Analog Communication MCQ

Analog Communication MCQ. These 100 Multiple Choice Questions on “Analog Communication” will help you score full marks in your engineering exam.

Introduction to Analog Communication

What is Analog Communication?

Question 1: Which of the following best describes an analog signal?

A. A continuous signal that varies smoothly over time.

B. A discrete signal with distinct steps or levels.

C. A signal that can only take on two values.

D. A signal that uses binary code to represent information.

Answer: A.  Analog signals are continuous and can take on any value within a given range. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Question 2: What is a key advantage of analog communication?

A. High noise immunity.

B. Simple implementation.

C. Efficient use of bandwidth.

D. Secure transmission of data.

Answer: B. Analog communication systems are often simpler to design and implement compared to digital systems. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Question 3: What is a major disadvantage of analog communication?

A. Susceptibility to noise and distortion.

B. Low data transmission rates.

C. Difficulty in signal processing.

D. Incompatibility with modern technology.

Answer: A. Analog signals are more prone to noise and distortion during transmission. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Question 4: Which of the following is an example of analog communication?

A. Landline telephone.

B. Digital television.

C. Wi-Fi network.

D. Computer data transfer.

Answer: A. Traditional landline telephones use analog signals to transmit voice. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Question 5: How does analog communication differ from digital communication?

A. Analog uses continuous signals, while digital uses discrete signals.

B. Analog is more reliable than digital.

C. Analog is more efficient in terms of bandwidth usage.

D. Analog is better suited for long-distance communication.

Answer: A. This is the fundamental difference between analog and digital communication. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Elements of a Communication System

Question 6: Which of the following is NOT a basic element of a communication system?

A. Transmitter.

B. Amplifier.

C. Channel.

D. Receiver.

Answer: B. While amplifiers are often used, they are not one of the core elements. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Question 7: What is the function of a transmitter in a communication system?

A. To convert the information signal into a suitable form for transmission.

B. To receive and decode the transmitted signal.

C. To provide a pathway for signal propagation.

D. To interpret the received information.

Answer: A. The transmitter prepares the signal for the communication channel. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Question 8: Which of the following is an example of a wireless communication channel?

A. Coaxial cable.

B. Optical fiber.

C. Radio waves.

D. Twisted pair cable.

Answer: C. Radio waves are used for wireless transmission. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Question 9: What is the purpose of modulation in a communication system?

A. To amplify the signal strength.

B. To remove noise from the signal.

C. To combine the information signal with a carrier wave.

D. To convert the signal from analog to digital.

Answer: C. Modulation is essential for efficient transmission. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Question 10: Which process is the reverse of modulation?

A. Amplification.

B. Demodulation.

C. Filtering.

D. Encoding.

Answer: B. Demodulation extracts the original information from the carrier wave. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Question 11: What is the role of the receiver in a communication system?

A. To generate the information signal.

B. To transmit the signal over the channel.

C. To extract the information from the received signal.

D. To amplify the received signal.

Answer: C. The receiver recovers the original information. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Question 12: What is the destination in a communication system?

A. The final point where the information is delivered.

B. The path through which the signal travels.

C. The device that encodes the information.

D. The device that amplifies the signal.

Answer: A. The destination is where the message is intended to go. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Question 13: Which of the following is an example of a wired communication channel?

A. Satellite link.

B. Cellular network.

C. Telephone line.

D. Bluetooth connection.

Answer: C. Telephone lines use physical wires for signal transmission. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Question 14: What does signal filtering accomplish?

A. It increases the signal strength.

B. It removes unwanted frequencies from the signal.

C. It combines the signal with a carrier wave.

D. It converts the signal from analog to digital.

Answer: B. Filtering helps to improve signal quality. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Question 15:  Which of the following is NOT a basic signal processing operation?

A. Modulation.

B. Quantization.

C. Filtering.

D. Amplification.

Answer: B. Quantization is associated with digital signal processing. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Signal Representation

Question 16:  What does the time-domain representation of a signal show?

A. The signal’s amplitude as a function of frequency.

B. The signal’s phase as a function of time.

C. The signal’s amplitude as a function of time.

D. The signal’s frequency as a function of amplitude.

Answer: C. The time-domain plot shows how the signal’s amplitude changes over time. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Question 17: What does the frequency-domain representation of a signal show?

A. The signal’s amplitude at different frequencies.

B. The signal’s phase as a function of time.

C. The signal’s amplitude as a function of time.

D. The signal’s frequency as a function of amplitude.

Answer: A. The frequency-domain plot reveals the signal’s frequency components. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Question 18: What is the Fourier transform used for?

A. Converting a time-domain signal to the frequency domain.

B. Amplifying the signal strength.

C. Removing noise from the signal.

D. Modulating the signal.

Answer: A. The Fourier transform is a key tool in signal analysis. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Question 19: What is the bandwidth of a signal?

A. The range of frequencies it occupies.

B. The highest frequency component in the signal.

C. The lowest frequency component in the signal.

D. The average amplitude of the signal.

Answer: A. Bandwidth is a crucial concept in communication systems. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Question 20: What is a periodic signal?

A. A signal that repeats itself over time.

B. A signal that does not repeat itself.

C. A signal with a random pattern.

D. A signal with a constant amplitude.

Answer: A. Examples include sine waves and square waves. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Question 21: What is an aperiodic signal?

A. A signal that repeats itself over time.

B. A signal that does not repeat itself.

C. A signal with a random pattern.

D. A signal with a constant amplitude.

Answer: B.  Aperiodic signals do not have a repeating pattern. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Question 22:  What characterizes a deterministic signal?

A.  It cannot be predicted.

B. It has a random pattern.

C. Its future values can be predicted from its past values.

D. It has a constant frequency.

Answer: C.  Deterministic signals have a defined mathematical description. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Question 23: Which of the following is an example of a random signal?

A. A sine wave.

B. A square wave.

C. Noise.

D. A DC voltage.

Answer: C. Noise is inherently unpredictable. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Question 24: What does the Fourier series represent?

A.  The frequency domain of an aperiodic signal.

B. The time domain of a random signal.

C.  The frequency components of a periodic signal.

D. The average amplitude of a signal.

Answer: C.  The Fourier series decomposes a periodic signal into its harmonic components. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Question 25: What is the spectrum of a signal?

A.  The range of amplitudes it can have.

B. The time it takes for the signal to complete one cycle.

C. The representation of the signal in the frequency domain.

D. The average power of the signal.

Answer: C. The spectrum shows the signal’s frequency content. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Amplitude Modulation (AM): Analog Communication MCQ

Introduction to AM

Question 26:  What is amplitude modulation (AM)?

A.  A method of encoding information by varying the frequency of a carrier wave.

B. A method of encoding information by varying the phase of a carrier wave.

C. A method of encoding information by varying the amplitude of a carrier wave.

D. A method of encoding information by converting it to a digital signal.

Answer: C. AM changes the carrier wave’s amplitude in proportion to the message signal. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Question 28: In AM, what happens when the modulation index exceeds 1?

A. The signal becomes over-modulated, causing distortion.

B. The signal becomes under-modulated, resulting in weak reception.

C. The signal’s bandwidth decreases.

D. The signal’s frequency changes.

Answer: A. Over-modulation introduces unwanted distortion in the AM signal. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Question 29: Which type of AM is the most bandwidth efficient?

A. DSB-FC (Double Sideband Full Carrier)

B. DSB-SC (Double Sideband Suppressed Carrier)

C. SSB (Single Sideband)

D. VSB (Vestigial Sideband)

Answer: C. SSB transmits only one sideband, reducing bandwidth requirements. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Question 30: Which type of AM is commonly used in AM radio broadcasting?

A. DSB-FC (Double Sideband Full Carrier)

B. DSB-SC (Double Sideband Suppressed Carrier)

C. SSB (Single Sideband)

D. VSB (Vestigial Sideband)

Answer: A. DSB-FC is used in AM radio for its simplicity in receiver design. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Question 31: What is the main advantage of DSB-SC over DSB-FC?

A.  Improved audio quality.

B. Reduced bandwidth.

C. Increased power efficiency.

D. Simpler demodulation.

Answer: C. DSB-SC eliminates the carrier, saving significant power. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Question 32: Why is VSB (Vestigial Sideband) used in television broadcasting?

A. To improve audio quality.

B. To reduce the bandwidth while preserving important low-frequency information.

C. To increase power efficiency.

D. To simplify demodulation.

Answer: B. VSB strikes a balance between bandwidth efficiency and signal quality. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Question 33: How are AM signals represented in the frequency domain?

A. As a single frequency.

B. As a pair of sidebands around the carrier frequency.

C. As a continuous spectrum of frequencies.

D. As a series of pulses.

Answer: B. The sidebands carry the modulated information. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Question 34: What is the purpose of the carrier wave in AM?

A. To carry the audio information.

B. To provide a frequency for the receiver to tune to.

C. To amplify the signal.

D. To filter out noise.

Answer: B. The carrier acts as a reference frequency for the receiver. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Question 35: What is the relationship between the message signal frequency and the sideband frequencies in AM?

A. The sidebands are at the same frequency as the message signal.

B. The sidebands are at twice the frequency of the message signal.

C. The sidebands are at the sum and difference frequencies of the carrier and message signals.

D. There is no relationship between the frequencies.

Answer: C. This is a key characteristic of AM signal generation. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Generation of AM Signals

Question 36: Which device is commonly used for generating AM signals?

A.  Oscillator.

B.  Amplifier.

C.  Modulator.

D.  Demodulator.

Answer: C. A modulator combines the carrier and message signals. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Question 37: What is the function of a balanced modulator?

A. To generate a DSB-FC AM signal.

B. To generate a DSB-SC AM signal.

C. To demodulate an AM signal.

D. To amplify an AM signal.

Answer: B. Balanced modulators suppress the carrier component. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Question 38:  Which component in a transistor modulator is responsible for varying the gain of the amplifier according to the message signal?

A.  Collector.

B.  Base.

C.  Emitter.

D.  Diode.

Answer: B. The message signal is applied to the base to control the transistor’s gain. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Question 39:  Why are balanced modulators preferred for generating DSB-SC signals?

A. They are simpler to implement.

B. They produce higher output power.

C. They effectively suppress the carrier wave.

D. They require less filtering.

Answer: C.  Carrier suppression is the main advantage of balanced modulators. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Question 40: What is the role of the local oscillator in a modulator circuit?

A. To generate the audio signal.

B. To generate the carrier wave.

C. To amplify the modulated signal.

D. To demodulate the signal.

Answer: B. The local oscillator provides the carrier frequency. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Demodulation of AM Signals

Question 41: What is the purpose of an envelope detector?

A. To generate an AM signal.

B. To demodulate an AM signal.

C. To amplify an AM signal.

D. To filter an AM signal.

Answer: B. Envelope detectors are simple AM demodulators. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Question 42: Which type of AM demodulator requires a locally generated carrier signal?

A. Envelope detector.

B. Synchronous detector.

C. Both envelope and synchronous detectors.

D. Neither envelope nor synchronous detectors.

Answer: B.  Synchronous detection needs a carrier signal that is synchronized with the transmitted carrier. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Question 43: What is the main advantage of a synchronous detector over an envelope detector?

A. Simplicity.

B. Lower cost.

C. Improved noise performance.

D. Wider bandwidth.

Answer: C. Synchronous detectors are more resilient to noise. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Question 44: What component in an envelope detector is responsible for rectifying the AM signal?

A. Capacitor.

B. Resistor.

C. Diode.

D. Inductor.

Answer: C. The diode allows current flow in only one direction. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Question 45: What is the function of the capacitor in an envelope detector?

A. To amplify the signal.

B. To filter out high-frequency components.

C. To generate the carrier wave.

D. To rectify the signal.

Answer: B. The capacitor smooths the rectified signal to recover the message. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Applications of AM

Question 46: Which of the following is a common application of AM?

A. FM radio broadcasting.

B. Satellite television.

C. Mobile phone communication.

D. AM radio broadcasting.

Answer: D. AM radio is a classic example of amplitude modulation. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Question 47: Why is AM suitable for two-way radio communication?

A. It provides high fidelity audio.

B. It is highly resistant to noise.

C. It is relatively simple and inexpensive to implement.

D. It uses a narrow bandwidth.

Answer: C.  Simplicity and cost-effectiveness are important in two-way radio. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Question 48:  In aviation communication, what type of AM is often used for long-range communication?




D.  None of the above.

Answer: B. SSB is more efficient for long-distance transmission. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Question 49:  What is a disadvantage of using AM for broadcasting?

A. Limited range.

B. Poor audio quality compared to FM.

C. High power consumption.

D. Complex receiver design.

Answer: B. AM is more susceptible to noise, affecting audio fidelity. (Analog Communication MCQ by
Analog Communication MCQ

Question 50: What is an advantage of using AM for broadcasting?

A.  Wider bandwidth than FM.

B.  Simpler receiver design compared to FM.

C.  Higher noise immunity than FM.

D.  Better suited for stereo audio.

Answer: B. AM receivers are generally simpler and less expensive. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Angle Modulation: Analog Communication MCQ

Introduction to Angle Modulation

Question 51: What is the principle behind angle modulation?

A. Varying the amplitude of the carrier wave.

B. Varying the frequency or phase of the carrier wave according to the message signal.

C. Converting the analog signal to a digital signal.

D. Combining the message signal with a lower frequency carrier wave.

Answer: B. Angle modulation encodes information in the carrier wave’s angle. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Question 52: Which of these is NOT a type of angle modulation?

A. Frequency Modulation (FM)

B. Phase Modulation (PM)

C. Amplitude Modulation (AM)

D. Both FM and PM

Answer: C.  Amplitude modulation is a separate modulation technique. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Question 53: In FM, what characteristic of the carrier wave is varied in accordance with the message signal?

A. Amplitude

B. Frequency

C. Phase

D. Both frequency and phase

Answer: B. The carrier frequency deviates in proportion to the message signal’s amplitude. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Question 54: In PM, what characteristic of the carrier wave is varied?

A. Amplitude

B. Frequency

C. Phase

D. Both frequency and phase

Answer: C. The carrier phase shifts in proportion to the message signal’s amplitude. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Question 55: What is the modulation index in FM?

A. The ratio of the carrier frequency deviation to the message signal frequency.

B. The ratio of the message signal amplitude to the carrier wave amplitude.

C. The peak frequency deviation of the carrier wave.

D. The bandwidth of the modulated signal.

Answer: A.  The modulation index determines the extent of frequency deviation. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Question 56: How does the modulation index affect the bandwidth of an FM signal?

A. Higher modulation index leads to narrower bandwidth.

B. Higher modulation index leads to wider bandwidth.

C. Modulation index has no effect on bandwidth.

D. The relationship depends on the carrier frequency.

Answer: B.  Larger frequency deviations require more bandwidth. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Question 57: What is a key advantage of FM over AM?

A. Simpler demodulation.

B. Lower bandwidth requirements.

C. Improved noise immunity.

D. Lower power consumption.

Answer: C. FM is less susceptible to noise and interference. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Question 58:  What is a disadvantage of FM compared to AM?

A.  Higher complexity.

B.  Lower audio fidelity.

C.  Increased susceptibility to noise.

D.  Shorter transmission range.

Answer: A. FM systems can be more complex to implement. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Question 59:  How is the message signal recovered in angle modulation?

A. By detecting the changes in the carrier wave’s amplitude.

B. By detecting the changes in the carrier wave’s frequency or phase.

C. By filtering out the carrier wave.

D. By converting the signal back to digital form.

Answer: B. Demodulation extracts the message from the frequency or phase variations. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Question 60: What mathematical function is often used to represent FM and PM signals?

A. Sine wave.

B. Square wave.

C. Bessel function.

D. Exponential function.

Answer: C. Bessel functions help describe the sidebands in FM and PM. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Generation of FM and PM Signals

Question 61: What are the two main methods for generating FM signals?

A. Direct FM and Indirect FM

B.  AM modulation and FM demodulation

C.  Envelope detection and Synchronous detection

D.  DSB-SC and SSB

Answer: A. These are the primary techniques for FM signal generation. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Question 62:  In direct FM generation, how is the carrier frequency varied?

A. By using a voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO).

B. By using a phase modulator.

C. By using an envelope detector.

D. By using a frequency multiplier.

Answer: A.  The VCO’s frequency is directly controlled by the message signal. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Question 63: What is the role of the phase modulator in indirect FM generation?

A. To directly vary the carrier frequency.

B. To generate a PM signal that is then converted to FM.

C. To demodulate the FM signal.

D. To amplify the FM signal.

Answer: B.  Indirect FM involves an intermediate PM stage. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Question 64: What is the purpose of a frequency multiplier in FM generation?

A. To increase the amplitude of the FM signal.

B. To increase the frequency deviation of the FM signal.

C. To demodulate the FM signal.

D. To filter out unwanted frequencies.

Answer: B. Frequency multipliers help achieve wider frequency deviations. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Question 65:  Which method of FM generation is generally simpler to implement for low modulation indices?

A. Direct FM.

B. Indirect FM.

C. Both are equally simple.

D.  Neither is suitable for low modulation indices.

Answer: A. Direct FM is often preferred for narrowband FM. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Demodulation of FM and PM Signals

Question 66: What is the function of a slope detector in FM demodulation?

A. To convert frequency variations into amplitude variations.

B. To generate a carrier signal synchronized with the incoming FM signal.

C. To amplify the FM signal.

D. To filter out noise from the FM signal.

Answer: A. Slope detectors produce an output voltage proportional to frequency changes. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Question 67: What is a phase-locked loop (PLL)?

A. A circuit that generates an FM signal.

B. A circuit that demodulates an FM signal by locking onto the carrier frequency.

C. A circuit that amplifies an FM signal.

D. A circuit that filters an FM signal.

Answer: B. PLLs are widely used for FM demodulation. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Question 68: What is the main advantage of using a PLL for FM demodulation?

A. Simplicity.

B. Low cost.

C. Improved noise performance.

D. Wider bandwidth.

Answer: C. PLLs offer good noise rejection capabilities. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Question 69: What component in a PLL is responsible for comparing the frequencies of the input signal and the VCO output?

A.  Phase detector.

B.  Low-pass filter.

C.  Voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO).

D.  Frequency multiplier.

Answer: A. The phase detector generates an error signal based on the frequency difference. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Question 70: How does a PLL track changes in the frequency of the input FM signal?

A. By adjusting the gain of the amplifier.

B. By adjusting the cutoff frequency of the filter.

C. By adjusting the control voltage of the VCO.

D. By adjusting the modulation index.

Answer: C. The error signal from the phase detector controls the VCO frequency. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Applications of Angle Modulation

Question 71: Which of the following is a common application of FM?

A. AM radio broadcasting.

B. Two-way radio communication.

C. FM radio broadcasting.

D. Landline telephone communication.

Answer: C. FM radio is a widespread use of frequency modulation. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Question 72: Why is FM used in television broadcasting?

A. For transmitting the video signal.

B. For transmitting the audio signal.

C. For both video and audio signals.

D. For synchronizing the video and audio signals.

Answer: B. FM provides better audio quality for television. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Question 73: What is an advantage of using FM in mobile communication?

A. Low power consumption.

B. Narrow bandwidth.

C. Resistance to fading and multipath interference.

D. Simple implementation.

Answer: C. FM is more resilient to signal variations in mobile environments. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Question 74: Why is FM suitable for satellite communication?

A. It is less susceptible to atmospheric noise.

B. It requires less power for long-distance transmission.

C. It allows for a large number of channels.

D. All of the above.

Answer: D. FM offers multiple benefits for satellite links. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Question 75: What is a key difference between FM and PM in terms of their bandwidth requirements?

A. FM requires less bandwidth than PM.

B. FM requires more bandwidth than PM.

C.  FM and PM have the same bandwidth requirements.

D. The bandwidth depends on the carrier frequency.

Answer: B. For a given modulation index, FM generally needs more bandwidth. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Noise in Analog Communication: Analog Communication MCQ

Introduction to Noise

Question 76: What is noise in the context of analog communication?

A. Unwanted signals that interfere with the desired signal.

B.  The desired information signal.

C.  The carrier wave used for modulation.

D.  Distortion caused by over-modulation.

Answer: A. Noise can degrade the quality of the received signal. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Question 77: Which of the following is NOT a common type of noise in communication systems?

A. Thermal noise.

B. Shot noise.

C. Quantization noise.

D. Flicker noise.

Answer: C. Quantization noise is associated with digital systems, not analog. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Question 78: What is the primary source of thermal noise?

A.  Lightning strikes.

B.  Solar flares.

C.  Random movement of electrons in conductors.

D.  Interference from other electronic devices.

Answer: C. Thermal noise is inherent in all electronic components. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Question 79: What is shot noise caused by?

A.  Random fluctuations in the number of electrons emitted from a cathode.

B.  Variations in the Earth’s magnetic field.

C.  Interference from power lines.

D.  Atmospheric disturbances.

Answer: A. Shot noise is common in vacuum tubes and semiconductor devices. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Question 80: How does noise affect the quality of an analog signal?

A. It can introduce distortion and make the signal difficult to understand.

B. It can increase the signal strength.

C. It can reduce the bandwidth of the signal.

D. It has no effect on signal quality.

Answer: A. Noise can significantly degrade the fidelity of analog signals. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR)

Question 81: What does the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) measure?

A. The relative strength of the desired signal compared to the noise.

B. The absolute power of the noise.

C. The bandwidth of the signal.

D. The frequency of the noise.

Answer: A. SNR is a key indicator of signal quality. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Question 82:  A higher SNR indicates:

A. A stronger noise signal.

B. A weaker desired signal.

C. A better quality signal.

D. A lower quality signal.

Answer: C.  Higher SNR means the signal is less affected by noise. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Question 83: What is noise figure?

A. The ratio of the input SNR to the output SNR of a device.

B. The absolute power of the noise at the input.

C. The temperature of the device.

D. The bandwidth of the device.

Answer: A. Noise figure quantifies how much a device degrades the SNR. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Question 84: What is the unit of SNR?

A. Watts.

B. Hertz.

C. Decibels (dB).

D. Volts.

Answer: C. SNR is typically expressed in decibels. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Question 85: How is SNR calculated?

A. By dividing the noise power by the signal power.

B. By dividing the signal power by the noise power.

C. By adding the signal power and the noise power.

D. By subtracting the noise power from the signal power.

Answer: B. SNR is the ratio of signal power to noise power. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Noise Reduction Techniques

Question 86: Which of the following is NOT a technique for reducing noise in communication systems?

A. Filtering.

B. Shielding.

C. Amplification.

D. Grounding.

Answer: C. While amplification increases signal strength, it doesn’t inherently reduce noise. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Question 87: How does shielding help reduce noise?

A. By blocking electromagnetic interference.

B. By amplifying the desired signal.

C. By grounding the system.

D. By filtering out unwanted frequencies.

Answer: A. Shielding prevents external noise from coupling into the system. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Question 88: What is the purpose of grounding in noise reduction?

A. To provide a common reference point for voltages.

B. To amplify the desired signal.

C. To filter out unwanted frequencies.

D. To block electromagnetic interference.

Answer: A. Proper grounding helps minimize noise currents. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Question 89: Why is FM generally more immune to noise than AM?

A.  FM uses a wider bandwidth.

B.  FM encodes information in the frequency variations, which are less affected by amplitude changes caused by noise.

C.  FM uses a higher carrier frequency.

D.  FM receivers are simpler.

Answer: B. Noise primarily affects the amplitude of a signal. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Question 90: What is the purpose of error correction codes in communication systems?

A. To prevent noise from occurring.

B. To detect and correct errors caused by noise.

C. To amplify the signal.

D. To filter out noise.

Answer: B. Error correction codes add redundancy to the signal to improve reliability. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Receivers: Analog Communication MCQ

Receiver Characteristics

Question 91: What does the sensitivity of a receiver indicate?

A. Its ability to reject unwanted signals.

B. Its ability to accurately reproduce the received signal.

C. Its ability to receive weak signals.

D. Its ability to handle a wide range of signal strengths.

Answer: C.  Sensitivity determines the minimum signal level the receiver can detect. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Question 92: What is the selectivity of a receiver?

A. Its ability to select the desired signal from adjacent channels.

B. Its ability to amplify weak signals.

C. Its ability to handle strong signals without distortion.

D. Its ability to demodulate different types of modulation.

Answer: A. Selectivity prevents interference from nearby frequencies. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Question 93: What does the fidelity of a receiver refer to?

A. Its ability to reject unwanted signals.

B. Its ability to accurately reproduce the received signal.

C. Its ability to receive weak signals.

D. Its ability to handle a wide range of signal strengths.

Answer: B. Fidelity measures how faithfully the receiver reproduces the original signal. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Types of Receivers

Question 94: Which type of receiver uses multiple stages of RF amplification before demodulation?

A. Tuned radio frequency (TRF) receiver.

B. Superheterodyne receiver.

C. Direct conversion receiver.

D. All of the above.

Answer: A. TRF receivers amplify the signal at the original carrier frequency. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Question 95: What is the main advantage of a superheterodyne receiver?

A. Simplicity.

B. High selectivity.

C. Low cost.

D. Wide bandwidth.

Answer: B. Superheterodyne receivers offer excellent selectivity. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Question 96:  Which receiver type directly converts the RF signal to baseband?

A. TRF receiver.

B. Superheterodyne receiver.

C. Direct conversion receiver.

D. None of the above.

Answer: C. Direct conversion receivers use a mixer to shift the signal to baseband. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Receiver Circuits

Question 97: What is the function of the RF amplifier in a receiver?

A. To amplify the received signal at the radio frequency.

B. To mix the RF signal with the local oscillator signal.

C. To demodulate the signal.

D. To amplify the audio signal.

Answer: A. The RF amplifier boosts the weak received signal. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Question 98: What is the purpose of the mixer in a superheterodyne receiver?

A. To amplify the RF signal.

B. To convert the RF signal to an intermediate frequency (IF).

C. To demodulate the signal.

D. To filter out unwanted frequencies.

Answer: B. The mixer shifts the signal to a fixed IF. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Question 99: What is the role of the local oscillator in a receiver?

A. To generate the audio signal.

B. To generate a signal that is mixed with the RF signal.

C. To amplify the modulated signal.

D. To demodulate the signal.

Answer: B. The local oscillator provides the frequency for the mixing process. (Analog Communication MCQ by

Question 100: What is the function of the IF amplifier in a superheterodyne receiver?

A. To amplify the received signal at the radio frequency.

B. To amplify the signal at the intermediate frequency.

C. To demodulate the signal.

D. To amplify the audio signal.

Answer: B. The IF amplifier provides high gain and selectivity at the IF. (Analog Communication MCQ by

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Most Asked Questions on Analog Communication

What is analog communication?

Analog communication transmits information using continuous signals that vary in amplitude, frequency, or phase. Think of it like a flowing river, constantly changing.

How does analog communication differ from digital communication?

Unlike digital communication, which uses discrete values (like 0s and 1s), analog communication uses continuous signals. Imagine a dimmer switch (analog) versus a light switch (digital).

What are some examples of analog communication?

Traditional radio broadcasts, landline telephones, and old television sets are all examples of analog communication.

What are the advantages of analog communication?

Analog communication can be simpler and less expensive to implement in some cases. It can also provide a more accurate representation of the original signal.

What are the disadvantages of analog communication?

Analog signals are more susceptible to noise and distortion, which can degrade the quality of the transmission. They can also be harder to secure from eavesdropping.

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