Heat Class 7 MCQs Best 100 MCQs

Heat Class 7 MCQs Best 100 MCQs to score full marks in your exams. Topics covered – Hot and Cold, Measuring Temperature, Transfer of Heat, Kinds of Clothes We Wear in Summer and Winter, Additional Questions, Important Definitions.

Heat Class 7 MCQs - Best 100 MCQs

1.Hot and Cold – Heat Class 7 MCQs Best 100 MCQs

Question 1: Which of the following is NOT a reliable way to determine if an object is hot or cold?

A. Touching the object

B. Using a thermometer

C. Observing the object’s color

D. Relying on personal perception

Answer: D. Personal perception of hot and cold can be subjective and misleading. (Heat Class 7 MCQs Best 100 MCQs)

Question 2: Why can’t we solely rely on our sense of touch to differentiate between hot and cold objects?

A. Our sense of touch is always accurate.

B. Touch can be influenced by the temperature of our own hands.

C. Touch can only detect extreme temperatures.

D. We can always rely on touch to tell the difference.

Answer: B. The temperature of our hands can affect our perception of how hot or cold an object feels.

Question 3: What is the most accurate way to measure how hot or cold an object is?

A. Estimating based on its appearance

B. Using a thermometer

C. Touching it with your hand

D. Comparing it to another object

Answer: B. A thermometer provides an objective and quantitative measurement of temperature.

Question 4: Which of the following is the best definition of temperature?

A. The amount of heat an object contains

B. A measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles in a substance

C. The feeling of hotness or coldness

D. The ability of an object to transfer heat

Answer: B. Temperature is directly related to the average kinetic energy of the particles within a substance.

Question 5: What instrument is used to measure temperature?

A. Barometer

B. Hygrometer

C. Thermometer

D. Anemometer

Answer: C. A thermometer is specifically designed to measure temperature.

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2.Measuring Temperature – Heat Class 7 MCQs Best 100 MCQs

Question 6: What is the primary purpose of a clinical thermometer?

A. To measure the temperature of chemicals in a laboratory

B. To measure the temperature of the human body

C. To measure the temperature of the environment

D. To measure the temperature of food

Answer: B. Clinical thermometers are designed for measuring human body temperature.

Question 7: Which temperature scale is commonly used in clinical thermometers?

A. Fahrenheit

B. Celsius

C. Kelvin

D. Rankine

Answer: B. Celsius is the standard scale used in clinical thermometers.

Question 8: What is the normal human body temperature on the Celsius scale?

A. 35°C

B. 37°C

C. 40°C

D. 42°C

Answer: B. The average human body temperature is 37°C.

Question 9: Which part of a clinical thermometer contains mercury?

A. The stem

B. The bulb

C. The scale

D. The kink

Answer: B. The bulb at the end of the thermometer houses the mercury.

Question 10: Why should you avoid holding a clinical thermometer by the bulb while reading it?

A. It can affect the accuracy of the reading

B. The bulb is fragile and can break easily

C. It’s difficult to see the mercury level when holding the bulb

D. It’s uncomfortable to hold the bulb

Answer: A. The heat from your hand can transfer to the bulb and alter the mercury level, leading to an inaccurate reading.

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Question 11: What is the typical temperature range of a laboratory thermometer?

A. 0°C to 100°C

B. -10°C to 110°C

C. 35°C to 42°C

D. -20°C to 50°C

Answer: B. Laboratory thermometers are designed to measure a wider range of temperatures than clinical thermometers.

Question 12: Which of the following thermometers is used to measure the maximum and minimum temperatures of the previous day?

A. Clinical thermometer

B. Laboratory thermometer

C. Maximum-minimum thermometer

D. Digital thermometer

Answer: C. Maximum-minimum thermometers are specifically designed to record the highest and lowest temperatures over a given period.

Question 13: Why should you not use a clinical thermometer to measure the temperature of boiling water?

A. It’s not designed for high temperatures and could break

B. It’s not accurate enough for measuring boiling water

C. It’s difficult to immerse the clinical thermometer in boiling water

D. It’s unnecessary to use a clinical thermometer for boiling water

Answer: A. Clinical thermometers have a limited temperature range and exceeding it can cause the thermometer to break.

Question 14: What is the purpose of the kink in a clinical thermometer?

A. To make it easier to read

B. To prevent the mercury level from falling on its own

C. To make it more durable

D. To indicate the normal body temperature

Answer: B. The kink creates a constriction that stops the mercury from flowing back into the bulb after the thermometer is removed from the body.

Question 15: Which of the following is a precaution to take when using a laboratory thermometer?

A. Hold the thermometer by the bulb

B. Keep the thermometer tilted

C. Ensure the bulb is fully immersed in the substance being measured

D. Use the thermometer to measure your body temperature

Answer: C. The bulb needs to be in full contact with the substance to get an accurate reading.

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Question 16: What is the main difference between a clinical and a laboratory thermometer?

A. The temperature range they can measure

B. The type of liquid used inside

C. The way they are read

D. Their size and shape

Answer: A. Clinical thermometers measure a narrow range of temperatures suitable for the human body, while laboratory thermometers measure a wider range.

Question 17: Which thermometer would you use to measure the temperature of a chemical reaction in a test tube?

A. Clinical thermometer

B. Laboratory thermometer

C. Maximum-minimum thermometer

D. Digital thermometer

Answer: B. A laboratory thermometer is the appropriate choice for measuring temperatures in scientific experiments.

Question 18: Why is mercury being phased out in thermometers?

A. It’s too expensive

B. It’s difficult to obtain

C. It’s a toxic substance

D. It’s not accurate enough

Answer: C. Mercury is a hazardous material, and there are concerns about its environmental impact if a thermometer breaks.

Question 19: What is the advantage of using a digital thermometer over a mercury thermometer?

A. Digital thermometers are more accurate

B. Digital thermometers are easier to read

C. Digital thermometers are safer because they don’t contain mercury

D. All of the above

Answer: D. Digital thermometers offer several advantages, including accuracy, ease of use, and safety.

Question 20: Which of the following is NOT a precaution to take when using a clinical thermometer?

A. Wash the thermometer before and after use

B. Ensure the mercury level is below 35°C before use

C. Hold the thermometer by the bulb while reading it

D. Handle the thermometer with care to avoid breakage

Answer: C. Holding the thermometer by the bulb can affect the reading.

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3.Transfer of Heat – Heat Class 7 MCQs Best 100 MCQs

Question 21: Which process transfers heat from one end of a metal rod to the other when one end is heated?

A. Conduction

B. Convection

C. Radiation

D. Insulation

Answer: A. Conduction is the transfer of heat through direct contact in solids.

Question 22: In which state of matter does conduction occur most efficiently?

A. Solids

B. Liquids

C. Gases

D. Plasma

Answer: A. Solids have closely packed particles, facilitating efficient heat transfer through conduction.

Question 23: Which of the following materials is a good conductor of heat?

A. Wood

B. Plastic

C. Air

D. Copper

Answer: D. Copper is a metal and metals are generally excellent conductors of heat.

Question 24: What is the process by which heat is transferred through the movement of fluids (liquids or gases)?

A. Conduction

B. Convection

C. Radiation

D. Insulation

Answer: B. Convection involves the movement of heated fluid particles, carrying heat energy with them.

Question 25: How does heat transfer occur in a pot of water being heated on a stove?

A. Primarily through conduction

B. Primarily through convection

C. Primarily through radiation

D. Equally through conduction, convection, and radiation

Answer: B. The heated water at the bottom becomes less dense and rises, creating convection currents that distribute heat throughout the pot.

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Question 26: Which of the following is an example of heat transfer by convection?

A. Feeling the warmth of a campfire

B. Burning your hand on a hot stove

C. The sun warming the Earth

D. A hot air balloon rising

Answer: D. The hot air inside the balloon is less dense than the surrounding air, causing it to rise due to convection.

Question 27: How does heat from the sun reach the Earth?

A. Conduction

B. Convection

C. Radiation

D. All of the above

Answer: C. Radiation is the only way heat can travel through the vacuum of space.

Question 28: Which of the following does NOT require a medium for heat transfer?

A. Conduction

B. Convection

C. Radiation

D. All of the above require a medium

Answer: C. Radiation can transfer heat even in a vacuum.

Question 29: Why do we feel warm when sitting in front of a room heater?

A. Conduction from the heater to our body

B. Convection currents in the air

C. Radiation from the heater

D. All of the above

Answer: C. Room heaters primarily transfer heat through radiation.

Question 30: What happens to the heat that falls on an object?

A. It is completely absorbed.

B. It is completely reflected.

C. It is partly reflected, partly absorbed, and partly transmitted

D. It disappears.

Answer: C. The interaction of heat with an object involves reflection, absorption, and transmission.

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Question 31: Why does the temperature of an object increase when exposed to heat?

A. Due to the reflected part of the heat

B. Due to the transmitted part of the heat

C. Due to the absorbed part of the heat

D. Due to all parts of the heat

Answer: C. The absorbed portion of the heat energy increases the internal energy of the object, leading to a rise in temperature.

Question 32: Which of the following is the best explanation for why we use an umbrella when going out in the sun?

A. To block the sun’s radiation and prevent heat absorption

B. To create shade and reduce convection

C. To prevent conduction of heat from the air

D. To look fashionable

Answer: A. Umbrellas act as a barrier, reflecting and absorbing a significant portion of the sun’s radiation.

Question 33: What is the primary reason a metal spoon left in a cup of hot tea becomes hot?

A. Convection

B. Conduction

C. Radiation

D. Insulation

Answer: B. Heat transfers from the hot tea to the spoon through direct contact, which is conduction.

Question 34: Which of the following is an example of an insulator?

A. Iron

B. Copper

C. Aluminum

D. Wood

Answer: D. Wood resists the flow of heat, making it an insulator.

Question 35: Why does hot air rise and cold air sink?

A. Hot air is less dense than cold air

B. Hot air is more dense than cold air

C. Hot air has more energy than cold air

D. Cold air has more energy than hot air

Answer: A. Less dense hot air rises due to buoyancy, while denser cold air sinks.

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Question 36: How is heat transferred from the sun to the earth?

A. Conduction

B. Convection

C. Radiation

D. Both conduction and convection

Answer: C. Radiation is the primary mode of heat transfer through the vacuum of space.

Question 37: Which of the following statements about heat transfer is true?

A. Heat always flows from a colder object to a hotter object

B. Heat only flows through solids

C. Heat transfer can occur without a medium

D. Convection is the fastest mode of heat transfer

Answer: C. Radiation can transfer heat even in the absence of a medium, like in space.

Question 38: Which of the following is a poor conductor of heat?

A. Metal

B. Water

C. Air

D. Both water and air

Answer: D. Both water and air are relatively poor conductors of heat compared to metals.

Question 39: What is the process of heat transfer in which heat energy is carried by the movement of particles within a fluid?

A. Conduction

B. Convection

C. Radiation

D. Thermal expansion

Answer: B. Convection involves the bulk movement of fluid particles, transferring heat energy along with them.

Question 40: Which of the following is an example of heat transfer by radiation?

A. A metal spoon getting hot in a cup of coffee

B. Warm air rising from a heater

C. Feeling the warmth of the sun on your skin

D. Cooking food in a pan on a stove

Answer: C. The sun’s heat reaches us through radiation, which doesn’t require a medium to travel.

4.Kinds of Clothes We Wear in Summer and Winter – Heat Class 7 MCQs Best 100 MCQs

Question 41: Why are light-colored clothes preferred in summer?

A. They absorb more heat.

B. They reflect more heat.

C. They conduct heat away from the body.

D. They insulate the body.

Answer: B. Light colors reflect a larger portion of the sun’s radiation, keeping the wearer cooler.

Question 42: Which color absorbs the most heat?

A. White

B. Black

C. Yellow

D. Blue

Answer: B. Black absorbs almost all wavelengths of light, converting them into heat energy.

Question 43: Why are dark-colored clothes preferred in winter?

A. They reflect more heat.

B. They absorb more heat.

C. They conduct heat away from the body.

D. They allow air to circulate easily.

Answer: B. Dark colors absorb more heat from the surroundings, helping to keep the wearer warm.

Question 44: How do woolen clothes keep us warm in winter?

A. They are good conductors of heat

B. They trap air, which acts as an insulator

C. They reflect body heat back to the body

D. They generate heat

Answer: B. The air trapped between the wool fibers acts as an insulator, reducing heat loss from the body.

Question 45: Which property of air makes it a good insulator?

A. High density

B. Low density

C. High conductivity

D. Low conductivity

Answer: D. Air is a poor conductor of heat, which means it resists the flow of heat.

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Question 46: Why is it warmer to wear multiple layers of thin clothing than one thick layer in winter?

A. Multiple layers trap more air, providing better insulation

B. Multiple layers are more fashionable

C. Multiple layers allow for better air circulation

D. Multiple layers are lighter to wear

Answer: A. The air trapped between the layers of clothing adds to the overall insulation, keeping the body warmer.

Question 47: Which of the following statements is true about the role of color in heat absorption?

A. Light colors absorb more heat than dark colors

B. Dark colors absorb more heat than light colors

C. All colors absorb the same amount of heat

D. Color has no effect on heat absorption

Answer: B. Dark colors absorb a greater portion of the light spectrum, leading to increased heat absorption.

Question 48: Why do people in hot climates often paint the exterior of their houses white?

A. To make them look more attractive

B. To reflect more sunlight and keep the houses cooler

C. To absorb more sunlight and keep the houses warmer

D. To protect the walls from weathering

Answer: B. White reflects a significant portion of the sun’s radiation, reducing heat absorption and keeping the interior cooler.

Question 49: Which of the following is NOT a reason why woolen clothes are suitable for winter?

A. Wool is a poor conductor of heat

B. Wool traps air, providing insulation

C. Wool is lightweight and breathable

D. Wool fibers create a barrier against heat loss

Answer: C. While wool offers excellent insulation, it is not particularly lightweight or breathable.

Question 50: How does the color of clothing affect comfort in different seasons?

A. Light colors are more comfortable in winter because they absorb more heat

B. Dark colors are more comfortable in summer because they reflect more heat

C. Light colors are more comfortable in summer because they reflect more heat

D. Color has no effect on comfort in different seasons

Answer: C. Light colors reflect sunlight, reducing heat absorption and enhancing comfort in hot weather.

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Question 51: Which of the following explains why a black car gets hotter than a white car on a sunny day?

A. Black reflects more sunlight than white

B. White reflects more sunlight than black

C. Black and white absorb the same amount of sunlight

D. The color of the car has no effect on its temperature

Answer: B. White reflects more sunlight, while black absorbs more, leading to a higher temperature in the black car.

Question 52: In cold climates, why are houses often built with thick walls and insulation?

A. To increase heat loss

B. To decrease heat loss

C. To allow more air circulation

D. To make the houses look bigger

Answer: B. Thick walls and insulation create a barrier that slows down heat transfer, keeping the house warmer.

Question 53: Which of the following materials would be the best insulator for a house?

A. Metal

B. Glass

C. Fiberglass

D. Concrete

Answer: C. Fiberglass traps air, which is a poor conductor of heat, making it an effective insulator.

Question 54: How does trapped air help in keeping a house warm in winter?

A. It conducts heat away from the house

B. It convects heat around the house

C. It radiates heat into the house

D. It prevents heat transfer by convection

Answer: D. Trapped air creates a barrier that reduces heat loss through convection.

Question 55: Which of the following is a disadvantage of using mercury in thermometers?

A. It’s expensive

B. It’s difficult to obtain

C. It’s toxic

D. It’s inaccurate

Answer: C. Mercury is a toxic substance that poses health and environmental risks if a thermometer breaks.

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Question 56: What is the main advantage of using hollow bricks in building construction?

A. They are cheaper than regular bricks

B. They are easier to install

C. They trap air, providing insulation

D. They are more aesthetically pleasing

Answer: C. The hollow spaces in the bricks trap air, which acts as an insulator, improving the energy efficiency of the building.

Question 57: Which of the following is NOT a way to improve the insulation of a house?

A. Installing double-glazed windows

B. Adding insulation to the attic

C. Sealing gaps and cracks around doors and windows

D. Painting the exterior walls black

Answer: D. Painting the walls black would increase heat absorption, making the house warmer in summer.

Question 58: Why is it important to insulate buildings?

A. To reduce energy consumption for heating and cooling

B. To improve indoor comfort

C. To reduce greenhouse gas emissions

D. All of the above

Answer: D. Insulation provides multiple benefits, including energy savings, comfort, and environmental protection.

Question 59: Which of the following statements about the Celsius scale is true?

A. It was invented by Anders Celsius in 1742

B. It originally had the boiling point of water at 0°C and the freezing point at 100°C

C. It is the most widely used temperature scale in the world

D. All of the above

Answer: D. All the statements about the Celsius scale are true.

Question 60: Who invented the Celsius scale?

A. Gabriel Fahrenheit

B. William Thomson (Lord Kelvin)

C. Anders Celsius

D. Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit

Answer: C. Anders Celsius, a Swedish astronomer, devised the Celsius scale in 1742.

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5.Extra Questions – Heat Class 7 MCQs – Best 100 MCQs

Question 61: How do trapped air layers contribute to building insulation?

A. They increase heat transfer by conduction

B. They facilitate heat transfer by convection

C. They reduce heat transfer by acting as an insulator

D. They have no effect on heat transfer

Answer: C. Trapped air layers create a barrier that resists heat flow, improving insulation.

Question 62: What is the main concern associated with the use of mercury in thermometers?

A. It’s expensive

B. It’s difficult to obtain

C. It’s toxic

D. It’s inaccurate

Answer: C. Mercury is a toxic substance that can cause health and environmental problems if released from a broken thermometer.

Question 63: Which of the following is an alternative to mercury thermometers?

A. Alcohol thermometers

B. Digital thermometers

C. Infrared thermometers

D. All of the above

Answer: D. Several alternatives to mercury thermometers exist, including alcohol-filled, digital, and infrared thermometers.

Question 64: Why were mercury thermometers once widely used?

A. They are highly accurate

B. They are inexpensive

C. They are easy to read

D. All of the above

Answer: D. Mercury thermometers offered a combination of accuracy, affordability, and ease of use, making them popular before the concerns about mercury toxicity became prominent.

Question 65: What is the primary reason for phasing out mercury thermometers?

A. They are too expensive

B. They are difficult to obtain

C. They are toxic

D. They are inaccurate

Answer: C. The primary reason for phasing out mercury thermometers is their toxicity and the potential harm they can cause to human health and the environment.

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Question 66: Which of the following is NOT a potential health effect of mercury exposure?

A. Neurological damage

B. Kidney damage

C. Respiratory problems

D. Improved vision

Answer: D. Mercury exposure can lead to various health issues, but improved vision is not one of them.

Question 67: How can you safely dispose of a broken mercury thermometer?

A. Throw it in the trash

B. Flush it down the toilet

C. Contact your local waste disposal authority for proper disposal instructions

D. Bury it in your backyard

Answer: C. Mercury is a hazardous material, and it’s crucial to follow proper disposal guidelines to prevent environmental contamination.

Question 68: What was the original scale of the Celsius thermometer?

A. 0°C for freezing point and 100°C for boiling point

B. 0°C for boiling point and 100°C for freezing point

C. 32°F for freezing point and 212°F for boiling point

D. -273°C for absolute zero and 0°C for freezing point

Answer: B. Interestingly, the original Celsius scale had the boiling point of water at 0°C and the freezing point at 100°C. This was later reversed.

Question 69: In what year was the Celsius scale invented?

A. 1642

B. 1742

C. 1842

D. 1942

Answer: B. Anders Celsius introduced the Celsius scale in 1742.

Question 70: Why is the Celsius scale widely used today?

A. It’s easy to understand and use

B. It’s based on the properties of water

C. It’s the standard scale for scientific measurements

D. All of the above

Answer: D. The Celsius scale’s simplicity, connection to water’s properties, and scientific adoption contribute to its widespread use.

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6.Important Definitions – Heat Class 7 MCQs – Best 100 MCQs

Question 71: What is the definition of heat?

A. The degree of hotness or coldness of an object

B. A form of energy that flows from a hotter object to a colder object

C. The absence of cold

D. The transfer of temperature

Answer: B. Heat is a form of energy transferred due to a temperature difference.

Question 72: What is the definition of temperature?

A. The amount of heat an object contains

B. A measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles in a substance

C. The feeling of hotness or coldness

D. The ability of an object to transfer heat

Answer: B. Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles within a substance.

Question 73: What is the definition of conduction?

A. The transfer of heat through the movement of fluids

B. The transfer of heat through direct contact

C. The transfer of heat through electromagnetic waves

D. The prevention of heat transfer

Answer: B. Conduction is the process of heat transfer through direct contact between particles.

Question 74: What is the definition of convection?

A. The transfer of heat through the movement of fluids

B. The transfer of heat through direct contact

C. The transfer of heat through electromagnetic waves

D. The prevention of heat transfer

Answer: A. Convection is the transfer of heat through the bulk movement of fluids (liquids or gases).

Question 75: What is the definition of radiation?

A. The transfer of heat through the movement of fluids

B. The transfer of heat through direct contact

C. The transfer of heat through electromagnetic waves

D. The prevention of heat transfer

Answer: C. Radiation is the transfer of heat through electromagnetic waves, requiring no medium.

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Question 76: What is a conductor?

A. A material that allows heat to pass through it easily

B. A material that prevents heat from passing through it

C. A material that absorbs heat

D. A material that reflects heat

Answer: A. Conductors facilitate the flow of heat.

Question 77: What is an insulator?

A. A material that allows heat to pass through it easily

B. A material that prevents heat from passing through it

C. A material that absorbs heat

D. A material that reflects heat

Answer: B. Insulators resist the flow of heat.

Question 78: What is the Celsius scale?

A. A temperature scale where 0°C is the freezing point of water and 100°C is the boiling point of water

B. A temperature scale where 32°F is the freezing point of water and 212°F is the boiling point of water

C. A temperature scale where 0K is absolute zero

D. A temperature scale used only in laboratories

Answer: A. The Celsius scale is a common temperature scale based on the freezing and boiling points of water.

Question 79: What is a clinical thermometer?

A. A thermometer used to measure the temperature of the human body

B. A thermometer used to measure the temperature of chemicals in a laboratory

C. A thermometer used to measure the temperature of the environment

D. A thermometer used to measure the temperature of food

Answer: A. Clinical thermometers are specifically designed for measuring human bod (Heat Class 7 MCQs – Best 100 MCQs)

Question 80: What is a laboratory thermometer?

A. A thermometer used to measure the temperature of the human body

B. A thermometer used to measure a wide range of temperatures in scientific settings

C. A thermometer used to measure the temperature of the environment

D. A thermometer used to measure the temperature of food

Answer: B. Laboratory thermometers are versatile instruments used in various scientific applications. (Heat Class 7 MCQs – Best 100 MCQs)

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Question 81: What is the sea breeze?

A. A cool breeze that blows from the land towards the sea during the day

B. A cool breeze that blows from the sea towards the land during the day

C. A warm breeze that blows from the land towards the sea at night

D. A warm breeze that blows from the sea towards the land at night

Answer: B. The sea breeze is a cooling wind that originates from the sea and moves towards the land during the day. (Heat Class 7 MCQs – Best 100 MCQs)

Question 82: What is the land breeze?

A. A cool breeze that blows from the land towards the sea during the day

B. A cool breeze that blows from the sea towards the land during the day

C. A cool breeze that blows from the land towards the sea at night

D. A warm breeze that blows from the sea towards the land at night

Answer: C. The land breeze is a cooling wind that blows from the land towards the sea at night. (Heat Class 7 MCQs – Best 100 MCQs)

Question 83: What is the kink in a clinical thermometer used for?

A. To make it easier to read the temperature

B. To prevent the mercury from flowing back into the bulb

C. To increase the accuracy of the thermometer

D. To make the thermometer more durable

Answer: B. The kink prevents the mercury level from falling on its own after the thermometer is removed from the body. (Heat Class 7 MCQs – Best 100 MCQs)

Question 84: Which of the following is NOT a way heat can be transferred?

A. Conduction

B. Convection

C. Radiation

D. Insulation

Answer: D. Insulation is a method to reduce heat transfer, not a way heat is transferred. (Heat Class 7 MCQs – Best 100 MCQs)

Question 85: What is the transfer of heat through direct contact called?

A. Conduction

B. Convection

C. Radiation

D. Insulation

Answer: A. Conduction is the transfer of heat through direct contact between objects or substances. (Heat Class 7 MCQs – Best 100 MCQs)

Heat Class 7 MCQs – Best 100 MCQs

Question 86: What is the transfer of heat through the movement of fluids called?

A. Conduction

B. Convection

C. Radiation

D. Insulation

Answer: B. Convection is the transfer of heat through the movement of fluids (liquids or gases). (Heat Class 7 MCQs – Best 100 MCQs)

Question 87: What is the transfer of heat through electromagnetic waves called?

A. Conduction

B. Convection

C. Radiation

D. Insulation

Answer: C. Radiation is the transfer of heat through electromagnetic waves. (Heat Class 7 MCQs – Best 100 MCQs)

Question 88: Which of the following is an example of a good conductor of heat?

A. Wood

B. Plastic

C. Air

D. Metal

Answer: D. Metals are excellent conductors of heat. (Heat Class 7 MCQs – Best 100 MCQs)

Question 89: Which of the following is an example of a good insulator of heat?

A. Metal

B. Water

C. Air

D. Copper

Answer: C. Air is a poor conductor of heat, making it a good insulator. (Heat Class 7 MCQs – Best 100 MCQs)

Question 90: Why do we wear light-colored clothes in summer?

A. They absorb more heat.

B. They reflect more heat.

C. They are more fashionable.

D. They are cheaper.

Answer: B. Light-colored clothes reflect more sunlight, keeping us cooler in summer. (Heat Class 7 MCQs – Best 100 MCQs)

Heat Class 7 MCQs – Best 100 MCQs

Question 91: Why do we wear dark-colored clothes in winter?

A. They absorb more heat.

B. They reflect more heat.

C. They are more fashionable.

D. They are cheaper

Answer: A. Dark-colored clothes absorb more heat, keeping us warmer in winter. (Heat Class 7 MCQs – Best 100 MCQs)

Question 92: How do woolen clothes keep us warm in winter?

A. They are good conductors of heat.

B. They trap air, which is a good insulator.

C. They reflect heat back to our bodies.

D. They generate heat.

Answer: B. Woolen clothes trap air between the fibers, and air acts as an insulator, preventing heat loss from our bodies. (Heat Class 7 MCQs – Best 100 MCQs)

Question 93: What is the average normal human body temperature?

A. 35°C

B. 37°C

C. 39°C

D. 42°C

Answer: B. The average normal human body temperature is 37°C. (Heat Class 7 MCQs – Best 100 MCQs)

Question 94: Which type of thermometer has a kink in it?

A. Clinical thermometer

B. Laboratory thermometer

C. Maximum-minimum thermometer

D. Digital thermometer

Answer: A. The kink in a clinical thermometer prevents the mercury level from falling on its own after it’s removed from the body. (Heat Class 7 MCQs – Best 100 MCQs)

Heat Class 7 MCQs – Best 100 MCQs

Question 95: What is the process of heat transfer that doesn’t require a medium?

A. Conduction

B. Convection

C. Radiation

D. All of the above

Answer: C. Radiation can transfer heat even in a vacuum, like from the sun to the Earth. (Heat Class 7 MCQs – Best 100 MCQs)

Question 96: Which of the following is NOT a reason why we feel warmer wearing multiple layers of clothing in winter compared to a single thick layer?

A. Multiple layers trap more air, which acts as an insulator

B. Air trapped between the layers reduces heat loss by convection

C. Multiple layers are heavier and therefore warmer

D. The combination of fabric and air layers provides better insulation

Answer: C. While multiple layers can be slightly heavier, the primary reason they are warmer is due to the trapped air, not their weight. (Heat Class 7 MCQs – Best 100 MCQs)

Question 97: What is the primary reason for using hollow bricks in building construction?

A. They are cheaper

B. They are lighter

C. They provide better insulation

D. They are easier to install

Answer: C. The air trapped in the hollow spaces of the bricks acts as an insulator, improving the thermal efficiency of the building. (Heat Class 7 MCQs – Best 100 MCQs)

Question 98: Which of the following is a concern associated with the use of mercury in thermometers?

A. It is expensive

B. It is difficult to obtain

C. It is toxic

D. It is inaccurate

Answer: C. Mercury is a toxic substance that can pose health and environmental risks if a thermometer breaks. (Heat Class 7 MCQs – Best 100 MCQs)

Question 99: Who invented the Celsius scale?

A. Anders Celsius

B. Gabriel Fahrenheit

C. Lord Kelvin

D. Galileo Galilei

Answer: A. The Celsius scale was invented by Anders Celsius in 1742. (Heat Class 7 MCQs – Best 100 MCQs)

Question 100: What are the three ways in which heat can be transferred?

A. Conduction, convection, and radiation

B. Conduction, convection, and insulation

C. Convection, radiation, and evaporation

D. Conduction, radiation, and condensation

Answer: A. The three primary modes of heat transfer are conduction, convection, and radiation. (Heat Class 7 MCQs – Best 100 MCQs)

Read Also: Our Changing Earth Class 7 MCQs – Best 100 Geography MCQs

7.Heat class 7 important questions and answers

Why do we wear woolen clothes in winter?

They trap air, providing insulation.

Why do we prefer light-colored clothes in summer?

They reflect more heat, keeping us cool.

How is heat transferred from the sun to the Earth?

Through radiation.

What are the three ways heat can be transferred?

Conduction, convection, and radiation.

What is the difference between a conductor and an insulator?

Conductors allow heat to pass easily, insulators resist heat flow.

What is the normal human body temperature?


Why is mercury being phased out of thermometers?

It’s toxic.

What’s the advantage of using hollow bricks in construction?

They trap air, providing insulation.

Who invented the Celsius scale?

Anders Celsius

What is the difference between heat and temperature?

Heat is a form of energy, temperature measures the average kinetic energy of particles.

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