Photosynthesis in Higher Plants MCQ – Best 100 MCQs

Photosynthesis in Higher Plants MCQ – Best 100 MCQs. These 100 Multiple Choice Questions with Answer and Explanation will help you score full marks in your class 11 Biology exam.

Photosynthesis in Higher Plants MCQ – Best 100 MCQs

What Do We Know about Photosynthesis in Higher Plants?

Question 1: Which of the following is NOT a basic requirement for photosynthesis?

A. Chlorophyll

B. Light

C. Oxygen

D. Carbon dioxide

Answer: C. Oxygen. Photosynthesis uses carbon dioxide and water to create glucose and oxygen, so oxygen is a product, not a requirement, of the process.

Question 2: The presence of starch in a leaf indicates that:

A. The leaf has been exposed to light.

B. The leaf contains chlorophyll.

C. Photosynthesis has occurred.

D. All of the above.

Answer: D. All of the above. Starch is a storage product of photosynthesis, so its presence indicates that the leaf has the necessary components (chlorophyll) and conditions (light) for photosynthesis to take place.

Question 3: In a variegated leaf experiment, which part of the leaf would test positive for starch after exposure to light?

A. The green parts

B. The non-green parts

C. Both green and non-green parts

D. Neither green nor non-green parts

Answer: A. The green parts. The green parts of a leaf contain chlorophyll, which is essential for photosynthesis. Therefore, only the green parts would be able to produce starch in the presence of light.
Photosynthesis in Higher Plants MCQ - Best 100 MCQs

 Early Experiments – Photosynthesis in Higher Plants MCQs

Question 4: Which scientist is credited with discovering oxygen in 1774?

A. Joseph Priestley

B. Jan Ingenhousz

C. Julius von Sachs

D. Cornelius van Niel

Answer: A. Joseph Priestley. While his experiments focused on the role of air in plant growth, Priestley is also recognized for his discovery of oxygen.

Question 5: Ingenhousz’s experiments demonstrated that:

A. Plants restore to the air whatever breathing animals and burning candles remove.

B. Sunlight is essential for plants to purify the air.

C. The green parts of plants release oxygen in the presence of sunlight.

D. Glucose is produced and stored as starch during plant growth.

Answer: C. The green parts of plants release oxygen in the presence of sunlight. Ingenhousz observed the formation of oxygen bubbles around the green parts of aquatic plants in sunlight, highlighting the role of light and chlorophyll in oxygen production.

Question 6: Julius von Sachs’s studies revealed that:

A. Photosynthesis is a light-dependent reaction.

B. The oxygen evolved during photosynthesis comes from water.

C. Glucose is produced during photosynthesis and stored as starch.

D. The first CO2 fixation product is a 3-carbon organic acid.

Answer: C. Glucose is produced during photosynthesis and stored as starch. Von Sachs provided evidence for glucose production in growing plants and linked it to the green substance (chlorophyll) located in chloroplasts.

Question 7: Cornelius van Niel’s research on purple and green bacteria led to the understanding that:

A. Photosynthesis primarily occurs in the blue and red regions of the light spectrum.

B. Photosynthesis is a process where hydrogen from a suitable compound reduces carbon dioxide to carbohydrates.

C. The oxygen released during photosynthesis comes from carbon dioxide.

D. The first stable product of CO2 fixation in some plants is a 4-carbon organic acid.

Answer: B. Photosynthesis is a process where hydrogen from a suitable compound reduces carbon dioxide to carbohydrates. Van Niel’s work highlighted the role of hydrogen donors in photosynthesis and paved the way for understanding the source of oxygen released during the process.

 Where Does Photosynthesis Take Place? – Photosynthesis in Higher Plants MCQ

Question 8: The primary sites of photosynthesis in plants are:

A. Green leaves only

B. Roots and stems

C. Green leaves and other green parts of the plant

D. Flowers and fruits

Answer: C. Green leaves and other green parts of the plant. While leaves are the primary sites, any green part of a plant containing chloroplasts can perform photosynthesis.

Question 9: Which cells in leaves are specialized for photosynthesis?

A. Epidermal cells

B. Guard cells

C. Mesophyll cells

D. Xylem cells

Answer: C. Mesophyll cells. Mesophyll cells are rich in chloroplasts, the organelles where photosynthesis occurs.

Question 10: The internal membrane system within chloroplasts is organized into:

A. Grana, stroma lamellae, and stroma

B. Thylakoids, cristae, and matrix

C. Vacuoles, cytoplasm, and nucleus

D. Cell wall, plasma membrane, and endoplasmic reticulum

Answer: A. Grana, stroma lamellae, and stroma. These structures within the chloroplast play distinct roles in capturing light energy and carrying out the biochemical reactions of photosynthesis.

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Question 11: Light reactions of photosynthesis involve:

A. The synthesis of sugars

B. The fixation of carbon dioxide

C. Light absorption, water splitting, and ATP and NADPH formation

D. The release of carbon dioxide

Answer: C. Light absorption, water splitting, and ATP and NADPH formation. These processes directly utilize light energy to generate the energy carriers (ATP and NADPH) needed for the subsequent dark reactions.

Question 12: Dark reactions (carbon reactions) of photosynthesis:

A. Occur only in the absence of light

B. Are independent of the products of light reactions

C. Utilize ATP and NADPH to synthesize sugars

D. Release oxygen

Answer: C. Utilize ATP and NADPH to synthesize sugars. While they don’t directly require light, dark reactions depend on the ATP and NADPH produced during the light reactions.

 How Many Pigments are Involved in Photosynthesis? – Photosynthesis in Higher Plants MCQ

Question 13: The color of leaves is due to:

A. A single pigment called chlorophyll

B. A combination of four pigments: chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, xanthophylls, and carotenoids

C. The presence of anthocyanins

D. The reflection of all wavelengths of light

Answer: B. A combination of four pigments: chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, xanthophylls, and carotenoids. These pigments absorb different wavelengths of light, contributing to the various shades of green observed in plants.

Question 14: Paper chromatography is used to:

A. Measure the rate of photosynthesis

B. Separate and identify the different pigments present in leaves

C. Determine the absorption spectrum of chlorophyll a

D. Study the structure of chloroplasts

Answer: B. Separate and identify the different pigments present in leaves. Paper chromatography allows for the visualization and identification of the various pigments based on their differential movement on the paper.

Question 15: The most abundant plant pigment in the world is:

A. Chlorophyll a

B. Chlorophyll b

C. Xanthophylls

D. Carotenoids

Answer: A. Chlorophyll a. This pigment plays a central role in capturing light energy for photosynthesis.

Question 16: The absorption spectrum of chlorophyll a shows maximum absorption in the:

A. Green and yellow regions

B. Blue and red regions

C. Violet and orange regions

D. Infrared region

Answer: B. Blue and red regions. Chlorophyll a primarily absorbs light in these wavelengths, reflecting green light, which is why plants appear green.

Question 17: The action spectrum of photosynthesis:

A. Shows the wavelengths of light at which maximum photosynthesis occurs

B. Is identical to the absorption spectrum of chlorophyll a

C. Indicates that only chlorophyll a is involved in photosynthesis

D. Demonstrates that plants absorb all wavelengths of light equally

Answer: A. Shows the wavelengths of light at which maximum photosynthesis occurs. The action spectrum closely resembles the absorption spectrum of chlorophyll a, but also shows some activity at other wavelengths due to the presence of accessory pigments.

Question 18: Accessory pigments like chlorophyll b, xanthophylls, and carotenoids:

A. Play no role in photosynthesis

B. Absorb light and transfer the energy to chlorophyll a

C. Protect chlorophyll a from photo-oxidation

D. Both B and C

Answer: D. Both B and C. Accessory pigments broaden the range of light wavelengths utilized for photosynthesis and also help prevent damage to chlorophyll a from excess light.

 What is Light Reaction? – Photosynthesis in Higher Plants MCQ

Question 19: The light reaction of photosynthesis involves:

A. The synthesis of sugars from carbon dioxide and water

B. The fixation of carbon dioxide into organic molecules

C. Light absorption, water splitting, oxygen release, and the formation of ATP and NADPH

D. The breakdown of glucose to release energy

Answer: C. Light absorption, water splitting, oxygen release, and the formation of ATP and NADPH. These are the key processes that occur during the light-dependent phase of photosynthesis.

Question 20: Photosystems I and II are:

A. Protein complexes involved in the electron transport chain

B. Light-harvesting complexes containing pigments

C. Reaction centers where light energy is converted into chemical energy

D. All of the above

Answer: D. All of the above. Photosystems are integral components of the light reactions, responsible for capturing light energy, transferring electrons, and ultimately driving the synthesis of ATP and NADPH.

Question 21: The reaction center chlorophyll a in photosystem I (PS I) is called P700 because:

A. It absorbs light with a wavelength of 700 nm

B. It is the 700th chlorophyll a molecule in the photosystem

C. It has a molecular weight of 700

D. It was discovered in the year

Answer: A. It absorbs light with a wavelength of 700 nm. P700 is named for its peak absorption wavelength of 700 nm in photosystem I.

Question 22: The Z scheme in photosynthesis represents:

A. The absorption spectra of different pigments

B. The flow of electrons during the light reactions

C. The Calvin cycle

D. The structure of a chloroplast

Answer: B. The flow of electrons during the light reactions. The Z scheme illustrates the pathway of electrons from PS II to PS I, and finally to NADP+, creating a zigzag pattern on a redox potential scale.

Question 23: The primary electron donor in photosystem II (PS II) is:

A. Water

B. Carbon dioxide

C. Chlorophyll a


Answer: A. Water. Water molecules are split in PS II, providing electrons to replace those lost from the reaction center chlorophyll.

Question 24: The final electron acceptor in the non-cyclic electron transport chain is:

A. Oxygen



D. Carbon dioxide

Answer: B. NADP+. NADP+ accepts electrons at the end of the electron transport chain, becoming reduced to NADPH.

Question 25: The movement of electrons through the electron transport chain is driven by:

A. Differences in redox potential

B. ATP hydrolysis

C. Light energy

D. Concentration gradients

Answer: A. Differences in redox potential. Electrons move from molecules with lower redox potential to those with higher redox potential, releasing energy in the process.

Question 26: The energy released during electron transport is used to:

A. Split water molecules

B. Generate a proton gradient

C. Reduce NADP+ to NADPH

D. All of the above

Answer: B. Generate a proton gradient. The energy is used to pump protons across the thylakoid membrane, creating a gradient that drives ATP synthesis.

Question 27: In photosystem I (PS I), the reaction center chlorophyll a:

A. Absorbs light at 680 nm

B. Is called P680

C. Absorbs light at 700 nm

D. Is the primary electron donor

Answer: C. Absorbs light at 700 nm. The reaction center chlorophyll a in PS I is designated P700 due to its absorption peak at 700 nm.

Question 28: During non-cyclic photophosphorylation:

A. Only ATP is synthesized

B. Only NADPH is synthesized

C. Both ATP and NADPH are synthesized

D. Neither ATP nor NADPH is synthesized

Answer: C. Both ATP and NADPH are synthesized. Non-cyclic electron flow involves both photosystems and results in the production of both ATP and NADPH.

Question 29: Cyclic photophosphorylation:

A. Involves both PS I and PS II

B. Occurs in the grana lamellae

C. Generates only ATP

D. Produces NADPH

Answer: C. Generates only ATP. In cyclic electron flow, electrons cycle back to PS I, leading to ATP synthesis but not NADPH production.

Question 30: The conditions that favor cyclic photophosphorylation include:

A. Low light intensity

B. High light intensity

C. Presence of only wavelengths beyond 680 nm

D. Both A and C

Answer: D. Both A and C. Cyclic photophosphorylation can occur under low light conditions or when only longer wavelengths of light are available.

Question 31: The primary function of the electron transport chain in photosynthesis is to:

A. Generate oxygen

B. Fix carbon dioxide

C. Transfer energy from light to ATP and NADPH

D. Synthesize glucose

Answer: C. Transfer energy from light to ATP and NADPH. The electron transport chain facilitates the flow of electrons, coupling it with the creation of a proton gradient and ultimately the synthesis of ATP and NADPH.

Question 32: The Z scheme gets its name from:

A. The shape of the electron transport chain when plotted on a redox potential scale

B. The zigzag movement of electrons between photosystems

C. The involvement of zinc ions in the process

D. The discovery of the pathway by a scientist named Z

Answer: A. The shape of the electron transport chain when plotted on a redox potential scale. The carriers involved in electron transport, when arranged according to their redox potential, create a characteristic Z-shaped pattern.

 Splitting of Water – Photosynthesis in Higher Plants MCQ

Question 33: Water splitting is associated with:

A. Photosystem I

B. Photosystem II

C. Both photosystems I and II

D. Neither photosystem

Answer: B. Photosystem II. The water-splitting complex is located on the inner side of the thylakoid membrane, associated with PS II.

Question 34: The products of water splitting are:

A. Protons, electrons, and carbon dioxide

B. Protons, electrons, and oxygen

C. Oxygen, carbon dioxide, and ATP

D. ATP, NADPH, and oxygen

Answer: B. Protons, electrons, and oxygen. Water is split into these components, with oxygen being released as a byproduct and protons and electrons contributing to the electron transport chain.

Question 35: The electrons released during water splitting:

A. Are used to reduce NADP+ to NADPH

B. Replace the electrons lost from the reaction center chlorophyll in PS II

C. Are transferred to PS I

D. Combine with carbon dioxide to form glucose

Answer: B. Replace the electrons lost from the reaction center chlorophyll in PS II. The electrons from water splitting replenish the electron deficit in PS II, ensuring continuous electron flow.

Question 36: The oxygen released during photosynthesis originates from:

A. Carbon dioxide

B. Water

C. Glucose

D. Chlorophyll

Answer: B. Water. The splitting of water molecules provides the source of oxygen released during photosynthesis.

 Cyclic and Non-cyclic Photo-phosphorylation – Photosynthesis in Higher Plants MCQ

Question 37: The process of synthesizing ATP from ADP and inorganic phosphate in the presence of light is called:

A. Oxidative phosphorylation

B. Substrate-level phosphorylation

C. Photophosphorylation

D. Chemiosmosis

Answer: C. Photophosphorylation. This process specifically refers to ATP synthesis driven by light energy, occurring in chloroplasts during photosynthesis.

Question 38: The key difference between cyclic and non-cyclic photophosphorylation lies in:

A. The involvement of photosystems

B. The production of ATP

C. The production of NADPH

D. All of the above

Answer: D. All of the above. Cyclic photophosphorylation involves only PS I and produces ATP, while non-cyclic photophosphorylation involves both PS I and PS II, producing both ATP and NADPH.

Question 39: Which photosystem is involved in both cyclic and non-cyclic photophosphorylation?

A. Photosystem I

B. Photosystem II

C. Both photosystems I and II

D. Neither photosystem

Answer: A. Photosystem I. PS I is essential for both cyclic and non-cyclic electron flow, while PS II is involved only in non-cyclic photophosphorylation.

Question 40: The primary location for cyclic photophosphorylation is:

A. Grana lamellae

B. Stroma lamellae

C. Stroma

D. Thylakoid lumen

Answer: B. Stroma lamellae. Stroma lamellae lack PS II and NADP reductase, making them suitable for cyclic electron flow.

Question 41: Which of the following conditions favors cyclic photophosphorylation?

A. High light intensity

B. Abundance of NADPH

C. Wavelengths of light beyond 680 nm

D. Low ATP levels

Answer: C. Wavelengths of light beyond 680 nm. These longer wavelengths can excite electrons in PS I but not in PS II, promoting cyclic electron flow.

Question 42: The main advantage of cyclic photophosphorylation is:

A. Production of both ATP and NADPH

B. Increased efficiency of light energy capture

C. Additional ATP synthesis to meet the demands of the Calvin cycle

D. Oxygen evolution

Answer: C. Additional ATP synthesis to meet the demands of the Calvin cycle. The Calvin cycle requires more ATP than NADPH, and cyclic photophosphorylation helps fulfill this requirement.

 Chemiosmotic Hypothesis – Photosynthesis in Higher Plants MCQ

Question 43: The chemiosmotic hypothesis explains the mechanism of:

A. ATP synthesis in chloroplasts

B. Water splitting

C. Electron transport

D. Carbon fixation

Answer: A. ATP synthesis in chloroplasts. This hypothesis links ATP synthesis to the development of a proton gradient across the thylakoid membrane.

Question 44: The proton gradient across the thylakoid membrane is created by:

A. Water splitting on the inner side of the membrane

B. Proton pumping during electron transport

C. Removal of protons from the stroma during NADP+ reduction

D. All of the above

Answer: D. All of the above. These processes contribute to the accumulation of protons in the thylakoid lumen, creating a proton gradient.

Question 45: The breakdown of the proton gradient leads to:

A. ATP synthesis

B. Water splitting

C. NADPH formation

D. Carbon fixation

Answer: A. ATP synthesis. The movement of protons through ATP synthase utilizes the energy stored in the gradient to drive ATP formation.

Question 46: ATP synthase consists of two parts:

A. CF0 and CF1

B. PS I and PS II


D. RuBisCO and PEPcase

Answer: A. CF0 and CF1. CF0 is embedded in the membrane and forms a proton channel, while CF1 protrudes on the outer surface and catalyzes ATP synthesis.

Question 47: The energy for ATP synthesis is provided by:

A. The breakdown of the proton gradient

B. Light energy directly

C. The oxidation of glucose

D. The reduction of NADP+

Answer: A. The breakdown of the proton gradient. The flow of protons back to the stroma through ATP synthase releases energy, driving the conformational change necessary for ATP synthesis.

Question 48: Chemiosmosis in chloroplasts differs from that in mitochondria in terms of:

A. The direction of proton pumping

B. The involvement of ATP synthase

C. The source of energy for proton pumping

D. All of the above

Answer: A. The direction of proton pumping. In chloroplasts, protons are pumped into the thylakoid lumen, while in mitochondria, they are pumped into the intermembrane space.

 Where are the ATP and NADPH Used? – Photosynthesis in Higher Plants MCQ

Question 49: The biosynthetic phase of photosynthesis, also known as the dark reaction, primarily involves:

A. The absorption of light energy

B. The splitting of water molecules

C. The synthesis of sugars using ATP and NADPH

D. The release of oxygen

Answer: C. The synthesis of sugars using ATP and NADPH. The biosynthetic phase utilizes the energy and reducing power generated in the light reactions to convert carbon dioxide into carbohydrates.

Question 50: Melvin Calvin’s work with radioactive 14C led to the discovery that the first stable product of CO2 fixation in photosynthesis is:

A. Glucose


C. PGA (3-phosphoglyceric acid)

D. OAA (oxaloacetic acid)

Answer: C. PGA (3-phosphoglyceric acid). Calvin’s experiments traced the path of radioactive carbon, revealing PGA as the initial product of CO2 incorporation.

Question 51: The distinction between C3 and C4 plants is based on:

A. The presence or absence of chlorophyll

B. The type of primary CO2 acceptor

C. The first stable product of CO2 fixation

D. The ability to perform photosynthesis

Answer: C. The first stable product of CO2 fixation. C3 plants produce PGA as the first stable product, while C4 plants produce OAA.

 The Primary Acceptor of CO2 – Photosynthesis in Higher Plants MCQ

Question 52: The primary acceptor of CO2 in the Calvin cycle is:

A. RuBP (ribulose bisphosphate)

B. PEP (phosphoenolpyruvate)

C. PGA (3-phosphoglyceric acid)

D. OAA (oxaloacetic acid)

Answer: A. RuBP (ribulose bisphosphate). RuBP is a 5-carbon sugar that combines with CO2 in the first step of the Calvin cycle.

Question 53: The identification of RuBP as the primary CO2 acceptor was:

A. A straightforward process

B. Initially assumed to be a 2-carbon compound

C. A result of Melvin Calvin’s experiments

D. Both B and C

Answer: D. Both B and C. Scientists initially believed the acceptor to be a 2-carbon compound, but Calvin’s work with radioisotopes led to the discovery of RuBP.

Question 54: The enzyme responsible for catalyzing the reaction between CO2 and RuBP is:

A. RuBisCO

B. PEP carboxylase

C. ATP synthase

D. NADP reductase

Answer: A. RuBisCO. RuBisCO (ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase) is the key enzyme that fixes CO2 to RuBP in the Calvin cycle.

 The Calvin Cycle – Photosynthesis in Higher Plants MCQ

Question 55: The Calvin cycle can be divided into three stages:

A. Carboxylation, reduction, and regeneration

B. Light absorption, electron transport, and ATP synthesis

C. Glycolysis, Krebs cycle, and oxidative phosphorylation

D. Carbon fixation, sugar synthesis, and oxygen release

Answer: A. Carboxylation, reduction, and regeneration. These stages represent the key steps in the Calvin cycle, leading to the formation of glucose and the regeneration of the CO2 acceptor.

Question 56: During the carboxylation stage of the Calvin cycle:

A. CO2 is fixed to RuBP, forming two molecules of PGA

B. ATP and NADPH are used to reduce PGA to G3P

C. RuBP is regenerated from G3P

D. Glucose is synthesized

Answer: A. CO2 is fixed to RuBP, forming two molecules of PGA. This is the initial step in the Calvin cycle, where carbon dioxide is incorporated into an organic molecule.

Question 57: The reduction stage of the Calvin cycle involves:

A. The fixation of CO2 to RuBP

B. The conversion of PGA to G3P using ATP and NADPH

C. The regeneration of RuBP

D. The release of oxygen

Answer: B. The conversion of PGA to G3P using ATP and NADPH. This stage utilizes the energy and reducing power from the light reactions to create a 3-carbon sugar.

Question 58: The regeneration stage of the Calvin cycle is essential for:

A. The continuation of the cycle

B. The synthesis of glucose

C. The fixation of carbon dioxide

D. The release of oxygen

Answer: A. The continuation of the cycle. RuBP, the CO2 acceptor, needs to be regenerated to ensure the cycle can continue incorporating more carbon dioxide.

Question 59: How many turns of the Calvin cycle are required to produce one molecule of glucose?

A. 1

B. 3

C. 6

D. 12

Answer: C. 6. Six molecules of CO2 need to be fixed to generate one glucose molecule, requiring six turns of the cycle.

Question 60: The enzyme RuBisCO is unique because:

A. It is the most abundant enzyme on Earth

B. It can bind to both CO2 and O2

C. It catalyzes the first step of the Calvin cycle

D. All of the above

Answer: D. All of the above. RuBisCO’s abundance, dual binding capacity, and crucial role in carbon fixation make it a remarkable enzyme.

Question 61: The overall input of the Calvin cycle includes:

A. Six CO2, 18 ATP, and 12 NADPH

B. One glucose, 18 ADP, and 12 NADP+

C. Six CO2, 12 ATP, and 18 NADPH

D. One glucose, 12 ADP, and 18 NADP+

Answer: A. Six CO2, 18 ATP, and 12 NADPH. These are the necessary inputs for six turns of the cycle to produce one glucose molecule.

Question 62: The overall output of the Calvin cycle includes:

A. Six CO2, 18 ATP, and 12 NADPH

B. One glucose, 18 ADP, and 12 NADP+

C. Six CO2, 12 ATP, and 18 NADPH

D. One glucose, 12 ADP, and 18 NADP+

Answer: B. One glucose, 18 ADP, and 12 NADP+. These are the products generated after six turns of the cycle, along with the regeneration of RuBP.

Question 63: For each CO2 molecule entering the Calvin cycle, how many ATP and NADPH molecules are required?

A. 1 ATP and 1 NADPH

B. 2 ATP and 2 NADPH

C. 3 ATP and 2 NADPH

D. 2 ATP and 3 NADPH

Answer: C. 3 ATP and 2 NADPH. This energy and reducing power is utilized during the reduction and regeneration stages for each CO2 molecule fixed.

Question 64: The Calvin cycle occurs in:

A. All photosynthetic plants

B. Only C3 plants

C. Only C4 plants

D. Neither C3 nor C4 plants

Answer: A. All photosynthetic plants. The Calvin cycle is the primary pathway for sugar synthesis in all plants, regardless of whether they have C3 or C4 mechanisms for initial CO2 fixation.

 The C4 Pathway – Photosynthesis in Higher Plants MCQ

Question 65: C4 plants are adapted to:

A. Cold, high-altitude environments

B. Dry, tropical regions

C. Temperate forests

D. Aquatic habitats

Answer: B. Dry, tropical regions. C4 plants have evolved mechanisms to thrive in hot and arid conditions where water availability is limited.

Question 66: Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of C4 plants?

A. Special leaf anatomy (Kranz anatomy)

B. Tolerance to high temperatures

C. High rates of photorespiration

D. Greater productivity of biomass

Answer: C. High rates of photorespiration. C4 plants have evolved mechanisms to minimize photorespiration, a process that can reduce photosynthetic efficiency.

Question 67: The primary CO2 acceptor in C4 plants is:





Answer: B. PEP (phosphoenolpyruvate). PEP is a 3-carbon compound that acts as the initial CO2 acceptor in mesophyll cells of C4 plants.

Question 68: The enzyme responsible for fixing CO2 to PEP in C4 plants is:

A. RuBisCO

B. PEP carboxylase

C. ATP synthase

D. NADP reductase

Answer: B. PEP carboxylase. This enzyme catalyzes the first step of CO2 fixation in C4 plants, leading to the formation of OAA.

Question 69: The 4-carbon compound formed in mesophyll cells of C4 plants is transported to bundle sheath cells in the form of:

A. Malic acid or aspartic acid

B. Pyruvate

C. Glucose


Answer: A. Malic acid or aspartic acid. These 4-carbon acids are shuttled to bundle sheath cells where they release CO2 for the Calvin cycle.

Question 70: In C4 plants, the Calvin cycle takes place in:

A. Mesophyll cells

B. Bundle sheath cells

C. Both mesophyll and bundle sheath cells

D. Neither mesophyll nor bundle sheath cells

Answer: B. Bundle sheath cells. The Calvin cycle, responsible for sugar synthesis, is localized to bundle sheath cells in C4 plants.

Question 71: Bundle sheath cells in C4 plants are characterized by:

A. A large number of chloroplasts

B. Thick walls impervious to gaseous exchange

C. No intercellular spaces

D. All of the above

Answer: D. All of the above. These features create a specialized environment within bundle sheath cells that facilitates the efficient operation of the Calvin cycle.

Question 72: The 3-carbon molecule released after the breakdown of C4 acids in bundle sheath cells is:


B. Pyruvate

C. Glucose


Answer: B. Pyruvate. Pyruvate is transported back to mesophyll cells where it is converted back to PEP, completing the C4 cycle.

Question 73: Kranz anatomy refers to:

A. The arrangement of mesophyll cells around the vascular bundle sheath in C4 plants

B. The structure of chloroplasts in C3 plants

C. The presence of large vacuoles in plant cells

D. The arrangement of stomata on leaves

Answer: A. The arrangement of mesophyll cells around the vascular bundle sheath in C4 plants. This distinctive leaf anatomy is characteristic of C4 plants and supports their efficient carbon fixation mechanism.

Question 74: The main advantage of the C4 pathway over the C3 pathway is:

A. Increased water loss

B. Reduced light absorption

C. Minimized photorespiration and enhanced CO2 fixation under high temperatures

D. Lower biomass productivity

Answer: C. Minimized photorespiration and enhanced CO2 fixation under high temperatures. The C4 pathway concentrates CO2 in bundle sheath cells, reducing RuBisCO’s oxygenase activity and improving photosynthetic efficiency in hot and dry conditions.

 Photorespiration – Photosynthesis in Higher Plants MCQ

Question 75: Photorespiration is a process where:

A. RuBisCO binds to CO2 and initiates the Calvin cycle

B. RuBisCO binds to O2, leading to the breakdown of RuBP and release of CO2

C. ATP and NADPH are synthesized

D. Glucose is produced

Answer: B. RuBisCO binds to O2, leading to the breakdown of RuBP and release of CO2. Photorespiration is a wasteful process that consumes energy and reduces the efficiency of photosynthesis.

Question 76: In C3 plants, photorespiration is:

A. Absent

B. More likely to occur at low light intensities

C. More likely to occur at high CO2 concentrations

D. More likely to occur at high temperatures and low CO2 concentrations

Answer: D. More likely to occur at high temperatures and low CO2 concentrations. Under these conditions, RuBisCO’s affinity for O2 increases, promoting photorespiration.

Question 77: C4 plants avoid photorespiration by:

A. Increasing the concentration of CO2 at the RuBisCO enzyme site

B. Decreasing the concentration of O2 in bundle sheath cells

C. Using PEP carboxylase instead of RuBisCO for initial CO2 fixation

D. All of the above

Answer: A. Increasing the concentration of CO2 at the RuBisCO enzyme site. The C4 pathway concentrates CO2 in bundle sheath cells, favoring RuBisCO’s carboxylase activity over its oxygenase activity.

Question 78: The biological function of photorespiration is:

A. Well understood

B. To generate additional ATP

C. To release excess oxygen

D. Not yet fully known

Answer: D. Not yet fully known. While photorespiration seems to be a wasteful process, its exact role in plant physiology remains an area of active research.

Question 79: Compared to C3 plants, C4 plants:

A. Have higher rates of photorespiration

B. Are less productive

C. Are more tolerant to high temperatures

D. Are better adapted to cold climates

Answer: C. Are more tolerant to high temperatures. The C4 pathway’s ability to minimize photorespiration allows these plants to thrive in hot environments.

Question 80: The oxygenase activity of RuBisCO:

A. Is beneficial for photosynthesis

B. Increases CO2 fixation

C. Leads to the formation of PGA and phosphoglycolate

D. Occurs only in C4 plants

Answer: C. Leads to the formation of PGA and phosphoglycolate. When RuBisCO binds to O2 instead of CO2, it initiates the photorespiratory pathway, producing these two compounds.

 Factors Affecting Photosynthesis – Photosynthesis in Higher Plants MCQ

Question 81: The rate of photosynthesis is influenced by:

A. Internal factors (plant-related)

B. External factors (environmental)

C. Both internal and external factors

D. Neither internal nor external factors

Answer: C. Both internal and external factors. The rate at which a plant can photosynthesize is affected by various factors within the plant itself and its surrounding environment.

Question 82: Which of the following is an internal factor affecting photosynthesis?

A. The amount of chlorophyll

B. Temperature

C. Carbon dioxide concentration

D. Sunlight availability

Answer: A. The amount of chlorophyll. The quantity of chlorophyll directly influences a plant’s capacity to absorb light for photosynthesis, making it an internal factor.

Question 83: Blackman’s Law of Limiting Factors states that:

A. The rate of a process is determined by the factor present in the highest amount

B. The rate of a process is determined by the factor nearest to its minimal value

C. All factors affect a process equally

D. External factors are more important than internal factors

Answer: B. The rate of a process is determined by the factor nearest to its minimal value. If any essential factor for a process is in short supply, it will limit the overall rate, even if other factors are abundant.

 Light – Photosynthesis in Higher Plants MCQ

Question 84: The intensity of light at which the rate of photosynthesis no longer increases is called the:

A. Compensation point

B. Saturation point

C. Light optimum

D. Light maximum

Answer: B. Saturation point. Beyond this point, other factors become limiting, and further increases in light intensity do not enhance photosynthesis.

Question 85: Light saturation in plants typically occurs at:

A. 1% of full sunlight

B. 10% of full sunlight

C. 50% of full sunlight

D. 100% of full sunlight

Answer: B. 10% of full sunlight. Most plants reach their maximum photosynthetic rate at relatively low light intensities.

Question 86: Excessive light can lead to:

A. Increased photosynthesis

B. Breakdown of chlorophyll

C. Enhanced CO2 fixation

D. Increased plant growth

Answer: B. Breakdown of chlorophyll. Very high light intensities can damage the photosynthetic machinery, including chlorophyll.

 Carbon dioxide Concentration – Photosynthesis in Higher Plants MCQ

Question 87: The current concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere is:

A. Limiting for C3 plants

B. Limiting for C4 plants

C. Optimal for both C3 and C4 plants

D. Damaging to plants

Answer: A. Limiting for C3 plants. The relatively low CO2 concentration in the atmosphere restricts the photosynthetic rate of C3 plants.

Question 88: C4 plants show saturation of CO2 fixation at a _____ concentration compared to C3 plants.

A. Lower

B. Higher

C. Same

D. Variable

Answer: A. Lower. C4 plants reach their maximum CO2 fixation rate at a lower CO2 concentration than C3 plants due to their CO2 concentrating mechanism.

Question 89: CO2 enrichment is sometimes used in greenhouses to:

A. Increase crop yields

B. Reduce photorespiration

C. Decrease water loss

D. Control pests

Answer: A. Increase crop yields. Supplementing CO2 levels can boost photosynthesis and productivity in certain greenhouse crops.

 Temperature – Photosynthesis in Higher Plants MCQ

Question 90: The dark reactions of photosynthesis are:

A. Temperature-independent

B. Temperature-controlled due to their enzymatic nature

C. More sensitive to temperature than light reactions

D. Less sensitive to temperature than light reactions

Answer: B. Temperature-controlled due to their enzymatic nature. The enzymes involved in the Calvin cycle have optimal temperature ranges for activity.

Question 91: C4 plants have a _____ temperature optimum for photosynthesis compared to C3 plants.

A. Lower

B. Higher

C. Same

D. Variable

Answer: B. Higher. C4 plants are adapted to warmer climates and can maintain high photosynthetic rates at elevated temperatures.

 Water – Photosynthesis in Higher Plants MCQ

Question 92: Water stress affects photosynthesis primarily by:

A. Directly inhibiting the light reactions

B. Causing stomatal closure and reducing CO2 availability

C. Increasing the rate of photorespiration

D. Damaging chloroplasts

Answer: B. Causing stomatal closure and reducing CO2 availability. Water stress triggers stomatal closure to conserve water, but this limits the entry of CO2 needed for photosynthesis.

Question 93: Besides affecting CO2 availability, water stress also:

A. Increases leaf surface area

B. Enhances metabolic activity

C. Causes leaves to wilt, reducing their surface area and metabolic activity

D. Promotes chlorophyll synthesis

Answer: C. Causes leaves to wilt, reducing their surface area and metabolic activity. Wilting reduces the photosynthetic capacity of leaves.

Question 94: The effect of water as a factor on photosynthesis is mainly:

A. Direct, by influencing the light reactions

B. Indirect, through its impact on stomatal opening and leaf physiology

C. Negligible, as water is abundant in most environments

D. Primarily related to its role as a reactant in the dark reactions

Answer: B. Indirect, through its impact on stomatal opening and leaf physiology. While water is a reactant in photosynthesis, its primary influence on the rate is through its effect on stomatal regulation and overall plant health.

Question 95: The optimal temperature for photosynthesis:

A. Is the same for all plants

B. Varies depending on the plant’s habitat and adaptations

C. Is always higher for C4 plants than C3 plants

D. Is not affected by the type of photosynthesis (C3 or C4)

Answer: B. Varies depending on the plant’s habitat and adaptations. Plants from different environments have evolved to photosynthesize optimally at different temperature ranges.

Question 96: Which of the following statements about the effect of light on photosynthesis is FALSE?

A. At low light intensities, there is a linear relationship between light intensity and CO2 fixation rate.

B. Light saturation occurs at 100% of full sunlight.

C. Beyond the saturation point, further increases in light intensity do not increase the rate of photosynthesis.

D. Excessive light can damage chlorophyll and decrease photosynthesis.

Answer: B. Light saturation occurs at 100% of full sunlight. The statement is false. Light saturation typically occurs at 10% of full sunlight. Beyond this point, other factors become limiting, and further increases in light intensity do not enhance photosynthesis.

Question 97: The main limiting factor for photosynthesis in natural environments is usually:

A. Light

B. Carbon dioxide concentration

C. Temperature

D. Water

Answer: B. Carbon dioxide concentration. The concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere is relatively low, often limiting the rate of photosynthesis.

Question 98: Which of the following is NOT an external factor affecting photosynthesis?

A. Temperature

B. Carbon dioxide concentration

C. The number of chloroplasts

D. Water availability

Answer: C. The number of chloroplasts. The number of chloroplasts is an internal factor determined by the plant’s genetics and growth.

Question 99: When a plant experiences water stress:

A. The stomata open wider to allow more CO2 uptake

B. The rate of photosynthesis increases

C. The leaves wilt, reducing their surface area and metabolic activity

D. The plant switches from C3 to C4 photosynthesis

Answer: C. The leaves wilt, reducing their surface area and metabolic activity. Water stress leads to stomatal closure to conserve water, limiting CO2 intake and reducing the overall photosynthetic capacity.

Question 100: The primary way water influences photosynthesis is by:

A. Acting as a reactant in the light reactions

B. Affecting the plant’s ability to regulate CO2 uptake and maintain leaf function

C. Directly influencing the activity of RuBisCO

D. Providing a medium for nutrient transport

Answer: B. Affecting the plant’s ability to regulate CO2 uptake and maintain leaf function. While water is involved in the light reactions, its major impact on photosynthesis is indirect, through its effects on stomatal opening and overall plant health.

Can you tell if a plant is C3 or C4 just by looking at it?

No, not really. They can look pretty similar on the outside. Sometimes C4 plants have thicker leaves because they live in hot, dry places, but that’s not a sure thing. You need to peek inside the leaf to be sure.

What’s the inside scoop on telling C3 and C4 plants apart?

It’s all about how the cells are arranged near the leaf veins. C4 plants have a special pattern called Kranz anatomy, with big bundle sheath cells hugging the veins. C3 plants don’t have this.

C4 plants are super productive, but only a few of their cells do the Calvin cycle. How does that work?

C4 plants are masters of teamwork! Their mesophyll cells are like CO2 collectors, grabbing it and sending it to the bundle sheath cells. This is where the Calvin cycle happens, making sugars without the energy-wasting photorespiration that slows down C3 plants.

RuBisCO has two jobs: fixing CO2 (good) and using O2 (not so good). Why is it better at its good job in C4 plants?

C4 plants pump up the CO2 levels around RuBisCO. With so much CO2 around, RuBisCO is more likely to do its main job of fixing carbon instead of messing with oxygen.

Could a plant with lots of chlorophyll b but no chlorophyll a do photosynthesis? Why have chlorophyll b at all then?

No way! Chlorophyll a is the star of the show, turning light into energy. Chlorophyll b and other pigments are like backup singers, helping capture more light and passing the energy to chlorophyll a.

Why do leaves in the dark turn yellow or pale green?

Chlorophyll, the green pigment, needs light to stay healthy. In the dark, it breaks down, and you see the other pigments that were always there, like yellow carotenoids.

Which leaves are darker green: those in the shade or those in the sun?

Sunny leaves are darker green. They make more chlorophyll to soak up as much light as possible since there’s less of it in the shade.

C3 Vs C4 pathways

C3 plants make a 3-carbon molecule first when fixing CO2, while C4 plants make a 4-carbon one. C4 plants are better in hot, dry places because they avoid photorespiration.

Cyclic Vs non-cyclic photophosphorylation

Cyclic photophosphorylation only makes ATP, using just Photosystem I. Non-cyclic uses both photosystems and makes ATP and NADPH.

Leaf anatomy in C3 Vs C4 plants

C3 leaves have mesophyll cells doing all the work. C4 leaves have special bundle sheath cells around the veins where the Calvin cycle happens, keeping it away from the CO2-collecting mesophyll cells

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