An Astrologer’s Day – Best 100 MCQs

An Astrologer’s Day – Best 100 MCQs. These 100 Multiple Choice Questions with Answer and Explanation will help you score full marks in your class 11 English exam. Test your comprehension, analyze literary devices, and explore themes of fate, deception, and redemption.

An Astrologer's Day - Best 100 MCQs

An Astrologer’s Day MCQ

I. Introduction: An Astrologer’s Day – Best 100 MCQs

Question 1: Who is the author of “An Astrologer’s Day”?

A. Ruskin Bond

B. R. K. Narayan

C. Arundhati Roy

D. Salman Rushdie

Answer: B. R. K. Narayan. He is a renowned Indian author known for his simple yet profound stories set in the fictional town of Malgudi.

Question 2: Which of the following best describes the central theme of “An Astrologer’s Day”?

A. The power of love

B. The importance of education

C. The conflict between fate and free will

D. The dangers of ambition

Answer: C. The story explores how the astrologer’s actions and choices intersect with his belief in fate, raising questions about the extent to which individuals can control their destinies.

Question 3: Where is the story primarily set?

A. The bustling city of Mumbai

B. The fictional town of Malgudi

C. The serene village of Kerala

D. The historical city of Delhi

Answer: B. The story unfolds in the fictional South Indian town of Malgudi, a recurring setting in R. K. Narayan’s works.

Question 4: What is R. K. Narayan’s literary style known for?

A. Complex and elaborate prose

B. Simple and lucid language

C. Extensive use of symbolism

D. Stream-of-consciousness narrative

Answer: B. Narayan’s writing is characterized by its simplicity, clarity, and gentle humor, making his stories accessible and engaging.

Question 5: Which of the following best summarizes the story’s conflict?

A. The astrologer’s struggle to attract customers

B. The astrologer’s encounter with a stranger from his past

C. The astrologer’s desire to become wealthy

D. The astrologer’s conflict with his wife

Answer: B. The story revolves around the astrologer’s unexpected encounter with Guru Nayak, a man he believes he killed years ago, creating a central conflict that drives the narrative.

II. Character Analysis – An Astrologer’s Day – Best 100 MCQs

The Astrologer – An Astrologer’s Day – Best 100 MCQs

Question 6: How is the astrologer physically described in the story?

A. Tall and muscular

B. Short and stout

C. Lean and wiry

D. Elderly and frail

Answer: C. The astrologer is described as having a “lean and wiry frame,” suggesting a certain agility and resilience.

Question 7: Which of the following best describes the astrologer’s demeanor?

A. Confident and assertive

B. Shy and reserved

C. Arrogant and dismissive

D. Observant and shrewd

Answer: D. The astrologer is portrayed as a keen observer of human nature, using his skills to read his clients and provide them with convincing predictions.

Question 8: What is the astrologer’s primary motivation?

A. To help people

B. To achieve fame

C. To earn a living

D. To seek redemption

Answer: C. While the astrologer may have other desires, his primary motivation is to earn a livelihood for himself and his family.

Question 9: What internal conflict does the astrologer face?

A. A struggle between his faith and his skepticism

B. A conflict between his past and his present

C. A desire for both wealth and happiness

D. A fear of being exposed as a fraud

Answer: B. The astrologer’s encounter with Guru Nayak forces him to confront his past actions and the guilt he carries.

Question 10: Which of the following techniques does the astrologer NOT use in his craft?

A. Palmistry

B. Astrology

C. Hypnosis

D. Observation

Answer: C. The astrologer relies on a combination of palmistry, astrology, and his keen observation skills to make his predictions.
An Astrologer's Day - Best 100 MCQs

Guru Nayak – An Astrologer’s Day – Best 100 MCQs

Question 11: What is Guru Nayak’s primary quest?

A. To find his lost love

B. To seek revenge on the astrologer

C. To find out if he was truly killed

D. To learn about his future

Answer: C. Guru Nayak seeks confirmation from the astrologer about whether he was indeed the victim of an attempted murder years ago.

Question 12: How is Guru Nayak’s personality portrayed?

A. Aggressive and confrontational

B. Calm and composed

C. Curious and inquisitive

D. Skeptical and dismissive

Answer: C. Guru Nayak approaches the astrologer with a genuine curiosity and a desire to uncover the truth about his past.

Question 13: What is the significance of Guru Nayak’s interaction with the astrologer?

A. It reveals the astrologer’s true identity

B. It leads to the astrologer’s downfall

C. It forces the astrologer to confront his past

D. It brings closure to Guru Nayak’s quest

Answer: C. The encounter with Guru Nayak serves as a catalyst for the astrologer’s internal conflict and his eventual acceptance of his past.

Other Minor Characters – An Astrologer’s Day – Best 100 MCQs

Question 14: What role does the astrologer’s wife play in the story?

A. She is a supportive and understanding partner

B. She is a source of conflict and tension

C. She is unaware of her husband’s true profession

D. She is actively involved in his astrological practice

Answer: A. The astrologer’s wife is briefly mentioned as someone waiting for him at home, implying a supportive role.

Question 15: How do the other customers contribute to the story?

A. They provide comic relief

B. They represent the diversity of Indian society

C. They highlight the astrologer’s skills

D. They create a sense of suspense

Answer: C. The interactions with other customers showcase the astrologer’s ability to read people and offer convincing predictions.

III. Themes and Symbolism – An Astrologer’s Day – Best 100 MCQs

Fate and Free Will – An Astrologer’s Day – Best 100 MCQs

Question 16: How does the story explore the theme of fate and free will?

A. It suggests that fate entirely determines our lives

B. It argues that individuals have complete control over their destinies

C. It portrays a complex interplay between fate and individual choices

D. It dismisses the notion of fate altogether

Answer: C. The story presents a nuanced perspective, suggesting that while fate may play a role, individuals also have the agency to make choices that shape their lives.

Question 17: Which of the following events best exemplifies the theme of fate in the story?

A. The astrologer’s encounter with Guru Nayak

B. The astrologer’s ability to read his clients’ palms

C. The astrologer’s decision to deceive Guru Nayak

D. The astrologer’s return home at the end of the day

Answer: A. The unexpected reunion between the astrologer and Guru Nayak can be interpreted as a fateful encounter that challenges the astrologer’s beliefs and actions.

Question 18: How does the astrologer’s belief in fate affect his actions?

A. It leads him to passively accept his circumstances

B. It motivates him to actively shape his future

C. It creates a sense of internal conflict and doubt

D. It justifies his deceptive practices

Answer: C. The astrologer’s belief in fate creates a tension between his perceived destiny and his own choices, contributing to his internal struggle.

Deception and Self-Deception – An Astrologer’s Day – Best 100 MCQs

Question 19: Which of the following characters engages in self-deception?

A. The astrologer

B. Guru Nayak

C. The astrologer’s wife

D. None of the above

Answer: A. The astrologer deceives himself by burying his past and adopting a new identity, creating a false sense of security.

Question 20: What is the primary purpose of the astrologer’s deception?

A. To exploit his clients for financial gain

B. To protect himself from his past

C. To entertain and amuse his customers

D. To fulfill his perceived destiny

Answer: B. The astrologer’s deception serves as a shield, allowing him to escape the consequences of his past actions.

Question 21: How does the theme of deception contribute to the story’s overall meaning?

A. It highlights the complexities of human nature

B. It condemns all forms of dishonesty

C. It suggests that deception is always justified

D. It portrays deception as a necessary evil

Answer: A. The story explores the various layers of deception, both intentional and unintentional, revealing the multifaceted nature of human behavior.

Survival and Resilience – An Astrologer’s Day – Best 100 MCQs

Question 22: How does the astrologer demonstrate resilience?

A. By adapting to challenging circumstances

B. By refusing to compromise his principles

C. By seeking forgiveness for his past mistakes

D. By relying on his faith in fate

Answer: A. The astrologer has reinvented himself and built a new life, showcasing his ability to overcome adversity.

Question 23: Which of the following challenges does the astrologer face?

A. Poverty and hardship

B. Social ostracism

C. The burden of his past

D. All of the above

Answer: D. The astrologer contends with financial difficulties, the weight of his past actions, and the constant need to maintain his facade.

Question 24: How does the theme of survival relate to the story’s setting?

A. The bustling marketplace represents the struggle for existence

B. The peaceful countryside offers an escape from life’s challenges

C. The urban landscape reflects the characters’ isolation

D. The story’s setting has no bearing on the theme of survival

Answer: A. The vibrant and competitive marketplace serves as a backdrop for the characters’ efforts to survive and thrive.

Symbolism – An Astrologer’s Day – Best 100 MCQs

Question 25: What might the astrologer’s paraphernalia symbolize?

A. His connection to the divine

B. His reliance on external tools

C. His ability to manipulate others

D. His detachment from reality

Answer: B. The astrologer’s tools, such as his cowrie shells and charts, represent his dependence on external aids to navigate life’s uncertainties.

Question 26: What could Guru Nayak’s quest symbolize?

A. The search for truth and closure

B. The pursuit of revenge and justice

C. The desire for fame and recognition

D. The acceptance of one’s fate

Answer: A. Guru Nayak’s journey to confirm his past reflects a universal human desire for truth and resolution.

Question 27: How does the setting of the marketplace contribute to the story’s symbolism?

A. It represents the unpredictability of life

B. It signifies the importance of community

C. It highlights the contrast between rich and poor

D. It emphasizes the isolation of individuals

Answer: A. The bustling and chaotic marketplace mirrors the uncertainties and challenges that the characters face.

IV. Vocabulary Exercises – An Astrologer’s Day – Best 100 MCQs

Question 28: What is the meaning of the word “paraphernalia” as used in the story?

A. Personal belongings

B. Magical charms

C. Equipment associated with a particular activity

D. Secret knowledge

Answer: C. In the context of the story, “paraphernalia” refers to the astrologer’s tools and accessories used for his practice.

Question 29: Which of the following words best describes the astrologer’s “shrewd” eyes?

A. Naive

B. Astute

C. Dull

D. Deceitful

Answer: B. “Shrewd” suggests that the astrologer possesses keen perception and good judgment.

Question 30: What does the word “remonstrate” mean in the context of the story?

A. To apologize

B. To argue or protest

C. To celebrate

D. To ignore

Answer: B. When the astrologer’s wife “remonstrates” with him, she is expressing her disapproval or objection.

V. Literary Devices – An Astrologer’s Day – Best 100 MCQs

Irony – An Astrologer’s Day – Best 100 MCQs

Question 31: Which of the following situations in the story exemplifies situational irony?

A. The astrologer’s fear of being exposed as a fraud

B. Guru Nayak’s quest to confirm his own death

C. The astrologer’s ability to predict others’ futures but not his own

D. The astrologer’s return home to his wife at the end of the day

Answer: C. It is ironic that the astrologer, who claims to foresee the future for others, is unable to anticipate his own fateful encounter.

Question 32: How does the author use dramatic irony in the story?

A. By revealing the astrologer’s true identity to the reader but not to Guru Nayak

B. By having the astrologer unknowingly predict his own future

C. By creating a contrast between the astrologer’s public persona and his private fears

D. By foreshadowing the story’s climax through subtle hints

Answer: A. The reader is aware of the astrologer’s past connection to Guru Nayak, creating a sense of dramatic irony as the two interact.

Foreshadowing – An Astrologer’s Day – Best 100 MCQs

Question 33: Which of the following events foreshadows the astrologer’s encounter with Guru Nayak?

A. The astrologer’s observation of the “evil faces” in the crowd

B. The astrologer’s wife’s concern for his safety

C. The astrologer’s successful predictions for other customers

D. The astrologer’s decision to close his stall early

Answer: A. The astrologer’s comment about the “evil faces” hints at the potential danger lurking in the crowd, foreshadowing the arrival of Guru Nayak.

Question 34: How does the author use foreshadowing to create suspense?

A. By explicitly revealing the story’s climax

B. By providing detailed descriptions of the characters’ pasts

C. By dropping subtle hints about future events

D. By relying on the reader’s intuition

Answer: C. The author strategically plants clues throughout the story, building anticipation and keeping the reader engaged.

Narrative Style – An Astrologer’s Day – Best 100 MCQs

Question 35: Which point of view does the author use in the story?

A. First person

B. Second person

C. Third person limited

D. Third person omniscient

Answer: D. The story is narrated from a third-person omniscient perspective, allowing the reader access to the thoughts and feelings of multiple characters.

Climax and Resolution – An Astrologer’s Day – Best 100 MCQs

Question 36: What is the climax of the story?

A. The astrologer’s encounter with Guru Nayak

B. The astrologer’s realization that he did not kill Guru Nayak

C. The astrologer’s confession to his wife

D. The astrologer’s decision to leave his profession

Answer: B. The climax occurs when the astrologer discovers that Guru Nayak survived the attack, relieving him of his guilt and altering the course of the narrative.

Question 37: How does the resolution impact the astrologer?

A. It leads to his downfall and ruin

B. It brings him a sense of peace and closure

C. It motivates him to change his deceptive ways

D. It reinforces his belief in fate

Answer: B. The resolution frees the astrologer from the burden of his past, allowing him to experience a sense of relief and liberation.

Question 38: Which of the following best describes the story’s ending?

A. Tragic and melancholic

B. Open-ended and ambiguous

C. Hopeful and optimistic

D. Ironic and unexpected

Answer: C. The ending offers a sense of hope as the astrologer returns home, liberated from his past and ready to embrace a new chapter in his life.

VI. Critical Appreciation – An Astrologer’s Day – Best 100 MCQs

Social Commentary – An Astrologer’s Day – Best 100 MCQs

Question 39: What social commentary does the story offer?

A. A critique of traditional Indian beliefs and practices

B. An exploration of the complexities of human relationships

C. A reflection on the struggles of the working class

D. All of the above

Answer: D. The story touches upon various aspects of Indian society, including traditional beliefs, social dynamics, and the challenges faced by ordinary people trying to make a living.

Question 40: How does the story portray the role of astrology in Indian society?

A. As a source of comfort and guidance

B. As a tool for exploitation and deception

C. As a harmless form of entertainment

D. As a blend of all the above

Answer: D. The story presents a nuanced view of astrology, acknowledging its potential for both positive and negative influence.

Relevance – An Astrologer’s Day – Best 100 MCQs

Question 41: Which of the following universal themes contributes to the story’s enduring relevance?

A. The conflict between fate and free will

B. The complexities of human nature

C. The search for truth and meaning

D. All of the above

Answer: D. The story explores timeless themes that resonate with readers across cultures and generations, ensuring its continued significance.

Question 42: How does the story remain relevant in today’s context?

A. It highlights the importance of self-acceptance and forgiveness

B. It exposes the dangers of blind faith and superstition

C. It encourages critical thinking and questioning of established norms

D. All of the above

Answer: D. The story’s exploration of self-deception, the pursuit of truth, and the power of individual choices remains pertinent in contemporary society.

VII. Comprehension and Analysis – An Astrologer’s Day – Best 100 MCQs

Question 43: Why does the astrologer choose his profession?

A. He has a genuine passion for astrology.

B. He inherited the profession from his family.

C. He sees it as a means to survive and provide for his family

D. He believes he has a divine calling to be an astrologer

Answer: C. The story suggests that the astrologer adopted the profession out of necessity, to make a living and support his family.

Question 44: What is the astrologer’s initial reaction when he recognizes Guru Nayak?

A. He is overjoyed to see an old friend.

B. He is filled with fear and trepidation.

C. He is indifferent and unmoved.

D. He is curious to know more about Guru Nayak’s life.

Answer: B. The astrologer is gripped by fear as he believes he had killed Guru Nayak in the past and fears retribution.

Question 45: Why does the astrologer initially try to avoid Guru Nayak?

A. He is too busy with other customers.

B. He doesn’t want to be reminded of his past.

C. He is afraid Guru Nayak will expose his deception

D. He doesn’t recognize Guru Nayak at first

Answer: B. The astrologer’s attempt to avoid Guru Nayak stems from his desire to suppress his past and maintain his current life.

Question 46: What prompts the astrologer to finally engage with Guru Nayak?

A. Guru Nayak’s persistence

B. A sense of guilt and responsibility

C. Curiosity about Guru Nayak’s story

D. A desire to prove his astrological skills.

Answer: A. Guru Nayak’s refusal to leave compels the astrologer to confront the situation and address his past.

Question 47: How does the astrologer manage to convince Guru Nayak that he was not the one who tried to kill him?

A. He uses his astrological knowledge to fabricate a convincing story

B. He confesses his past crime and seeks forgiveness.

C. He provides evidence to prove his innocence.

D. He relies on Guru Nayak’s faulty memory

Answer: A. The astrologer cleverly weaves a tale that aligns with Guru Nayak’s own suspicions and beliefs, effectively deceiving him.

Question 48: What does the astrologer reveal to Guru Nayak about the person who tried to kill him?

A. The person is dead.

B. The person is still alive and seeking revenge

C. The person has reformed and become a good person.

D. The person’s identity remains a mystery

Answer: A. The astrologer tells Guru Nayak that the person who attacked him is dead, providing a sense of closure and relieving Guru Nayak’s fears.

Question 49: How does Guru Nayak react to the astrologer’s revelations?

A. He is angry and seeks revenge

B. He is relieved and grateful

C. He is skeptical and suspicious

D. He is indifferent and unmoved

Answer: B. Guru Nayak is relieved to learn that his attacker is dead and expresses his gratitude to the astrologer.

Question 50: What does the astrologer do after Guru Nayak leaves?

A. He celebrates his successful deception

B. He feels remorse for his actions

C. He continues his work as usual

D. He packs up his belongings and goes home

Answer: D. The astrologer is deeply affected by the encounter and decides to close his stall early and return home.

Question 51: What is the significance of the astrologer’s wife waiting for him at home?

A. It highlights his neglect of his family

B. It emphasizes his sense of duty and responsibility

C. It suggests a loving and supportive relationship

D. It contrasts with his deceptive profession.

Answer: C. The mention of his wife waiting for him implies a sense of warmth and stability in his personal life, contrasting with the uncertainties of his professional life.

Question 52: Why does the astrologer feel a “queer feeling in his heart” after Guru Nayak leaves?

A. He is relieved that he escaped exposure.

B. He is saddened by Guru Nayak’s tragic story

C. He is ashamed of his deceptive practices.

D. He is worried about the future

Answer: C. The encounter with Guru Nayak triggers a sense of guilt and self-reproach in the astrologer, highlighting his internal conflict.

Question 53: What does the astrologer’s decision to go home early signify?

A. He is tired and wants to rest

B. He is afraid of encountering more trouble.

C. He wants to spend time with his family

D. The encounter with Guru Nayak has deeply affected him.

Answer: D. The astrologer’s decision to leave his work early suggests that the encounter has disrupted his usual routine and forced him to introspect.

Question 54: How does the astrologer’s encounter with Guru Nayak change him?

A. It makes him more confident in his abilities

B. It leads him to abandon his profession

C. It forces him to confront his past and his guilt

D. It has no lasting impact on him

Answer: C. The encounter serves as a turning point, compelling the astrologer to acknowledge his past actions and their consequences.

Question 55: What is the significance of the astrologer’s final act of counting his earnings?

A. It highlights his greed and materialism.

B. It symbolizes his detachment from his profession

C. It represents a return to normalcy and routine

D. It underscores his sense of accomplishment

Answer: C. Despite the emotional turmoil, the astrologer’s act of counting his earnings suggests a return to his familiar routine, perhaps providing a sense of stability.

Question 56: What is the main conflict in the story “An Astrologer’s Day”?

A. The astrologer’s internal conflict between his past and present

B. The external conflict between the astrologer and Guru Nayak

C. The conflict between fate and free will

D. The conflict between deception and truth

Answer: A. While the story involves external conflicts and thematic explorations, the central conflict lies within the astrologer himself as he grapples with his past actions and their implications for his present life.

Question 57: What is the primary setting of “An Astrologer’s Day”?

A. A bustling marketplace in Malgudi

B. A quiet village in rural India

C. A modern city in contemporary India

D. A historical palace in ancient India

Answer: A. The story unfolds primarily in a vibrant and crowded marketplace in the fictional town of Malgudi, creating a backdrop for the astrologer’s interactions and encounters.

Question 58: Which literary device is prominently used in the story’s ending?

A. Foreshadowing

B. Irony

C. Symbolism

D. Flashback

Answer: B. The ending employs irony as the astrologer, who claims to predict others’ futures, remains unaware of his own fateful encounter and its profound impact on his life.

Question 59: What is the astrologer’s real name?

A. It is never revealed in the story

B. Guru Nayak

C. R. K. Narayan

D. He has forgotten his real name

Answer: A. The story deliberately withholds the astrologer’s real name, emphasizing his assumed identity and the distance he has created from his past.

Question 60: What is the overall tone of the story?

A. Humorous and lighthearted

B. Dark and suspenseful

C. Reflective and introspective

D. Moralistic and didactic

Answer: C. While the story incorporates elements of humor and suspense, the overall tone is reflective and introspective as it delves into the complexities of the human psyche and the consequences of past actions.

Question 61: What is the significance of the astrologer’s parrot in the story?

A. It serves as a symbol of his wisdom and insight

B. It acts as a comic relief element in the narrative

C. It represents his reliance on tricks and deception

D. It highlights his connection to the natural world.

Answer: C. The parrot’s role in picking out cards for customers symbolizes the astrologer’s reliance on deceptive practices to maintain his profession.

Question 62: Why does Guru Nayak initially hesitate to approach the astrologer?

A. He is afraid of the astrologer

B. He is unsure if the astrologer is the same person from his past.

C. He doesn’t believe in astrology

D. He is embarrassed to admit his past

Answer: B. Guru Nayak is initially hesitant because he is uncertain whether this astrologer is the same man who tried to kill him years ago.

Question 63: What does the astrologer’s ability to accurately describe Guru Nayak’s past suggest?

A. He has genuine astrological powers

B. He is skilled at reading people and their expressions.

C. He has prior knowledge of Guru Nayak’s life

D. It is purely coincidental

Answer: B. The astrologer’s accuracy likely stems from his keen observation skills and ability to deduce information from Guru Nayak’s appearance and demeanor, rather than any supernatural abilities.

Question 64: What is the astrologer’s primary concern when he realizes Guru Nayak’s true identity?

A. That Guru Nayak will seek revenge

B. That Guru Nayak will expose his deception

C. That Guru Nayak will disrupt his business

D. That Guru Nayak will demand compensation.

Answer: A. The astrologer’s immediate fear is that Guru Nayak, believing himself to be dead, will seek revenge for the attempted murder.

Question 65: Why does the astrologer ultimately decide to tell Guru Nayak the truth about his survival?

A. He feels guilty and wants to confess

B. He realizes that Guru Nayak poses no threat

C. He wants to demonstrate his honesty and integrity

D. He hopes to gain Guru Nayak’s sympathy

Answer: B. The astrologer, after assessing the situation, concludes that Guru Nayak is not seeking revenge and therefore decides to reveal the truth, albeit in a manipulative way.

Question 66: How does the astrologer’s wife contribute to the story’s resolution?

A. She provides emotional support to the astrologer

B. She helps him confront his past.

C. She encourages him to change his profession.

D. Her role is not significant in the resolution

Answer: D. While the astrologer’s wife is mentioned, she doesn’t directly influence the resolution of the central conflict.

Question 67: What is the symbolic significance of the astrologer’s return home at the end of the story?

A. It represents his escape from his past.

B. It signifies his acceptance of his true self

C. It suggests a return to normalcy and routine.

D. It foreshadows a new beginning for him

Answer: C & D. The return home symbolizes both a return to his familiar life and the potential for a fresh start now that he is free from the burden of his past.

Question 68: Which of the following statements best reflects the astrologer’s attitude towards his profession?

A. He is passionate about astrology and believes in its power.

B. He is cynical and views it merely as a means to an end.

C. He is conflicted, torn between his belief in fate and his deceptive practices

D. He is indifferent and sees it as just another job

Answer: C. The astrologer displays a certain level of skill and interest in his craft, yet he also grapples with the ethical implications of his deceptions.

Question 69: What is the primary message conveyed by the story?

A. The importance of honesty and integrity

B. The power of fate to shape our lives

C. The complexities of human nature and the possibility of redemption

D. The dangers of ambition and greed

Answer: C. The story explores the multifaceted nature of human behavior, highlighting the coexistence of deception and the potential for self-discovery and redemption.

Question 70: How does the story’s title, “An Astrologer’s Day,” contribute to its meaning?

A. It emphasizes the astrologer’s daily routine and struggles

B. It suggests that the events of the story are ordinary and unremarkable

C. It highlights the irony of the astrologer’s inability to predict his own fate

D. It foreshadows the significance of the astrologer’s encounter with Guru Nayak

Answer: C & D. The title initially suggests a typical day in the astrologer’s life, but it ironically foreshadows the extraordinary encounter that will disrupt his routine and force him to confront his past.

Question 71: What is the significance of the astrologer’s ability to read palms?

A. It symbolizes his connection to the divine

B. It represents his power to manipulate and control others

C. It highlights his skill in observation and deduction

D. It underscores his reliance on external tools and tricks.

Answer: C. The astrologer’s ability to read palms is presented as a skill honed through observation and experience, allowing him to make insightful deductions about his clients.

Question 72: What does the astrologer’s initial reluctance to reveal the truth to Guru Nayak suggest about his character?

A. He is inherently dishonest and deceitful.

B. He is afraid of the consequences of his past actions.

C. He is protective of his professional reputation.

D. He is conflicted between his desire to help and his fear of exposure.

Answer: B & D. The astrologer’s hesitation reflects both his fear of facing the repercussions of his past and his internal struggle between wanting to help Guru Nayak and protecting himself.

Question 73: How does the story portray the relationship between the astrologer and his clients?

A. It is based on trust and mutual respect

B. It is transactional and exploitative.

C. It is characterized by genuine empathy and concern.

D. It is a mix of manipulation and entertainment

Answer: D. The story depicts the astrologer as using a combination of manipulation and showmanship to provide his clients with a sense of satisfaction and reassurance, even if his predictions are not entirely truthful.

Question 74: What is the role of coincidence in the story?

A. It plays no significant role in the narrative

B. It drives the plot and creates dramatic tension

C. It highlights the unpredictability of life

D. It reinforces the theme of fate and destiny

Answer: B & C. The coincidental encounter between the astrologer and Guru Nayak serves as a catalyst for the story’s central conflict and underscores the unexpected turns that life can take.

Question 75: What is the significance of the astrologer’s decision to charge Guru Nayak a rupee?

A. It emphasizes his greed and materialism

B. It represents a fair exchange for his services

C. It symbolizes his detachment from the emotional weight of the encounter

D. It highlights the transactional nature of their relationship.

Answer: C & D. By charging Guru Nayak, the astrologer maintains a sense of professional distance and avoids acknowledging the personal significance of their interaction.

Question 76: How does the story challenge the reader’s expectations?

A. By presenting a protagonist who is morally ambiguous

B. By subverting the traditional hero’s journey narrative

C. By offering an unexpected resolution to the central conflict

D. All of the above

Answer: D. The story defies conventional expectations by portraying a flawed protagonist, deviating from a typical hero’s journey, and providing a resolution that emphasizes acceptance and self-discovery rather than punishment or redemption.

Question 77: What is the significance of the astrologer’s lack of a formal name?

A. It suggests his anonymity and insignificance

B. It reflects his detachment from his past identity

C. It emphasizes his role as a universal figure

D. It highlights the importance of his profession over his personal life.

Answer: B. The absence of a name reinforces the astrologer’s deliberate separation from his past and his constructed identity as an astrologer.

Question 78: How does the story’s setting in Malgudi contribute to its atmosphere?

A. It creates a sense of exoticism and mystery.

B. It provides a backdrop of familiarity and everyday life

C. It evokes a feeling of nostalgia and longing for the past

D. It generates a sense of isolation and alienation

Answer: B. The setting in Malgudi, with its bustling marketplace and ordinary people, grounds the story in a familiar and relatable reality.

Question 79: What is the primary source of humor in the story?

A. The astrologer’s witty remarks and clever deceptions

B. The contrast between the astrologer’s public persona and his private anxieties

C. The absurdity of Guru Nayak’s quest to confirm his own death

D. The interactions between the astrologer and his diverse clientele

Answer: B. The story derives humor from the discrepancy between the astrologer’s confident and composed facade and his inner turmoil and fears.

Question 80: What is the overall impact of the story on the reader?

A. It leaves the reader feeling amused and entertained

B. It evokes a sense of sympathy and understanding for the astrologer

C. It prompts the reader to reflect on the complexities of human nature and the possibility of redemption.

D. All of the above

Answer: D. The story’s blend of humor, suspense, and insightful characterization leaves a lasting impression on the reader, inviting contemplation of its deeper themes and messages.

Question 81: What does the astrologer’s meticulous arrangement of his tools and paraphernalia suggest about his personality?

A. He is superstitious and believes in the power of objects.

B. He is methodical and organized in his approach.

C. He is obsessed with appearances and creating an impression

D. He is meticulous and detail oriented

Answer: B & C. The careful arrangement reflects both his organized nature and his desire to project an image of professionalism and expertise to his clients.

Question 82: Why does the astrologer offer a discount to the young boy who wants to know about his missing cow?

A. He feels sympathy for the boy’s plight.

B. He wants to attract more customers.

C. He is confident in his ability to solve the case

D. He is testing his astrological skills

Answer: A. The astrologer’s willingness to offer a reduced fee suggests a degree of empathy and compassion towards the boy and his situation.

Question 83: What is the significance of the astrologer’s ability to switch between different dialects and languages?

A. It highlights his linguistic skills and intelligence.

B. It demonstrates his adaptability and versatility in dealing with diverse clients

C. It reveals his manipulative nature and ability to deceive others

D. It underscores his deep understanding of human psychology

Answer: B. The astrologer’s linguistic flexibility allows him to connect with clients from different backgrounds and establish rapport, facilitating his practice.

Question 84: What does the astrologer’s interaction with the woman who seeks advice about her husband reveal about his approach?

A. He is brutally honest and straightforward

B. He is tactful and avoids direct confrontation

C. He is dismissive of her concerns

D. He is genuinely concerned about her well-being.

Answer: B. The astrologer’s response to the woman’s query demonstrates his ability to navigate sensitive situations and provide reassurance without causing offense.

Question 85: Why does the astrologer feel a sense of satisfaction at the end of the day, despite his encounter with Guru Nayak?

A. He has successfully deceived another client.

B. He has earned a good income for the day

C. He has overcome a significant challenge and found a sense of closure.

D. He is looking forward to returning home to his family.

Answer: C. While the encounter with Guru Nayak was unsettling, the resolution allows the astrologer to experience a sense of relief and liberation from his past, contributing to his overall satisfaction.

Question 86: What is the significance of the astrologer’s namelessness in the story?

A. It symbolizes his loss of identity

B. It emphasizes his universality as a character

C. It highlights the anonymity of his profession

D. It suggests his detachment from his past.

Answer: B & D. The lack of a name allows the astrologer to represent a broader archetype while also underscoring his deliberate separation from his former self.

Question 87: How does the story’s ending leave the reader feeling?

A. Satisfied and content

B. Curious and intrigued

C. Disappointed and unfulfilled

D. Hopeful and optimistic

Answer: D. The ending, with the astrologer walking home “with a light heart,” suggests a sense of optimism and the possibility of a fresh start for the protagonist.

Question 88: Which of the following best describes the astrologer’s internal journey throughout the story?

A. A journey of self-discovery and acceptance

B. A descent into despair and disillusionment

C. A quest for power and recognition

D. A struggle for survival and success

Answer: A. The astrologer’s encounter with Guru Nayak forces him to confront his past and ultimately leads to a greater understanding and acceptance of himself.

Question 89: How does the story use language and imagery to create atmosphere and mood?

A. It employs vivid descriptions and sensory details to immerse the reader in the setting.

B. It uses simple and direct language to convey the characters’ thoughts and emotions

C. It relies on symbolism and metaphor to create layers of meaning

D. All of the above

Answer: D. The story effectively combines vivid descriptions, straightforward language, and symbolic elements to create a rich and engaging narrative.

Question 90: What is the significance of the story’s open ending?

A. It allows the reader to imagine the astrologer’s future.

B. It suggests that the astrologer’s journey of self-discovery is ongoing

C. It leaves the reader with a sense of ambiguity and uncertainty

D. All of the above

Answer: D. The open ending invites the reader to contemplate the astrologer’s future possibilities, acknowledge the continuous nature of self-discovery, and embrace the inherent uncertainties of life.

Question 91: What is the significance of the astrologer’s ability to predict the future for his clients but not for himself?

A. It highlights the limitations of his astrological knowledge

B. It emphasizes the irony of his profession

C. It suggests that even those who claim to see the future are subject to the uncertainties of life.

D. All of the above

Answer: D. The astrologer’s inability to foresee his own fateful encounter underscores the inherent unpredictability of life, even for those who claim to possess foresight.

Question 92: What role does the setting of the marketplace play in the story’s development?

A. It provides a diverse and dynamic backdrop for the astrologer’s interactions.

B. It symbolizes the challenges and opportunities of everyday life.

C. It creates a sense of anonymity and allows the astrologer to maintain his disguise

D. All of the above

Answer: D. The marketplace serves as a microcosm of society, offering a rich tapestry of human interactions while also providing a cover for the astrologer’s hidden past.

Question 93: How does the astrologer’s encounter with Guru Nayak challenge his worldview?

A. It forces him to question his belief in fate.

B. It makes him realize the consequences of his past actions.

C. It leads him to reconsider his deceptive practices

D. All of the above

Answer: D. The encounter disrupts the astrologer’s carefully constructed reality, forcing him to confront his past, his guilt, and the moral implications of his profession.

Question 94: What does the astrologer’s final act of counting his earnings symbolize?

A. His greed and materialism

B. His detachment from the emotional weight of the day.

C. His attempt to regain a sense of normalcy and control.

D. His acceptance of his fate

Answer: C. Counting his earnings represents the astrologer’s attempt to ground himself in the familiar and regain a sense of control after a day filled with emotional turmoil.

Question 95: What is the significance of the astrologer’s decision not to reveal his true identity to Guru Nayak?

A. It protects him from potential harm.

B. It allows him to maintain his carefully constructed life

C. It prevents Guru Nayak from seeking true justice

D. All of the above

Answer: D. By withholding his true identity, the astrologer safeguards himself, preserves his current life, and avoids any further complications that might arise from revealing his past.

Question 96: What is the underlying message of the story?

A. The truth will always come out

B. Deception can lead to unexpected consequences.

C. Fate ultimately controls our lives

D. The past can never be truly escaped.

Answer: B & D. The story demonstrates that deception, even if seemingly harmless, can have unforeseen repercussions and that the past, no matter how deeply buried, has a way of resurfacing.

Question 97: What makes “An Astrologer’s Day” a timeless and universally appealing story?

A. Its exploration of complex human emotions and motivations

B. Its portrayal of the struggle between fate and free will

C. Its vivid depiction of everyday life in a small Indian town

D. All of the above

Answer: D. The story’s enduring appeal lies in its combination of relatable characters, timeless themes, and evocative setting, making it relevant to readers across cultures and generations.

Question 98: What is the significance of the story’s title?

A. It highlights the astrologer’s profession as the central focus

B. It suggests that the events of the story are ordinary and commonplace

C. It ironically foreshadows the extraordinary encounter that will shape the astrologer’s day.

D. It emphasizes the cyclical nature of life and the repetition of daily routines

Answer: C. The title initially creates an expectation of a mundane day in the astrologer’s life, but it ironically foreshadows the transformative encounter that will disrupt his routine and alter his perspective.

Question 99: How does the story contribute to R. K. Narayan’s literary legacy?

A. It showcases his mastery of storytelling and character development

B. It exemplifies his ability to capture the essence of Indian life and culture

C. It explores universal themes with depth and sensitivity

D. All of the above

Answer: D. “An Astrologer’s Day” exemplifies Narayan’s signature style, his insightful portrayal of human nature, and his ability to weave compelling narratives set against the backdrop of ordinary Indian life.

Question 100: What is the lasting impact of “An Astrologer’s Day” on the reader?

A. It provides entertainment and amusement

B. It sparks reflection on the complexities of human existence

C. It encourages empathy and understanding towards others

D. All of the above

Answer: D. The story leaves a lasting impression by entertaining, provoking thought, and fostering a deeper understanding of the human condition.

What is the astrologer’s real name?

The story never reveals his true name.

Where does the story “An Astrologer’s Day” take place?

In the fictional town of Malgudi.

What is the astrologer’s profession?

He is a fortune-teller who reads palms and predicts the future.

Who is Guru Nayak?

A man the astrologer believes he killed in the past.

What is Guru Nayak seeking from the astrologer?

Confirmation about whether he was truly murdered.

How does the astrologer deceive Guru Nayak?

He fabricates a story that aligns with Guru Nayak’s suspicions.

What is the central conflict of the story “An Astrologer’s Day”?

The astrologer’s internal struggle with his guilt and past actions.

What is the climax of the story “An Astrologer’s Day”?

The astrologer realizes he did not kill Guru Nayak.

How does the story “An Astrologer’s Day” end?

The astrologer returns home, relieved of his burden.

What is the main theme of the story “An Astrologer’s Day”?

The complex interplay of fate, free will, deception, and self-discovery.

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