Conservation of Plants and Animals Class 8 MCQs [ Best 100 MCQ ]

Conservation of Plants and Animals Class 8 MCQs. These 100 Multiple Choice Questions with Answer and Explanation will help you score full marks in your class 8 Science (Biology) exam.

Conservation of Plants and Animals Class 8 MCQs [ Best 100 MCQ ]

Deforestation (MCQs 1 to 20) – Conservation of Plants and Animals Class 8 MCQs

Q1. Which of the following is NOT a direct cause of deforestation?

(a) Agriculture

(b) Logging

(c) Mining

(d) Climate change

  Answer: (d) Climate change. While climate change can worsen the effects of deforestation, such as increased fire risk and drought, it is not a direct cause of deforestation itself. Human activities like agriculture, logging, and mining are the primary drivers.

Q2. Deforestation is a major contributor to which environmental issue?

(a) Ozone depletion

(b) Acid rain

(c) Global warming

(d) Eutrophication

  Answer: (c) Global warming. Trees absorb carbon dioxide, and their removal increases greenhouse gas concentrations.

Q3. Which of the following is a consequence of deforestation?

(a) Increased biodiversity

(b) Improved soil fertility

(c) Reduced water availability

(d) Enhanced carbon sequestration

  Answer: (c) Reduced water availability. Trees help regulate the water cycle, and their loss can lead to drier conditions.

Q4. The practice of planting trees to replace those that have been cut down is called:

(a) Afforestation

(b) Reforestation

(c) Deforestation

(d) Desertification

  Answer: (b) Reforestation.

Q5. Which human activity is the leading cause of deforestation globally?

(a) Mining

(b) Urbanization

(c) Agriculture

(d) Logging

  Answer: (c) Agriculture. Clearing land for crops and livestock is the primary driver of deforestation.

Q6. Deforestation can lead to the loss of which essential ecosystem service?

(a) Pollination

(b) Flood control

(c) Carbon storage

(d) All of the above

  Answer: (d) All of the above. Trees play a crucial role in all these ecosystem services.

Q7. Which of the following is a sustainable forestry practice?

(a) Clear-cutting forests

(b) Selective logging

(c) Burning forests for agriculture

(d) Overgrazing in forests

  Answer: (b) Selective logging. This involves removing only mature trees while leaving younger ones to grow.

Q8. Deforestation can displace which of the following?

(a) Indigenous communities

(b) Wildlife

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) Neither (a) nor (b)

  Answer: (c) Both (a) and (b). Deforestation disrupts ecosystems and can force both humans and animals to relocate.

Q9. Which region has experienced the most significant deforestation in recent decades?

(a) Amazon rainforest

(b) Congo Basin

(c) Southeast Asia

(d) All of the above

  Answer: (d) All of the above. These regions have all faced severe deforestation due to various factors.

Q10. Which international agreement aims to combat deforestation?

(a) Kyoto Protocol

(b) Paris Agreement

(c) Montreal Protocol

(d) Ramsar Convention

  Answer: (b) Paris Agreement. This agreement includes commitments to reduce deforestation and forest degradation.

Q11. What is the main cause of deforestation in the Amazon rainforest?

(a) Mining

(b) Cattle ranching

(c) Logging

(d) Urbanization

  Answer: (b) Cattle ranching. Clearing land for cattle grazing is the leading cause of deforestation in the Amazon.

Q12. Deforestation can increase the risk of which natural disaster?

(a) Earthquakes

(b) Volcanic eruptions

(c) Landslides

(d) Tsunamis

  Answer: (c) Landslides. Tree roots help stabilize soil, and their removal increases the risk of landslides.

Q13. Which of the following is an economic impact of deforestation?

(a) Increased tourism revenue

(b) Reduced agricultural productivity

(c) Lower timber prices

(d) Improved water quality

  Answer: (b) Reduced agricultural productivity. Deforestation can lead to soil erosion and loss of nutrients, negatively impacting agriculture.

Q14. Which of the following is a social impact of deforestation?

(a) Displacement of indigenous communities

(b) Increased employment opportunities

(c) Improved health outcomes

(d) Enhanced cultural diversity

  Answer: (a) Displacement of indigenous communities. Deforestation often leads to the forced relocation of indigenous peoples who depend on forests for their livelihoods and cultural practices.

Q15. Which of the following is NOT an alternative to deforestation for meeting agricultural needs?

(a) Agroforestry

(b) Slash-and-burn agriculture

(c) Sustainable intensification

(d) Vertical farming

  Answer: (b) Slash-and-burn agriculture. This traditional practice is a major contributor to deforestation and is not sustainable.

Q16. Which of the following organizations is actively involved in combating deforestation?

(a) World Wildlife Fund (WWF)

(b) Greenpeace

(c) Rainforest Alliance

(d) All of the above

  Answer: (d) All of the above. These organizations are all working to protect forests and promote sustainable practices.

Q17. Which of the following is a potential consequence of deforestation for human health?

(a) Increased risk of infectious diseases

(b) Improved air quality

(c) Reduced exposure to allergens

(d) Enhanced food security

  Answer: (a) Increased risk of infectious diseases. Deforestation can bring humans into closer contact with wildlife, increasing the risk of zoonotic diseases.

Q18. Deforestation can disrupt which of the following biogeochemical cycles?

(a) Carbon cycle

(b) Nitrogen cycle

(c) Water cycle

(d) All of the above

  Answer: (d) All of the above. Trees play a vital role in regulating these cycles, and their removal can have significant impacts.

Q19. Which of the following is a potential benefit of reforestation?

(a) Improved soil quality

(b) Increased biodiversity

(c) Enhanced water resources

(d) All of the above

  Answer: (d) All of the above. Reforestation can provide numerous ecological and social benefits.

Q20. Deforestation is a complex issue with: 

(a) Only environmental consequences

(b) Only social consequences

(c) Only economic consequences

(d) Environmental, social, and economic consequences

  Answer: (d) Environmental, social, and economic consequences. Deforestation has far-reaching impacts on various aspects of life.

Endangered Species (MCQs 21 to 40) – Conservation of Plants and Animals Class 8 MCQs

Q21. Which of the following best defines an endangered species?

(a) A species with a rapidly increasing population.

(b) A species found in a specific geographic location.

(c) A species at risk of extinction due to various threats.

(d) A species that has already gone extinct.

  Answer: (c) A species at risk of extinction due to various threats.

Q22. Which of the following is NOT a major threat to endangered species?

(a) Habitat loss

(b) Poaching

(c) Pollution

(d) Migration

  Answer: (d) Migration. While migration can be challenging for some species, it is not a primary cause of endangerment.

Q23. The Bengal tiger is native to which country?

(a) China

(b) India

(c) Russia

(d) Indonesia

  Answer: (b) India.

Q24. Which animal is known for its single horn and is found in India and Nepal?

(a) Indian elephant

(b) Greater one-horned rhinoceros

(c) Asiatic lion

(d) Snow leopard

  Answer: (b) Greater one-horned rhinoceros.

Q25. Which of the following is a conservation effort to protect endangered species?

(a) Captive breeding programs

(b) Establishment of wildlife sanctuaries

(c) Ban on wildlife trade

(d) All of the above

  Answer: (d) All of the above.

Q26. What is the main purpose of a wildlife sanctuary?

(a) To provide entertainment for tourists

(b) To conduct research on animals

(c) To protect endangered species and their habitats

(d) To promote hunting and fishing

  Answer: (c) To protect endangered species and their habitats.

Q27. Which of the following is an example of a national park in India?

(a) Jim Corbett National Park

(b) Kaziranga National Park

(c) Ranthambore National Park

(d) All of the above

  Answer: (d) All of the above.

Q28. What is the significance of Project Tiger?

(a) To protect and conserve Bengal tigers

(b) To promote tiger tourism

(c) To increase the population of tigers for hunting

(d) To relocate tigers to other countries

  Answer: (a) To protect and conserve Bengal tigers.

Q29. What is the role of captive breeding programs in conservation?

(a) To provide exotic animals for zoos

(b) To breed endangered species in controlled environments for potential reintroduction

(c) To study animal behavior in captivity

(d) To create hybrid species

  Answer: (b) To breed endangered species in controlled environments for potential reintroduction.

Q30. Which of the following is a critically endangered species in India?

(a) Indian wolf

(b) Great Indian bustard

(c) Red panda

(d) Ganges river dolphin

  Answer: (b) Great Indian bustard.

Q31. Which international organization maintains the Red List of Threatened Species?

(a) World Health Organization (WHO)

(b) International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)

(c) United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

(d) Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

  Answer: (b) International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

Q32. The Red Data Book categorizes species based on their:

(a) Economic value

(b) Conservation status

(c) Geographic distribution

(d) Population size

  Answer: (b) Conservation status.

Q33. Which of the following is NOT a category in the Red Data Book?

(a) Extinct

(b) Critically Endangered

(c) Endangered

(d) Domesticated

  Answer: (d) Domesticated.

Q34. Which of the following is an example of an extinct species?

(a) Dodo bird

(b) Passenger pigeon

(c) Woolly mammoth

(d) All of the above

  Answer: (d) All of the above.

Q35. Which of the following is NOT a reason for the extinction of the dodo bird?

(a) Habitat destruction

(b) Hunting by humans

(c) Introduction of invasive species

(d) Climate change

  Answer: (d) Climate change. While climate change is a threat to many species today, it was not a factor in the extinction of the dodo bird.

Q36. What is the main purpose of the Wildlife Protection Act of 1972?

(a) To promote wildlife tourism

(b) To regulate hunting and trade of wild animals

(c) To establish zoos and aquariums

(d) To encourage the domestication of wild animals

  Answer: (b) To regulate hunting and trade of wild animals.

Q37. Which of the following activities is prohibited under the Wildlife Protection Act?

(a) Hunting of endangered species

(b) Trade of wildlife products

(c) Destruction of wildlife habitats

(d) All of the above

  Answer: (d) All of the above.

Q38. What is the role of zoos in conservation?

(a) To provide entertainment for visitors

(b) To educate the public about wildlife

(c) To conduct research on animal behavior

(d) All of the above

  Answer: (d) All of the above.

Q39. Which of the following is an example of a flagship species?

(a) Giant panda

(b) Bengal tiger

(c) African elephant

(d) All of the above

  Answer: (d) All of the above. Flagship species are charismatic animals used to raise awareness and support for conservation efforts.

Q40. What is the ultimate goal of conservation efforts for endangered species?

(a) To prevent their extinction

(b) To increase their population size

(c) To restore their habitats

(d) All of the above

  Answer: (d) All of the above.

Wildlife Sanctuaries and National Parks (MCQs 41 to 60) – Conservation of Plants and Animals Class 8 MCQs

Q41. What is the primary purpose of wildlife sanctuaries and national parks?

(a) To provide recreational activities for tourists

(b) To protect endangered species and their habitats

(c) To promote research on animal behavior

(d) To generate revenue through wildlife tourism

  Answer: (b) To protect endangered species and their habitats.

Q42. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a wildlife sanctuary?

(a) Allows limited human activities like grazing and firewood collection

(b) Focuses on the conservation of specific species or habitats

(c) Prohibits all human activities except for scientific research

(d) Provides a safe haven for wildlife to thrive

  Answer: (c) Prohibits all human activities except for scientific research. Wildlife sanctuaries allow some regulated human activities.

Q43. Which of the following is a key difference between a wildlife sanctuary and a national park?

(a) National parks are larger in area than wildlife sanctuaries

(b) National parks allow more human activities than wildlife sanctuaries

(c) National parks have a higher level of protection than wildlife sanctuaries

(d) National parks focus on a single species while wildlife sanctuaries protect multiple species

  Answer: (c) National parks have a higher level of protection than wildlife sanctuaries.

Q44. Which of the following is India’s oldest national park?

(a) Jim Corbett National Park

(b) Kaziranga National Park

(c) Ranthambore National Park

(d) Gir National Park

  Answer: (a) Jim Corbett National Park.

Q45. Kaziranga National Park is primarily known for the conservation of which endangered species?

(a) Bengal tiger

(b) One-horned rhinoceros

(c) Asiatic lion

(d) Snow leopard

  Answer: (b) One-horned rhinoceros.

Q46. Which of the following activities is generally allowed in a national park?

(a) Mining

(b) Logging

(c) Tourism

(d) Hunting

  Answer: (c) Tourism.

Q47. Which organization is responsible for managing national parks in India?

(a) Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change

(b) Wildlife Institute of India

(c) National Biodiversity Authority

(d) Zoological Survey of India

  Answer: (a) Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change.

Q48. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of wildlife sanctuaries and national parks?

(a) Conservation of biodiversity

(b) Promotion of ecotourism

(c) Increased pollution and deforestation

(d) Preservation of natural habitats

  Answer: (c) Increased pollution and deforestation.

Q49. Which of the following is a threat to wildlife sanctuaries and national parks?

(a) Poaching

(b) Encroachment

(c) Human-wildlife conflict

(d) All of the above

  Answer: (d) All of the above.

Q50. What is the role of local communities in the conservation of wildlife sanctuaries and national parks?

(a) They can help monitor and protect wildlife

(b) They can benefit from sustainable tourism

(c) They can participate in conservation programs

(d) All of the above

  Answer: (d) All of the above.

Conservation of Plants and Animals Class 8 NCERT MCQs: Wildlife Sanctuaries and National Parks (Continued)

Q51. Which of the following is NOT a criterion for declaring an area as a wildlife sanctuary or national park?

(a) Presence of endangered species

(b) Unique ecological significance

(c) Potential for economic development

(d) Adequate protection measures

  Answer: (c) Potential for economic development.

Q52. What is the role of buffer zones in wildlife sanctuaries and national parks?

(a) To provide additional habitat for wildlife

(b) To act as a transition zone between protected areas and human settlements

(c) To promote tourism and recreational activities

(d) To generate revenue for conservation efforts

  Answer: (b) To act as a transition zone between protected areas and human settlements.

Q53. Which of the following is a challenge faced in managing wildlife sanctuaries and national parks?

(a) Lack of funding

(b) Human-wildlife conflict

(c) Encroachment and illegal activities

(d) All of the above

  Answer: (d) All of the above.

Q54. Which of the following is an example of human-wildlife conflict?

(a) Elephants raiding crops

(b) Tigers attacking livestock

(c) Leopards entering human settlements

(d) All of the above

  Answer: (d) All of the above.

Q55. What is the importance of eco-development committees in managing protected areas?

(a) They provide financial support for conservation

(b) They involve local communities in decision-making

(c) They promote research and monitoring of wildlife

(d) They enforce strict regulations on tourism activities

  Answer: (b) They involve local communities in decision-making.

Q56. Which of the following is a benefit of involving local communities in conservation efforts?

(a) Increased awareness and support for conservation

(b) Reduced human-wildlife conflict

(c) Sustainable livelihood opportunities

(d) All of the above

  Answer: (d) All of the above.

Q57. Which of the following is an example of sustainable tourism in protected areas?

(a) Guided nature walks

(b) Bird watching

(c) Wildlife photography

(d) All of the above

  Answer: (d) All of the above.

Q58. Which of the following is a negative impact of unsustainable tourism in protected areas?

(a) Increased pollution

(b) Disturbance to wildlife

(c) Damage to habitats

(d) All of the above

  Answer: (d) All of the above.

Q59. Which of the following is an initiative to promote community-based conservation in India?

(a) Joint Forest Management (JFM)

(b) Eco-Development Committees (EDCs)

(c) Village Forest Committees (VFCs)

(d) All of the above

  Answer: (d) All of the above.

Q60. What is the significance of biodiversity conservation in wildlife sanctuaries and national parks?

(a) It ensures the survival of endangered species

(b) It maintains ecological balance

(c) It provides ecosystem services

(d) All of the above

  Answer: (d) All of the above.

Red Data Book (MCQs 61 to 80) – Conservation of Plants and Animals Class 8 MCQs

Conservation of Plants and Animals Class 8 NCERT MCQs: Red Data Book

Q61. What is the primary purpose of the Red Data Book?

(a) To list all known species of plants and animals.

(b) To document endangered species and assess their conservation status.

(c) To provide information about extinct species.

(d) To promote wildlife tourism.

  Answer: (b) To document endangered species and assess their conservation status.

Q62. Which organization publishes the Red Data Book?

(a) World Health Organization (WHO)

(b) International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)

(c) United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

(d) World Wildlife Fund (WWF)

  Answer: (b) International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

Q63. Which of the following is NOT a category used in the Red Data Book?

(a) Extinct

(b) Critically Endangered

(c) Endangered

(d) Abundant

  Answer: (d) Abundant.

Q64. A species that is facing an extremely high risk of extinction in the immediate future is categorized as:

(a) Extinct

(b) Critically Endangered

(c) Endangered

(d) Vulnerable

  Answer: (b) Critically Endangered.

Q65. A species that is likely to become endangered in the near future if current threats continue is categorized as:

(a) Extinct

(b) Critically Endangered

(c) Endangered

(d) Vulnerable

  Answer: (d) Vulnerable.

Q66. Which of the following is NOT a factor considered when assessing a species’ conservation status?

(a) Population size

(b) Geographic range

(c) Rate of population decline

(d) Economic value

  Answer: (d) Economic value.

Q67. The Red Data Book is an important tool for:

(a) Prioritizing conservation efforts

(b) Raising awareness about endangered species

(c) Monitoring the status of species populations

(d) All of the above

  Answer: (d) All of the above.

Q68. The Red Data Book is a valuable resource for:

(a) Scientists and researchers

(b) Policymakers and conservationists

(c) Educators and students

(d) All of the above

  Answer: (d) All of the above.

Q69. Which of the following is NOT a way in which the Red Data Book can be used?

(a) To identify species in need of conservation action

(b) To track the progress of conservation efforts

(c) To promote the trade of endangered species

(d) To educate the public about the importance of biodiversity

  Answer: (c) To promote the trade of endangered species.

Q70. The Red Data Book is updated:

(a) Annually

(b) Every five years

(c) Every ten years

(d) As needed

  Answer: (d) As needed.

Q71. Which of the following Indian animals is listed as Critically Endangered in the Red Data Book?

(a) Indian rhinoceros

(b) Bengal tiger

(c) Gharial

(d) Asiatic lion

  Answer: (c) Gharial.

Q72. The Red Data Book assesses the conservation status of which of the following?

(a) Only animals

(b) Only plants

(c) Both plants and animals

(d) Only microorganisms

  Answer: (c) Both plants and animals.

Q73. Which of the following is an example of a plant species listed in the Red Data Book?

(a) Neem

(b) Banyan

(c) Pitcher plant

(d) Mango

  Answer: (c) Pitcher plant.

Q74. What does the term “Least Concern” mean in the Red Data Book?

(a) The species is extinct.

(b) The species is facing a high risk of extinction.

(c) The species is not currently threatened with extinction.

(d) The species has insufficient data to assess its conservation status.

  Answer: (c) The species is not currently threatened with extinction.

Q75. Which of the following actions can help protect species listed in the Red Data Book?

(a) Habitat conservation

(b) Anti-poaching measures

(c) Captive breeding programs

(d) All of the above

  Answer: (d) All of the above.

Q76. What is the significance of the Red Data Book in conservation efforts?

(a) It helps identify species in need of immediate attention.

(b) It provides a baseline for monitoring population trends.

(c) It informs decision-making for conservation strategies.

(d) All of the above.

  Answer: (d) All of the above.

Q77. Which of the following is NOT a direct benefit of the Red Data Book?

(a) Increased public awareness of endangered species

(b) Improved enforcement of wildlife protection laws

(c) Increased funding for conservation projects

(d) Guaranteed survival of all listed species

  Answer: (d) Guaranteed survival of all listed species. (Conservation of Plants and Animals Class 8 MCQs by

Q78. The Red Data Book is primarily a tool for:

(a) Scientific research

(b) Public awareness

(c) Conservation action

(d) All of the above

  Answer: (c) Conservation action. (Conservation of Plants and Animals Class 8 MCQs by

Q79. Which of the following is a limitation of the Red Data Book?

(a) It does not cover all species.

(b) It relies on available data, which may be incomplete.

(c) It cannot prevent the extinction of species.

(d) All of the above.

  Answer: (d) All of the above. (Conservation of Plants and Animals Class 8 MCQs by

Q80. Despite its limitations, the Red Data Book is an essential tool for:

(a) Guiding conservation efforts

(b) Raising awareness about biodiversity loss

(c) Promoting international cooperation for species protection

(d) All of the above

  Answer: (d) All of the above. (Conservation of Plants and Animals Class 8 MCQs by

Migration (MCQs 81 to 100) – Conservation of Plants and Animals Class 8 MCQs

Conservation of Plants and Animals Class 8 NCERT MCQs: Migration

Q81. What is the primary reason for animal migration?

(a) To avoid predators

(b) To find better resources like food and breeding grounds

(c) To explore new territories

(d) To escape human interference

  Answer: (b) To find better resources like food and breeding grounds. (Conservation of Plants and Animals Class 8 MCQs by

Q82. Which of the following is NOT a common trigger for migration?

(a) Seasonal changes in temperature

(b) Availability of food

(c) Breeding cycles

(d) Lunar phases

  Answer: (d) Lunar phases. (Conservation of Plants and Animals Class 8 MCQs by

Q83. Which bird is known for its long-distance migration from Siberia to India?

(a) Arctic tern

(b) Siberian crane

(c) Bar-headed goose

(d) Monarch butterfly

  Answer: (b) Siberian crane. (Conservation of Plants and Animals Class 8 MCQs by

Q84. Bar-headed geese are famous for their migration over which mountain range?

(a) Andes

(b) Rockies

(c) Alps

(d) Himalayas

  Answer: (d) Himalayas. (Conservation of Plants and Animals Class 8 MCQs by

Q85. Which of the following is a threat to migratory animals?

(a) Habitat loss

(b) Hunting

(c) Climate change

(d) All of the above

  Answer: (d) All of the above. (Conservation of Plants and Animals Class 8 MCQs by

Q86. How does climate change affect migratory animals?

(a) It alters the timing of migration.

(b) It disrupts food availability along migratory routes.

(c) It changes the availability of suitable breeding grounds.

(d) All of the above.

  Answer: (d) All of the above. (Conservation of Plants and Animals Class 8 MCQs by

Q87. Which of the following is an adaptation that helps birds during migration?

(a) Camouflage

(b) Fat storage

(c) Nocturnal behavior

(d) Hibernation

  Answer: (b) Fat storage. (Conservation of Plants and Animals Class 8 MCQs by

Q88. How do migratory animals navigate during their long journeys?

(a) Using landmarks

(b) Sensing the Earth’s magnetic field

(c) Following the stars

(d) All of the above

  Answer: (d) All of the above. (Conservation of Plants and Animals Class 8 MCQs by

Q89. Which of the following is an example of an internal cue that triggers migration?

(a) Changes in day length

(b) Hormonal changes

(c) Availability of food

(d) Weather patterns

  Answer: (b) Hormonal changes. (Conservation of Plants and Animals Class 8 MCQs by

Q90. Why is the conservation of migratory species important?

(a) They play crucial roles in ecosystems.

(b) They contribute to biodiversity.

(c) They can be indicators of environmental health.

(d) All of the above.

  Answer: (d) All of the above. (Conservation of Plants and Animals Class 8 MCQs by

Q91. Which of the following animals is known for its annual migration across the Serengeti ecosystem in Africa?

(a) Zebra

(b) Wildebeest

(c) Gazelle

(d) All of the above

  Answer: (d) All of the above. (Conservation of Plants and Animals Class 8 MCQs by

Q92. Which of the following is NOT a reason why salmon migrate?

(a) To spawn in freshwater

(b) To find warmer waters

(c) To avoid predators

(d) To feed on plankton

  Answer: (d) To feed on plankton. Salmon migrate to their natal rivers to spawn, not to feed on plankton. (Conservation of Plants and Animals Class 8 MCQs by

Q93. How do butterflies like the monarch butterfly navigate during migration?

(a) They follow the sun’s position

(b) They use the Earth’s magnetic field

(c) They follow scent trails

(d) They use landmarks

  Answer: (a) They follow the sun’s position. (Conservation of Plants and Animals Class 8 MCQs by

Q94. Which of the following human activities disrupts the migration of animals?

(a) Construction of dams and roads

(b) Light pollution

(c) Habitat fragmentation

(d) All of the above

  Answer: (d) All of the above. (Conservation of Plants and Animals Class 8 MCQs by

Q95. What is “flyway”?

(a) A type of bird migration pattern

(b) A route followed by migratory birds

(c) A resting place for migratory birds

(d) A type of bird sanctuary

  Answer: (b) A route followed by migratory birds. (Conservation of Plants and Animals Class 8 MCQs by

Q96. What is the term for the seasonal movement of animals from one region to another and back?

(a) Hibernation

(b) Dispersal

(c) Migration

(d) Nomadism

  Answer: (c) Migration. (Conservation of Plants and Animals Class 8 MCQs by

Q97. Which of the following is a physiological adaptation that helps animals during migration?

(a) Increased muscle mass

(b) Changes in fur or feather coloration

(c) Altered metabolism

(d) All of the above

  Answer: (d) All of the above. (Conservation of Plants and Animals Class 8 MCQs by

Q98. What is the purpose of bird banding or tagging?

(a) To track the movement and behavior of migratory birds

(b) To identify individual birds

(c) To collect data on bird populations

(d) All of the above

  Answer: (d) All of the above. (Conservation of Plants and Animals Class 8 MCQs by

Q99. Which international treaty aims to protect migratory species?

(a) Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)

(b) Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES)

(c) Convention on Migratory Species (CMS)

(d) Ramsar Convention

  Answer: (c) Convention on Migratory Species (CMS). (Conservation of Plants and Animals Class 8 MCQs by

Q100. Why is studying migration important for conservation?

(a) To understand the needs of migratory species

(b) To identify critical habitats and stopover sites

(c) To develop effective conservation strategies

(d) All of the above

  Answer: (d) All of the above. (Conservation of Plants and Animals Class 8 MCQs by

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