DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement

DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement. 100 Best Multiple Choice Question Answers with Explanation to successfully crack your placement exams and interviews.

DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement

I. Introduction to Database Management Systems (DBMS)

A. What is a DBMS?

Question 1: What is the primary purpose of a Database Management System (DBMS)?

A. To store and retrieve data in an organized way

B. To perform complex mathematical calculations

C. To create presentations and documents

D. To design user interfaces

Answer: A. A DBMS is designed to efficiently store, retrieve, and manage data within a database. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 2: Which of the following is NOT an advantage of using a DBMS?

A. Data redundancy

B. Data consistency

C. Data security

D. Data integrity

Answer: A. DBMS helps to reduce data redundancy, not increase it. Redundancy can lead to inconsistencies and inefficiencies. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 3:  Which type of DBMS is specifically designed to handle large volumes of unstructured data, like social media posts and sensor data?

A. Relational DBMS


C. Object-oriented DBMS

D. Hierarchical DBMS

Answer: B. NoSQL databases are better suited for handling unstructured data due to their flexible schema design. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

B. Database System Concepts and Architecture

Question 4:  What does data abstraction in a DBMS allow us to do?

A. Hide complex storage details from users

B.  Perform complex calculations on data

C.  Create visual representations of data

D.  Access data directly from physical storage

Answer: A. Data abstraction simplifies interaction with the database by hiding the physical storage details. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 5: Who is responsible for managing the overall database system, including security and access control?

A. Database user

B. Database administrator

C. Application programmer

D. End user

Answer: B. The database administrator (DBA) has the highest level of authority in managing the database system. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 6: Which data model organizes data in a tree-like structure with parent-child relationships?

A. Relational

B. Hierarchical

C. Network

D. Object-oriented

Answer: B. Hierarchical models represent data as a hierarchy with a single root and branches of child nodes. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 7: Which component of a DBMS is responsible for executing queries written in a language like SQL?

A. Storage manager

B. Query processor

C. Transaction manager

D. Data dictionary

Answer: B. The query processor analyzes and executes queries to retrieve data from the database. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 8:  What is the highest level of data abstraction in a DBMS?

A. Physical level

B. Logical level

C. View level

D. External level

Answer: C. The view level presents a customized view of the data to specific users, hiding unnecessary details. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 9: Which component of a DBMS is responsible for ensuring data integrity and consistency during concurrent transactions?

A. Storage manager

B. Query processor

C. Transaction manager

D. Data dictionary

Answer: C. The transaction manager ensures that transactions are executed reliably and maintain database consistency. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 10: What is a schema in the context of a database?

A. A collection of data

B. A description of the database structure

C. A query language

D. A type of index

Answer: B. A schema defines the tables, attributes, and relationships within a database. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

II. Relational Database Model – DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement

A. Relational Model Concepts

Question 11: What is a tuple in a relational database?

A. A column in a table

B. A row in a table

C. A database operation

D. A data type

Answer: B. A tuple represents a single record or entry in a table. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 12: What is the purpose of a primary key in a relational database?

A. To uniquely identify each tuple in a table

B. To establish a relationship between tables

C. To enforce data integrity constraints

D. To optimize query performance

Answer: A. The primary key ensures that each row in a table can be uniquely identified. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 13: Which relational algebra operation selects tuples that satisfy a specific condition?

A. Projection

B. Selection

C. Join

D. Union

Answer: B. The selection operation filters rows based on a given condition. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 14: What is a foreign key in a relational database?

A. A primary key of a different table

B. A unique key in the same table

C. An attribute that references the primary key of another table

D. An attribute with a null value

Answer: C. A foreign key establishes a link between tables by referencing the primary key of another table. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 15: Which relational algebra operation combines columns from two or more tables based on a common attribute?

A. Projection

B. Selection

C. Join

D. Union

Answer: C. The join operation combines data from related tables. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 16: What is a candidate key?

A. A minimal set of attributes that can uniquely identify a tuple

B. The primary key of the table

C. A foreign key in the table

D. An attribute with a default value

Answer: A. A candidate key is a potential primary key, and a table can have multiple candidate keys. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 17: What is the purpose of the projection operation in relational algebra?

A. To select specific rows from a table

B. To select specific columns from a table

C. To combine data from two tables

D. To sort data in a table

Answer: B. Projection retrieves only the specified attributes from a relation. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 18:  What is a domain in the context of relational databases?

A. A set of possible values for an attribute

B. A collection of tables

C. A type of relationship between entities

D. A query language

Answer: A. A domain defines the valid data type and range of values for an attribute. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

B. Structured Query Language (SQL)

Question 19:  Which SQL statement is used to create a new table in a database?





Answer: A. `CREATE TABLE` defines the structure of a new table, including its columns and data types. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 20: Which SQL statement is used to add a new column to an existing table?





Answer: B. `ALTER TABLE` allows modifications to an existing table’s structure, such as adding or deleting columns. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 21: Which SQL statement is used to delete an entire table from a database?





Answer: C. `DROP TABLE` permanently removes the table and all its data. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 22:  Which SQL clause is used to filter data in a SELECT query?





Answer: A. The `WHERE` clause specifies conditions that rows must meet to be included in the result. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 23: Which SQL statement is used to add new data into a table?





Answer: A. `INSERT INTO` inserts new rows into a table. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 24: Which SQL statement is used to modify existing data in a table?





Answer: B. `UPDATE` changes the values of existing rows in a table. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 25: Which SQL statement is used to delete specific rows from a table?





Answer: A. `DELETE` removes rows that match a specified condition. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 26:  Which SQL keyword is used to retrieve all columns from a table?




D. GET *

Answer: A. `SELECT *` retrieves all columns from the specified table. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 27: Which SQL statement is used to grant privileges to a user?





Answer: A. `GRANT` gives specific permissions to a user or role. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 28: Which SQL statement is used to remove privileges from a user?





Answer: B. `REVOKE` takes away previously granted permissions. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 29:  Which SQL constraint ensures that all values in a column are unique?





Answer: C. The `UNIQUE` constraint prevents duplicate values in a column. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 30: Which SQL constraint prevents null values from being inserted into a column?





Answer: D. `NOT NULL` enforces that a column must have a value. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 31: Which SQL clause is used to combine the results of two SELECT queries, removing duplicate rows?





Answer: A. `UNION` combines the result sets of two or more `SELECT` queries and removes any duplicate rows. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 32: Which SQL clause is used to combine the results of two SELECT queries, returning only the rows that appear in both result sets?





Answer: B. `INTERSECT` finds the common rows present in both `SELECT` queries. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 33: Which SQL clause is used to combine the results of two SELECT queries, returning only the rows that appear in the first result set but not in the second?





Answer: C. `EXCEPT` (or `MINUS` in some databases) returns rows that are unique to the first query. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 34: Which SQL clause is used to group rows with the same value in one or more columns?





Answer: C. `GROUP BY` groups rows based on shared values in specified columns, often used with aggregate functions. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 35: Which SQL clause is used to filter groups based on aggregate values?





Answer: D. `HAVING` filters groups that result from a `GROUP BY` clause based on conditions involving aggregate functions. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

III. Database Design

A. Entity-Relationship (ER) Modeling

Question 36: What does an entity represent in an ER model?

A. A table in a relational database

B. An attribute of an entity

C. A relationship between entities

D. A real-world object or concept

Answer: D. Entities are the “things” about which we want to store data, like people, places, or objects. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 37: What is an attribute in an ER model?

A. A characteristic or property of an entity

B. A relationship between entities

C. A key in a relational database

D. A data type

Answer: A. Attributes describe the properties of an entity, such as name, age, or address. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 38: What does a relationship represent in an ER model?

A. An attribute of an entity

B. A connection or association between two or more entities

C. A key in a relational database

D. A data type

Answer: B. Relationships define how entities are related to each other, such as “student enrolls in course.” (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 39: What does cardinality indicate in an ER model?

A. The number of attributes in an entity

B. The number of entities involved in a relationship

C. The minimum and maximum number of instances of one entity that can be associated with instances of another entity

D. The type of relationship between entities

Answer: C. Cardinality specifies how many instances of each entity participate in a relationship (e.g., one-to-many). (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 40: What is participation constraint in an ER model?

A. The number of attributes in an entity

B. Whether the existence of an entity depends on its relationship with another entity

C. The minimum and maximum number of instances of one entity that can be associated with instances of another entity

D. The type of relationship between entities

Answer: B. Participation constraints determine if an entity must participate in a relationship (total participation) or not (partial participation). (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 41: What is the purpose of an ER diagram?

A. To visually represent the entities, attributes, and relationships of a database

B. To write SQL queries

C. To optimize database performance

D. To define data types

Answer: A. ER diagrams provide a graphical representation of the database design. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 42: How are relationships represented in a relational database?

A. As separate tables

B. As attributes in the same table

C. As foreign keys

D. As primary keys

Answer: C. Relationships are implemented using foreign keys that link tables together. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

B. Normalization

Question 43: What are functional dependencies in a relational database?

A. Relationships between tables

B. Constraints that enforce data integrity

C. Relationships between attributes where the value of one attribute determines the value of another attribute

D. Types of indexes

Answer: C. Functional dependencies define how one attribute determines the value of another within a table. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 44: What is the goal of normalization?

A. To improve query performance

B. To reduce data redundancy and improve data integrity

C. To create complex data structures

D. To enforce security constraints

Answer: B. Normalization minimizes redundancy and ensures data consistency. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 45: Which normal form eliminates repeating groups of data within a table?

A. 1NF

B. 2NF

C. 3NF


Answer: A. First Normal Form (1NF) requires that all attributes contain atomic values (no repeating groups). (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 46: Which normal form eliminates redundant data that is dependent on only part of the primary key?

A. 1NF

B. 2NF

C. 3NF


Answer: B. Second Normal Form (2NF) addresses redundancy issues in tables with composite primary keys. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 47: Which normal form eliminates transitive dependencies, where a non-key attribute is dependent on another non-key attribute?

A. 1NF

B. 2NF

C. 3NF


Answer: C. Third Normal Form (3NF) removes transitive dependencies to further reduce redundancy. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 48: What is the Boyce-Codd Normal Form (BCNF)?

A. A lower normal form than 3NF

B. A higher normal form than 3NF that addresses certain redundancy issues not covered by 3NF

C. A type of index

D. A query optimization technique

Answer: B. BCNF is a stricter form of 3NF that deals with specific redundancy cases. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 49: What is decomposition in the context of normalization?

A. Combining tables into a single table

B. Breaking down a table into smaller tables to reduce redundancy

C. Creating indexes on tables

D. Enforcing data integrity constraints

Answer: B. Decomposition splits a table into multiple tables to adhere to normal forms. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 50: What is the lossless join property in database normalization?

A. A property that ensures that data is not lost when tables are joined back together after decomposition

B. A type of join operation in SQL

C. A constraint that enforces data integrity

D. A query optimization technique

Answer: A. Lossless join guarantees that joining the decomposed tables will reconstruct the original table without data loss. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

IV. Indexing and Query Optimization

A. Indexing Techniques

Question 51: What is the primary purpose of an index in a database?

A. To enforce data integrity

B. To speed up data retrieval

C. To reduce data redundancy

D. To define relationships between tables

Answer: B. Indexes are like lookups that allow the database to find data more quickly. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 52: Which type of index is based on a tree-like structure and is commonly used for range queries?

A. B-tree index

B. Hash index

C. Clustered index

D. Non-clustered index

Answer: A. B-tree indexes are efficient for searching ranges of values and are widely used in relational databases. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 53: Which type of index uses a hash function to map values to locations on disk?

A. B-tree index

B. Hash index

C. Clustered index

D. Non-clustered index

Answer: B. Hash indexes are good for equality searches but not ideal for range queries. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 54: What is a clustered index?

A. An index that stores the actual data rows in the leaf nodes of the index

B. An index that stores pointers to the actual data rows

C. An index that is used for spatial data

D. An index that is used for text data

Answer: A. A clustered index determines the physical order of data rows on disk, and there can be only one clustered index per table. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 55:  What is a disadvantage of using indexes?

A. They can slow down data retrieval

B. They can increase storage space requirements

C. They can reduce data integrity

D. They can make it harder to update data

Answer: B. Indexes require additional storage space and can slow down data modification operations (insert, update, delete). (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

B. Query Processing and Optimization

Question 56: What is a query execution plan?

A. A visual representation of a SQL query

B. A step-by-step plan that the database uses to execute a query

C. A set of rules for writing efficient queries

D. A type of index

Answer: B. The query execution plan outlines how the database will access and process the data to answer the query. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 57: What is the goal of query optimization?

A. To make queries easier to read

B. To find the most efficient way to execute a query

C. To reduce the number of tables in a query

D. To enforce data integrity constraints

Answer: B. Query optimization aims to minimize the time and resources needed to retrieve the requested data. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 58: How can indexes improve query performance?

A. By reducing the amount of data that needs to be scanned

B. By increasing the amount of storage space used

C. By making queries more complex

D. By enforcing data integrity constraints

Answer: A. Indexes help the database quickly locate relevant data, avoiding full table scans. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 59: What is cost-based optimization?

A. A query optimization technique that uses predefined rules

B. A query optimization technique that estimates the cost of different execution plans and chooses the least expensive one

C. A type of index

D. A concurrency control technique

Answer: B. Cost-based optimization analyzes various execution strategies and selects the one with the lowest estimated cost. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 60: Which of the following factors can influence the cost of a query execution plan?

A. The number of tables involved in the query

B. The presence of indexes

C. The amount of data that needs to be scanned

D. All of the above

Answer: D. All these factors, and more, contribute to the overall cost of executing a query. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

V. Transaction Management and Concurrency Control

A. ACID Properties

Question 61: What does the “A” in ACID properties stand for?

A. Atomicity

B. Availability

C. Accuracy

D. Authenticity

Answer: A. Atomicity ensures that a transaction is treated as a single, indivisible unit of work. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 62: What does the “C” in ACID properties stand for?

A. Concurrency

B. Consistency

C. Completeness

D. Confidentiality

Answer: B. Consistency guarantees that a transaction brings the database from one valid state to another. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 63: What does the “I” in ACID properties stand for?

A. Integrity

B. Isolation

C. Inconsistency

D. Indexing

Answer: B. Isolation ensures that concurrent transactions do not interfere with each other. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 64: What does the “D” in ACID properties stand for?

A. Durability

B. Dependability

C. Distribution

D. Data integrity

Answer: A. Durability ensures that once a transaction is committed, its changes are permanent, even in case of system failures. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 65: Why are ACID properties important in database systems?

A. To improve query performance

B. To ensure data reliability and consistency

C. To reduce storage space requirements

D. To simplify database design

Answer: B. ACID properties are crucial for maintaining data integrity and consistency, especially in concurrent environments. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

B. Transaction Management

Question 66: What is a transaction in a database?

A. A single SQL statement

B. A logical unit of work that consists of one or more database operations

C. A type of index

D. A data structure

Answer: B. A transaction is a sequence of operations that are executed as a single unit. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 67: What are the possible states of a transaction?

A. Active, committed, aborted

B. Running, completed, failed

C. Open, closed, pending

D. Initialized, processing, finalized

Answer: A. A transaction can be active (in progress), committed (successfully completed), or aborted (rolled back due to an error). (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 68: What is concurrency control in a database?

A. Managing multiple users accessing the database simultaneously

B. Optimizing query performance

C. Enforcing data integrity constraints

D. Backing up and restoring the database

Answer: A. Concurrency control mechanisms ensure that simultaneous transactions do not interfere with each other and maintain data consistency. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 69: What is a deadlock in a database?

A. A situation where two or more transactions are blocked indefinitely, waiting for each other to release resources

B. A type of error that occurs during a transaction

C. A concurrency control technique

D. A recovery technique

Answer: A. Deadlocks occur when transactions are stuck in a circular wait for resources. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 70: Which concurrency control technique uses locks to prevent conflicts between transactions?

A. Locking

B. Timestamping

C. Optimistic concurrency control

D. Two-phase locking

Answer: A. Locking mechanisms (shared locks, exclusive locks) control access to data items to prevent conflicts. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

C. Recovery Techniques

Question 71: What is the purpose of log-based recovery in a database?

A. To improve query performance

B. To restore the database to a consistent state after a failure

C. To prevent deadlocks

D. To enforce data integrity constraints

Answer: B. Log-based recovery uses a transaction log to undo or redo operations and recover from crashes. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 72: What is a transaction log in a database?

A. A record of all database operations

B. A type of index

C. A data structure

D. A query execution plan

Answer: A. The transaction log keeps track of all changes made to the database. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 73: What is checkpointing in a database?

A. A point in time when the database is backed up

B. A concurrency control technique

C. A technique to reduce the amount of data that needs to be processed during recovery

D. A type of index

Answer: C. Checkpointing periodically writes modified data blocks to disk, reducing the work needed for recovery. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 74:  Which of the following is a recovery technique used in databases?

A. Write-ahead logging (WAL)

B. Two-phase locking (2PL)

C. Optimistic concurrency control (OCC)

D. B-tree index

Answer: A. WAL ensures that changes are written to the log before they are applied to the database. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 75: What is the purpose of the REDO operation in database recovery?

A. To undo the changes made by a transaction

B. To redo the changes made by a committed transaction that were not written to disk before a failure

C. To prevent deadlocks

D. To enforce data integrity constraints

Answer: B. REDO reapplies changes from the log to ensure that committed transactions are reflected in the database after recovery. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

VI. Advanced Database Concepts – DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement

A. NoSQL Databases

Question 76: Which of the following is NOT a type of NoSQL database?

A. Key-value store

B. Document database

C. Graph database

D. Relational database

Answer: D. Relational databases are a traditional type of database, not a NoSQL database. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 77: Which type of NoSQL database stores data in key-value pairs, similar to a dictionary?

A. Key-value store

B. Document database

C. Graph database

D. Column-family database

Answer: A. Key-value stores are simple and efficient for storing and retrieving data using a unique key. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 78: Which type of NoSQL database stores data in flexible, semi-structured documents, often in JSON or XML format?

A. Key-value store

B. Document database

C. Graph database

D. Column-family database

Answer: B. Document databases are suitable for storing data with varying structures, like product catalogs or user profiles. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 79: Which type of NoSQL database is best suited for representing relationships between entities, such as social networks or knowledge graphs?

A. Key-value store

B. Document database

C. Graph database

D. Column-family database

Answer: C. Graph databases excel at storing and querying relationships between data points. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 80: What does the CAP theorem state in the context of distributed databases?

A. A distributed database can only guarantee two out of three properties: Consistency, Availability, and Partition tolerance

B. A distributed database can guarantee all three properties: Consistency, Availability, and Partition tolerance

C. A distributed database cannot guarantee any of the three properties: Consistency, Availability, and Partition tolerance

D. The CAP theorem is not relevant to distributed databases

Answer: A. The CAP theorem highlights the trade-offs between consistency, availability, and partition tolerance in distributed systems. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

B. Distributed Databases

Question 81: What is data replication in a distributed database?

A. Storing the same data on multiple servers

B. Dividing data into smaller chunks and storing them on different servers

C. Optimizing query performance

D. Enforcing data integrity constraints

Answer: A. Data replication creates copies of data across multiple nodes for redundancy and fault tolerance. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 82: What is data partitioning in a distributed database?

A. Storing the same data on multiple servers

B. Dividing data into smaller chunks and storing them on different servers

C. Optimizing query performance

D. Enforcing data integrity constraints

Answer: B. Data partitioning (sharding) distributes data across multiple servers to improve scalability and performance. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 83: What is the purpose of distributed transaction management?

A. To ensure that transactions involving data on multiple servers are executed consistently

B. To optimize query performance

C. To enforce data integrity constraints

D. To back up and restore the database

Answer: A. Distributed transaction management coordinates transactions across multiple nodes to maintain data integrity. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 84: Which of the following is a challenge in distributed databases?

A. Maintaining data consistency across multiple servers

B. Handling network failures

C. Ensuring data availability

D. All of the above

Answer: D. Distributed databases introduce complexities in maintaining consistency, handling failures, and ensuring availability. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 85: What is a distributed database system?

A. A database that is stored on a single server

B. A database that is spread across multiple servers

C. A database that is used for data warehousing

D. A database that is used for data mining

Answer: B. Distributed databases store data across multiple interconnected nodes. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

C. Data Warehousing and Data Mining

Question 86: What is a data warehouse?

A. A database designed for transactional processing

B. A large, centralized repository of historical data from various sources

C. A type of NoSQL database

D. A tool for data mining

Answer: B. Data warehouses store integrated data from operational systems for analysis and decision-making. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 87: What is OLAP (Online Analytical Processing)?

A. A technique for querying and analyzing data in data warehouses

B. A type of NoSQL database

C. A tool for data mining

D. A technique for data replication

Answer: A. OLAP enables multi-dimensional analysis of data to identify trends and patterns. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 88: What is data mining?

A. The process of extracting knowledge and patterns from large datasets

B. The process of loading data into a data warehouse

C. A type of NoSQL database

D. A technique for data replication

Answer: A. Data mining uses algorithms to discover hidden insights and relationships in data. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 89: Which of the following is a data mining technique?

A. Clustering

B. Classification

C. Regression

D. All of the above

Answer: D. These are all common data mining techniques used for various purposes like grouping similar data points, predicting categories, and finding relationships between variables. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 90: What is the purpose of data warehousing and data mining?

A. To support decision-making and gain insights from data

B. To improve transactional processing performance

C. To enforce data integrity constraints

D. To simplify database design

Answer: A. Data warehousing and data mining help organizations extract valuable information from their data to make informed decisions. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

VII. Common DBMS Interview Questions

Question 91: What is the difference between DELETE and TRUNCATE statements in SQL?

A. DELETE removes rows based on a condition, while TRUNCATE removes all rows from a table.

B. TRUNCATE is faster than DELETE.

C. TRUNCATE cannot be rolled back, while DELETE can.

D. All of the above.

Answer: D. All the options highlight the key differences between DELETE and TRUNCATE. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 92: What is the difference between a primary key and a unique key?

A. A primary key cannot have null values, while a unique key can.

B. A table can have only one primary key, but it can have multiple unique keys.

C. Both A and B.

D. There is no difference.

Answer: C. Both A and B accurately describe the differences between primary and unique keys. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 93: What is a view in a database?

A. A virtual table based on the result-set of an SQL statement.

B. A physical table stored in the database.

C. A type of index.

D. A data structure.

Answer: A. A view is a logical representation of data derived from one or more base tables. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 94: What is denormalization?

A. The process of normalizing a database.

B. The process of intentionally introducing redundancy into a database to improve performance.

C. A type of index.

D. A concurrency control technique.

Answer: B. Denormalization is sometimes used to optimize read operations by adding redundant data. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 95: What is a stored procedure?

A. A pre-compiled SQL code that can be reused.

B. A type of index.

C. A data structure.

D. A concurrency control technique.

Answer: A. Stored procedures are pre-written SQL code blocks that can be executed with a single call. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 96: What are the advantages of using stored procedures?

A. Improved performance.

B. Reduced network traffic.

C. Enhanced security.

D. All of the above.

Answer: D. Stored procedures offer benefits in terms of performance, security, and reduced network load. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 97: What is a trigger in a database?

A. A stored procedure that automatically executes in response to certain events.

B. A type of index.

C. A data structure.

D. A concurrency control technique.

Answer: A. Triggers are special stored procedures that are invoked when specific actions (insert, update, delete) occur on a table. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 98: What are the different types of joins in SQL?





Answer: A. These are the main types of joins used to combine data from multiple tables. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 99: What is the difference between INNER JOIN and LEFT JOIN?

A. INNER JOIN returns only the matching rows from both tables, while LEFT JOIN returns all rows from the left table and matching rows from the right table.

B. LEFT JOIN returns only the matching rows from both tables, while INNER JOIN returns all rows from the left table and matching rows from the right table.

C. INNER JOIN and LEFT JOIN are the same.

D. None of the above.

Answer: A. This accurately describes the difference between INNER JOIN and LEFT JOIN. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 100: What is the difference between WHERE and HAVING clause in SQL?

A. WHERE clause is used to filter rows before grouping, while HAVING clause is used to filter groups after grouping.

B. HAVING clause is used to filter rows before grouping, while WHERE clause is used to filter groups after grouping.

C. WHERE and HAVING clauses are the same.

D. None of the above.

Answer: A.  This correctly explains the distinction between the WHERE and HAVING clauses. (DBMS MCQ Questions for Placement by Top100MCQ.com)

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Most asked DBMS Questions

What’s a DBMS?

A DBMS is software that helps you organize and manage data. Think of it as a super-efficient digital filing system.

Relational vs. NoSQL databases?

Relational databases use tables and SQL for structured data. NoSQL databases are more flexible for unstructured data like social media posts.

What is normalization?

Normalization organizes a database to reduce duplicate data and improve data accuracy.

How do indexes speed up databases?

Indexes are like lookups in a database, allowing it to find information quickly without scanning everything.

What are ACID properties?

ACID properties ensure database transactions are reliable, consistent, and don’t interfere with each other.

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