynamic resizing and efficient random access. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Question 97: Which class implements the `Map` interface using a hash table?

A. `HashMap`

B. `TreeMap`

C. `LinkedHashMap`

D. `Hashtable`

Answer: A. `HashMap`. It provides efficient key-value storage and retrieval. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

File Handling

Question 98: Which class is used to read data from a file?

A. `FileReader`

B. `FileWriter`

C. `FileInputStream`

D. `FileOutputStream`

Answer:  C. `FileInputStream`. It reads bytes from a file. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Question 99: Which class is used to write data to a file?

A. `FileReader`

B. `FileWriter`

C. `FileInputStream`

D. `FileOutputStream`

Answer: D. `FileOutputStream`. It writes bytes to a file. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Question 100: Which of the following is NOT a common file format in Java?

A. Text files (.txt)

B. CSV files (.csv)

C. XML files (.xml)

D. MP3 files (.mp3)

Answer: D. MP3 files (.mp3). MP3 is an audio format, while the others are text-based formats commonly handled in Java. (Java MCQ 100 Question Answer by

Most Asked Important Questions on JAVA

What are the key features of JAVA?

Object-oriented: JAVA is designed around the concept of objects, making code organization and reusability easier.
Platform-independent: JAVA applications can run on any operating system with a Java Virtual Machine (JVM).
Secure: JAVA has built-in security features that protect against malicious code

What are some common uses of JAVA?

Android app development
Web applications
Enterprise software
Big data technologies

What are the basic concepts in JAVA?

Variables: Used to store data.
Data types: Define the type of data a variable can hold.
Operators: Perform operations on data.
Control flow statements: Determine the order in which code is executed.
Classes and objects: Fundamental building blocks of object-oriented programming.

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