General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam

General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam. These 100 Multiple Choice Question covers a broad range of general science topics relevant to the BPSC exam. Within physics, MCQs on mechanics, heat, sound, light, electricity and magnetism, and modern physics concepts. Chemistry questions ranged from basic concepts and inorganic chemistry to organic and environmental applications. The biology section explored botany, zoology, human biology, genetics, evolution, and ecology. Finally, in science and technology, MCQs on recent science developments, advancements in India, and initiatives specific to Bihar.

I. Physics – General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam

A. Mechanics and Properties of Matter

Question 1: A ball is thrown vertically upwards. Neglecting air resistance, which property of the ball remains constant throughout its motion?

A. Velocity

B. Acceleration

C. Kinetic Energy

D. Potential Energy

Answer: B. Acceleration. The acceleration due to gravity remains constant throughout the ball’s motion. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

Question 2:  Which of the following is NOT a unit of pressure?

A. Pascal (Pa)

B. Newton (N)

C. Atmosphere (atm)

D. Bar

Answer: B. Newton (N). Newtons measure force, not pressure. Pressure is force per unit area. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

Question 3:  A block of wood floats on water. What can you say about the density of the wood compared to the density of water?

A. The wood is denser than water.

B. The wood is less dense than water.

C. The wood has the same density as water.

D. Density is not relevant to floating.

Answer: B. The wood is less dense than water.  Objects less dense than a fluid will float in that fluid. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

Question 4: Two objects of different masses are dropped from the same height at the same time. Neglecting air resistance, which object will hit the ground first?

A. The heavier object

B. The lighter object

C. They will hit the ground at the same time

D. It depends on the shape of the objects

Answer: C. They will hit the ground at the same time.  Gravity accelerates all objects equally, regardless of mass. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

Question 5:  What is the principle behind hydraulic brakes in vehicles?

A. Archimedes’ Principle

B. Pascal’s Law

C. Bernoulli’s Principle

D. Newton’s Law of Gravitation

Answer: B. Pascal’s Law. Pascal’s Law states that pressure applied to an enclosed fluid is transmitted equally throughout the fluid. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

B. Heat and Thermodynamics

Question 6:  Which of the following is the best conductor of heat?

A. Wood

B. Plastic

C. Copper

D. Air

Answer: C. Copper. Metals are generally excellent conductors of heat. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

Question 7: What happens to the volume of a gas when its temperature increases at constant pressure?

A. The volume decreases.

B. The volume increases.

C. The volume remains the same.

D. The volume becomes zero.

Answer: B. The volume increases. This is described by Charles’s Law. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

Question 8:  Which of the following is an example of heat transfer by convection?

A. Warming your hands by a fire

B. A hot air balloon rising

C. Touching a hot stove

D. Sunlight warming the Earth

Answer: B. A hot air balloon rising. Convection involves heat transfer through the movement of fluids (liquids or gases). (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

Question 9:  What is the primary mechanism of heat transfer in a vacuum?

A. Conduction

B. Convection

C. Radiation

D. Evaporation

Answer: C. Radiation. Radiation can transfer heat through the vacuum of space, unlike conduction or convection. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

Question 10:  The first law of thermodynamics is a statement of:

A. Conservation of momentum

B. Conservation of energy

C. Conservation of mass

D. Conservation of charge

Answer: B. Conservation of energy. The first law states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred or transformed. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

C. Sound

Question 11:  The pitch of a sound wave is determined by its:

A. Amplitude

B. Frequency

C. Wavelength

D. Speed

Answer: B. Frequency. Higher frequency corresponds to a higher pitch. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

Question 12:  What causes the Doppler effect?

A. The interference of sound waves

B. The reflection of sound waves

C. The relative motion between the source of sound and the observer

D. The absorption of sound waves

Answer: C. The relative motion between the source of sound and the observer. This relative motion causes a shift in the perceived frequency of the sound. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

Question 13:  Sound waves cannot travel through:

A. Air

B. Water

C. A vacuum

D. Steel

Answer: C. A vacuum. Sound waves require a medium (like air, water, or solids) to propagate. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

D. Light

Question 14:  A convex lens:

A. Diverges light rays

B. Converges light rays

C. Reflects light rays

D. Absorbs light rays

Answer: B. Converges light rays. Convex lenses bring light rays together at a focal point. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

Question 15:  What type of lens is used to correct nearsightedness (myopia)?

A. Convex lens

B. Concave lens

C. Bifocal lens

D. Plano-convex lens

Answer: B. Concave lens. Concave lenses diverge light rays, which helps to focus the image correctly on the retina for nearsighted individuals. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

Question 16:  The primary colors of light are:

A. Red, yellow, blue

B. Red, green, blue

C. Cyan, magenta, yellow

D. Black, white, gray

Answer: B. Red, green, blue. These are the additive primary colors of light. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

Question 17:  Which phenomenon demonstrates the wave nature of light?

A. Photoelectric effect

B. Diffraction

C. Blackbody radiation

D. Compton scattering

Answer: B. Diffraction. Diffraction is the bending of waves around obstacles or through openings. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

Question 18:  What is the function of the iris in the human eye?

A. To focus light on the retina

B. To control the amount of light entering the eye

C. To detect color

D. To protect the eye from injury

Answer: B. To control the amount of light entering the eye. The iris adjusts the size of the pupil to regulate light entry. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

E. Electricity and Magnetism

Question 19:  What is the unit of electrical resistance?

A. Volt

B. Ampere

C. Ohm

D. Watt

Answer: C. Ohm. Resistance is measured in ohms. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

Question 20:  In a series circuit, the current:

A. Is the same at all points

B. Varies at different points

C. Is zero

D. Is infinite

Answer: A. Is the same at all points. In a series circuit, there is only one path for the current to flow. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

Question 21:  What happens when a magnet is cut in half?

A. It loses its magnetism.

B. It creates two magnets, each with a north and south pole.

C. It creates one north pole and one south pole.

D. It becomes a monopole.

Answer: B. It creates two magnets, each with a north and south pole.  You cannot isolate a north or south pole. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

Question 22:  Electromagnetic induction is the process of:

A. Generating electricity from magnetism

B. Generating magnetism from electricity

C. Converting electricity into heat

D. Converting magnetism into heat

Answer: A. Generating electricity from magnetism. This is the principle behind generators. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

F. Modern Physics

Question 23:  What is the charge of a proton?

A. Positive

B. Negative

C. Neutral

D. It depends on the element

Answer: A. Positive. Protons have a positive charge. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

Question 24:  Which type of radioactive decay emits an electron?

A. Alpha decay

B. Beta decay

C. Gamma decay

D. Neutron emission

Answer: B. Beta decay. Beta decay involves the emission of an electron (or positron). (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

Question 25:  Einstein’s theory of special relativity deals with:

A. The relationship between mass and energy

B. The behavior of objects in gravitational fields

C. The nature of black holes

D. The origin of the universe

Answer: A. The relationship between mass and energy.  The famous equation E=mc² comes from this theory. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

II. Chemistry – General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam

A. Basic Concepts

Question 26: What is the smallest unit of an element that retains the chemical properties of that element?

A. Atom

B. Molecule

C. Compound

D. Ion

Answer: A. Atom. Atoms are the fundamental building blocks of elements. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

Question 27:  Which of the following is a chemical change?

A. Melting ice

B. Boiling water

C. Burning wood

D. Cutting paper

Answer: C. Burning wood. Burning wood involves a change in the chemical composition of the wood. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

Question 28:  What is the pH of a neutral solution?

A. 0

B. 7

C. 14

D. 10

Answer: B. 7. A pH of 7 is neutral, below 7 is acidic, and above 7 is basic. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

Question 29: What is the chemical symbol for gold?

A. Ag

B. Au

C. Fe

D. Hg

Answer: B. Au.  Au is the chemical symbol derived from the Latin word “aurum”. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

Question 30: Which of the following is NOT a state of matter?

A. Solid

B. Liquid

C. Gas

D. Vacuum

Answer: D. Vacuum. A vacuum is the absence of matter. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

B. Inorganic Chemistry

Question 31: Which element is the most abundant in the Earth’s crust?

A. Oxygen

B. Silicon

C. Aluminum

D. Iron

Answer: A. Oxygen. Oxygen makes up a significant portion of the Earth’s crust in various compounds. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

Question 32:  What is the chemical formula for water?

A. H2O

B. CO2

C. NaCl

D. O2

Answer: A. H2O. Water is composed of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

Question 33:  Which of the following elements is a noble gas?

A. Sodium

B. Chlorine

C. Helium

D. Oxygen

Answer: C. Helium. Noble gases are in Group 18 of the periodic table and are known for their low reactivity. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

Question 34:  What is the process of coating iron with zinc to prevent rusting called?

A. Galvanization

B. Alloying

C. Electrolysis

D. Oxidation

Answer: A. Galvanization.  This process creates a protective layer of zinc on the iron. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

Question 35:  Which of the following is a property of alkali metals?

A. They are highly reactive.

B. They are poor conductors of electricity.

C. They have high melting points.

D. They are non-metals.

Answer: A. They are highly reactive. Alkali metals (Group 1) are known for their high reactivity with water and air. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

Question 36:  What is the charge of a chloride ion?

A. +1

B. -1

C. +2

D. -2

Answer: B. -1. Chlorine gains one electron to achieve a stable electron configuration, giving it a negative charge. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

Question 37:  Which of the following is an example of an alloy?

A. Gold

B. Silver

C. Bronze

D. Diamond

Answer: C. Bronze. Bronze is an alloy made primarily of copper and tin. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

C. Organic Chemistry

Question 38:  What is the main component of natural gas?

A. Methane

B. Ethane

C. Propane

D. Butane

Answer: A. Methane. Methane (CH4) is the simplest hydrocarbon and the main component of natural gas. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

Question 39:  Which of the following is the functional group for alcohols?



C. -OH

D. -NH2

Answer: C. -OH. The hydroxyl group (-OH) is characteristic of alcohols. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

Question 40:  What is the general formula for alkanes?

A. CnH2n

B. CnH2n+2

C. CnH2n-2

D. CnHn

Answer: B. CnH2n+2. Alkanes are saturated hydrocarbons with this general formula. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

Question 41:  Which of the following is an unsaturated hydrocarbon?

A. Ethane

B. Propane

C. Butene

D. Pentane

Answer: C. Butene. Unsaturated hydrocarbons contain double or triple bonds between carbon atoms. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

Question 42:  What is the process of converting vegetable oils into solid fats called?

A. Hydrogenation

B. Saponification

C. Fermentation

D. Polymerization

Answer: A. Hydrogenation. This process adds hydrogen to unsaturated fats, making them more solid. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

Question 43:  Which of the following is a polymer?

A. Glucose

B. Ethanol

C. Polyethylene

D. Acetic acid

Answer: C. Polyethylene. Polyethylene is a common plastic made from repeating ethylene units. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

D. Environmental Chemistry

Question 44:  Which of the following is a major air pollutant?

A. Nitrogen

B. Oxygen

C. Carbon dioxide

D. Water vapor

Answer: C. Carbon dioxide. While essential for life, excess carbon dioxide contributes to climate change. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

Question 45:  What is the main cause of acid rain?

A. Volcanic eruptions

B. Burning of fossil fuels

C. Deforestation

D. Agricultural activities

Answer: B. Burning of fossil fuels. This releases sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, which react with water to form acid rain. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

Question 46:  What is the process of enriching a water body with nutrients, leading to excessive algal growth, called?

A. Eutrophication

B. Biomagnification

C. Bioaccumulation

D. Bioremediation

Answer: A. Eutrophication. This often results from fertilizer runoff and sewage. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

Question 47:  Which of the following is a greenhouse gas?

A. Methane

B. Oxygen

C. Nitrogen

D. Argon

Answer: A. Methane. Methane is a potent greenhouse gas that traps heat in the atmosphere. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

Question 48:  What is the primary source of ozone layer depletion?

A. Carbon dioxide emissions

B. Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)

C. Methane emissions

D. Deforestation

Answer: B. Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). CFCs were used in refrigerants and aerosols and break down ozone in the stratosphere. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

Question 49:  What is the process of removing salt from seawater called?

A. Desalination

B. Filtration

C. Distillation

D. Precipitation

Answer: A. Desalination. This process makes seawater suitable for drinking and irrigation. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

Question 50:  Which of the following is a biodegradable waste?

A. Plastic

B. Glass

C. Food scraps

D. Metal

Answer: C. Food scraps. Biodegradable waste can be broken down naturally by microorganisms. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

III. Biology – General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam

A. Botany

Question 51:  What is the process by which plants convert sunlight into chemical energy?

A. Photosynthesis

B. Respiration

C. Transpiration

D. Pollination

Answer: A. Photosynthesis.  Plants use chlorophyll to capture light energy and produce glucose. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

Question 52:  Which part of the plant is responsible for absorbing water and minerals from the soil?

A. Leaves

B. Stem

C. Roots

D. Flowers

Answer: C. Roots. Roots anchor the plant and absorb water and nutrients. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

Question 53:  What is the function of the xylem in plants?

A. To transport water and minerals from roots to leaves

B. To transport food from leaves to other parts of the plant

C. To store food

D. To provide support

Answer: A. To transport water and minerals from roots to leaves. The xylem is a vascular tissue responsible for this upward transport. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

Question 54:  Which of the following is NOT a type of plant tissue?

A. Dermal tissue

B. Vascular tissue

C. Ground tissue

D. Muscle tissue

Answer: D. Muscle tissue. Muscle tissue is found in animals, not plants. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

Question 55:  What is the male reproductive part of a flower called?

A. Pistil

B. Stamen

C. Sepal

D. Petal

Answer: B. Stamen. The stamen consists of the anther and filament and produces pollen. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

Question 56:  Which of the following is an example of a bryophyte?

A. Fern

B. Moss

C. Pine tree

D. Rose bush

Answer: B. Moss. Bryophytes are non-vascular plants that include mosses, liverworts, and hornworts. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

B. Zoology

Question 57:  Which of the following animals is an invertebrate?

A. Fish

B. Bird

C. Reptile

D. Insect

Answer: D. Insect. Invertebrates lack a backbone. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

Question 58:  What is the function of the respiratory system in animals?

A. To transport blood throughout the body

B. To break down food and absorb nutrients

C. To exchange gases with the environment

D. To remove waste products from the body

Answer: C. To exchange gases with the environment. The respiratory system takes in oxygen and releases carbon dioxide. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

Question 59:  Which of the following is a cold-blooded animal?

A. Mammal

B. Bird

C. Reptile

D. Amphibian

Answer: C. Reptile. Cold-blooded animals cannot regulate their internal body temperature. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

Question 60: What is the process of transformation from an immature form to an adult form in insects called?

A. Metamorphosis

B. Migration

C. Hibernation

D. Adaptation

Answer: A. Metamorphosis.  This involves significant changes in the insect’s body structure. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

Question 61: Which of the following is an example of a mammal?

A. Snake

B. Frog

C. Whale

D. Shark

Answer: C. Whale. Mammals are warm-blooded, have mammary glands, and breathe air. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

Question 62: What is the function of the gills in fish?

A. To extract oxygen from water

B. To regulate buoyancy

C. To detect movement in the water

D. To capture prey

Answer: A. To extract oxygen from water. Gills are specialized for gas exchange in aquatic environments. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

C. Human Biology

Question 63: Which organ is responsible for pumping blood throughout the body?

A. Heart

B. Lungs

C. Liver

D. Kidney

Answer: A. Heart. The heart is the central pump of the circulatory system. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

Question 64: What is the function of the digestive system?

A. To break down food and absorb nutrients

B. To exchange gases with the environment

C. To remove waste products from the body

D. To fight off infections

Answer: A. To break down food and absorb nutrients. The digestive system processes food into usable forms. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

Question 65: Which of the following is a component of the nervous system?

A. Brain

B. Stomach

C. Liver

D. Kidney

Answer: A. Brain. The brain is the control center of the nervous system. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

Question 66: What is the function of white blood cells in the human body?

A. To transport oxygen

B. To clot blood

C. To fight infections

D. To regulate hormones

Answer: C. To fight infections. White blood cells are part of the immune system. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

Question 67: Which disease is caused by a deficiency of insulin?

A. Diabetes

B. Anemia

C. Asthma

D. Arthritis

Answer: A. Diabetes. Insulin is a hormone that regulates blood sugar levels. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

Question 68: What is the main function of the kidneys?

A. To filter waste products from the blood

B. To produce hormones

C. To digest food

D. To store nutrients

Answer: A. To filter waste products from the blood. The kidneys remove waste and excess fluids. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

D. Genetics and Evolution

Question 69: What is the basic unit of heredity?

A. Gene

B. Chromosome



Answer: A. Gene. Genes are segments of DNA that code for specific traits. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

Question 70: Which molecule carries the genetic information from DNA to the ribosomes?




D. DNA polymerase

Answer: A. mRNA. Messenger RNA (mRNA) carries the genetic code for protein synthesis. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

Question 71: What is the process of creating a copy of DNA called?

A. Replication

B. Transcription

C. Translation

D. Mutation

Answer: A. Replication. DNA replication ensures that each new cell receives a complete copy of the genetic material. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

Question 72:  Who is credited with the theory of evolution by natural selection?

A. Charles Darwin

B. Gregor Mendel

C. Louis Pasteur

D. Albert Einstein

Answer: A. Charles Darwin. Darwin proposed that species evolve over time through natural selection. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

Question 73: What is the process by which organisms with favorable traits are more likely to survive and reproduce?

A. Natural selection

B. Genetic drift

C. Gene flow

D. Mutation

Answer: A. Natural selection. This is the driving force of evolution. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

E. Ecology and Environment

Question 74: What is a community of interacting organisms and their physical environment called?

A. Ecosystem

B. Population

C. Biosphere

D. Habitat

Answer: A. Ecosystem.  Ecosystems include both living and non-living components. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

Question 75:  What is the role of decomposers in an ecosystem?

A. To produce food through photosynthesis

B. To break down dead organisms and recycle nutrients

C. To consume other organisms for energy

D. To control populations of other organisms

Answer: B. To break down dead organisms and recycle nutrients. Decomposers play a vital role in nutrient cycling. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

Question 76:  What is the variety of life in a particular habitat or ecosystem called?

A. Biodiversity

B. Biomass

C. Biomagnification

D. Bioaccumulation

Answer: A. Biodiversity. Biodiversity encompasses the variety of species and ecosystems. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

Question 77:  Which of the following is a major threat to biodiversity?

A. Habitat loss

B. Conservation efforts

C. Sustainable practices

D. Ecotourism

Answer: A. Habitat loss.  Destruction of habitats is a leading cause of species decline. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

Question 78:  What is the process by which certain pollutants become more concentrated as they move up the food chain?

A. Biomagnification

B. Bioaccumulation

C. Eutrophication

D. Acidification

Answer: A. Biomagnification.  This process can have significant impacts on top predators. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

IV. Science and Technology – General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam

A. Recent Developments in Science and Technology

Question 79:  What is the field of science that deals with the manipulation of matter on an atomic and molecular scale?

A. Nanotechnology

B. Biotechnology

C. Information technology

D. Space technology

Answer: A. Nanotechnology. Nanotechnology involves manipulating materials at the nanoscale. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

Question 80:  Which of the following is an application of biotechnology?

A. Developing genetically modified crops

B. Designing new computer processors

C. Launching satellites into space

D. Creating new materials with specific properties

Answer: A. Developing genetically modified crops. Biotechnology uses biological systems and organisms to develop or make products. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

Question 81:  What is the technology that allows computers to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence?

A. Artificial intelligence (AI)

B. Cloud computing

C. Internet of Things (IoT)

D. Virtual reality (VR)

Answer: A. Artificial intelligence (AI).  AI aims to create machines that can mimic human intelligence. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

Question 82:  Which of the following is a recent development in space technology?

A. Reusable rockets

B. The invention of the telescope

C. The first human landing on the moon

D. The discovery of Pluto

Answer: A. Reusable rockets.  Companies like SpaceX have developed reusable rockets to reduce the cost of space travel. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

Question 83:  What is the technology that connects everyday objects to the internet, allowing them to collect and exchange data?

A. Internet of Things (IoT)

B. Cloud computing

C. Artificial intelligence (AI)

D. Virtual reality (VR)

Answer: A. Internet of Things (IoT).  This technology enables devices to communicate and share data. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

Question 84:  Which of the following is an application of cloud computing?

A. Storing and accessing data over the internet

B. Developing new drugs

C. Manufacturing new materials

D. Launching satellites into space

Answer: A. Storing and accessing data over the internet. Cloud computing provides on-demand access to computing resources. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

B. Science and Technology in India

Question 85:  Which organization is responsible for India’s space program?

A. ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation)

B. DRDO (Defence Research and Development Organisation)

C. BARC (Bhabha Atomic Research Centre)

D. CSIR (Council of Scientific and Industrial Research)

Answer: A. ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation). ISRO is responsible for India’s space exploration and satellite programs. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

Question 86:  What was the name of India’s first satellite?

A. Aryabhata

B. Bhaskara

C. Rohini


Answer: A. Aryabhata.  Aryabhata was launched in 1975. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

Question 87:  Which of the following is a major achievement of India’s space program?

A. Chandrayaan missions to the moon

B. Mangalyaan mission to Mars

C. Development of launch vehicles like PSLV and GSLV

D. All of the above

Answer: D. All of the above. India has made significant strides in lunar and Martian exploration and launch vehicle technology. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

Question 88: Which organization is responsible for India’s nuclear program?

A. BARC (Bhabha Atomic Research Centre)

B. DRDO (Defence Research and Development Organisation)

C. ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation)

D. CSIR (Council of Scientific and Industrial Research)

Answer: A. BARC (Bhabha Atomic Research Centre). BARC is involved in nuclear research and development, including reactor technology and nuclear power generation. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

Question 89: What was the name of India’s first nuclear test?

A. Smiling Buddha

B. Shakti

C. Pokhran-I

D. Agni

Answer: A. Smiling Buddha. This test was conducted in 1974. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

Question 90: Which of the following is a nuclear power plant in India?

A. Tarapur Atomic Power Station

B. Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant

C. Narora Atomic Power Station

D. All of the above

Answer: D. All of the above. India has several nuclear power plants across the country. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

Question 91: What is the name of India’s indigenously developed ballistic missile?

A. Agni

B. Prithvi

C. Akash

D. Trishul

Answer: A. Agni. Agni missiles are a family of medium- to intercontinental-range ballistic missiles. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

Question 92: Which Indian scientist is known as the “Father of the Indian nuclear program”?

A. Homi J. Bhabha

B. Vikram Sarabhai

C. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

D. C.V. Raman

Answer: A. Homi J. Bhabha. Bhabha played a key role in the development of India’s nuclear program. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

C. Science and Technology in Bihar

Question 93: Which of the following is a science and technology initiative in Bihar?

A. Establishment of the Nalanda University

B. Development of the Bihar State Biotechnology Policy

C. Promotion of IT parks and software development

D. All of the above

Answer: D. All of the above. Bihar has undertaken various initiatives to promote science and technology in the state. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

Question 94: What is the objective of the Bihar State Biotechnology Policy?

A. To promote research and development in biotechnology

B. To attract investment in the biotechnology sector

C. To create employment opportunities in the biotechnology sector

D. All of the above

Answer: D. All of the above. The policy aims to foster the growth of biotechnology in Bihar. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

Question 95: Which city in Bihar is known for its emerging IT sector?

A. Patna

B. Gaya

C. Muzaffarpur

D. Bhagalpur

Answer: A. Patna. Patna is becoming a hub for IT companies and software development. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

Question 96: Which of the following is a science museum in Bihar?

A. Shri Krishna Science Centre, Patna

B. Indira Gandhi Science Complex, Patna

C. Both A and B

D. Neither A nor B

Answer: C. Both A and B. These museums aim to popularize science and technology among the public. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

Question 97: What is the focus of the Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour?

A. Research and development in agriculture

B. Providing agricultural education and training

C. Promoting sustainable agricultural practices

D. All of the above

Answer: D. All of the above. The university plays a crucial role in advancing agriculture in Bihar. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

Question 98:  Which of the following is a traditional craft of Bihar that involves scientific principles?

A. Madhubani painting

B. Bhagalpuri silk weaving

C. Making of Sikki grass products

D. All of the above

Answer: D. All of the above. These crafts utilize scientific knowledge of materials and techniques. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

Question 99:  What is the role of the Bihar Council on Science and Technology?

A. To advise the state government on science and technology policies

B. To promote scientific research and development in Bihar

C. To popularize science and technology among the public

D. All of the above

Answer: D. All of the above. The council plays a key role in advancing science and technology in Bihar. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

Question 100:  Which of the following is a challenge for science and technology development in Bihar?

A. Lack of adequate infrastructure

B. Limited access to funding and resources

C. Brain drain of skilled professionals

D. All of the above

Answer: D. All of the above. Addressing these challenges is crucial for promoting scientific progress in Bihar. (General Science 100 MCQ BPSC Exam by

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