Federalism MCQs Class 10

Federalism MCQs Class 10. Best 100 MCQs. Overview of Federalism (MCQ 1 to 17). Key Features of Federalism (MCQ 18 to 40). Federalism in India (MCQ 41 to 65). How Federalism is Practiced in India (MCQ 66 to 82). Decentralization in India (MCQ 83 to 100).

Federalism MCQs Class 10

Overview of Federalism

Definition of Federalism

Question 1: Which of the following best describes federalism?

A. A system where all power is concentrated in the central government

B. A system where power is divided between a central authority and constituent units

C. A system where local governments have complete autonomy

D. A system where there is no central government

Answer: B. Federalism is a system of government in which power is divided between a central authority and various constituent units of the country. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Question 2: In a federal system, the constituent units of the country are typically referred to as:

A. Branches

B. Provinces or states

C. Municipalities

D. Departments

Answer: B. The constituent units in a federal system are usually called provinces or states. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Question 3: Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a federal system?

A. Division of power between central and regional governments

B. A single, centralized source of authority

C. Constitutional safeguards for the autonomy of regional governments

D. A system designed to accommodate regional diversity

Answer: B. A federal system is characterized by the division of power, not a single centralized source of authority. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Question 4: The relationship between the central government and the constituent units in a federal system is primarily based on:

A. Hierarchy and subordination

B. Cooperation and shared responsibility

C. Competition and rivalry

D. Isolation and independence

Answer: B. In a federal system, the central and regional governments ideally work together and share responsibilities. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Question 5: Which of the following is a potential advantage of a federal system?

A. It promotes regional autonomy and accommodates diversity

B. It leads to faster decision-making

C. It eliminates conflicts between different levels of government

D. It is suitable for small countries with homogenous populations

Answer: A. Federalism allows for regional autonomy and can better accommodate the diverse needs and interests of different regions within a country. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Global Perspective

Question 6: Approximately what percentage of the world’s population lives in countries with federal political systems?

A. 10%

B. 20%

C. 40%

D. 60%

Answer: C. Although only 25 of the world’s 193 countries have federal systems, their citizens make up 40% of the world’s population. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Question 7: Which of the following is generally true about federal systems?

A. They are more common in small countries

B. They are more common in large countries

C. They are equally common in large and small countries

D. They are rare in both large and small countries

Answer: B. Most of the large countries of the world are federations. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Question 8: Which of the following is an exception to the trend of large countries adopting federalism?

A. India

B. China

C. The United States

D. Brazil

Answer: B. China is a large country that does not have a federal system. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Question 9: The fact that a significant portion of the world’s population lives under federal systems suggests that:

A. Federalism is the only viable form of government

B. Federalism is well-suited to addressing the challenges of governing large and diverse countries

C. Federalism is inherently superior to unitary systems

D. Federalism is a recent and experimental form of government

Answer: B. The prevalence of federalism in large and diverse countries suggests that it can be an effective way to manage the complexities of governing such nations. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Question 10: Which of the following is a potential challenge associated with federalism?

A. It can lead to conflicts between different levels of government

B. It can hinder regional autonomy

C. It is unsuitable for large countries

D. It promotes a homogenous national identity

Answer: A. One potential challenge of federalism is the possibility of conflicts arising between the central government and the constituent units or between the constituent units themselves. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Contrast between Unitary and Federal Systems

Question 11: In a unitary system of government:

A. Power is divided between a central authority and constituent units

B. The central government has ultimate authority over all other levels of government

C. Regional governments have constitutional guarantees of autonomy

D. There are multiple levels of government with equal power

Answer: B. In a unitary system, the central government can pass on orders to the provincial or the local government. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Question 12: Which of the following countries is an example of a unitary system?

A. The United States

B. India

C. France

D. Canada

Answer: C. France is a classic example of a unitary state where the central government in Paris holds the most power. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Question 13: The key difference between a federal and a unitary system lies in:

A. The number of levels of government

B. The presence of a constitution

C. The distribution of power between the central and regional governments

D. The existence of a judiciary

Answer: C. The main difference between federal and unitary systems is how power is distributed between the central and regional governments. In a federal system, power is divided, while in a unitary system, the central government has ultimate authority. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Question 14: Belgium’s transition from a unitary to a federal system involved:

A. Centralizing power in the national government

B. Granting constitutional powers to regional governments

C. Abolishing regional governments

D. Reducing the overall size of the country

Answer: B. Belgium shifted from a unitary to a federal form of government by giving regional governments constitutional powers that were no longer dependent on the central government. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Question 15: The example of Belgium demonstrates that:

A. Federalism is only suitable for large countries

B. Unitary systems are always more efficient

C. Countries can transition from unitary to federal systems to better accommodate regional diversity

D. Federalism leads to the disintegration of countries

Answer: C. Belgium’s transition shows that countries can adopt federalism to address the needs of diverse regions. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Question 16: In Sri Lanka, the demand for a federal system stems from:

A. The desire for a more centralized government

B. The desire to grant more power to the national government

C. The desire to accommodate the aspirations of the Tamil minority for greater autonomy

D. The desire to create a homogenous national identity

Answer: C. Tamil leaders in Sri Lanka want a federal system to address their demands for greater autonomy and self-governance. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Question 17: The contrast between Belgium and Sri Lanka highlights:

A. The universal applicability of federalism

B. The inherent superiority of unitary systems

C. The importance of considering the specific context and needs of a country when choosing a system of government

D. The inevitability of conflict in diverse societies

Answer: C. The different paths taken by Belgium and Sri Lanka show that the choice between federalism and a unitary system depends on the specific circumstances and needs of a country. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Key Features of Federalism

Multiple Levels of Government

Question 18: A defining characteristic of a federal system is the presence of:

A. A single, all-powerful central government

B. Two or more levels of government

C. No central government

D. A purely ceremonial head of state

Answer: B. Federal systems have two or more levels (or tiers) of government. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Question 19: In a federal system, different tiers of government typically:

A. Govern entirely separate populations

B. Govern the same citizens but have distinct jurisdictions

C. Have identical powers and responsibilities

D. Are completely independent of each other

Answer: B. Different tiers of government govern the same citizens, but each tier has its own jurisdiction in specific matters of legislation, taxation, and administration. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Question 20: The allocation of powers and responsibilities between different levels of government in a federal system is usually outlined in:

A. The constitution

B. Ordinary legislation

C. Executive orders

D. Judicial decisions

Answer: A. The jurisdictions of the respective levels or tiers of government are specified in the constitution. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Question 21: Which of the following is NOT a typical tier of government in a federal system?

A. National or central government

B. Provincial or state government

C. Local government

D. International organizations

Answer: D. International organizations are not a tier of government within a federal system. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Question 22: The existence of multiple levels of government in a federal system is intended to:

A. Create confusion and inefficiency

B. Centralize power

C. Promote regional autonomy and participation in decision-making

D. Eliminate the need for a central government

Answer: C. Multiple levels of government allow for greater regional autonomy and provide opportunities for citizens to participate in decision-making at different levels. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Division of Powers

Question 23: In a federal system, the division of powers between different levels of government ensures that:

A. Each level has clearly defined areas of authority

B. All levels have equal power

C. The central government has complete control

D. There is no overlap in responsibilities

Answer: A. The jurisdictions of the respective levels or tiers of government are specified in the constitution to ensure clarity and avoid conflicts. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Question 24: The division of powers in a federal system typically covers which of the following areas?

A. Legislation

B. Taxation

C. Administration

D. All of the above

Answer: D. The division of powers in a federal system typically encompasses legislation (making laws), taxation (collecting revenue), and administration (implementing policies). (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Question 25: The purpose of clearly specifying the jurisdictions of different levels of government is to:

A. Promote conflict and competition

B. Avoid confusion and overlap in responsibilities

C. Centralize power in the national government

D. Make it difficult to amend the constitution

Answer: B. Clearly specifying jurisdictions helps prevent disputes and ensures that each level of government knows its areas of responsibility. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Question 26: In a federal system, if there is a conflict between a law made by the central government and a law made by a regional government on a concurrent subject, which law prevails?

A. The law made by the regional government

B. The law made by the central government

C. Both laws are equally valid

D. It depends on the specific subject matter

Answer: B. In case of conflict, the law made by the Union Government will prevail on concurrent subjects. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Question 27: The concept of “residuary powers” in a federal system refers to:

A. Powers that are shared equally between all levels of government

B. Powers that are specifically assigned to local governments

C. Powers that are not explicitly listed in the constitution and belong to the central government

D. Powers that can be exercised by any level of government at its discretion

Answer: C. Residuary powers are those that are not enumerated in any of the lists and are left to the central government. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Question 28: The division of financial resources between different levels of government in a federal system is important to ensure:

A. The financial dependence of regional governments on the central government

B. The concentration of all financial resources in the central government

C. The financial autonomy of each level of government

D. The ability of the central government to dictate spending priorities at all levels

Answer: C. Each level of government has clearly specified sources of revenue to ensure its financial autonomy. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Constitutional Safeguards

Question 29: In a federal system, the constitution serves as:

A. A flexible document that can be easily changed by any level of government

B. A rigid document that cannot be amended under any circumstances

C. A foundational document that guarantees the existence and authority of each tier of government

D. A purely symbolic document with no legal force

Answer: C. The constitution provides the legal framework for the federal system and guarantees the existence and authority of each tier of government. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Question 30: The fundamental provisions of the constitution in a federal system:

A. Can be unilaterally changed by the central government

B. Can be unilaterally changed by regional governments

C. Require the consent of both the central and regional governments to be amended

D. Can be amended by the judiciary

Answer: C. Changes to the fundamental provisions of the constitution require the consent of both the central and regional governments. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Question 31: The purpose of constitutional safeguards in a federal system is to:

A. Protect the autonomy of regional governments

B. Prevent the central government from becoming too powerful

C. Ensure a balance of power between different levels of government

D. All of the above

Answer: D. Constitutional safeguards are designed to protect regional autonomy, prevent the centralization of power, and maintain a balance between different levels of government. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Question 32: Which of the following is an example of a constitutional safeguard in a federal system?

A. The power of the central government to dismiss regional governments at will

B. The requirement for a supermajority vote in the legislature to amend the constitution

C. The absence of a written constitution

D. The concentration of all judicial power in the central government

Answer: B. Requiring a supermajority vote to amend the constitution helps protect the interests of regional governments and prevents unilateral changes by the central government. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Independent Judiciary

Question 33: The role of the judiciary in a federal system is to:

A. Make laws

B. Implement policies

C. Interpret the constitution and resolve disputes between different levels of government

D. Collect taxes

Answer: C. Courts have the power to interpret the constitution and the powers of different levels of government. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Question 34: In a federal system, the highest court acts as:

A. An advocate for the central government

B. An advocate for regional governments

C. An impartial umpire in disputes between different levels of government

D. A legislative body

Answer: C. The highest court acts as an umpire if disputes arise between different levels of government in the exercise of their respective powers. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Question 35: The power of judicial review in a federal system allows the courts to:

A. Overturn laws that violate the constitution

B. Make new laws

C. Dismiss elected officials

D. Control the budget

Answer: A. Judicial review empowers the courts to declare laws or actions unconstitutional if they contravene the provisions of the constitution. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Question 36: An independent judiciary is crucial in a federal system to:

A. Ensure the rule of law and protect the rights of individuals and governments

B. Promote the dominance of the central government

C. Undermine the authority of regional governments

D. Create a system of arbitrary decision-making

Answer: A. An independent judiciary helps maintain the balance of power in a federal system and ensures that all levels of government act within the bounds of the constitution. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Financial Autonomy

Question 37: In a federal system, each level of government should have:

A. Clearly specified sources of revenue

B. Unlimited access to all financial resources

C. Complete dependence on the central government for funding

D. The power to tax any entity within its jurisdiction without limitations

Answer: A. Sources of revenue for each level of government are clearly specified to ensure its financial autonomy. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Question 38: The purpose of ensuring financial autonomy for different levels of government is to:

A. Enable them to carry out their responsibilities effectively

B. Make them completely independent of the central government

C. Encourage fiscal irresponsibility

D. Create competition for resources

Answer: A. Financial autonomy allows different levels of government to have the resources they need to fulfill their constitutional obligations. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Question 39: Which of the following is a potential source of revenue for a regional government in a federal system?

A. Sales tax

B. Income tax

C. Property tax

D. All of the above

Answer: D. Regional governments can have various sources of revenue, including sales tax, income tax, property tax, and others, depending on the specific constitutional arrangements. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Question 40: The allocation of financial resources in a federal system should ideally be:

A. Based on the population of each region

B. Based on the needs and responsibilities of each level of government

C. Equal for all levels of government

D. Determined solely by the central government

Answer: B. The allocation of financial resources should consider the specific needs and responsibilities of each level of government to ensure they can function effectively. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Federalism in India

Constitutional Framework

Question 41: Which of the following best describes India’s constitutional structure?

A. A confederation of states

B. A unitary system with a strong central government

C. A “Union of States” with a federal framework

D. A monarchy with limited powers for regional rulers

Answer: C. The Constitution declared India as a Union of States, embodying the principles of federalism. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Question 42: The Indian Constitution initially provided for how many tiers of government?

A. One

B. Two

C. Three

D. Four

Answer: B. The Constitution originally provided for a two-tier system: the Union Government and the State governments. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Question 43: Which of the following lists contains subjects of national importance in India’s federal system?

A. Union List

B. State List

C. Concurrent List

D. Residuary List

Answer: A. The Union List includes subjects of national importance like defense, foreign affairs, banking, and currency. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Question 44: Which level of government has the exclusive power to make laws on subjects listed in the Union List?

A. State governments

B. Union Government (Central Government)

C. Both Union and State governments

D. Local governments

Answer: B. The Union Government alone can make laws relating to the subjects mentioned in the Union List. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Question 45: Subjects like police, trade, commerce, agriculture, and irrigation fall under which list in India’s federal system?

A. Union List

B. State List

C. Concurrent List

D. Residuary List

Answer: B. The State List contains subjects of state and local importance. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Question 46: Which level of government has the power to make laws on subjects listed in the State List?

A. State governments

B. Union Government (Central Government)

C. Both Union and State governments

D. Local governments

Answer: A. The State Governments alone can make laws relating to the subjects mentioned in the State List. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Question 47: The Concurrent List in India’s federal system includes subjects of common interest to both the Union and State governments. In case of a conflict between a Union law and a State law on a concurrent subject, which law prevails?

A. The State law

B. The Union law

C. Both laws are equally valid

D. It is decided by the Supreme Court on a case-by-case basis

Answer: B. If their laws conflict with each other, the law made by the Union Government will prevail. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Question 48: Subjects like education, forest, trade unions, marriage, adoption, and succession are included in which list?

A. Union List

B. State List

C. Concurrent List

D. Residuary List

Answer: C. The Concurrent List includes subjects of common interest to both the Union Government as well as the State Governments. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Question 49: Who has the power to legislate on “residuary” subjects, i.e., subjects not mentioned in any of the three lists?

A. State governments

B. Union Government (Central Government)

C. Both Union and State governments

D. Local governments

Answer: B. According to the Constitution, the Union Government has the power to legislate on these ‘residuary’ subjects. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Question 50: The three-fold distribution of legislative powers in India is a key feature of its:

A. Unitary system

B. Federal system

C. Presidential system

D. Parliamentary system

Answer: B. The three-fold distribution of legislative powers is a fundamental characteristic of India’s federal structure. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Special Provisions

Question 51: Which of the following states in India enjoys special powers under Article 371 of the Constitution?

A. Uttar Pradesh

B. Maharashtra

C. Nagaland

D. Kerala

Answer: C. States such as Assam, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh, and Mizoram enjoy special powers under certain provisions of the Constitution of India due to their peculiar social and historical circumstances. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Question 52: The special powers granted to certain states in India relate primarily to:

A. Economic development

B. Industrialization

C. Protection of land rights, culture, and preferential employment in government services

D. Foreign relations

Answer: C. These special powers are especially enjoyed in relation to the protection of land rights of indigenous peoples, their culture, and also preferential employment in government services. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Question 53: The provision of special powers to some states reflects:

A. The unitary nature of India’s government

B. The asymmetric federalism in India, where some states have more powers than others

C. The complete equality of all states in India

D. The absence of any special provisions in the Indian Constitution

Answer: B. India’s federal system is asymmetric, with some states having special powers to address their unique circumstances. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Question 54: Which of the following is an example of a special provision granted to certain states?

A. Non-residents cannot buy land or houses in some states

B. All states have the same official language

C. The central government can dismiss state governments at will

D. There are no restrictions on inter-state trade

Answer: A. Indians who are not permanent residents of states like Nagaland cannot buy land or house there. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Question 55: The special provisions granted to certain states are intended to:

A. Promote national unity

B. Address the unique historical and social contexts of those states

C. Protect the interests of indigenous populations

D. All of the above

Answer: D. The special provisions serve multiple purposes, including promoting national unity, addressing specific state contexts, and safeguarding the rights of indigenous peoples. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Union Territories

Question 56: Union Territories in India are:

A. States with full powers and autonomy

B. Areas too small to be independent states but couldn’t be merged with existing states

C. Autonomous regions with their own constitutions

D. Parts of neighboring countries administered by India

Answer: B. These are areas which are too small to become an independent State but which could not be merged with any of the existing States. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Question 57: Which of the following is an example of a Union Territory in India?

A. Uttar Pradesh

B. Chandigarh

C. Maharashtra

D. Kerala

Answer: B. Chandigarh, Lakshadweep, and the capital city of Delhi are examples of Union Territories. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Question 58: Compared to states, Union Territories have:

A. More powers

B. Equal powers

C. Less powers

D. No defined powers

Answer: C. These territories do not have the powers of a State. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Question 59: The administration of Union Territories is the responsibility of:

A. The President of India

B. The state governments

C. The Central Government

D. Local governments

Answer: C. The Central Government has special powers in running these areas. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Question 60: The existence of Union Territories in India reflects:

A. The complete uniformity of India’s federal system

B. The flexibility of India’s federal system to accommodate diverse administrative needs

C. The absence of any central control in India’s governance

D. The dominance of state governments over the central government

Answer: B. Union Territories demonstrate the adaptability of India’s federal structure to address the governance needs of diverse regions. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Role of the Judiciary

Question 61: In India, disputes about the division of powers between the Union and State governments are resolved by:

A. The President of India

B. The Parliament

C. The High Courts and the Supreme Court

D. The State Legislatures

Answer: C. In case of any dispute about the division of powers, the High Courts and the Supreme Court make a decision. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Question 62: The judiciary’s role in India’s federal system is to:

A. Make laws

B. Oversee the implementation of constitutional provisions and procedures

C. Collect taxes

D. Appoint state governors

Answer: B. The judiciary plays an important role in overseeing the implementation of constitutional provisions and procedures. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Question 63: The power of judicial review allows the courts in India to:

A. Dismiss elected officials

B. Control the budget

C. Declare laws or actions unconstitutional

D. Amend the constitution

Answer: C. The judiciary has the power to interpret the constitution and determine whether laws or actions of the government are in accordance with it. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Question 64: The Supreme Court of India acts as:

A. The final arbiter in disputes between the Union and State governments

B. An advocate for the Union government

C. An advocate for the State governments

D. A legislative body

Answer: A. The Supreme Court is the highest court in India and has the final say in resolving disputes related to the division of powers. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Question 65: The presence of an independent judiciary in India’s federal system is crucial for:

A. Upholding the rule of law

B. Protecting the rights of individuals and governments

C. Maintaining a balance of power between different levels of government

D. All of the above

Answer: D. An independent judiciary is essential for ensuring justice, protecting rights, and maintaining the integrity of the federal system. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

How Federalism is Practiced in India

Linguistic States

Question 66: The creation of linguistic states in India was primarily driven by:

A. The desire to promote regional languages

B. The need to simplify administration

C. The demand for states based on shared language and culture

D. All of the above

Answer: D. The creation of linguistic states aimed to promote regional languages, simplify administration, and fulfill the demand for states based on shared language and culture. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Question 67: The formation of linguistic states in India is seen as having:

A. Weakened national unity

B. Strengthened national unity

C. Had no impact on national unity

D. Led to the disintegration of the country

Answer: B. Contrary to initial fears, the formation of linguistic states has actually made the country more united. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Question 68: Which of the following states was created based on cultural and ethnic differences rather than language?

A. Maharashtra

B. Tamil Nadu

C. Nagaland

D. Kerala

Answer: C. States like Nagaland, Uttarakhand, and Jharkhand were created based on cultural, ethnic, or geographical differences. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Question 69: The reorganization of states on linguistic lines reflects:

A. The central government’s disregard for regional aspirations

B. The success of democratic politics in accommodating regional diversity

C. The imposition of Hindi as the national language

D. The failure of federalism in India

Answer: B. The creation of linguistic states demonstrates the ability of India’s democratic system to respond to regional demands and accommodate diversity. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Question 70: The linguistic reorganization of states in India has:

A. Made administration more complex

B. Made administration easier

C. Had no impact on administration

D. Led to increased conflicts between states

Answer: B. It has also made administration easier. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Language Policy

Question 71: Which language is recognized as the official language of India?

A. Hindi

B. English

C. Sanskrit

D. There is no official language

Answer: A. Hindi was identified as the official language. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Question 72: How many languages are recognized as Scheduled Languages by the Indian Constitution?

A. 10

B. 15

C. 22

D. 25

Answer: C. Besides Hindi, there are 22 other languages recognized as Scheduled Languages by the Constitution. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Question 73: The language policy in India is characterized by:

A. The imposition of Hindi on all states

B. The promotion of Hindi while safeguarding other languages

C. The exclusive use of English for official purposes

D. The absence of any language policy

Answer: B. The language policy promotes Hindi but includes safeguards to protect other languages. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Question 74: The flexibility shown by Indian political leaders in the language policy has helped to:

A. Avoid language-based conflicts seen in countries like Sri Lanka

B. Promote the dominance of English

C. Suppress regional languages

D. Create a homogenous national identity

Answer: A. The cautious approach towards promoting Hindi and the continued use of English have helped avoid conflicts. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Question 75: The language policy in India reflects:

A. The dominance of Hindi-speaking states

B. The attempt to balance the promotion of Hindi with the recognition of linguistic diversity

C. The disregard for regional languages

D. The imposition of a single national language

Answer: B. The policy aims to promote Hindi while respecting and accommodating the linguistic diversity of India. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Center-State Relations

Question 76: The early years of India’s federal system were characterized by:

A. Strong and assertive state governments

B. A dominant central government and less assertive state governments

C. Equal power-sharing between the center and states

D. Frequent conflicts between the center and states

Answer: B. For a long time, the same party ruled both at the Centre and in most of the States. This meant that the State Governments did not exercise their rights as autonomous federal units. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Question 77: The period after 1990 witnessed a significant change in center-state relations due to:

A. The rise of regional political parties

B. The formation of coalition governments at the center

C. A Supreme Court judgment limiting the central government’s power to dismiss state governments

D. All of the above

Answer: D. All these factors contributed to a new culture of power-sharing and respect for the autonomy of State Governments. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Question 78: Coalition governments at the center have led to:

A. Increased centralization of power

B. Greater respect for the autonomy of state governments

C. The dominance of a single national party

D. The weakening of regional parties

Answer: B. Coalition governments require cooperation and accommodation, leading to greater respect for the autonomy of state governments. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Question 79: The Supreme Court’s judgment limiting the arbitrary dismissal of state governments has:

A. Strengthened the spirit of federalism

B. Weakened the power of the central government

C. Increased conflicts between the center and states

D. Promoted the dominance of a single party

Answer: A. This judgment has made federal power-sharing more effective by preventing the arbitrary dismissal of state governments. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Question 80: The current trend in center-state relations in India can be described as:

A. More centralized than in the early years

B. More federal and power-sharing oriented than in the early years

C. Unchanged from the early years

D. Characterized by constant conflict between the center and states

Answer: B. Federal power-sharing is more effective today than it was in the early years after the Constitution came into force. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Question 81: The evolution of center-state relations in India demonstrates:

A. The rigidity of the Indian Constitution

B. The adaptability of the federal system to changing political realities

C. The failure of federalism to accommodate regional aspirations

D. The dominance of the central government over state governments

Answer: B. The changes in center-state relations show how the federal system has evolved to adapt to new political dynamics. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Question 82: Which of the following factors has contributed to the strengthening of federalism in India?

A. The rise of regional parties

B. The formation of coalition governments

C. Judicial interventions protecting state autonomy

D. All of the above

Answer: D. All these factors have played a role in making federal power-sharing more effective in India. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Decentralization in India

Question 83: The concept of decentralization in India refers to:

A. Transferring power from the central government to state governments

B. Transferring power from both central and state governments to local governments

C. Centralizing power in the national government

D. Abolishing local governments

Answer: B. Decentralization involves taking power away from Central and State governments and giving it to local government. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Question 84: The main idea behind decentralization is that:

A. Local people have better knowledge of local problems and solutions

B. Centralized planning is always more efficient

C. Local governments should have no power or resources

D. Democracy is incompatible with local self-government

Answer: A. It is believed that a large number of problems and issues are best settled at the local level where people have better knowledge of the problems in their localities. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Question 85: Which of the following is NOT a potential benefit of decentralization?

A. Better understanding of local needs and priorities

B. Increased participation of people in decision-making

C. More efficient management of resources

D. Increased dependence on the central government

Answer: D. Decentralization aims to reduce dependence on higher levels of government by empowering local communities. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Question 86: The 73rd and 74th Constitutional Amendments in 1992 aimed to:

A. Centralize power in the state governments

B. Make the third-tier of democracy (local governments) more powerful and effective

C. Abolish local self-government

D. Reduce the powers of the central government

Answer: B. These amendments were a major step towards decentralization, making the third-tier of democracy more powerful and effective. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Question 87: Which of the following is a feature of the new system of local government in India?

A. Regular elections to local government bodies are constitutionally mandatory

B. Seats are reserved for women and marginalized groups

C. An independent State Election Commission conducts local elections

D. All of the above

Answer: D. All the mentioned features are part of the new system of local government established after the 1992 amendments. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Question 88: Despite the constitutional status and regular elections, local governments in India still face challenges such as:

A. Lack of significant powers and resources

B. Irregular gram sabha meetings

C. Reluctance of some state governments to transfer powers

D. All of the above

Answer: D. These are some of the difficulties faced by local governments in India, hindering the full realization of self-government. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Constitutional Amendments

Question 89: The constitutional amendments of 1992 made it mandatory to:

A. Hold regular elections to local government bodies

B. Reserve seats for women in local bodies

C. Create State Election Commissions

D. All of the above

Answer: D. The amendments included all these provisions to strengthen local governments. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Question 90: The reservation of seats in local bodies for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, and Other Backward Classes aims to:

A. Promote social justice and inclusivity

B. Concentrate power in the hands of a few groups

C. Discriminate against the majority population

D. Create separate electorates for different communities

Answer: A. Reservations ensure the representation of marginalized groups in local decision-making bodies. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Question 91: The reservation of at least one-third of all positions for women in local bodies is intended to:

A. Increase women’s participation and voice in democracy

B. Exclude men from local governance

C. Create gender-based quotas in all levels of government

D. Limit women’s role to local governance

Answer: A. This provision aims to empower women and ensure their active involvement in local decision-making. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Question 92: The State Election Commission is responsible for:

A. Conducting elections to the Parliament

B. Conducting elections to the State Legislatures

C. Conducting panchayat and municipal elections

D. Appointing local government officials

Answer: C. An independent State Election Commission has been created in each State to conduct panchayat and municipal elections. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Question 93: The 1992 amendments require state governments to:

A. Share some powers and revenue with local government bodies

B. Completely relinquish control over local governments

C. Dictate all decisions of local governments

D. Ignore the needs and priorities of local communities

Answer: A. The State governments are required to share some powers and revenue with local government bodies. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Question 94: The nature and extent of power-sharing between state governments and local bodies:

A. Is uniform across all states

B. Varies from state to state

C. Is determined solely by the central government

D. Is not specified in the constitution

Answer: B. The nature of sharing varies from State to State. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Question 95: The 1992 constitutional amendments relating to local governments can be seen as:

A. A setback for democracy

B. A major step towards deepening democracy in India

C. Having no impact on democracy

D. Centralizing power in the hands of the national government

Answer: B. Constitutional status for local government has helped to deepen democracy in the country. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Structure of Local Governments

Question 96: In rural areas, the basic unit of local self-government is the:

A. Gram Panchayat

B. Panchayat Samiti

C. Zilla Parishad

D. Municipal Corporation

Answer: A. Each village, or a group of villages in some States, has a gram panchayat. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Question 97: The members of a Gram Panchayat are:

A. Appointed by the state government

B. Directly elected by the adult population of the village

C. Nominated by the Zilla Parishad

D. Hereditary positions

Answer: B. They are directly elected by all the adult population living in that ward or village. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Question 98: The Gram Sabha consists of:

A. All elected representatives of the village

B. All voters in the village

C. Only the Sarpanch and Panches

D. Government officials appointed to oversee the village

Answer: B. All the voters in the village are its members. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Question 99: In urban areas, local self-government is carried out by:

A. Gram Panchayats

B. Panchayat Samitis

C. Municipalities and Municipal Corporations

D. Zilla Parishads

Answer: C. Municipalities are set up in towns. Big cities are constituted into municipal corporations. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

Question 100: The political head of a Municipal Corporation is called the:

A. Sarpanch

B. Mayor

C. Chairperson

D. Collector

Answer: B. In a municipal corporation, such an officer is called the mayor. (Federalism MCQs Class 10 – Top100MCQ.com)

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