C Language MCQ Questions and Answers

C Language MCQ Questions and Answers. These 100 Multiple Choice Questions on C Programming Language will help you score full marks in your exam & interview.

History and Origins: C Language MCQ Questions and Answers

Question 1: Which language directly influenced the development of C?

A. Java

B. B

C. Python


Answer: B. B. C was derived from the B programming language, which itself was influenced by BCPL. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 2: Who is credited with creating the C programming language?

A. Bjarne Stroustrup

B. James Gosling

C. Dennis Ritchie

D. Guido van Rossum

Answer: C. Dennis Ritchie. Dennis Ritchie developed C at Bell Labs in the early 1970s. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 3:  What is the name of the first widely available description of the C language, often referred to as “K&R C”?

A. The C Programming Language

B. The C++ Programming Language

C. The C Standard Library

D. The C Reference Manual

Answer: A. The C Programming Language. This book, written by Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie, became a definitive guide for C programmers. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 4: Which of the following is NOT a C standard?


B. C99

C. C++11

D. K&R C

Answer: C. C++11. This is a standard for the C++ programming language, not C. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 5: C played a crucial role in the development of which operating system?

A. Windows

B. macOS

C. Unix

D. Android

Answer: C. Unix. C was initially developed to rewrite the Unix operating system. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Key Features and Characteristics

Question 6: What programming paradigm does C follow?

A. Object-oriented

B. Functional

C. Procedural

D. Logic

Answer: C. Procedural. C programs are structured around procedures or functions that perform specific tasks. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 7: Which feature allows C programs to run on different types of computers with minimal changes?

A. Modularity

B. Efficiency

C. Portability

D. Low-level access

Answer: C. Portability. C code can be compiled and run on various platforms with little or no modification. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 8:  What mechanism in C promotes code reusability?

A. Classes

B. Objects

C. Functions

D. Templates

Answer: C. Functions. Functions encapsulate blocks of code that can be reused multiple times within a program. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 9:  C is known for its efficiency because it:

A. Is interpreted

B. Has automatic garbage collection

C. Provides low-level access to hardware

D. Uses dynamic typing

Answer: C. Provides low-level access to hardware. This allows for direct manipulation of memory and system resources. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 10: What type of language is C, in terms of how it is executed?

A. Interpreted

B. Compiled

C. Scripted

D. Markup

Answer: B. Compiled. C code is translated into machine code by a compiler before execution. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 11: Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of C?

A. High-level abstraction

B. Rich set of operators

C. Modularity

D. Efficiency

Answer: A. High-level abstraction. While C provides some abstraction, it is generally considered a lower-level language compared to languages like Java or Python. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 12: What is the process of converting C source code into an executable program called?

A. Interpretation

B. Compilation

C. Assembly

D. Linking

Answer: B. Compilation. A compiler translates the human-readable C code into machine code that the computer can understand. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Setting up a Development Environment

Question 13: Which of the following is a popular compiler for C?

A. Python interpreter

B. Java Virtual Machine


D. Node.js

Answer: C. GCC. GCC (GNU Compiler Collection) is a widely used compiler for C and other languages. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 14: What is the purpose of a linker in C programming?

A. To write the source code

B. To compile the source code

C. To combine object files and libraries into an executable

D. To debug the program

Answer: C. To combine object files and libraries into an executable. The linker resolves references between different code modules. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 15: What is the typical file extension for C source code files?

A. .cpp

B. .java

C. .c

D. .py

Answer: C. .c. C source code files are typically saved with the .c extension. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 16:  Which of the following is NOT a component of a typical C development environment?

A. Text editor

B. Compiler

C. Web browser

D. Debugger

Answer: C. Web browser. While a web browser might be used for accessing documentation, it’s not a core component of the development environment itself. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 17: What is the first step in creating a C program?

A. Compiling the code

B. Running the code

C. Writing the source code in a text editor

D. Linking the object files

Answer: C. Writing the source code in a text editor. You need to write the C code before you can compile or run it. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 18:  What command is commonly used to compile C code using GCC?

A. python

B. java

C. gcc

D. node

Answer: C. gcc. The gcc command invokes the GNU Compiler Collection to compile C code. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)
C Language MCQ Questions and Answers

Structure of a C Program

Question 19: What is the name of the function that serves as the entry point for execution in a C program?

A.  start()

B.  main()

C.  begin()

D.  execute()

Answer: B. main(). The `main()` function is where the program’s execution begins. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 20: What is the purpose of header files in C?

A. To store the program’s executable code.

B. To define functions, variables, and macros.

C. To contain the program’s main logic.

D. To provide comments and documentation.

Answer: B. To define functions, variables, and macros. Header files provide declarations and definitions that can be used in multiple source files. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 21:  Which preprocessor directive is used to include header files in a C program?

A. #define

B. #ifdef

C. #include

D. #pragma

Answer: C. #include. The `#include` directive tells the preprocessor to insert the contents of a header file into the source code. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 22:  What function is commonly used to display output to the console in C?

A.  scanf()

B.  print()

C.  cout

D.  printf()

Answer: D. printf(). The `printf()` function is used for formatted output to the console. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 23: What is the purpose of comments in C code?

A. To instruct the compiler.

B. To improve code readability and provide explanations.

C. To define variables.

D. To declare functions.

Answer: B. To improve code readability and provide explanations. Comments are ignored by the compiler and serve as documentation for humans. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 24:  What symbol is used to indicate a single-line comment in C?

A. //

B. /* */

C. D. #

Answer: A. //.  Two forward slashes (//) mark the beginning of a single-line comment. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 25:  What is the purpose of the `scanf()` function in C?

A. To display output to the console.

B. To read input from the user.

C. To define variables.

D. To perform mathematical calculations.

Answer: B. To read input from the user. The `scanf()` function is used for formatted input from the console. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Data Types and Variables

Question 26: Which of the following is NOT an integer data type in C?

A. int

B. char

C. float

D. long

Answer: C. float. `float` is a floating-point data type, used for representing numbers with decimal points. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 27: What data type is used to store single characters in C?

A. int

B. char

C. string

D. float

Answer: B. char. The `char` data type is used to store individual characters like ‘A’, ‘b’, or ‘?’. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 28:  What is the purpose of the `void` data type in C?

A. To represent integers.

B. To store decimal numbers.

C. To indicate the absence of a value or type.

D. To define strings.

Answer: C. To indicate the absence of a value or type. `void` is often used for functions that do not return a value. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 29:  What is the correct way to declare an integer variable named “age” in C?

A. int age;

B. variable age;

C. age integer;

D. declare age as int;

Answer: A. int age;. The syntax for variable declaration is `data_type variable_name;` (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 30:  What is the process of assigning an initial value to a variable at the time of declaration called?

A.  Declaration

B.  Definition

C.  Initialization

D.  Assignment

Answer: C. Initialization.  For example, `int age = 25;` initializes the `age` variable to 25. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 31:  What are values that cannot be changed during program execution called?

A. Variables

B. Constants

C. Literals

D. Identifiers

Answer: B. Constants. Constants are fixed values that remain the same throughout the program. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 32:  Which keyword is used to declare a constant in C?

A. constant

B. const

C. fixed

D. static

Answer: B. const. The `const` keyword is used to declare a constant, e.g., `const int MAX_VALUE = 100;` (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 33:  Where are variables typically stored in a computer’s memory?

A.  Hard drive




Answer: C. RAM. Variables are stored in RAM (Random Access Memory) for fast access during program execution. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Operators and Expressions

Question 34: Which operator is used for addition in C?

A.  `+`

B.  `-`

C.  `*`

D.  `/`

Answer: A. `+`. The plus symbol (`+`) is the addition operator. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 35: What does the modulus operator (`%`) do?

A.  Divides two numbers.

B.  Returns the remainder of a division operation.

C.  Multiplies two numbers.

D.  Subtracts one number from another.

Answer: B. Returns the remainder of a division operation. For example, `10 % 3` would result in 1. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 36:  Which operator is used to check if two values are equal in C?

A.  `=`

B.  `==`

C.  `!=`

D.  `>`

Answer: B. `==`. The double equals sign (`==`) is the equality operator. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 37:  What does the logical AND operator (`&&`) do?

A.  Returns true if either operand is true.

B.  Returns true if both operands are true.

C.  Returns true if an operand is false.

D.  Inverts the logical value of an operand.

Answer: B. Returns true if both operands are true. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 38:  Which operator is used to perform a bitwise XOR operation in C?

A.  `&`

B.  `|`

C.  `^`

D.  `~`

Answer: C. `^`. The caret symbol (`^`) is the bitwise XOR operator. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 39:  What is the purpose of the assignment operator (`=`) in C?

A.  To check if two values are equal.

B.  To assign a value to a variable.

C.  To perform addition.

D.  To compare two values.

Answer: B. To assign a value to a variable. For example, `age = 30;` assigns the value 30 to the variable `age`. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 40:  What is the order in which operators are evaluated in an expression called?

A.  Associativity

B.  Precedence

C.  Evaluation order

D.  Grouping

Answer: B. Precedence. Operators with higher precedence are evaluated before operators with lower precedence. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 41:  What is the process of converting one data type to another called in C?

A.  Casting

B.  Transformation

C.  Parsing

D.  Transmutation

Answer: A. Casting. For example, `(int)3.14` would convert the floating-point number 3.14 to an integer. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 42:  Which of the following is NOT a type of operator in C?

A.  Arithmetic

B.  Relational

C.  Logical

D.  Declarative

Answer: D. Declarative.  Declarative is a programming paradigm, not a type of operator. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Conditional Statements

Question 43: Which statement is used to execute a block of code only if a condition is true?

A.  `for`

B.  `while`

C.  `if`

D.  `switch`

Answer: C. `if`. The `if` statement allows for conditional execution of code. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 44: What is the keyword used to specify an alternative block of code to be executed if the condition in an `if` statement is false?

A.  `else`

B.  `elseif`

C.  `otherwise`

D.  `elif`

Answer: A. `else`. The `else` block is executed when the `if` condition is false. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 45:  What is a series of nested `if-else` statements called?

A.  Conditional chain

B.  Nested conditional

C.  If-else ladder

D.  Branching statement

Answer: C. If-else ladder. This structure allows for multiple conditions to be checked sequentially. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 46:  Which statement allows you to select one of many code blocks to be executed based on the value of an expression?

A.  `if`

B.  `while`

C.  `for`

D.  `switch`

Answer: D. `switch`. The `switch` statement provides a way to choose between multiple cases based on a value. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 47:  What keyword is used to exit a `switch` statement in C?

A.  `exit`

B.  `return`

C.  `break`

D.  `continue`

Answer: C. `break`. The `break` statement is used to prevent fall-through to the next case. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 48:  What is the purpose of the `default` case in a `switch` statement?

A.  To specify the first case to be checked.

B.  To provide a catch-all block of code if no other case matches.

C.  To define a condition for the switch statement.

D.  To exit the switch statement.

Answer: B. To provide a catch-all block of code if no other case matches. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Loops: C Language MCQ Questions and Answers

Question 49: Which loop is used when you know the number of iterations in advance?

A. `for`

B. `while`

C. `do-while`

D. `repeat-until`

Answer: A. `for`. The `for` loop is ideal for situations where the number of iterations is predetermined. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 50: What is the section of a `for` loop that determines whether the loop should continue or terminate called?

A. Initialization

B. Condition

C. Update

D. Body

Answer: B. Condition. The condition is evaluated before each iteration; if it’s true, the loop continues. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 51: Which loop continues to execute as long as its condition remains true?

A. `for`

B. `while`

C. `do-while`

D. `if`

Answer: B. `while`. The `while` loop repeatedly executes its code block as long as the specified condition is true. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 52:  What is the key difference between a `while` loop and a `do-while` loop?

A. A `while` loop always executes at least once.

B. A `do-while` loop always executes at least once.

C. A `while` loop is used for definite iteration.

D. A `do-while` loop cannot have a condition.

Answer: B. A `do-while` loop always executes at least once. The condition is checked after the loop body executes. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 53:  What is a loop placed inside another loop called?

A. Inner loop

B. Outer loop

C. Nested loop

D. Parallel loop

Answer: C. Nested loop. Nested loops allow for more complex iterative processes. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 54:  Which keyword is used to immediately exit a loop in C?

A. `exit`

B. `return`

C. `break`

D. `continue`

Answer: C. `break`. The `break` statement terminates the loop and transfers execution to the code following the loop. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 55:  What does the `continue` keyword do in a loop?

A. Exits the loop completely.

B. Skips the current iteration and proceeds to the next.

C. Pauses the loop execution.

D. Restarts the loop from the beginning.

Answer: B. Skips the current iteration and proceeds to the next. `continue` jumps to the next iteration of the loop. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Defining and Calling Functions

Question 56: What is a function prototype in C?

A. The complete definition of a function.

B. A declaration of a function that specifies its name, return type, and parameters.

C. The code that calls a function.

D. A comment that describes what a function does.

Answer: B. A declaration of a function that specifies its name, return type, and parameters. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 57: What is the keyword used to specify the type of value a function returns in C?

A. `void`

B. `return`

C. `function`

D. The data type of the return value (e.g., `int`, `float`)

Answer: D. The data type of the return value (e.g., `int`, `float`). This indicates the type of value the function will send back to the caller. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 58:  What is the process of passing data to a function called?

A.  Function calling

B.  Argument passing

C.  Value returning

D.  Data sharing

Answer: B. Argument passing.  Arguments are the values provided to a function when it’s called. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 59:  What keyword is used to send a value back from a function to its caller?

A. `void`

B. `return`

C. `send`

D. `back`

Answer: B. `return`. The `return` statement sends a value back to the calling function. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 60:  What is the region of a program where a variable is accessible called?

A. Scope

B. Lifetime

C. Visibility

D. Accessibility

Answer: A. Scope.  A variable’s scope determines where in the code it can be used. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 61:  What type of variable is declared inside a function and is only accessible within that function?

A. Global variable

B. Local variable

C. Static variable

D. External variable

Answer: B. Local variable. Local variables have function-level scope. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 62:  What is a function that calls itself called?

A. Iterative function

B. Recursive function

C. Self-referential function

D. Nested function

Answer: B. Recursive function. Recursion involves a function calling itself to solve a problem. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 63:  Which of the following is NOT a common application of recursion?

A.  Calculating factorials

B.  Traversing tree structures

C.  Sorting arrays

D.  Performing simple arithmetic operations

Answer: D. Performing simple arithmetic operations. Recursion is typically used for more complex tasks that can be broken down into smaller, self-similar subproblems. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Modular Programming

Question 64: What is the process of dividing a program into smaller, self-contained units called functions referred to as?

A.  Object-oriented programming

B.  Modular programming

C.  Functional programming

D.  Structured programming

Answer: B. Modular programming. This approach improves code organization and reusability. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 65: What is a key benefit of using functions in C?

A. Increased code complexity

B. Reduced code reusability

C. Improved code readability and maintainability

D. Slower program execution

Answer: C. Improved code readability and maintainability. Functions make code easier to understand, debug, and modify. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 66:  What design approach starts with a high-level overview of the program and breaks it down into smaller, more manageable components?

A. Bottom-up design

B. Top-down design

C. Inside-out design

D. Spiral design

Answer: B. Top-down design. This method helps in organizing complex programs by starting with the overall structure and refining it step by step. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 67:  What is the process of gradually refining program components into more detailed implementations called?

A.  Decomposition

B.  Abstraction

C.  Stepwise refinement

D.  Modularization

Answer: C. Stepwise refinement. This technique involves breaking down a problem into smaller steps and implementing them in a systematic way. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 68:  What is the primary purpose of using header files in modular programming?

A. To store the program’s executable code.

B. To organize function declarations and make them accessible to multiple source files.

C. To contain the program’s main logic.

D. To provide comments and documentation.

Answer: B. To organize function declarations and make them accessible to multiple source files. This promotes code reusability and reduces redundancy. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Arrays: C Language MCQ Questions and Answers

Question 69: What is a collection of elements of the same data type stored contiguously in memory called?

A.  Structure

B.  Union

C.  Array

D.  List

Answer: C. Array. Arrays provide a way to store multiple values of the same type under a single name. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 70: How are individual elements within an array accessed?

A. By their names

B. By their values

C. By their indices (positions)

D. By their memory addresses

Answer: C. By their indices (positions).  Array indices start from 0. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 71:  What is a common way to process all elements in an array?

A. Using conditional statements

B. Using loops

C. Using functions

D. Using pointers

Answer: B. Using loops. Loops provide a convenient way to iterate through array elements. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 72:  What is an array with more than one dimension called?

A.  Single-dimensional array

B.  Linear array

C.  Multidimensional array

D.  Dynamic array

Answer: C. Multidimensional array.  These arrays have rows and columns (or more dimensions). (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 73:  How are arrays typically passed to functions in C?

A. By value

B. By reference

C. By pointer

D. By copy

Answer: C. By pointer.  When passing an array to a function, you’re actually passing a pointer to its first element. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 74:  If an array is declared as `int numbers[5];`, what is the index of the last element?

A. 5

B. 6

C. 4

D. 0

Answer: C. 4. Array indices start from 0, so the last element in a 5-element array has an index of 4. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Strings: C Language MCQ Questions and Answers

Question 75: How are strings represented in C?

A. As a separate string data type

B. As arrays of characters

C. As individual characters

D. As pointers to characters

Answer: B. As arrays of characters.  A string is a sequence of characters terminated by a null character (‘\0’). (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 76: What is the special character used to mark the end of a string in C?

A.  \n

B.  \t

C.  \0

D.  \\

Answer: C. \0. The null character signals the end of the string. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 77:  Which function is used to find the length of a string in C?

A. `length()`

B. `size()`

C. `strlen()`

D. `strsize()`

Answer: C. `strlen()`. The `strlen()` function returns the number of characters in a string (excluding the null terminator). (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 78:  What function is used to copy one string to another in C?

A. `strcpy()`

B. `strcat()`

C. `strdup()`

D. `strcopy()`

Answer: A. `strcpy()`. The `strcpy()` function copies the contents of one string to another. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 79:  What function is used to concatenate (join) two strings in C?

A. `strcpy()`

B. `strcat()`

C. `strjoin()`

D. `stradd()`

Answer: B. `strcat()`. The `strcat()` function appends one string to the end of another. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 80:  What is a sequence of characters enclosed in double quotes called in C?

A.  Character array

B.  String literal

C.  String constant

D.  Character sequence

Answer: B. String literal.  For example, “Hello, world!” is a string literal. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Understanding Memory Addresses

Question 81: What is a variable that stores the memory address of another variable called?

A. Array

B. Structure

C. Pointer

D. Function

Answer: C. Pointer. Pointers provide a way to indirectly access and manipulate data. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 82:  What symbol is used to declare a pointer variable in C?

A.  `&`

B.  `*`

C.  `->`

D.  `.`

Answer: B. `*`. The asterisk (`*`) is used in pointer declarations. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 83:  What is the process of accessing the value stored at the memory address held by a pointer called?

A.  Pointer assignment

B.  Dereferencing

C.  Pointer arithmetic

D.  Address resolution

Answer: B. Dereferencing.  The dereference operator (`*`) is used to access the value. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 84:  What does pointer arithmetic allow you to do?

A. Perform mathematical operations on memory addresses.

B. Compare the values of two pointers.

C. Assign a new value to a pointer.

D.  All of the above.

Answer: D.  All of the above. Pointer arithmetic includes operations like adding or subtracting integers from pointers. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 85:  What is the relationship between pointers and arrays in C?

A.  Arrays are implemented using pointers.

B.  An array name can be used as a pointer to its first element.

C.  Pointer arithmetic can be used to access array elements.

D.  All of the above.

Answer: D.  All of the above. There’s a close connection between pointers and arrays in C. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 86:  If `ptr` is a pointer to an integer, what does `*ptr` represent?

A. The address of the pointer itself.

B. The value of the integer that `ptr` points to.

C. The size of the integer.

D. The data type of the pointer.

Answer: B. The value of the integer that `ptr` points to. Dereferencing the pointer gives you the value it points to. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Pointers and Functions

Question 87: What is the mechanism of passing a pointer to a function as an argument called?

A. Pass by value

B. Pass by reference

C. Pass by pointer

D. Both B and C

Answer: D. Both B and C.  Passing by reference in C is achieved using pointers. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 88:  What is a key advantage of passing pointers to functions?

A.  It allows you to modify the original values of variables passed as arguments.

B.  It reduces the amount of memory used.

C.  It makes the code more readable.

D.  It prevents errors.

Answer: A.  It allows you to modify the original values of variables passed as arguments. This is because the function receives the memory address of the variable. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 89:  Can functions return pointers?

A.  No, functions can only return basic data types.

B.  Yes, functions can return pointers to any data type.

C.  Yes, but only pointers to integers.

D.  It depends on the compiler.

Answer: B.  Yes, functions can return pointers to any data type. This can be useful for returning dynamically allocated memory or pointers to structures. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 90:  What is the process of allocating memory during program execution called?

A.  Static memory allocation

B.  Dynamic memory allocation

C.  Automatic memory allocation

D.  Memory reservation

Answer: B.  Dynamic memory allocation.  This allows you to allocate memory as needed while the program is running. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 91:  Which function is commonly used to allocate a block of memory dynamically in C?

A.  `malloc()`

B.  `calloc()`

C.  `realloc()`

D.  All of the above

Answer: D.  All of the above. `malloc()` allocates a block of memory, `calloc()` allocates and initializes it to zero, and `realloc()` resizes an existing block. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 92:  What function is used to deallocate dynamically allocated memory in C?

A.  `delete()`

B.  `free()`

C.  `release()`

D.  `dealloc()`

Answer: B.  `free()`. It’s important to free dynamically allocated memory to prevent memory leaks. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Structures: C Language MCQ Questions and Answers

Question 93: What is a user-defined data type that groups related variables of different data types under a single name called?

A. Array

B. Structure

C. Union

D. Pointer

Answer: B. Structure. Structures allow you to create complex data types by combining variables of various types. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 94:  What operator is used to access members of a structure in C?

A.  `.` (dot operator)

B.  `->` (arrow operator)

C.  `*` (asterisk)

D.  `&` (ampersand)

Answer: A.  `.` (dot operator).  For example, if you have a structure `student` with a member `name`, you would access it as `student.name`. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 95:  Can structures be passed to functions and returned from functions?

A.  No, only basic data types can be used with functions.

B.  Yes, structures can be passed by value or by reference (using pointers).

C.  Yes, but only small structures can be used.

D.  It depends on the compiler.

Answer: B.  Yes, structures can be passed by value or by reference (using pointers). This allows you to work with complex data structures within functions. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 96:  What is a structure defined within another structure called?

A.  Inner structure

B.  Nested structure

C.  Substructure

D.  Child structure

Answer: B.  Nested structure. Nesting structures provides a way to create hierarchical data organizations. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Unions: C Language MCQ Questions and Answers

Question 97: What is a union in C?

A.  A data type that groups variables of different data types, where all members share the same memory location.

B.  The same as a structure.

C.  A special type of pointer.

D.  A way to define constants.

Answer: A.  A data type that groups variables of different data types, where all members share the same memory location. This means that only one member of a union can hold a value at a time. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 98:  What is the key difference between a structure and a union?

A.  Structures can hold data of different types, while unions cannot.

B.  Members of a structure share the same memory location, while members of a union do not.

C.  Members of a union share the same memory location, while members of a structure do not.

D.  There is no difference.

Answer: C.  Members of a union share the same memory location, while members of a structure do not. This makes unions more memory-efficient in certain situations. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Question 99:  Which of the following is a potential application of a union?

A.  Storing data that can have different interpretations (e.g., a value that can be treated as an integer or a float).

B.  Representing complex data structures with hierarchical relationships.

C.  Creating arrays of different data types.

D.  Defining functions with multiple return types.

Answer: A.  Storing data that can have different interpretations (e.g., a value that can be treated as an integer or a float). Unions can be used when you need to store different types of data in the same memory location, but only one type at a time. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

File Operations

Question 100: Which function is used to open a file in C?

A.  `open()`

B.  `fopen()`

C.  `create_file()`

D.  `file_open()`

Answer: B.  `fopen()`. This function opens a file and returns a file pointer that can be used for subsequent file operations. (C Language MCQ Questions and Answers by Top100MCQ.com)

Most Asked Important Questions on C Language

What is C?

C is a versatile, high-level programming language known for its efficiency and close-to-the-hardware capabilities.

Why is C still relevant?

C remains popular because it forms the foundation for many operating systems and embedded systems. Its efficiency and control over system hardware are unmatched.

What are some common uses of C?

C is widely used for developing operating systems, embedded systems, databases, and high-performance applications.

What are some key features of C?

C features a structured approach, low-level access to memory, and a rich set of operators, providing programmers with significant control over system hardware.

What is the difference between C and C++?

C++ is an extension of C, adding object-oriented features like classes and inheritance, making it suitable for larger and more complex projects.

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