Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ

Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ. These 100 Multiple Choice Questions with Answer and Explanation will help you score full marks in your exams and interviews.

Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ

Introduction to Algorithms (MCQ 1 to 10)

1.1 Definition of Algorithm

Question 1: What is an algorithm?
A. A step-by-step procedure for solving a problem
B. A random method of trial and error
C. A form of data storage
D. A way of programming without logic

Answer: A. An algorithm is a step-by-step procedure for solving a problem.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

Question 2: Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of an algorithm?
A. Finiteness
B. Definiteness
C. Input and Output
D. Ambiguity

Answer: D. An algorithm must be free from ambiguity.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

1.2 Characteristics of Algorithms

Question 3: Why should an algorithm have well-defined inputs and outputs?
A. To ensure it can be reused
B. To guarantee it terminates properly
C. To clarify the purpose of the algorithm
D. To make it easier to understand

Answer: C. Well-defined inputs and outputs clarify the purpose and behavior of the algorithm.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

Question 4: Finiteness in an algorithm means that the algorithm must:
A. Have a defined end
B. Continue indefinitely
C. Work with infinite input
D. Repeat processes

Answer: A. An algorithm must have a defined end to ensure it does not run indefinitely.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

1.3 Importance of Algorithmic Thinking

Question 5: Why is algorithmic thinking important?
A. It helps in writing efficient code
B. It ensures faster hardware performance
C. It provides a logical structure for problem-solving
D. It guarantees bug-free programs

Answer: C. Algorithmic thinking provides a logical structure for approaching and solving problems.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

Question 6: Which of the following is a benefit of algorithmic thinking?
A. Solves problems without analyzing them
B. Encourages creative approaches to problems
C. Avoids structured problem-solving
D. Ignores constraints during problem-solving

Answer: B. Algorithmic thinking encourages systematic and creative approaches to solving problems.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

1.4 Problem-Solving with Algorithms

Question 7: How do algorithms assist in problem-solving?
A. By reducing the problem into smaller, manageable steps
B. By creating complex problems
C. By eliminating the need for logical thinking
D. By increasing the difficulty of the problem

Answer: A. Algorithms break down a problem into smaller steps that can be more easily solved.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

Question 8: Which phase in algorithm development focuses on defining the problem clearly?
A. Implementation
B. Problem definition
C. Testing
D. Evaluation

Answer: B. Problem definition focuses on clearly defining what the algorithm is meant to solve.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

1.5 Asymptotic Notations

Question 9: What does Big O notation measure?
A. The exact time taken by an algorithm
B. The worst-case time complexity of an algorithm
C. The space used by an algorithm
D. The best-case performance of an algorithm

Answer: B. Big O notation describes the worst-case time complexity of an algorithm.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

Question 10: Which of the following is a characteristic of Ω (Omega) notation?
A. It measures the best-case performance of an algorithm
B. It measures the worst-case performance of an algorithm
C. It measures the average performance of an algorithm
D. It measures both time and space complexities

Answer: A. Ω (Omega) notation describes the best-case performance of an algorithm.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

Algorithm Design Techniques (MCQ 11 to 35)

2.1 Divide and Conquer (MCQ 11 to 16)

Question 11: What is the basic principle of the divide and conquer technique?
A. Repeating the same steps until the problem is solved
B. Dividing the problem into smaller subproblems, solving them, and combining the results
C. Solving the entire problem at once
D. Using randomization to find a solution

Answer: B. Divide and conquer involves dividing the problem into smaller subproblems, solving them independently, and combining the results.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

Question 12: In binary search, how is the search space divided at each step?
A. Into two equal parts
B. Into three equal parts
C. Based on the value of the search key
D. Randomly

Answer: A. Binary search divides the search space into two equal parts at each step.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

Question 13: Which of the following algorithms uses the divide and conquer technique?
A. Quick Sort
B. Insertion Sort
C. Bubble Sort
D. Linear Search

Answer: A. Quick Sort is an example of a divide and conquer algorithm.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

Question 14: What is the time complexity of the merge sort algorithm?
A. O(n)
B. O(n log n)
C. O(n^2)
D. O(log n)

Answer: B. The time complexity of merge sort is O(n log n).(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

Question 15: Which of the following is a key step in the divide and conquer approach used in Quick Sort?
A. Choosing a pivot
B. Merging sorted subarrays
C. Counting elements in the array
D. Checking if the array is already sorted

Answer: A. Choosing a pivot is a key step in the Quick Sort algorithm.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

Question 16: What happens after dividing a problem into subproblems in the divide and conquer technique?
A. The subproblems are solved independently
B. The subproblems are ignored
C. The subproblems are combined before solving
D. The subproblems are expanded further

Answer: A. In divide and conquer, subproblems are solved independently before combining the results.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

2.2 Greedy Algorithms (MCQ 17 to 22)

Question 17: What is the core idea behind greedy algorithms?
A. Solve the problem by making a series of local optimal choices
B. Divide the problem into smaller subproblems
C. Randomly select the next step
D. Work backwards from the solution

Answer: A. Greedy algorithms work by making a series of local optimal choices to build the solution.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

Question 18: Which of the following problems can be solved using the greedy algorithm approach?
A. Huffman Coding
B. Depth-First Search
C. Binary Search
D. Merge Sort

Answer: A. Huffman Coding is solved using the greedy algorithm approach.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

Question 19: In Prim’s algorithm, what does the greedy choice involve?
A. Selecting the vertex with the smallest edge cost
B. Selecting the vertex with the largest edge cost
C. Selecting a random vertex
D. Selecting the vertex with the most edges

Answer: A. Prim’s algorithm makes the greedy choice by selecting the vertex with the smallest edge cost.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

Question 20: Which property is essential for a problem to be solved using a greedy algorithm?
A. Optimal substructure
B. Overlapping subproblems
C. Recursive structure
D. High time complexity

Answer: A. Greedy algorithms rely on the problem having an optimal substructure.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

Question 21: The 0/1 knapsack problem can be solved using which approach?
A. Divide and Conquer
B. Greedy Algorithm
C. Dynamic Programming
D. Backtracking

Answer: C. The 0/1 knapsack problem is solved using dynamic programming, not the greedy approach.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

Question 22: In Kruskal’s algorithm, what is the greedy choice made at each step?
A. Selecting the smallest edge that does not form a cycle
B. Selecting the largest edge in the graph
C. Selecting the vertex with the fewest edges
D. Selecting all the edges connected to a vertex

Answer: A. Kruskal’s algorithm selects the smallest edge that does not form a cycle.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

2.3 Dynamic Programming (MCQ 23 to 27)

Question 23: What is the main difference between dynamic programming and divide and conquer?
A. Dynamic programming solves each subproblem once and stores the solution
B. Dynamic programming divides the problem into larger subproblems
C. Dynamic programming uses random choices
D. Dynamic programming does not involve recursion

Answer: A. Dynamic programming solves each subproblem once, stores the solution, and reuses it.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

Question 24: Which of the following problems is solved using dynamic programming?
A. Matrix Chain Multiplication
B. Quick Sort
C. Binary Search
D. Depth-First Search

Answer: A. Matrix Chain Multiplication is a problem that can be solved using dynamic programming.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

Question 25: What is memoization in dynamic programming?
A. Storing solutions to subproblems to avoid redundant calculations
B. Dividing a problem into subproblems
C. Combining solutions to subproblems
D. Solving problems with randomization

Answer: A. Memoization is a technique used to store the results of subproblems to avoid recalculating them.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

Question 26: Which of the following algorithms is based on dynamic programming?
A. Longest Common Subsequence
B. Bubble Sort
C. Binary Search
D. Insertion Sort

Answer: A. The Longest Common Subsequence algorithm is based on dynamic programming.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

Question 27: What is the time complexity of the dynamic programming solution to the 0/1 knapsack problem?
A. O(n)
B. O(n log n)
C. O(nW), where W is the capacity of the knapsack
D. O(n^2)

Answer: C. The dynamic programming solution to the 0/1 knapsack problem has a time complexity of O(nW), where W is the capacity of the knapsack.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

2.4 Backtracking (MCQ 28 to 30)

Question 28: What is the key idea behind backtracking?
A. Try all possible solutions and backtrack when a solution fails
B. Divide the problem into subproblems
C. Use random choices to find the solution
D. Solve the entire problem in one step

Answer: A. Backtracking involves trying possible solutions and backtracking when a solution is not feasible.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

Question 29: In which of the following problems is backtracking commonly used?
A. N-Queens Problem
B. Binary Search
C. Insertion Sort
D. Kruskal’s Algorithm

Answer: A. The N-Queens Problem is often solved using the backtracking technique.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

Question 30: Which of the following is a characteristic of the backtracking approach?
A. It explores all possible solutions
B. It only finds one solution and stops
C. It is only used for graph algorithms
D. It avoids recursion

Answer: A. Backtracking explores all possible solutions by recursively trying each possibility.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

2.5 Branch and Bound (MCQ 31 to 33)

Question 31: What is the main purpose of the branch and bound technique?
A. To find an optimal solution by systematically exploring solution space
B. To randomly select solutions
C. To solve problems without using recursion
D. To divide problems into independent parts

Answer: A. Branch and bound is used to find the optimal solution by systematically exploring the solution space.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

Question 32: Which problem can be solved using the branch and bound technique?
A. Travelling Salesman Problem
B. Binary Search
C. Bubble Sort
D. Longest Common Subsequence

Answer: A. The Travelling Salesman Problem can be solved using the branch and bound technique.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

Question 33: In the branch and bound method, how is the solution space pruned?
A. By eliminating branches that do not provide better solutions
B. By dividing the solution space into equal parts
C. By using random sampling
D. By avoiding recursion

Answer: A. Branch and bound prunes the solution space by eliminating branches that do not provide better solutions.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

2.6 Randomized Algorithms (MCQ 34 to 35)

Question 34: What is the key characteristic of a randomized algorithm?
A. It makes decisions randomly to solve a problem
B. It uses recursion to find a solution
C. It finds only optimal solutions
D. It uses fixed rules for every step

Answer: A. A randomized algorithm makes some decisions randomly to solve a problem.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

Question 35: Which of the following is an example of a randomized algorithm?
A. Randomized Quick Sort
B. Depth-First Search
C. Merge Sort
D. Dynamic Programming

Answer: A. Randomized Quick Sort is an example of a randomized algorithm.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

Complexity Analysis (MCQ 36 to 45)

3.1 Time Complexity (MCQ 36 to 38)

Question 36: What does time complexity measure in an algorithm?
A. The amount of time an algorithm takes relative to its input size
B. The amount of memory used by the algorithm
C. The complexity of writing the algorithm
D. The worst-case space usage of an algorithm

Answer: A. Time complexity measures the amount of time an algorithm takes as a function of the input size.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

Question 37: In the best-case scenario, what is the time complexity of linear search?
A. O(1)
B. O(n)
C. O(n log n)
D. O(n^2)

Answer: A. In the best-case scenario, the time complexity of linear search is O(1), when the target element is the first in the list.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

Question 38: What does the recurrence relation help to analyze in recursive algorithms?
A. Time complexity
B. Space complexity
C. Input size
D. Randomness

Answer: A. Recurrence relations help analyze the time complexity of recursive algorithms.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

3.2 Space Complexity (MCQ 39 to 40)

Question 39: What does space complexity refer to?
A. The amount of memory an algorithm uses as a function of input size
B. The speed of an algorithm
C. The number of recursive calls
D. The amount of storage needed for the output

Answer: A. Space complexity refers to the amount of memory an algorithm uses as its input size grows.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

Question 40: What is auxiliary space in the context of algorithms?
A. The extra space or temporary storage used by an algorithm
B. The total space required for input and output
C. The space required for the final result
D. The space used for storing variables

Answer: A. Auxiliary space refers to the extra space or temporary storage used by an algorithm during its execution.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

3.3 NP-Completeness (MCQ 41 to 45)

Question 41: What does NP stand for in computational complexity?
A. Non-deterministic Polynomial time
B. Normal Polynomial time
C. Non-primitive Polynomial time
D. Negative Polynomial time

Answer: A. NP stands for Non-deterministic Polynomial time.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

Question 42: Which of the following is an example of an NP-Complete problem?
A. Travelling Salesman Problem
B. Binary Search
C. Bubble Sort
D. Merge Sort

Answer: A. The Travelling Salesman Problem is a classic example of an NP-Complete problem.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

Question 43: What is the Cook-Levin theorem related to?
A. The first proof that SAT is NP-Complete
B. The time complexity of binary search
C. The space complexity of sorting algorithms
D. The recursive structure of divide and conquer algorithms

Answer: A. The Cook-Levin theorem was the first proof that SAT is NP-Complete.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

Question 44: Which of the following classes contain problems that are both in NP and can be solved in polynomial time?
A. P
C. NP-Hard
D. NP-Complete

Answer: A. P is the class of problems that are both in NP and can be solved in polynomial time.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

Question 45: Approximation algorithms are typically used for which type of problems?
A. NP-Hard Problems
B. Problems with known polynomial solutions
C. Problems that require divide and conquer
D. Problems that use greedy algorithms

Answer: A. Approximation algorithms are typically used for NP-Hard problems where finding an exact solution is computationally infeasible.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

Sorting and Searching Algorithms (MCQ 46 to 55)

4.1 Basic Sorting Algorithms (MCQ 46 to 48)

Question 46: What is the time complexity of the selection sort algorithm?
A. O(n)
B. O(n^2)
C. O(log n)
D. O(n log n)

Answer: B. The time complexity of selection sort is O(n^2) as it involves two nested loops.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

Question 47: Which of the following sorting algorithms repeatedly swaps adjacent elements if they are in the wrong order?
A. Bubble Sort
B. Selection Sort
C. Merge Sort
D. Quick Sort

Answer: A. Bubble Sort repeatedly swaps adjacent elements if they are in the wrong order.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

Question 48: What is the best-case time complexity of insertion sort?
A. O(n^2)
B. O(n)
C. O(log n)
D. O(n log n)

Answer: B. The best-case time complexity of insertion sort is O(n), which occurs when the input array is already sorted.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

4.2 Advanced Sorting Algorithms (MCQ 49 to 51)

Question 49: Which sorting algorithm is based on the divide and conquer principle and has an average time complexity of O(n log n)?
A. Quick Sort
B. Insertion Sort
C. Bubble Sort
D. Selection Sort

Answer: A. Quick Sort is a divide and conquer algorithm with an average time complexity of O(n log n).(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

Question 50: What is the time complexity of merge sort?
A. O(n log n)
B. O(n)
C. O(n^2)
D. O(log n)

Answer: A. Merge sort has a time complexity of O(n log n) because it divides the array and then merges the sorted subarrays.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

Question 51: Which of the following sorting algorithms is a non-comparative sort?
A. Counting Sort
B. Quick Sort
C. Merge Sort
D. Bubble Sort

Answer: A. Counting Sort is a non-comparative sorting algorithm, as it sorts elements by counting occurrences rather than comparing elements.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

4.3 Searching Algorithms (MCQ 52 to 53)

Question 52: What is the time complexity of linear search in the worst case?
A. O(n)
B. O(log n)
C. O(n^2)
D. O(1)

Answer: A. In the worst case, the time complexity of linear search is O(n), as every element may need to be checked.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

Question 53: In binary search, the time complexity is O(log n) because:
A. The search space is halved with each comparison
B. The elements are arranged randomly
C. The search is conducted sequentially
D. Each element is compared to all others

Answer: A. Binary search has O(log n) complexity because the search space is halved with each comparison.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

4.4 Search Trees (MCQ 54 to 55)

Question 54: In a binary search tree (BST), the left child of a node contains:
A. A value smaller than the parent node
B. A value greater than the parent node
C. A value equal to the parent node
D. A random value

Answer: A. In a BST, the left child contains a value smaller than the parent node.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

Question 55: What is the primary advantage of AVL trees over simple binary search trees?
A. Self-balancing to ensure logarithmic search time
B. Faster insertion than BSTs
C. Greater space efficiency
D. No need for balancing

Answer: A. AVL trees are self-balancing, which ensures that operations like search, insert, and delete take logarithmic time.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

Graph Algorithms (MCQ 56 to 68)

5.1 Graph Representation (MCQ 56 to 58)

Question 56: What is the difference between an adjacency matrix and an adjacency list in graph representation?
A. An adjacency matrix uses a 2D array, while an adjacency list uses linked lists
B. An adjacency list uses a 2D array, while an adjacency matrix uses linked lists
C. Both use linked lists to store the graph structure
D. Both use 2D arrays to store the graph structure

Answer: A. An adjacency matrix uses a 2D array, while an adjacency list uses linked lists to represent the graph.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

Question 57: Which graph traversal algorithm explores vertices by visiting all adjacent vertices before moving to the next level?
A. Breadth-First Search (BFS)
B. Depth-First Search (DFS)
C. Dijkstra’s Algorithm
D. Prim’s Algorithm

Answer: A. Breadth-First Search (BFS) explores all adjacent vertices before moving to the next level.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

Question 58: In depth-first search (DFS), the graph is traversed:
A. By exploring as far as possible along each branch before backtracking
B. By visiting all vertices at the current level first
C. By randomly choosing edges
D. By choosing the shortest path at each step

Answer: A. In DFS, the graph is traversed by exploring as far as possible along each branch before backtracking.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

5.2 Minimum Spanning Tree (MCQ 59 to 61)

Question 59: Prim’s algorithm is used to find:
A. The minimum spanning tree of a graph
B. The shortest path between two nodes
C. The maximum flow in a network
D. The longest path in a graph

Answer: A. Prim’s algorithm is used to find the minimum spanning tree of a graph.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

Question 60: In Kruskal’s algorithm, how are edges selected for the minimum spanning tree?
A. By selecting the smallest edge that does not form a cycle
B. By selecting the largest edge
C. By randomly selecting edges
D. By selecting edges connected to the starting vertex

Answer: A. Kruskal’s algorithm selects the smallest edge that does not form a cycle.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

Question 61: What is the time complexity of Prim’s algorithm when implemented using a binary heap?
A. O(E log V)
B. O(V^2)
C. O(E^2)
D. O(V log V)

Answer: A. The time complexity of Prim’s algorithm when implemented using a binary heap is O(E log V), where E is the number of edges and V is the number of vertices.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

5.3 Shortest Path Algorithms (MCQ 62 to 64)

Question 62: What does Dijkstra’s algorithm compute?
A. The shortest path from a single source to all other vertices
B. The shortest path from one vertex to another
C. The minimum spanning tree of a graph
D. The maximum flow in a network

Answer: A. Dijkstra’s algorithm computes the shortest path from a single source to all other vertices in a graph.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

Question 63: Bellman-Ford algorithm can handle graphs with:
A. Negative weight edges
B. Self-loops
C. Only positive weight edges
D. Cycles of infinite length

Answer: A. The Bellman-Ford algorithm can handle graphs with negative weight edges.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

Question 64: The time complexity of the Floyd-Warshall algorithm for finding all-pairs shortest paths is:
A. O(V^3)
B. O(V^2)
C. O(V log V)
D. O(VE)

Answer: A. The time complexity of the Floyd-Warshall algorithm is O(V^3), where V is the number of vertices.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

5.4 Network Flow Algorithms (MCQ 65 to 68)

Question 65: What is the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm used for?
A. Computing the maximum flow in a flow network
B. Finding the shortest path in a graph
C. Finding the minimum spanning tree
D. Detecting cycles in a graph

Answer: A. The Ford-Fulkerson algorithm is used to compute the maximum flow in a flow network.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

Question 66: Which of the following algorithms improves the Ford-Fulkerson method by using breadth-first search?
A. Edmonds-Karp Algorithm
B. Kruskal’s Algorithm
C. Dijkstra’s Algorithm
D. Prim’s Algorithm

Answer: A. The Edmonds-Karp algorithm improves the Ford-Fulkerson method by using breadth-first search to find augmenting paths.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

Question 67: In a maximum bipartite matching problem, the goal is to:
A. Pair vertices of two sets such that the number of edges is maximized
B. Find the shortest path between two sets
C. Create a minimum spanning tree of a bipartite graph
D. Calculate the flow in a network

Answer: A. The goal of maximum bipartite matching is to pair vertices from two sets such that the number of edges is maximized.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

Question 68: What is the main application of network flow algorithms?
A. Optimization problems in logistics and traffic flow
B. Sorting large data sets
C. Searching through graphs
D. Constructing minimum spanning trees

Answer: A. Network flow algorithms are often used in optimization problems such as logistics and traffic flow.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

String Matching Algorithms (MCQ 69 to 72)

6.1 Naive String Matching Algorithm

Question 69: What is the time complexity of the naive string matching algorithm in the worst case?
A. O(n + m)
B. O(n * m)
C. O(log n)
D. O(m^2)

Answer: B. The time complexity of the naive string matching algorithm in the worst case is O(n * m), where n is the length of the text and m is the length of the pattern.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

6.2 Rabin-Karp Algorithm

Question 70: What is the main feature of the Rabin-Karp algorithm?
A. It uses hashing to find multiple pattern occurrences efficiently
B. It checks each character one by one
C. It only works for small patterns
D. It performs a binary search within the text

Answer: A. The Rabin-Karp algorithm uses hashing to efficiently find multiple occurrences of a pattern in a text.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

6.3 Knuth-Morris-Pratt (KMP) Algorithm

Question 71: What is the key improvement of the KMP algorithm over the naive string matching algorithm?
A. It avoids rechecking characters after a mismatch
B. It uses randomization to improve performance
C. It uses divide and conquer
D. It requires less memory

Answer: A. The KMP algorithm avoids rechecking characters after a mismatch, which improves its efficiency over the naive method.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

6.4 Boyer-Moore Algorithm

Question 72: What is the primary advantage of the Boyer-Moore algorithm in string matching?
A. It skips sections of the text based on mismatches
B. It compares every character in the text and pattern
C. It uses recursion to find matches
D. It works only on sorted text

Answer: A. The Boyer-Moore algorithm skips sections of the text based on mismatches, which makes it more efficient.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

Advanced Data Structures for Algorithms (MCQ 73 to 83)

7.1 Heaps (MCQ 73 to 75)

Question 73: What is the time complexity of inserting an element into a binary heap?
A. O(log n)
B. O(n)
C. O(1)
D. O(n^2)

Answer: A. The time complexity of inserting an element into a binary heap is O(log n).(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

Question 74: In a max heap, the largest element is always found at:
A. The root
B. A leaf node
C. The leftmost child
D. A random position

Answer: A. In a max heap, the largest element is always at the root.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

Question 75: What is the key difference between a binary heap and a Fibonacci heap?
A. Fibonacci heaps allow faster decrease-key operations
B. Fibonacci heaps are smaller in memory usage
C. Binary heaps have better average time complexity
D. Binary heaps allow faster insertion

Answer: A. Fibonacci heaps allow faster decrease-key operations compared to binary heaps.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

7.2 Union-Find Data Structures (MCQ 76 to 77)

Question 76: What is the purpose of path compression in union-find data structures?
A. To flatten the structure, making future operations faster
B. To divide the set into smaller subproblems
C. To randomly group elements
D. To sort elements before union operations

Answer: A. Path compression flattens the structure, making future operations faster by keeping the tree shallower.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

Question 77: Union by rank helps to:
A. Reduce the height of the tree in union-find operations
B. Increase the size of the union
C. Make random choices in merging sets
D. Sort the elements during union

Answer: A. Union by rank helps to reduce the height of the tree in union-find operations.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

7.3 Hashing (MCQ 78 to 79)

Question 78: What is the purpose of a hash function?
A. To map data of arbitrary size to fixed-size values
B. To sort data in ascending order
C. To divide data into smaller parts
D. To search for an element linearly

Answer: A. A hash function maps data of arbitrary size to fixed-size values for efficient lookups.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

Question 79: Which collision resolution technique in hashing uses open addressing?
A. Linear probing
B. Chaining
C. Double hashing
D. Rehashing

Answer: A. Linear probing is a collision resolution technique that uses open addressing.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

7.4 Tries (MCQ 80 to 81)

Question 80: What is a trie primarily used for?
A. Efficiently storing and searching strings
B. Sorting numerical data
C. Randomized searching
D. Hashing values

Answer: A. A trie is primarily used for efficiently storing and searching strings.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

Question 81: In a trie, each node represents:
A. A character of a string
B. An integer value
C. A key-value pair
D. A hash value

Answer: A. In a trie, each node represents a character of a string.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

7.5 Segment Trees and Binary Indexed Trees (MCQ 82 to 83)

Question 82: What is the main advantage of using a segment tree?
A. Efficient range queries and updates
B. Faster sorting of elements
C. Randomized access
D. Reducing time complexity of hash functions

Answer: A. Segment trees are used for efficient range queries and updates on arrays.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

Question 83: What is the primary use of a Binary Indexed Tree (BIT)?
A. Performing range sum queries
B. Sorting elements
C. Searching for a specific value
D. Dividing an array into two parts

Answer: A. A Binary Indexed Tree (BIT) is used for performing efficient range sum queries.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

Approximation and Probabilistic Algorithms (MCQ 84 to 89)

8.1 Approximation Algorithms (MCQ 84 to 86)

Question 84: Approximation algorithms are used for which type of problems?
A. NP-Hard problems
B. Sorting problems
C. Searching problems
D. P problems

Answer: A. Approximation algorithms are commonly used for NP-Hard problems where finding an exact solution is impractical.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

Question 85: The Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) is commonly solved using which approach?
A. Approximation algorithms
B. Divide and conquer
C. Greedy algorithms
D. Randomized algorithms

Answer: A. The Traveling Salesman Problem is often solved using approximation algorithms due to its NP-Hard nature.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

Question 86: In an approximation algorithm, the performance ratio is defined as:
A. The ratio of the approximate solution to the optimal solution
B. The number of iterations required
C. The time complexity of the algorithm
D. The size of the input

Answer: A. The performance ratio is the ratio of the approximate solution’s value to the optimal solution’s value.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

8.2 Probabilistic Algorithms (MCQ 87 to 88)

Question 87: What is the main characteristic of a Monte Carlo algorithm?
A. It produces a correct result with high probability but not always
B. It always produces a correct result in a fixed time
C. It solves problems without randomness
D. It solves problems using recursion

Answer: A. Monte Carlo algorithms produce a correct result with high probability but not always.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

Question 88: What differentiates a Las Vegas algorithm from a Monte Carlo algorithm?
A. Las Vegas algorithms always produce a correct result
B. Las Vegas algorithms never terminate
C. Monte Carlo algorithms guarantee optimal solutions
D. Las Vegas algorithms do not use randomization

Answer: A. Las Vegas algorithms always produce a correct result but may take a variable amount of time.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

8.3 Markov Chains and Random Walks (MCQ 89)

Question 89: A Markov chain is characterized by:
A. The future state depending only on the current state
B. The future state depending on the past states
C. The current state depending on all previous states
D. A deterministic sequence of states

Answer: A. A Markov chain is characterized by the fact that the future state depends only on the current state, not on the sequence of events that preceded it.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

Algorithmic Paradigms and Complexity Theory (MCQ 90 to 95)

9.1 Polynomial-Time Algorithms (MCQ 90 to 91)

Question 90: A problem that can be solved in polynomial time is classified under which complexity class?
A. P
C. NP-Complete
D. NP-Hard

Answer: A. A problem that can be solved in polynomial time is classified under the complexity class P.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

Question 91: Which of the following statements is true about NP problems?
A. They can be verified in polynomial time
B. They can be solved in polynomial time
C. They cannot be verified
D. They have no known solution

Answer: A. NP problems can be verified in polynomial time, even though they may not be solvable in polynomial time.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

9.2 Non-deterministic Algorithms (MCQ 92)

Question 92: Non-deterministic algorithms differ from deterministic algorithms in that they:
A. Guess solutions and verify correctness
B. Use a divide and conquer approach
C. Always produce optimal solutions
D. Run faster than deterministic algorithms

Answer: A. Non-deterministic algorithms guess solutions and verify their correctness, as opposed to following a fixed sequence of steps.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

9.3 Quantum Algorithms (MCQ 93 to 95)

Question 93: Which of the following quantum algorithms is used for factoring large integers?
A. Shor’s Algorithm
B. Grover’s Algorithm
C. Dijkstra’s Algorithm
D. Kruskal’s Algorithm

Answer: A. Shor’s Algorithm is a quantum algorithm used for factoring large integers.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

Question 94: What is the purpose of Grover’s algorithm in quantum computing?
A. To search an unsorted database in O(√n) time
B. To factor large numbers
C. To compute the shortest path in a graph
D. To find the minimum spanning tree

Answer: A. Grover’s algorithm is used to search an unsorted database in O(√n) time.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

Question 95: Quantum algorithms are known for offering speedups over classical algorithms in which type of problems?
A. Problems involving large-scale data search
B. Sorting algorithms
C. Graph traversal problems
D. Network flow problems

Answer: A. Quantum algorithms, such as Grover’s, offer significant speedups in problems involving large-scale data search.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

Recent Trends and Open Research Areas (MCQ 96 to 100)

10.1 Parallel Algorithms (MCQ 96)

Question 96: Parallel algorithms are designed to:
A. Divide tasks among multiple processors to reduce computation time
B. Solve problems sequentially
C. Minimize memory usage
D. Perform random tasks in parallel

Answer: A. Parallel algorithms are designed to divide tasks among multiple processors to reduce computation time.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

10.2 Distributed Algorithms (MCQ 97)

Question 97: In distributed algorithms, the computation is:
A. Performed across multiple networked computers
B. Centralized on a single machine
C. Performed without any synchronization
D. Always faster than parallel algorithms

Answer: A. Distributed algorithms involve computation that is spread across multiple networked computers.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

10.3 Streaming Algorithms (MCQ 98)

Question 98: Streaming algorithms are designed to handle:
A. Large data sets that cannot fit into memory
B. Sorting data efficiently
C. Graph traversal problems
D. Solving NP-Complete problems

Answer: A. Streaming algorithms are designed to handle large data sets that cannot fit into memory by processing data in small chunks.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

10.4 Evolutionary Algorithms (MCQ 99 to 100)

Question 99: What is the key idea behind genetic algorithms?
A. They mimic the process of natural selection to solve optimization problems
B. They divide problems into smaller subproblems
C. They use recursion to find solutions
D. They guarantee an optimal solution

Answer: A. Genetic algorithms mimic the process of natural selection to find approximate solutions to optimization problems.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

Question 100: In evolutionary algorithms, a population of solutions evolves over time based on:
A. Selection, crossover, and mutation
B. Random guessing
C. A fixed sequence of operations
D. Dividing the problem into subproblems

Answer: A. In evolutionary algorithms, a population of solutions evolves over time through processes like selection, crossover, and mutation.(Design and Analysis of Algorithm DAA MCQ by

Most Asked Questions: Design and Analysis of Algorithm [DAA]

What is the difference between Divide and Conquer and Dynamic Programming?

Divide and Conquer breaks a problem into independent subproblems, while Dynamic Programming solves overlapping subproblems and stores their solutions to avoid recomputation.

What does Big O notation measure in algorithms?

Big O notation measures the worst-case time complexity of an algorithm, describing how the runtime grows with the input size.

What is the primary purpose of Greedy Algorithms?

Greedy algorithms make a series of local optimal choices in hopes of finding a global optimum solution.

How does Dijkstra’s Algorithm work?

Dijkstra’s algorithm finds the shortest path from a single source vertex to all other vertices in a weighted graph by exploring the nearest unvisited vertex at each step.

What is the key difference between NP-Complete and NP-Hard problems?

NP-Complete problems can be verified in polynomial time, while NP-Hard problems are at least as hard as NP-Complete problems but may not be verifiable in polynomial time.

Read Also: Quantum Computing MCQs

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